User Imageℕia ℚuinn ℝanex.
I was born female.
I was born on 5/21/1994, at 9:53 pm.
I was born and raised cautiously. Always underneath the watchful eyes of my parents, I was forced to collapse inside of myself. I got perfect grades, never spoke to a male outside of my church group, and was always perfectly nice to my insane brother who seemed to get everything he wanted. I never had many close friends, and I really never cared to have any. I stuck to doing my homework and being home on time. It was like this for years, even though it was only middle school. Then, my brother decided to screw up royally. He crashed his nice, sleek car. Ohh, my parents went crazy. My mother (who goes by Karen) practically forced him out of the house, and told him that he can't come back until he paid off his car. My dad (named Jesse) ended up paying off the car the next day, because he can't stand to be mad at Drane (my brother) for any longer than 13 minutes. But even after that, they let me live. My years of Jr. High and Highschool in general dawned on me the best they could. I kept up my grades, but let a few slip to high Bs and low Bs. I ended up with a group of great friends, and my parents I almost never saw. They always hid away. I'm not sure why it was such a big deal that he crashed his car, I mean. It was a big deal, but not enough to totally forget your kids. It always confused me, and I was enjoying my freedom-so I just let it slide. My brother never really hung around me at home, he was always with our friends or in his room. (Yes, we were in the same group of friends.) During this whole funfest I was having, I discovered insecurity. It struck me, and I couldn't get it off. I started avoiding mirror and ignoring any compliments I got, because I believed they were all lies. Now, as I fight this urge to peel away from my skin, I try my best to stay myself, not to lose who I am. Or, who I thought I am. In such a confusing time, all I have is my friends. Thanks, mom and dad, for being there so much.
I find myself timid, though very outspoken, and also very gentle.
I'm living in Warwick, Rhode Island.
I'm currently not looking, but that doesn't mean much.
I enjoy the manly men, hehe.
Right now I'm not sure of who I am, or if I want to be me at all.
I'm played by _ NotBreathing.

User Imageᴰᴿᴬᴺᴱ ᵁᴹᴼᴿ ᴿᴬᴺᴱᵡ
I was born male.
I was born on 11/8/1994, at 2:19 am.
I was born and raised beastly. Not much to say about this, since my sister is a showoff and decided to go all out on telling mine and her story. Yeah, I'm a partier. Not with the cool people, though. With the gamers. Of course. My sister doesn't know that, never did, actually. I don't think it has ever crossed her mind that she was the lucky one of the two of us, to get the brains. I just play video games and let my mind seep into them. Oh, and don't forget my anime I watch. But on one special night, I decided to get hammered at my friend Jeff's house. It got late, and after playing hours of video games, and a anime marathon, I tried my best not to swerve on the ride home. Eh'. Mom and Dad were pissed when I crashed the car, and so I was kicked out of the house for like 6 hours. Because my dad is a suck-up and we're dripping with money, he paid off the bill, and I wasn't injured, of course. So that wasn't a worry. But my car was pretty messed up. Anyway, that night changed me. In some way, after my parents yelled at me and I felt totally worthless - because we all know that it's true, it changed me. Suddenly I was avoiding my good-for-nothing friends, and hanging around with the same people as my sister. My sister and I suddenly were bestfriends, and I was finding myself. Actually, I'm still finding myself. And it feels pretty great.
I find myself insane, adorable, and very lovable.
I'm living in Warwick, Rhode Island.
I'm currently and always looking, but eh', a lot of girls are simply stupid and brainless. So, I'm not relationship material.
I enjoy the chicks, yeah.
Right now I'm finding myself.
I'm played by _ NotBreathing.

