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Original Heckler

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:36 pm
Back to the Rp!
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:42 pm
Chiharu Ayame Sohma, The God; TrueWildChild
The Rat, Open
The Ox, Open
Yumeniko Mist Sohma, The Tiger; Bravery-Homunculus
Naomi Saino Sohma , the Rabbit; Yoko_Matsubishi
Isao Bale Sohma,The Dragon; Whitefiregirl
Mamia Ann Sohma,The Snake; Yoko_Matsubishi
The Horse, Open
The Sheep/Ram, Open
The Monkey, Open
The Bird/Rooster, Open
The Dog, Open
The Pig/Boar, Open
Zuri Sohma, The Cat; The Invisable Spaz

神: GOD

Chiharu Ayame Sohma

User Image

"You can climb a ladder up to the sun / Or a write a song nobody has sung"

I go by..
Chiharu, nothing else.
Is it that hard? I'm obviously...
I've been living for years..
I'm just one page...
The God
A very special date...
December 22
Because You are special...
No one
I could sing forever..
Talk // Coldplay
Powdery Snow // Luka and Gakupo

Just the way I am...
Chiharu is cold and unforgiving. She gives off the impression that she doesn't care, which tends to piss most people off. She can be easily angered, and can turn violent without intending to. Her cruel demeaner causes to hurt others intentionally most of the time, though it is mostly out of the fear that they are becoming too close to her. Chiharu is brutally truthful, except when it comes to herself, and dislikes liars. Due to her violent nature, she lashes out at people and can hurt them without noticing, such as a slap in the face or pulling of the others hair. She is very sensitive and her feelings are hurt easily, though she may not show it. Even though Chiharu is cruel and hurtful, there is a part of her that is kind and caring, though she only chooses to reveal it with her closest relatives.

Do we have to Talk about this?
Chiharu was born among the tears of other Zodiac members. They told her they had cried when she was born because their God had finally come to them, Chiharu believed it was because they shared her deep sorrow. Her father had died of cancer of the throat while she was still in the womb, so Chiharu never got the chance to meet him, the father that was looking forward to her birth so very much. He was a kindly man and when he died, it felt as if a part of the Sohma home was missing.

After Chiharu was born it was revealed that she was the God of the Zodiac, cursed to die at a young age. Or in other words, cursed to suffer her short life. With this information, something inside Chiharu's mother snapped. From the depression of her husbands death and the role her daughter was given as God of the zodiac, she just couldn't take the stress anymore. Chiharu's mother stopped moving one day. She never left her room let alone her bed, she wouldn't eat or drink unless it was forced down her throat, and all day she just stared out the window, her eyes dark and devoid of life. Chiharu however, remained a happy girl, always full of life for she decided she would continue to live on for as far as she could. She succeeded in all her grades and was a top student, loved by everyone and with boys always chasing at her heels. But without her mother, the only parent she had left, Chiharu felt empty inside.

One day, as Chiharu was visiting her mother, she pleaded for her mother to come back to her, to be the person she once was. Chiharu's mother remained silent for a few moments, until she finally spoke. "It's all your fault he's dead," she whispered with tears flowing down her eyes. "It's all your fault!" Chiharu's mother sprung toward her, her hands clinging around Chiharu's throat. As the breath began to leave Chiharu's body, maids came to her aid, pulling her mother off of her. Due to this event, she sent her mother off to an insane asylum and Chiharu forever withdrew herself from the world.

After that, Chiharu's personality changed drastically, especially when she began to get sickly for long periods of time. As the periods began to get worse, so did her mental state. She became cold and uncaring, even hateful. Her once kind gestures, became cruel and she distinguished herself as better than others. She would throw dishes or purposefully hurt others. She seemed like an entirely different person. There was a part of her that remained intact however, only revealing itself to those she felt very close to. Chiharu began to prefer solitude, finding it better then the pitiful or hateful looks people gave her. Lately though, she has been getting sicker and sicker and so she fears the worst is soon to come.

