I don't know if there are any avid Radiohead fans in the cult, but you can bet your a** I am.
Long story not much shorter, Radiohead has been working on their follow-up to In Rainbows, easily their most upbeat, yet most relaxing album for quite a while now. On monday, February 14th, Radiohead's Valentine's day present to the world was the announcement of their new album, The King of Limbs. The album was to be released today, the 19th. However, for some reason they released it sometime yesterday. Either way I would have had it by 6 pm friday anyway.
From what I had heard about the album before I listened to it, it's definitely their weirdest, and it's harder to get into than Amnesiac was, which is REALLY ******** SAYING SOMETHING.
It's Radiohead's shortest, with only eight songs, which is why there is much speculation of an upcoming second disc, which was the case with In Rainbows. Amnesiac and OK Computer, as well, if you count the albums released after their respective albums. In this review I will post links to the songs and my opinions on them, because everyone gives a s**t what I think.

Song 1 - Bloom
Quite the opener here. They haven't had a weak opener yet, and this continues the trend. The piano is oddly mesmerizing, and once the drums come in, the song just becomes dissonant as hell. I could definitely see why people were saying it takes some real getting used to. It only gets stranger from there, opening up to Thom's haunting vocals and the sharper-than-usual synth. The drums continue, seeming to almost be in a different rhythm than the song itself. The song ends on a soft percussion beat whatever thing, cutting off with the bassline. Overall first impression: Good.

Song 2 - Morning Mr. Magpie
First thing that comes to my head: Beck. That's a good thing, I like Beck. Starts with the tight drums and staccato guitar, and continuing until the break. Continues with the original beat until the end. Pretty consistent, not one for dynamic song lovers. This is one to chill out to.
Overall first impression: Damn good.

Song 3 - Little by Little
Damn, quite the ballsy opening. Once it all falls together a few seconds later it gets pretty good. Again, my first thought is Beck, while still being Radiohead and not Beck. The guitar is very soft in contrast with the sharp drums, which is something Radiohead seems to like doing (Reckoner, Weird Fishes, etc.), and they've gotten good at it.
Overall first impression: Good.

Song 4 - Feral
(Instrumental.) Strange one. Quick drumming, synth and vocal sampling abound. A bit of a buildup throughout, but nothing dramatic. Definitely a song to have as background music, but that's not saying it's not good. The album was intended to be ambient, with no particular focus on any song or part of a song, and this met that criteria.
Overall first impression: Odd, but pretty good.

Song 5 - Lotus Flower (Official video. Thom, you crazy ********. You just love to dance like you're having a seizure, don't you?)
Of course, they would have this song be the single. It's everyone's favorite from the album, and they knew it would be. It's upbeat, catchy, and just plain good. The bass drum (sample) is what hooked me on it.
Overall first impression: Thom Yorke is a weird looking guy. Very good.

Song 6 - Codex
Ah, yes. The obligatory piano song of nearly every Radiohead album. This song sounds very familiar, almost in the same style of some songs I grew up on but forgot the names of. A pretty song, in a sort of haunting way. Consistent all the way through, definitely a song to fall asleep to.
Overall first impression: This song will be that song that just grows and grows on me.

Song 7 - Give Up the Ghost
Another soft one, completely different from the last. Beautifully creepy, with the running theme of "don't hurt me" in the backing vocals throughout the song. I think this can be considered the obligatory depressing song on the album, following the suit of Creep, Street Spirit, Let Down, How to Disappear Completely, Pyramid Song, There There, Videotape, and 4 Minute Warning. Soft and relaxing, but at the same time, tearjerking.
Overall first impression: Pretty good.

Song 8 - Separator
A bit of a surprising jump from soft to drums. The song is still soft and relaxing, but it has a sharp drum sample throughout. My personal favorite at the moment, this song is a strong end for a very short album.
Overall first impression: I just ******** said it.

All in all, this album did not disappoint. None of the songs really stood out, but that was the intended purpose, apparently. It's different, but not The Resistance (Muse) different. Radiohead continues to redefine what they do, and coming up with one genre that they fit in is nearly impossible. I will say, though, it's not their best. I didn't like it as much as In Rainbows or Kid A, but what could be any ******** better than Kid A?

Find me an album I like better than Kid A and I will give you ten bucks.