The ShapeShifters

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Darek Shain Corbin

But my friends call me
I am 18 years young
In case you haven't noticed, I'm a guy
According to my birth certificate, I was born on DEC 21
I measure up to be 176 lbs and 5'11"

xxxxDarek has always more of an outcast than the other two. But he has never minded much. It just made him stronger and smarter. Unlike the others, he almost never come out of his animal form. Learning that the only ones he could trust were his two friends. Being the least trusting he was always the most protective of the others. He is very good at hideing the fact that he wants nothiing more than to be accepted by some one else. He just pretends that dosn't affect him. With a food snatch gone wrong, Darek had to lead the others into the forest. But they were new to the town and he had not the time to scout out the area and ended up cornered between the store owner and a fence. With the owner hot on their trail, they had only one way of excape. So, Darek quickly dug a hole under the fence. Now they are safe from the shop owner but, they are now stuck under the watchful eyes of three young girls.

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L i v i n. L o v i n.

Yeah, you know I'm special.
Slow-trusting, protective of the ones close to him,kind hearted and caring if you get to know him well enough. He is also a bit of a.... lone wolf at times.

These things make me happy!
Full moons
The "Music of the Forest"
Running through the forest

But I can't stand these. . .
cloudy/rainy nights
being in an unfamiliar place

My Dirty Little Secret! Darek acts tough but, if you give him time, he is just a caring and outgoing person... I mean wolf.... You know what I mean.
I'm pretty good at Tracking and howling at the moon with a real good tune
You should know. . . N/A


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Jayce Colin Tyler

But my friends call me Jayce, or 'Damn Dog'.
I am Twenty-Two years young
In case you haven't noticed, I'm a studly Male.
According to my birth certificate, I was born on December 2nd.
I measure up to be 154 lbs, and 6'2".

xxxxIn the most common terms, my childhood was very normal. Better than normal, my life was SET. Even from a young age, I had endless potential, and my parents adored me. Cheering me on, as I became greater, and greater in everything I did. My strength and speed was unmatched, and I was a winner. My parents had already planned the perfect future for their golden boy, and I loved the attention. Thrived in it, until one night. Yes, the turning point in my life. It wouldn't appear that way, I was simply having a nightmare, it happens to everyone. What happened next... Does not. When I awoke... I wasn't myself, I was something ELSE. I was Canine. My room was shredded, destroyed, and cowaring in the corner... was my parents. Instincts coursed through me, and I fled, I ran until I knew, going back was not an option. That was when I met the men I call my brothers. They were like me, and together we created the most odd family to be seen. A protective wolf, a troublesome cat, and me. The loud mouth dog.

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L i v i n. L o v i n.

Yeah, you know I'm special.
Simply put? A noisy jokester. I ALWAYS have something to say, something else to throw out there in the air, to make another smile, laugh, something to keep them focused on the present. Never the past. I suppose you could say I avoid my past, and it's true, though I'd never verbally admit it. No one knows about my family. Everyone thinks I was abandoned, and my brothers... They know better than to ask me. The first time they ever asked, I simply made a simple joke, and coursed their minds to a different path. All in all, I avoid being serious. UNTIL, you get me in any kind of game. If there is someone I'm competing against, I become more than serious, I become determined. I refuse to lose, and the moment a slight sign of losing occurs, I snap, and whine, doing all I can to distract them until I can push forward once more. I never lose. Now, by now, I don't seem like the best guy, BUT I do have some redeeming qualities. Much like my animal, I'm loyal. As loyal as they come. You simply have to earn that loyalty, which bluntly put. It's practically impossible. So maybe I'm not the greatest guy? Like I care.

These things make me happy!
♥ Smiles.
♥ Laughter.
♥ Competing.
♥ Music.
♥ ...Cooking. Shut up.

But I can't stand these. . .
x The Past.
x Losing.
x Nightmares.
x Silence.
x Boredom.

My Dirty Little Secret! I take on the form of a Border Collie.

I'm pretty good at The Piano, Guitar, Sports, and Cooking.