I will always love these...
• Sweet foods
• Reading
• Being left alone
• Rainy days and stormy weather
• Not being sick

I will forever despise these...
• Liars
• Outsiders
• Sunshine or hot weather
• Pity
• Being Sick
• Nightmares

It seems I've forgotten...
Chiharu has a strong fear of dying and being forgotten, often having nightmares of such a thing. She can paint really well and used to do so before she changed, though she chooses not to anymore, finding no use in it. Due to her sickly nature she is home-schooled and prefers ruining other peoples lives when she is bored or feeling unwell.

( I'll let you have the strings... ) truewildchild


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:44 pm
鼠: RAT
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:46 pm
牛: OX


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:47 pm

Yumeniko Mist Sohma

User Image

"Its the moment of truth, And the moment to lie // And the moment to live, And the moment to die

I go by..
Yu-chan or Yume
Is it that hard? I'm obviously...
I've been living for years..
I'm just one page...
The Tiger

A veryspecialdate...
January 28th
Because You are special...
No one yet.
I could singforever..
Dear You Bond/ Kizuna
Labyrinth of Dreams// Nox Arcana
This is War// 30 Seconds to Mars
Dark Marukaite Chikyuu// HetaOni

Just the way I am...
Yume is a shy character but she is mostly that way towards males that are not part of her family. When she is around the Sohma family she talks to them and tries to get to know them better then she already does. She is nice and tries to help out when ever she can even though some people tell her not too. Yume is also brave and protective towards her family. She will stand up to the God when she thinks that it needs to be done and she will protect her family members from people who try to hurt them. She can be too hyper at times when she is really happy.

Do we have to Talk about this?
Yume was born during the year of the tiger and she was cursed that way as well. When she was born her family knew that she was cursed. Yume soon turned 6 and started to play with normal kids not knowing that she was cursed to change into her zodiac if she touched a boy. She soon found out why she was treated differently when she changed by hugging her male friend. Her friends had their memories erased so they dont know her or remember her as their friend. After that incident she was sent to live with the other Sohma's at the Sohma Estate. She willingly went and is no currently living there with the others. She gets to see her parents at some times when she goes to their house for a visit but sometimes they are not their and she would have to go back to the Estate.

I will always love these...
• The Zodiac
• Sweets
• Friends
• Singing
• Playing Instruments
• Nighttime
• Rain

I will forever despise these...
• Snow
• Bugs
• Bullies
• Angering the God
• Causing trouble

It seems I've forgotten...
Yume is a good singer and she can play the piano well. She can draw but she hardly does that since she likes to sing and play instruments more.

( I'll let you have the strings... ) Bravery-Homunculus
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:48 pm


User Image

"Rather, I'm in love with you // To someone as foolish as me, you gave your affections...."

I go by..
Nao, with any suffix behind that.
Is it that hard? I'm obviously...
I've been living for years..
I'm just one page...
The rabbit
A veryspecialdate...
May 16th
Because You are special...
Nobody at this time..
I could singforever..
Like Toy Soliders // Eminem
Mockingbird // Rob Thomas
Double Lariat // Vocaloid Luka
Her Diamonds // Rob Thomas

Just the way I am...
Charming, sweet and genuine in everything she does, to outsiders it would seem that Naomi doesn’t mind her curse in the slightest because of her inherent nature of putting others before herself with a gentle smile and kind words for everyone; however, once you get to know her the truth is that Naomi is an incredibly fragile sort of girl, who cares deeply for what others think of her; because of this need to keep up appearances she will only cry where she will not be seen by others. Naomi tends to keep away from confrontation, which can lead to others thinking she is weak and cowardly; and when this happens, when people begin to tease her and call her names, Naomi becomes just short of completely depressed, placing all blame on herself in an attempt to keep from hurting anyone else’s feeling but her own. However, there are just as many good qualities to Naomi as there are unfortunate ones; well mannered and good at heart, everything Naomi does is with the best of intentions. She's passionate and creative with the voice of an angel, though she will only express herself in this way at the rarest of times.

