Name of weapon: Red X Hero Gloves

Your Rank: Genin

Who owns the weapon: Adam Nagareboshi (Red X)

Where it was found/Who made it: Red X made them himself. In his spare time as a lone child, he was always bringing his arts to life. He also found a knack for repairing things or making them. In his spare time, he made these gloves that he cherishes with all his might because he made them with his own hands.

Users Class: Ninjutsu (And Hero cool lol)

The Range of the weapon: X's can reach up to 30 feet

Weakness: 1: The X's run out after being shot. He has 30 shots with the X's, so make sure to evade them.

2: Energy also runs out on the saw-like motion of the X blades after 20 posts.

3: Even though the stickiness of the sticky X's is great, it may break with the slash of a sharp sword or with Fire ninjutsu.

4: Does not count as a proper weapon, so he cannot learn a weapon style.

Description: These babies have various techniques. 3 to be exact.

The X on the top can expand and take the form of an X-shaped blade that may also start in a saw-like motion to cut it requires a Genin chakra to activate. Though it runs out of energy, it is very useful in battle for cutting through rock. The gloves themselves are made of a metallic object, almost making normal swords go at shame with these gloves if he uses them to block. It expands exactly 6 inches more of his reach with normal fists.

The X on the bottom can do 2 things on itself. It can be used to shoot X's that grab the opponent like a net, and trap them behind the red x when it touches a solid spot, and can also send a shock, but it consumes 5 posts of the energy for his saw if he uses the shock at his opponent. Requires Academy level chakra to shoot the X's from his palms.

The other technique the bottom X can do is that he can put his hand over something, and by controlling his own chakra outward from his hand, he makes some goo slip out of the glove, and it sticks greatly. He uses this to stick a rock to another, or an opponent to another and they stick together greatly, but the stickiness can be broken with a sharp sword, or fire ninjutsu. Requires Academy level chakra to slip the glue out, and Genin level chakra to revert it back to the glove.

Rp Sample:

Red X looks at two enemies, and grips his gloves, as one of the enemies' says "Hehe! Look a clown! Watcha gonna do huh?" and Red X looks back at them as he laughs a bit behind his mask, and opens his palms at them, shooting 2 large X's out of his palms towards them, but they dodged quickly. This was nothing though to Red X because they wanted a short range battle.

They were both well-armed with 2 swords each. His top of the gloves started to expand, as it made a 2 feet long blades on each glove, and they started to move in a saw-like motion. he ran towards them, as he even cut through the rock of the building behind one of them, and dodged the other's attack at his feet with a backspin, and said while in midair "Chillax dude, maybe I can send you into a little nap?" he said as he shot out another X from his right palm in the air, and one of the enemies stuck to a wall, and he used his energy to shock his opponent but left himself with less juice on his saws.

He looked toward the other opponent, and said "You should stick around with him." he said as he went stright toward his enemy, and crouched when he aimed for Red X's head, and touched his right foot. His right foot got stuck with the glue that Red X uses, and then touched the other opponent's right hand, as they stuck together, and he smiled and said "Aww you 2 look like a cute couple together. See ya later in jail dudes!" then he went away.

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