You should know. . . I yearn for the family I once had, even if they wouldn't accept me.

o I Crayola King I o

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Ҟraig Ƚiam Қing

But my friends call me Kraig, Cat boy, and Idiot
I am 16 years young
In case you haven't noticed, I'm a Male
According to my birth certificate, I was born on October 29th
I measure up to be 139 lbs and 6' 5"

xxxxI was born far away from the town I now live in. I grew up on my own and have bin fending for myself as long as I can remember. My mother sat me on a bridge the day I was born. She was only 16, she had no idea that I really was, she just couldn't take care of a child. Then a nice young woman with curly red hair took me in an raised me as one of her own. I discovered what I was one summer day when I was four. Later that year the red haired woman found out as well and was frightened of my very being, her husband came home and nearly beat me to death, it was lucky I escaped alive. Sadly I was completely alone after that.

I traveled for a long time until I met up with two others like me, one a dog, and the other a wolf. I was always the sneaky one, I always played tricks on anyone I could. Being the youngest and a cat shape-shifter, I was teased a lot. So I would usually get into lots of fights. One day we were pulling a big scam. It was a flawless plan, or so we thought. We got caught and chased until we were saved by a human girl. I was in my cat form when she saw us, forcing me to stay like this...But it might be an advantage.

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L i v i n. L o v i n.

Yeah, you know I'm special.
I have a very unique personality. I enjoy laughing at other people and like to steal things. I am a very cunning person and refuse to be out tricked. I have a very short fuse and this tends to cause a lot of problems with other people. I love to laugh and have a good time, usually for all the wrong reasons. I get into trouble all the time and I'm always doing things I'm not supposed to do

These things make me happy!
Playing tricks on people, Pulling scams, Music in general...May favorite is rave style music, The ocean, Night Time, and Rain.

But I can't stand these. . .
xGetting caught, People making fun of me, Getting beaten, Tuna, Most Humans, and Really really really small spaces.

My Dirty Little Secret! I can shape-shift into a black cat
I'm pretty good at I can play the guitar, and I am a great card player, just try to beat me at poker.
You should know. . . I actually like water surprising

Rock ur socks42

The Daughters

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Diana Elizabeth Aerhart

But my friends call me Beth
I am nineteen years young
In case you haven't noticed, I'm a female
According to my birth certificate, I was born on January 22nd
I measure up to be 5' 9" and 119 lbs

xxxxIt was hard for me when my mother died, for I had known her longer than my sisters, and had proper time to grew fond of her. It was harder for our father though, who loved her more than we had gotten the chance to. Our father then threw himself into his work at the hospital, looking for a cure to the disease our mother had, so I started to look after us. Our father helped to make sure we were educated of course, but it was at home, so we didn't make too many friends or go out a whole lot.

Ours lives were hard in some ways, but better in others. My sisters and I would have our fights of course, people with differences will do that, but we were close like sisters should be. We would play with whatever children dared to go near our house, and they were great games. I learned how to care for a family, which has prepared me for when I may have my own some day. I rather like the idea of being a mother. Currently I am taking online courses for college, I'm thinking of becoming a biologist and perhaps moving out of this town when my sisters have graduated.

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L i v i n. L o v i n.

Yeah, you know I'm special.
People tell me I'm very polite, and I'm glad because I really try. I speak gently and with reason, careful not to be offending. Though I must admit, I'm not a saint, I do get pretty nasty when I'm upset. I do my best to look after my younger sisters, and make sure they are on the right track, and I am very protective of them. My younger sister likes to call me a dreamer, because I can usually be found staring off into space, or end up ranting about life outside of the real world.

These things make me happy!
♥ Dancing
♥ Sitting in the sunshine
♥ Reading novels about far off places

But I can't stand these. . .
x Boys hitting on my sisters
x Nights without a moon
x Big storms

My Dirty Little Secret! I have never kissed a boy, but two have tried. I ran away crying, boys scare me, they're very pushy creatures.
I'm pretty good at Baking, dancing and organizing.
You should know. . . Sometimes I want to smack my father and tell him to start coming home more.

