.:The History:.
Otogakure was formed many years ago by ____________. After years of development, it was eventually abandoned due to conflicts between villages. The villagers dispersed to other villages which left Otogakure empty, except for all of its equipment, memories and echoes.

Years later, and a man by the name of Kowaii found the village in shambles. Deciding this would be his new home, he fixed the entire city with his earth release. This utopia of Kowaii's was becoming an uproar of a village that instilled new fear to other villages. Upon this, Kowaii changed his name to represent that of a true Otokage. His name became Nanashi Ongaku. The village had acquired some of the greatest minds and some of the deadliest as well. However, an incident had occurred, where an explosion from the laboratory had caused the village to evacuate.

Several months later, Nanashi had ventured back to the village to see if the blast had cleared yet. Though, as Nanashi entered the supposedly destroyed village, he found something he didn't think he would find. There were people living in the village already. They were all extremely strong, and he recruited them to help him fix the village up once more. After weeks of preparation, Nanashi had declared the village once more inhabitable.

.:The Village:.

The village is fifty feet below sea level, and as such, very little natural light enters the village. A lot is lit by flames from torches, which are constantly fueled. However, the scientists have developed a way to simulate sunlight entering the village, and as such, shinobi are adjusted to the light outside. There are special air ducts that constantly ventilate the village, so as not to make the air stale. Throughout the village are caverns where giant bats live. These bats do fly out through the village sometimes, and they have plenty of space to fly above the village. There are also plenty of flowing fresh water streams throughout the village.

.:The People:.

The characters that are created in some threads are NPCs controlled by the Otokage. These NPCs may fight small battles within the village, but will not fight in wars.