Alicia • Ashlinn • Taylor "Nothing is worst than feeling empty or losing someone you love." ₦ame:Alicia Ashlinn Taylor Йickname:Ali or Ash Âge:18 βirthday:April 18 ₲ender: Female ᾟeight:5’4” Щeight:112 lbs Ӎore personal details~
Ƀio:Before her life started going out of control it was like a traditional family with the occasional eatings at the dinner table. Now her father has died of cancer causing turmoil in her family with everyone wanting to get to know what they get on the will. My mother who was once a happy talkive parent is now a depressed silent woman. Now I’ve been trying everything I can to get my mind off of what’s happening to my family at home. I’m hoping I can get the courage to ask if my crush need help along with helping me get my mind off of my family. Ⱥny tattoos or Scars:Back Tattoo Ɏour theme song: Ϣhat makes you special:Cooking, Drawing, and School Φh come on I know you love my attitude:Alicia is almost the typical book worm with a few flaws about herself. She sometimes takes risks when she feels she needs it in her time of need. She is a quiet shy girl around guys and people she deeply cares about. She has a short-temper that comes out when she is either really stressed or angry about something or someone. ʛimme gimme more I'm hooked
♪ Books
♪ Music
♪ Drawing
♪ Sweets Ѻh man I hate these
× Hurting people
× Being alone
× Scary things
× Crying
ѡe know you like Him/Her:I fell for the Popular.
I am a puppet for:AceOfTears