Do we have to Talk about this?
Naomi was born into a broken family from the very start; her father had left her mother after finding out she was pregnant (because he refused to admit he'd caused it he said she'd had an affair with another man), and therefore was not present at her birth. But even so, Naomi was treasured by her mother and she grew up as best as she could considering she only had one parent; her mother didn't necessarily have very much money and so she had to resort to less then desirable methods of feeding her baby girl, such as prostitution, but as soon as she was able Naomi was there to help, to show her mother that she didn't have to do everything alone. So while her mother worked she did whatever she could in between schooling, eventually ending up entertaining at a local club as a singer. Things were fine, as best they could be, until a rather drunk and gropey man got a bit too familiar with Naomi, and consequently ended up holding a quivering rabbit.

Naturally this whipped things into an uproaring frenzy, but Naomi's mother was actually quite happy. Because her daughter was a member of the zodiac she could be given a better life, one where others could provide for her in ways she never would have been able to. It was in this way that Naomi came to live in the complex of Sohma before she had even turned fifteen; her mother was not allowed the same privileges, as god viewed her as "dirty", undeserving of the happiness a special bond provided. After being separated from the woman who had given her life, who had understood and accepted everything about her, Naomi became less expressive, no longer indulging in her vocals or creativity where others could hear or see her. She hasn't seen her mother since then.

I will always love these...
• Sweet foods
• Learning new things
• Warm, friendly environments
• Her mother
• Sweet foods

I will forever despise these...
• God
• Her father (though she would still like to meet him one day)
• Fights and tension
• Spicy foods
• Being scolded or criticized

It seems I've forgotten...
Naomi knows how to play the piano and the violin; she also enjoys baking.

( I'll let you have the strings... ) Yoko_Matsubishi


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:49 pm

Isao Bale Sohma

User Image

"Leave all your love and your loving behind // You can't carry it with you if you want to survive.."

I go by..
Isao-san for most of the younger zodiac; Isa for those he is close to anf his friends.
Is it that hard? I'm obviously...
I've been living for years..
I'm just one page...
A very special date...
April 7th
Because You are special...
Nobody at this time
I could singforever..
The dog days are Over // GLEE Cover
Breathe // Gakupo
Footsteps of Time // Kaito

Just the way I am...
Though Isao seems easy to figure out, in reality the dragon is very complex; true to his zodiac personality Isao is quiet, but dedicated and very passionate about that which he believes in and wants to achieve. Always looking at things from a logical point of veiw, where others in his family lose control of their emotions Isao is always quick to step in, and make sure things never go too far out of hand; because of this Isao is often the first zodiac member others go to for advice as his age and life experiences dwarfs many of the teenage members, but the dragon rarely asks for assistance in shouldering his own burdens and so between pursuing his own intrests and trying to keep the god from breaking down the family he often appears exhausted and overworked. Focused and hardworking, Isao has quite a high level of patience so not many things upset him, but if you somehow manage to snap those threads he has woven, look out! Nobody's scarier then a practictioner with needles and knowledge of your pressure points.

Do we have to Talk about this?
Isao's past is quite tragic in a number of ways; as a small child, Isao lived in a cozy home with his hardworking mother, father and a sweet younger sister of only two named Emily. With girls in his family Isao was well aware of his curse from the very beginning, but somehow he managed to hide it with the help of the rest of his hosuehold; nobody in the family was frightened of him, but as they were worried for his safety they all made sure for the most part to keep Emily and Isao seperated as much as possible. This was difficult for Isao; Emily was his younger sister, and as the brother he'd always felt it was his job to protect her. So when Isao found out that Emily was being bullied by other children at her public school when she was four and he eleven, things were disasterous. Isao transformed right there in front of the school gates; Emuly rushed him to the girl's bathroom and placed him a the sink until he turned back to his usual self.

The damage had been done; just a few months afterwards, members of the higher Sohma house were sent to retrieve Isao, and he finished the rest of his years living in that building, taking on the Sohma name to integrate himself further into the zodiac. Upon turning nineteen Isao discovered himself to have a large intrest in the medical field, just as his surgeon father had always hoped he might, but being cursed Isao realized it would be impossible to actaully pursue a career like that so he became the Sohma's family doctor,a long with his learned art of supressing memories. That perhaps was the most tragic thing Isao ever became aware of how to do; once he was good enough at it, God ordered the dragon to supress the memories of not only his mother and father, but his younger sister who he'd always sworn to protect. He doesn't see her much anymore, and each time he is forced to erase the thoughts of someone precious to those in his family he hates himself for it.

