What's what and who's who in Unova?


* Professor Juniper - Unova's very own Pokemon Professor, the lovely Juniper is the first female professor in the history of the series, and fulfills many of the roles that Oak, Rowan, etc., etc. have fulfilled in the past. (She looks a little friendlier than Rowan, though!)

* Bianca - A blonde female trainer who is a good friend to your trainer. Bianca battles against you sometimes, but will also join you for double battles!

* Cheren - A trainer (male?) who is a friend to your trainer. Like Bianca, Cheren will battle you sometimes, but is more a friend than a rival.

* N - A mysterious young trainer who shows up to challenge you sometimes, but seems to have a larger role int he story than simply a rival.

* Pokemon Liberation - The villians of Unova, with goofball rank-and-file footsoldiers and a "legitimately scary" leader. Their goal doesn't seem to be to exploit pokemon as in other games, but their leader definitely has a hidden agenda!


One of the big themes in Unova is the city versus nature. The gyms in Unova are unique in that they are also restaurants and museums. There are no resorts or windmill farms, but you will find theme parks, skyscraper-lined streets, and artist communes. The environment also includes a swamp, a desert, and a dense forest. And if you have Pokemon White version, you'll have access to White Forest, "a lush patch of pristine old-growth woodlands," while in Pokemon Black version, you'll have access to Black City, "an overbuilt strip of shadowy skyscrapers." What role they play in the story, and if they'll have a connection to Reshiram and Zekrom, is unknown at the moment.