Cadenza of the Heart

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Ainsley Elleanor Aerhart

But my friends call me Ainsley, or rarely; Elle.
I am Seventeen years young
In case you haven't noticed, I'm a Lady.
According to my birth certificate, I was born on November 11th
I measure up to be 120 lbs and 5'9"

xxxxSeventeen years ago, a girl by the name of Ainsley Elleanor Aerhart took her first breath, and batted those dark black eyelashes. From day one, Ainsley has always been spotted as the small girl with a constant smile on her face, giggling away, and always managing to making others smile. That has always been Ainsley's goal. To make the people around her, the people she cared about, and every else for that matter; Happy. Especially after the death of their mother, after that... No one seemed to smile, not even Papa. This only added more determination to the fire that burned inside Ainsley. Making those around her smile, was now an even greater goal. Soon, smiles did return to the faces around her, and Ainsley found a new talent of hers; Music. The girl had a gift. A gift that brought a new harmony to Ainsley, bringing a comfort and closure to the girl who always focused on everyone else's smiles.

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L i v i n. L o v i n.

Yeah, you know I'm special.
To sum myself up in few words, I would have to say I'm Bubbly and Childlike. Ever since I was a child, the grass has always been greener everywhere I looked, even right under my feet. Smiling and Laughing is my natural state of being, no matter what. If I'm smiling, it means someone around me will be encouraged to do the same, and that's one more person with a smile on their face. When I'm not being childlike, I'm playing an instrument. That's about the only time. My family says I'm a different person when doing my music, turning solemn and serious. Music is my escape, a chance to center myself.

These things make me happy!
♥ Smiles.
♥ Laughing.
♥ Music.
♥ The Outdoors.

But I can't stand these. . .
x Frowns.
x Sickness.
x Thunder.
x. Being Trapped.

My Dirty Little Secret! Some nights, I cry myself to sleep, thinking of my mother.

I'm pretty good at Playing any string Instrument.

You should know. . . When ever I want to escape, I go to a small clearing in the Woods, and play my Acoustic Guitar.

Tarnished Love

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Kelly Lynette Aerhart

But my friends call me Kelly, just Kelly.
I am Fifteen years young.
In case you haven't noticed, I'm a girl!
According to my birth certificate, I was born on May Twenty-ninth.
I measure up to be 5' 1" and 105 lbs.

xxxxOn a cool spring morning, doctor Aerhart's wife gave birth to their third daughter, whom they named Kelly. The little girl had bright red hair and peircing gray eyes, and always seemed to smile as a baby. As she grew older, Kelly became more shy when she wasn't around with her family, but when she was with her loved ones she never stopped smiling. She was a little performer, she loved to make people laugh, but it was true that Kelly's always felt a bit over-protected by her older siblings. Kelly was diagnosed with ADHD was she was nine, and has never gotten 'good grades' or whatever you want to call it since she's home schooled. Kelly's accident prone and always seems to get herself stuck in tight situations. Kelly has recently took interest in art, and has almost literally jumped right into it.

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L i v i n. L o v i n.

Yeah, you know I'm special.
People seem to think I'm shy at first, probably because I'm not good around people I don't know. I get all quiet and awkward but once I get to know you I probably won't shut up. I'm the kind of girl who loves a good mystery and the spotlight. It's not that I always have to be the center of attention, but when I am I love it. I have a mild case of ADHD, for which I have to take medicine, that makes me somewhat hyper, or as I prefer, energetic. I don't do real great in school, and I can't stand books without pictures, which is most of them. I don't have very good balence or cordination, and I tend to be a bit clumsy. I love to run, but I'm not a big fan of organized sports or the practice that goes with them. I'm squeamish and I hate the sight, smell, anything that has to do with blood! Anyway, I love to draw and paint, and always tend to have random colors all over my hands.

These things make me happy!
♥ Drawing
♥ Candy
♥ Running
♥ Acting
♥ Converse
♥ Flowers

But I can't stand these. . .
x Sitting still
x Blood
x Books without pictures
x Organized sports
x Broken pencils
x Sour food

My Dirty Little Secret! As I already said, I have ADHD and I really don't want people to know...
I'm pretty good at drawing, painting, running, and acting
You should know. . . I'm allergic to cashews
