Niklas Lipka
Nick or Nicky, Ivan the Terrible (to those failing to grasp that he is Ukrainian, not Russian)
Quiet in large groups, outspoken in smaller groups with familliar people. Tends to anger, depress, and excite easily. Agoraphobic (fears open spaces and leaving safe places). Is distracted easily (ADHD). Intelligent, but doesn't show it much. Finds escape from reality in music, listening or playing (violin, guitar).
Looks like:
Attractive to many, but intimidating to most. Simple yet exotic, sporting piercings and cold eyes.
Conceived in Germany and born to Ukrainian parents, Niklas lived a normal childhood in Ukraine. However, his family was poor, so they were forced to move to America when he was 10 for a fresh start. He struggled to learn english, and became fluent at 12 years old, though he has trouble speaking it during times of stress, his Ukrainian accent becoming thicker, and occasionally, he'll speak Ukrainian alltogether. His parents ran a small store specializing in hobby supplies. They had another child, Eduard, a few years after leaving the Ukraine. Upon entering highschool, Niklas's few friends from middle school gradually drifted into different circles, and Nick found it hard to make new ones. He did eventually, but there were only two. His grades were average, though high in history, chemistry, and biology. His ADHD was difficult to overcome freshman year; he began taking Ritalin sophmore year. He experimented with marijuana at age 15, and did not find it to his liking. However, at 17, his friend introduced him to heroin shooting, and he became addicted. He hides it well from his parents, but they are often suspicious. His addiction sometimes hinders with university life. He has never had a real relationship, nor has he really thought about it, but he recognizes his lack of attraction to girls and accepts it.
Seme, Uke, or Seke:
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