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FMA: The Amestrian Conflicts

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Over Yandere

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:18 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:21 pm
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The Jade Alchemist

Name: Zelená Beretta
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Interested in: Men
Faction: State Military
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
Profession: State Alchemist
Personalty: Despite being so young Zelená has a calm compassionate aura that some say comes from a sense of quiet nobility. Her command is firm yet fair causing her to gain a reputation as a likable leader. Others in the officer corps say she is too soft but she dosen't take much stock in their opinions. Rumor has it that when spotted alone Zelená had an apathetic appearance with an empty smile painted on her face like a lifeless doll. They say it's as if she wasn't even there.

Bio: The second child of Prince Beniamino Beretta and Princess Gemma Beretta, Zelená was conferred the title First Lady of Beretta while her twin sister Nefrite was conferred Second Lady of Beretta though both of them are at the duchess level. Despite being called prince her father is the son of the previous king's 3rd brother; meaning that they are twice removed the throne line. They also bear the name of the region the family is in charge of in Aerugo in stead of the royal name. Along with their older brother Eric the twins lived in the family's Amestrian estate which was located outside of South City. They rarely saw their parents since the two lived in Auerugo and only visited for the holidays. Zelená was very close to her twin, the two were always holding hands and did everything together. When the twins were thirteen years old tragedy struck the family. While being driven home from school late one afternoon a delivery truck driver fell asleep at the wheel and collided head on with the family car. When the medics arrived at the seen of the accident minutes later Nefrite was pronounced dead and Zelená was rushed to the hospital. Despite arriving unconscious she had only suffered some minor cuts on various parts of her body, bruising of the collar bone, and a fractured leg. The next few weeks of her life were spent in the hospital during which time her parents never bothered to show up. Eventually the body was shipped back to Aerugo for a national funeral.

After returning home from the funeral Zelená entered a rebellious phase. She started giving her brother a lot of problems as she began to get into fights at school, her grades declined, and she skipped classes. The school master became quite frustrated with her change in behavior but he couldn't kick her out becuase of the money that was attached to her. Really the only time he even came close to considering kicking her out was when she cursed him out with the most vulgar langauge that a fourteen year old could muster. Then she started bringing guys back to the estate. To her dismay, at the time, she never got any where with them becuase they were either too proper to do what she wanted or Eric chased them away. This self destructive phase might have persisted for the rest of her life had it not been for the incident with her father. For her sixteenth birthday, which in Aerugo marked her as an eligible woman, her parents had traveled to Amestris to celebrate. During a quiet dinner one evening an argument broke out and Zelená reduced her mother to tears. Having finally hit his tolerance level for her behavior Beniamino slowly got up walked around to Zelená's side of the table as he slowly put a glove on and then slapped her across the face as hard he could. Zelená was so shocked by this that she spun and fell to the floor. Beniamino then picker her up and hit her again as he chastised her for what he considered grotesque behavior. Despite what Zelená had put Eric through he stood up for her against their father's hand. After that night the party was called off and her parents traveled back to Aerugo. From that point on she stopped acting out and causing her brother trouble. Her performance in school picked back and she made friends with some wealthy Amestrian girls. Later that year Eric threw a birthday party for her without the permission of her parents. A few Aerugonian nobles showed up to ask for her hand but she politely turned all of them away.

It was also around this time that she developed an interest in alchemy. Eric had tried to get her interested in it before but she had never bothered with it. But when he showed her how to transmute something like iron into a gemstone it caught her interest. Zelená started studying alchemy on top of her school work and impressed many of her friends by transmuting junk jewelry into fancy gem encrusted necklaces and wrist bands. When her brother achieved state alchemist status it drove her to try even harder and to prep for the state alchemy exam. For the exam she worked out how to convert a liquid solution of iron into a stack of cannon balls. She was then assigned to a research team but was not given a state title because "The State Alchemist" didn't sound very good and the Fuhrer couldn't think a different name. It wasn't long before she developed her combat technique which earned her the title of Jade Alchemist and a transfer to a combat position. How ever she still had a desk job and wanted to be in a real leadership position. She had herself busted to 1st Lt. and then got a position as a platoon leader with a unit garrisoned in South City that patrolled the farmlands around the city near the Aerugonian border.

