This poem has a deeper meaning of you're a believer of a certain religion. Tell me what you guys think. I was inspired by a song to write this. Every word has a meaning to it. Enjoy!

The Banner

We're losing static, oh no
The world seems darkened are we unknown?
We are the picture of the Unknown
We're being hunted, where will we go?
Raise up The Banner! Take back your soul!

We're marching on the battle zone
Though shadow overtake us, we are saved
The demons attack us, tearing us to the bone
The chemicals break and we are maimed
Raise up The Banner! Take back your soul!

Free will is ours and we can't let go
We are the shadow of the Unseen
We're the emblem of the Ether that will forever flow
If you haven't seen the Unknown, where have you been?
Raise up The Banner! Take back your soul!

We're emblematic to the blind
Atoms split, and the world forever dies, but we are sewn
One day, we hope the blind know what they find
We are the army of He who is Unknown
Raise up The Banner! Take back your soul!