Planetes is one of my favorite series, and one that is ACTUALLY decent dubbed (at least from seeing the first ep). It starts off following a group of workers in space who make their living recovering debris, aka garbage men of the future. The series starts off a bit lighter, always with some humor, but eventually gets pretty serious and hardcore. I suppose it could be considered a drama. It's only 26 episodes long, so a nice standard sized series. There are some pretty nice visuals, as it was made in the last 10 years ^_^. I pretty much love the music, soooooes, please look into it/watch it if you have the time!
Goldie and I are both watching it (my 3rd, his 1st) soes hopefully he'll let you know how awesome it is toos.
Gold Diggers and Pollwhores Guild
A guild where you can do polls, polls, and more polls. Whist making friends and competing in numerous free competitions