I will always love these...
• His true family (not the Sohmas)
• Having time to himself
• Children and the younger zodiac
• Reading
• Sleeping

I will forever despise these...
• Having to erase memories
• Seeing the other zodiac members abused by God
• Spinach
• Lazy people
• Loud, sudden noises

It seems I've forgotten...
Because Isao is the family doctor he spends a lot of time with God, taking care of her illnesses.

( I'll let you have the strings... ) Whitefiregirl
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:50 pm

Mamia Ann Sohma

User Image

"Well sometimes I go out by myself and I look across the water // and I think of all the things that you're doing, and I paint myself a picture.."

I go by..
Mami, Mia
Is it that hard? I'm obviously...
I've been living for years..
I'm just one page...
A veryspecialdate...
June 9th
Because You are special...
Hehe, nobody for now~
I could singforever..
Valerie // GLEE Cover
Love like Woe // The Ready Set

Just the way I am...
After sitting down with Mamia for a minute or two, it's easy to see that not only is she a pretty face, but she definately has the smarts to back up her analytical nautre. Mamia never trusts people at face value and as such she can seem a bit cold towards others, but once you offer the grounds to prove yourself trustworthy and reliable she's one of the nicest people you could possibly hope to meet, full of enthusiasm and smiles. Graceful and mature, Mamia generally looks at things from the perspective of an adult so she isn't overly emotional, but if things become too hectic or if that which she has to do piles up out of her control she becomes frustrated and snappy. A lover of the materialistic, Mamia could never deny how much she enjoys things that are both expensive and foreign, and if she can't get what she wants right away, she'll find a way to acheive her goals no matter the obstacle placed before her.

Do we have to Talk about this?
Mamia was born into the higher section of the Sohma household with both of her parents being fairly influential so from the start she expected the finer things and set ambitions before herself to be special. Her upbringing didn't dissapoint; not only was Mamia born a cursed member of the zodiac which offered her certain privellages and treatments, but from a young age it was discovered that she had quite the voice, and tons of talent to match her ambitions. Pleased that their daughter would turn out the way she inevitably could, Mamia's parents had their daughter auditioning and performing from the time she could walk; if you look at older commercials, don't be suprised if you see the toddler snake acting onscreen. With careful guidance and a watchful god, Mamia continued to grow and mature, all without ever triggering a curse though there had been a few close calls over her lifetime. Perhaps that was because, fearing for their daughter's image and their reputation, Mamia's parents insisted she go to a private, all girls school with very litte male interaction. In fact, growing up Mamia had so little of it that it could almost be considered laughable.

Thankfully though, Mamia integrated into society just fine after graduating with top honors; however, by this time she did not go to college and instead decided she wanted a career in music. In school she had started an all girl's band with a few of her non zodiac friends, going unnamed. Deciding it would be a good experience, the group began to audition for various producers until they were eventually picked up by a major lable who absolutely loved the group's style and sound. Branded under the name SUGAR SPIRAL, in just a matter of months the girls were skyrocketed to fortune, fame and world recognition. It's hard to keep fans away, especially if they're boys, but to be honest Mamia really enjoys her lifestyle now. And of course, everyone in the family gets free tickets to her concerts.

I will always love these...
• Warm weather
• The other girls in her band
• Performing for fans
• Anything expensive or foreign
• Any kind of music she can dance to

I will forever despise these...
• God...when she's mad, anyway
• Being mobbed by fans
• Rap music
• Transforming
• Getting dirty

It seems I've forgotten...
If Mamia gets too cold, she will transform.

( I'll let you have the strings... ) Yoko_Matsubishi


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:52 pm
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:53 pm
羊: RAM


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:55 pm
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:56 pm


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:57 pm
犬: DOG
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:58 pm


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:00 pm
猫: CAT

Zackary and Zuria Sohma
User Image

"Even if you trick me with your gentle lies."//"We will be forever attached by a crimson thread."