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I was born a female.
I was born on 5/16/1993, 3:16 AM
I was born and raised boringly. I live in a small house in Warwick, Rhode Island that's always dull and lifeless. Which is why I can't stand being locked in there. When I was real young, I was raised by two parents who really knew how to live life on the wild side. I was what you would call a flower child even though the hippie days were long gone by then. My mom wasn't married when she was pregnant with me but the man that knocked her up sure changed that after I was born. For a long while, my parents were like two inseperable lovebirds that you couldn't keep caged and we were always moving from one town to another. But I was a kid then and I didn't care. I liked seeing the different places and unique people, but I liked seeing my parents so happy even more. Though it took one unfaithful affair between my dad and some chick he met at a gas station. My mother was shattered and my life turned upside down after that. I was ten and my mother began drinking for a while which totally screwed her up. If it weren't for me constantly fighting with her, she never would've gotten the help she needed and she would've become an abusive drunk. Though I'm starting to believe that would've been way better than the way she is now. She met some uptight man who likes to enforce rules and keep things in order. I didn't like him but he made my mother happy so I didn't complain. But by the time I was fourteen, my mom gave up her carefree ways and actually started working as a nurse at the hospital while my new step dad was a bank teller. Everything started changing and my life slowly turned into a boring and dreary existence. We stopped travelling and we never talked about our past anymore. I couldn't even mention my dad without her freaking out and ignoring me. But we all have to make sacrifices right? I didn't think I'd have to give up the only life I knew. Especially for a man who hates me and ruined my mother's childish spirit I loved so much. She would never know how much it hurts me to see how much she's changed and she'll never know that I won't let go of the life we once had. No matter how much he tries to force me too. Which is why I gathered with the few friends I have to see if maybe they could help me ignite the flame inside of me and rekindle the past life so that I can actually live again.
I find myself loving and down to earth, funny and outgoing, but also way too afraid of change.
I'm living in Warwick, Rhode Island.
I'm currently not looking because I don't want to change like my mother did.
I enjoy the hot guys and the cute girls.
Right now I'm finding myself.
I'm played by LoVelYMarRionEtTe

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I was born Male
I was born on December 2nd,1993,12:23am.
I was born and raised Carelessly.never watch or never pampered my parents did what they want,said what they want,and well went what they want.The only rule was,i didn't get in the way of that.It's not that they didn't love me or anything,they just felt they never had they "teen Hood" or something like that.Reason,my mom had me when she was 17,my dad was 18 at the time and they were only in high school;senior year.well i basically grow up like the outlawed child since my parents moved from my grandparents and didn't contact anyone.At first it was rough,really rough.But around when i was,i think,5 or 6,my father got into some big company magazine corp,and my mom was happily one of the models.I did a few when i was smaller and even now,but i go a different path.I'm usual out all night with a girl,everyone in my school knows me because of me being more of a joker then playboy.Even if i was with a girl and don't be with them anymore,they still consider me as a friend.Possibly because of my parents i dont really care.Once i was in 10th grade my parents ended up having another baby.I love my little sister to death and because of that i did change my ways,just a little.usual now im in this group of friends that i honestly didn't believe i'll get along with.It was pretty strange but i ended up being with them.I have to admit though,i love them as much as family.
I find myself quiet, yet sarcastic and outgoing, mysterious, and slightly offish.
I'm living in Warwick, Rhode Island.
I'm currently Single.
I enjoy the both men and women
Right now I'm Not looking myself.
I'm played by MadHatterSora

User ImageMariella Lily Smith.
I was born female.
I was born on 06/17/1994 7:19pm
I was born and raised properly. With two loving, middle class English parents to teach me the rights and wrongs of the world, and my older brother Darren to teach me the best kinds of fun. Both Darren and I were born in England, in a town called Cornwall, though I only have one very vague memory of the place because we moved when I was about two years old. Having lived with three English people, I adopted the accent and the slang, and use it regularly. My brother and I got along very well, and he always looked out for me at school, even getting into a couple fights over my honor. I loved him, even though I grew up in his shadow, I was okay with being the second thought in everyone's mind, for now. Darren was very handsome when he reached high school, and when he sang with his lovely thick accent, people fell in love with him. I just sat in my own little world, tinkling away with my piano, accepting his help when he had the time to give it, and hoping that maybe one day I could be just as good as him. Yep, a happy little life, inside our bubble which was too soon popped by deep sorrow. Because Darren isn't with us any longer. He was caught in a car accident on his way over for Christmas dinner after another long day of studying at university.
My parents blamed each other of course. That's usually what happens when a couple loses a child. Shame and guilt and anger all roll into one big argument. And divorce follows suit, with poor little me in the middle. Father left for England again, and I stayed behind with mum. It's been a year and a half, but the gaping hole in my chest still hasn't gone away.

I find myself polite and sometimes a bit shy, but also very passionate, and I don't like to let on that I'm being bothered by something. I used to have such drive, but now it's been subdued by my brother's death.
I'm living in Warwick, Rhode Island.
I'm currently single, like always.
I enjoy the boys.
Right now I'm lost, and frantically searching for myself.
I'm played by Cadenza of the Heart