Other: Despite Eric's denouncement of their relation to their parents, Zelená reconciled with her father shortly afterwords. However she still holds a cold spot in her heart for both of her parents. Zelená is rumored to have a transmutation circle in a spot that nobody has seen except for the unknown tattoo artist that supposedly drew it.

State Alchemist Title: The Jade Alchemist
Combat Technique: Zelená is the leading expert on the conversion of liquid substances into solid forms. Using her knowledge in this field she developed an alchemic combat style where she converts liquids into solid crystalline matrices. This can be done by covering her target in a pre-made liquid which bonds to anything other than it's hardened form. If this liquid touches a person it permeates the skin and then expands into a solid from within the body. Her much more fatal attack is done with direct contact with her hands or by indirect contact through the ingestion of her special mixture. She converts the targets blood into a special jade which slowly takes over the rest of the body until it is made entirely of the jade material. After about an hour the jade rapidly breaks down into a fine powder which is easily scattered by the wind.

User name: Tairu Khime

Over Yandere

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:22 pm
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The Diamond Alchemist

Name: Eric Beretta
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Interested in: Women
Faction: State Military
Rank: Sergeant Major
Profession: State Alchemist
Personality: Overprotective to the tenth power. Eric is a bit of a jokester, but the funny stops when people start talking about his sister. He won’t hesitate to shoot you if he doesn’t like what you say about her. Eric tends to be tougher on the new members of the platoon, but if you last long enough, he’ll ease up.

Bio: The First child of Prince Beniamino Beretta and Princess Gemma Beretta, Eric was conferred the title Duke of Beretta Despite being called prince his father is the son previous kings 3rd brother meaning that he is twice removed the throne line. He also bears the name of the region the family is in charge of in Aerugo instead of the family name. Along with his younger twin sisters Zelená and Nefrite, he lived in the family's Amestrian estate which was located outside of South City. The three rarely saw their parents since the two lived in Aerugo and only visited for the holidays. Because he was the eldest, and their parents were rarely ever around, Eric took it upon himself to look after his sisters. He saw it as his responsibility to keep them safe and care for them. When he was eighteen years old, the twins were in a car accident, and Nefrite was killed, while Zelená survived. Their parents never showed up at the hospital to make sure Zelená was alright, and when Nefrite's body was shipped back to Aerugo, Eric didn't have a chance to speak with them after the funeral.

When Zelená entered her 'rebellious phase' Eric made a promise to himself to never have any daughters. Zelená gave Eric quite a few problems, and he very often got annoyed and even angry at her, however, he never once treated her badly. Eric refused to ever raise a hand to his sister, even when she probably deserved it. Eric tried to get Zelená to take an interest in something other than making him angry, introducing her to alchemy that he had learned from a few of his Amestrian friends. Chasing away the guys Zelená brought home and scolding her would have lasted a very long time had it not been for the incident on her sixteenth birthday. Eric and Zelená's parents had traveled too Amestris to celebrate, and when the argument broke out between Zelená and their parents, Eric finally did what he had wanted to do since the pair never showed up at the hospital. When Eric's father started to hit Zelená, Eric promptly shoved his father away from Zelená, standing in front of her and defending her from their angry father. Eric renounced the both of them as his parents, stating that they cared very little for any of their children. Eric had said that both him and Zelená were no longer related to either of them, and he was ashamed to think that his father would ever think of hurting his children.

As his job of taking care of Zelená got much easier after that point, Eric had more time to practice his alchemy and teach more to his sister. As Eric became more and more skilled with alchemy, one of his friends who had joined the military told him about the state alchemists and the combat capabilities of alchemy, and how one could use it to help others. Eric saw that as a chance to keep his sister safe from harm, and immediately began preparing to become a state alchemist, while still teaching his sister a thing or two. Eric found he was especially good at transmuting things into diamonds, and decided he would use that for his state alchemy exam. Only Eric and the proctors of his exam know exactly what he did to pass the state alchemy exam, but to sum it up, it was a magnificent display of talent, and it made a few people very rich.

Much to his dismay, Eric's sister followed his example and joined the military not long after he did. When he heard she had a desk job, he was relieved, but his worrying quickly returned when she accepted a demotion to a combat position. Despite the fact that he would be giving up a prominent research career and his rank, Eric had himself busted down to Sergeant Major so he could be the second in command of the platoon his sister led. Eric doesn't mind being a lower rank than his sister, so long as he can be there to protect her. He tends to make sure everyone in the squad is in top condition, and ensures they can be 'trusted' around his sister.