I go by..
Zack and Zuri
Is it that hard? I'm obviously...
Both Male
I've been living for years..
I'm just one page...
Role: Zuri is the Cat and Zack is Origiri

A veryspecialdate...
December 15th
Because You are special...
I could singforever..
Aint no Rest for the wicked By Cage the Elephant
E.T/Waiting for the End Cover by Justin Robinett and Micheal Henry
The Taste of Ink By The Used

Just the way I am...
Zackary is known to be the charming twin, a soft smile always on his face he is never seen as a bad person. He may not be a saint but compared to his brother he might as well be. He is a closet pervert and has a thing about flirting with both genders. This usually gets his brother angry with him, who he is stern with and often scolds himself for being so rude. He is the older of the two, making him a little more responsible, having to always take care of his brother and he finds this to be his calling. He loves helping others, though if it comes to someone cute he may be a bit manipulative.

Zuri is another story, he is very unlike his brother. He hates to flirt, and hates it when his brother flirts because he usually has to deal with the giggling people later who seem to think that Zuri is exactly like his brother. Not that many people like him, inside his house and outside. Due to his rough outside, but his insides are just a bunch of mush waiting to show it's true colors. Alone with his brother, he proves that he is actually very attached to him. He loves his brother despite his slight jealousy towards him. He can show this to others also, but it may take a while for him to trust someone other then his brother.

Do we have to Talk about this?
Zack and Zuri's mom always dreamed of having twin boys, ones who she could tell apart due to personality, two she could love and snuggle with for as long as she lived. Even when they were born she was thrilled to hold her first born Zackary, whom she named after her brother-in-law who had taken care of her whenever her husband was handling business in his family. As for Zuri he was named after her grandfather who lived in the United States for a few years before returning to Japan. Holding Zackary for the first time, she also wanted to hold her younger son. Handing Zackary to his father, she took Zurai into her arms and found herself holding a little white kitten. Gasping she sat up in terror, not understanding what had happened. Their father also confused he called the family doctor who revealed the curse to them. Telling them, that Zackary was a normal baby, and Zurai was the Cat in the Zodiac. Thinking everyone was crazy their mother only laughed it off and took Zack back into her arms, and left Zuri forgotten.

Zuri's jealousy started when he was little, watching how his mom cuddled, and hugged his big brother, who giggled and got to play with his mom while Zuri played with some toys that meant nothing to him. His jealousy only continued, and his mother's ignorance also continued, even when Zuri came home with good grades, she would only hug and kiss Zack. Sure she would speak to him, tell him to finish eating all his food, to take a bath things like that but she never said bye, or hello, or even good night. But even if he was ignored Zuri tried his hardest to keep in touch with his mother, by using his brother. Pulling him into tricks, Zuri begged his brother to switch places with him for a day. Just so he would know what it was liked to be loved by his mom and everyone else in the family. Zack agreed, since he loved his brother he had no problem with giving his brother his identity for the day. Zuri felt his jealousy leave for a moment, when he realized that his brother had done nothing wrong, and he took his brother's place for a day.

When he came home from school Zuri welcomed the warm smile of his mother as she looked down at him and ignored Zack this time. 'Good Afternoon Zack!' She exclaimed noticing something strange on her son's wrist. 'Now, now what's this?' She questioned seeing the beads on Zuri's wrist. 'Isn't this the other one's bracelet?' Zuri ignored the beads, and only paid attention to what she had just said. "One" so he was the "other one" he didn't even have a name to her? Rage filled him as she slipped the beads from his wrist and felt his second form take over. He watched his mother scream in terror as Zack tried to comfort her, himself trembling at the terrifying sight. From that day on Zack never really saw his mom again, when his dad came home and saw the state of his brother his mom was taken away and he felt pity toward his brother. He had gotten everything he had ever wanted, while his baby brother received literally nothing. Even though he felt a little anger towards his brother, he knew he could never leave him again.

I will always love these...
• Zuri-Sweet Tarts
•Zack- Sour Razzels
•Zuri- Spicy food
•Zack- Junk Food

I will forever despise these...
•Zuri- Sour candy
•Zack-Spicy food
•Zuri-Being alone
•Zack- Seeing someone in pain
•Their mother

It seems I've forgotten...
After their mother was taken, Zack and Zuri's father had their hair cut a different way so they could no longer switch places.

( I'll let you have the strings... ) The Invisable Spaz
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