Other: Eric is skilled in the use of swords and other bladed weapons, as well as hand to hand. He dislikes guns, but won't hesitate to use one should the need arise. Eric has a pair of transmutation circle tattoos on the backs of his hands, so he doesn't need to wear gloves.

State Alchemist Title: The Diamond Alchemist
Combat Technique: Focuses on close quarters combat, using bladed weapons made of diamonds created using alchemy. Can create pillars and spikes made of diamonds to attack people. Transmuted materials turn back to their original composition after a period of time (With the exception of his blades which must be manually transmuted back).
PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:24 pm
Name:Leo Aoi
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Interested in: Women
Faction: State Military
Rank: Lance Cop.
Profession: Soldier (Marksmen)
Personalty: Certain aspects of Leo's personality are more evident depending on the situation he is in. Generally he is laid back and a flirt, never taking things as seriously as he should. The way he sees things is live is short so he needs to enjoy it while he can. The cuter the girl the more of a flirt he is. When in battle though he becomes serious and at times even cold.

Bio: An only child, Leo Aoi was raised out in a quiet country by both of his parents. His family was a humble one, working out in the fields to pay for the bread on the table. Even though it was difficult due to the distance and their conditions his parents insisted on him having and education. Leo didn't mind going to school, as a matter of fact he loved how it kept him from having to work out in the farm with his parents. Although he didn't mind the hard work he got tired have the same routine over and over again, every single day.

Every once in a while his parents would bring up his future, this was something he never really worried about. He was more of a go with the flow type of guy, so he didn't think about what tomorrow could bring. His father mentioned for him to join the army various times but Leo never gave this much thought until one day a Lt came to his school and spoke about it. Realizing that it would not only allow him to get out of the country and into the city, but also make his father proud he signed up the second he got the chance.

Once in military school he was teased a bit due to his origins but he ignored it. He didn't care what others thought about him, he knew what he was capable of and intended on proving it.

Over time he eventually graduated making it into the army as a private and since than as slowly begun to rise in rank.
Other: His father died while he was away studying.
User name: dragaosagrada

Over Yandere

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:25 pm
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Enya Corobo
Name: Enya Corobo
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Interested in: Male
Faction: State Military
Rank: Corporal
Profession: Soldier
Personalty: Strong and independent Enya is not as serious as she seems. She learned a long time ago not to care what people think of her, but at times she cannot help but find herself in a conflict or two. She does enjoy the little things in life though, preferring to be relaxed and happy to stressed out and tight assed.

Bio:Enya's father was an exiled Ishbalian who met her mother when he was traveling though south city trying to find a place where he could continue to study alchemy away from the prejudice of his people and the hostility of the Amestrians. Her mother was the heir to a large estate that she was in danger of loosing if she did not marry. A woman of opportunity she meet Enya's father by chance and proposed an offer to give him the seclusion he needed while giving her the chance to keep her inheritance. He agreed, and eventually after living together for some time they grew attached to each other and within five years of their marriage Enya was born.

She had always had a fascination for her fathers work, plants and soil had been his passion since he had started learning of alchemy. Having some of the worst soil Ishbal suffered greatly since they were barely able to grow their own crops, so her father worked every chance he could to find the best way to help his people, even if they did not wish it. As a small child it delighted her to see him work with plants in unnatural ways. At first her father had found it charming, seeing it as a way to escape his past, and eventually he began to teach her family history. Starting with combats skills and physical training he taught her to be a fighter and helped to build her confidence in her own person. Her mother encouraged this also teaching her all other subjects, knowing knowledge to be the most powerful weapon in the world. They both encouraged her to do what ever she wanted, preparing her when she showed intrest in the state guard and helping her get in when she turned 18, 6 years after her brothers birth.

Enya was not entirely welcomed into the ranks of the Military quite as easily as she should have been. Unmatched in potential, skill and even training she had been the perfect candidate, only with red eyes. Enya had not realized how tense the relationship between Ishbal and Amestris was having mostly lived with her parents, but it was very apparent in the way they treated her here in the military. With persistence she eventually got in, but due to prejudice she did not rise in the ranks quite as quickly as she hoped, being passing from squadron to squadron before changing platoons numerous times due to conflicts she rarely created. Somehow she managed to still rise in the ranks even with all this rearranging she did manage to remain in one squadron for about a year without too much conflicts before being once more transferred to a new platoon, one commanded by two natives of Aerugo, Being ever optimistic Enya waits to see what this command would be like, knowing if anything her abilities would help to prove her worth.

Other: Even with her background in alchemy Enya does not practice much. Her father taught her enough about alchemy for her to use if she needed to, but since joining the State Military she does not see any reason to use it, instead preferring to rely on her own combat skills to prove her abilities.

State Alchemist Title: na
Combat Technique: Enya has plenty of experience with earth and plant alchemy, but rarely uses the ability, taking pride in her own physical strength and stamina. Enya is skilled with all kinds of weaponry, long range or short range weapons she can easily use, At all times she carries a hand gun at her hip, and a rifle over her shoulder, and in close combat she prefers to use mid range melee weapons to conserve ammunition.
User name: Lyraleian
PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 6:08 pm
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Name: Razeluxe 'Raze' Amsel
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Interested in: Girls
Faction: State Military
Rank: Private
Profession: Combat Medic / Alchemist
Personalty: In or out of a battlefield Raze is a vary bright person who doesn't let anything bring him down. Always wearing his trademark smile its hard for anyone to picture him getting angry or depressed. His helpful nature lets him create friendships easily with people but allows others to abuse him by making him do their work for them. Unknown to most people is that Raze has a vary bad sweet tooth making him crave sweets every day.

Bio: Raze Amsel was a normal everyday kid when he was younger. He was always out playing with the other kids or listening to his mother's orders when she asked him to do chores around the house. His mother a unknown yet great medical alchemist and his father was a regular soldier in the State Military. His father always seemed to be away on duty and his mother spent most of the day studying better ways to use alchemy but Raze loved the way his life was. The mysterious thing about this child was that his white hair and blood red eyes was not a genetic trait in his family. If not for his facial features looking like his parents people wouldn't know that he was the Amsel's kid. Despite his looks his family lived a vary peaceful life until he turned eight. When News about his father's death came it devastated him and his mother. His mom quickly became depressed and locked herself away in her room leaving all the responsibility to Raze. Raze did not complain or whine but thought of it as his new daily chores.

It took three years for him to get his mother back to normal but she ended up contracting a unknown illness that was slowly killing her. She did not fear about Raze's life after her death since she knew he was vary mature for his age. What she feared was her researcher being forgotten with her death. She asked if he would study under her and continue her research after she died. Raze quickly responded with a nod and took up more work for him to put up with. His mother was able to keep herself alive for three years to teach as much as she could to her novice son. At her deathbed she constantly apologized to her son for causing him so much trouble but instead he thanked her for giving birth to him and promised to continue her study. He did not cry or become depressed over his mother's death but kept on living life normally by himself.

By the age of sixteen he decided to put his medical alchemy to the test by becoming a combat medic for the military. He kept his knowledge of alchemy a secret so he could receive basic medical and combat training. With his training complete it wasn't long before he was sent out to a platoon. Raze worked with different platoons as a temporary medic before he was finally placed under the command of 1st Lt. Zelená Beretta. He only recently joined her platoon so he hopes he can gain the trust of everyone.

Other: The Transmutation Array that Raze uses covers his whole body but doesn't appear until he uses alchemy.

State Alchemist Title: N/A
Combat Technique: While Raze has basic combat training with firearms he specializes in hand-to-hand combat where he can disarm his opponent. He is able to currently use his medical alchemy to heal small cuts and wounds on himself or others. He is still training to use it in greater ways. While he mostly studied medical alchemy he seems to be skilled at creating small bladed objects like scaples or combat knifes. The only thing stopping him from being a good soldier is his oath as a medic to save lives and not take them.
User name: Atticus Leingod

Over Yandere

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:57 am
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Martin Caines
Name: Martin Cains
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Interested in: girls etc
Faction: State Military
Rank: Private
Profession: Support Soldier (heavy weapons, explosives, improvised weaponry)
Personalty: Martin is very protective over close friends and loved ones. He’s not a serious person. He’s more of a relaxed and mellow type of guy who seeks good friends, a lovely girlfriend, and excitement. He’s a loveable person who’s easy to get along with. Shyness and nervousness tend to take over when he’s around pretty girls.

Bio: Martin lived somewhat of an average life. He grew up in a town called Metso. It wasn’t a major city and not many travelers passed through only on rare occasions. His home was located on the outskirts of town so he was usually the first to know when new people showed up. Martin’s father worked on a farm and collected weapons ranging from knives and swords to guns and explosives on the side. His mother worked at a bakery helping around the store and baking goods. Martin got a job when he was sixteen at a workshop where they crafted goods and repaired broken items making an average income. Whenever Martin had free time he would create weapons and other tools out of materials he would find. He would also disasemble the weapons his father collected to figure out how they work so he can build his own someday. One day a soldier passing through was impressed with one of Martin’s and recommended that he join the army so he could design new weapons (R&D). Fascinated by the idea of creating more weapons Martin didn’t hesitate to join. So he said his goodbyes to his friends and family and went off to South City to join. Things didn’t go so well when he got there while searching for the recruitment center a thief stole his bag which had all his money and the weapons he made unable to find the thief or return home he was left with only one option. Martin found the recruitment center and was drafted as a lowly private. Half a year later Martin finished boot camp and was being assigned to a squad. Martin now hopes to live long enough to be able to design weapons for the military and return to his hometown someday to see his friends and family.

Other: Martin has yet to tell his parents that he became a soldier in the miltary instead of becoming part of R&D. Martin customizes weapons for himself.

User name: VOX Gamechamp
PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:15 am
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Name: Claudia Synt-Clayr
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Interested in: Men
Faction: State Military
Rank: Sergeant
Profession: State Alchemist
Personalty: Cold and indifferent, so most people call her the "Ice Queen" when she isn't around. Duty oriented, but likes to be left to her own devices when it comes to her assignments. Give her something to do and she'll do it and make sure it's done on time, swiftly, effectively, and completely. She is probably the most serious person you will ever meet. It is indeed a very rare sight to see Claudia smile, let alone laugh or giggle which she hasn't done in quite some time in public.

Bio: Claudia is the only female child and the youngest child of her family. Her mother was very strict with her, while her father was more aloof with her and never interacted with her very much. She always tried her best to get her father's attention, but it never quite worked all of the time. She was never very interested in learning what her mother taught her about housework and such. In her free time, Claudia would always watch her brothers train and practice things that boys were meant to learn according to her father. As such, Claudia soon began begging her brothers to teach her stuff that they were learning, like sword fighting, archery, and alchemy. She had always found housework and girly things rather boring and uninteresting anyway.

When she was about to turn 16, her mother and father found out about her lessons. Her mother, of course, was very angry and horrified that her one and only little girl was playing outside and learning horrible fighting techniques. In her view, because of this, Claudia might never find a good husband. Her father, on the other hand, was surprisingly okay with her continuing to learn some more fighting techniques. Occasionally, he would, from then on, watch over her training sessions with her brothers, but never really aid much to her except a brief critique here and there. It went on like this for a couple more years until Claudia told her parents that she wanted to join the military. Predictably, her mother refused to allow it. But this time, her father agreed with her mother. However, Claudia went out and enlisted. And as soon as her parents heard, they were furious.

Since her enlistment, Claudia hasn't really spoken to her parents all that much. She's rarely gone to even see them. She's talked to her brothers occasionally, but never her parents. The reason Claudia is not the usual rank of major for a state alchemist was because of her own choice. She elected to work her way up to the rank rather than simply receiving it right when she took the exam. She elected to prove herself to those in the military and her family that she could move up in the world.

Other: Claudia has two transmutation circles which are tattooed on the soles of her feet. On another note, there is a reason as to why Claudia is so indifferent and cold towards people.

State Alchemist Title: Ice Alchemist
Combat Technique: Claudia is more known for her long-distance fighting rather than her close combat. That is not to say that Claudia can't hold her own in a close combat fight though. She can create bladed weapons and spikes and needles made out of ice. It's not only weapons which Claudia can create. She can also create defensive structures like walls and pillars. She can also freeze the water in a person's body to basically freeze them solid. Any weapons she transmutes usually have to be manually transmuted back to water. But if the conditions are humid enough, that may not necessarily be the case.

User: Dragon Talk

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