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ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 2:59 pm
Profiles go here.

No one posts here, only Coffee.

Is that clear?

And here is the RP~
PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 3:00 pm

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Ada Lovelace

Hey, it's confidential, but my name is Ada Lunaria Lovelace. But nowadays they
call me
Ace or Zenith. As of January 12 I turned 15 years old. If you have not noticed,
I am a
deadly young female.. My companion for the rest of my life is Lynx. They call it
a gift, but I think otherwise. My abilities are
with logic- anything involving numbers and
letters lie in my range, like music, where you count carefully, words (my thirteen letter words
carry particular power) and math, where the whole world dissolves in numbers. Also, I'm
good with gears, clockworks, music boxes, you name it. Personally, I like to work with metals,
the more recent, the better, like stainless steel.

People have called me plenty of things - but I personally think I am
pretty okay. I don't socialize much, but I gradually open up. I'm labeled as negative because
I always dress in dark colors, black, dark blue, dark purple- you get the idea. If you ask me
something, my answers will much of the time be cryptical, but I can also be brutally honest.
I am ironic and sarcastic. Some boys like my "dark" personality....but most don't. What
can I say? I like it that way. Personally, I think class is a waste of time, except for Calculus,
so I either spend class time sleeping, writing new theorems, composing pieces, or
writing new 13-letter words.Well, I'm also athletic in a...dangerous...way.

I'd rather not tell you, but you might as well be informed. [Not Avaliable at the Moment]


ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 3:02 pm

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Rei Vincent L'Ouverture

Hi. Go away, it's confidential, but my name is Rei Vincent L'Ouverture.
But nowadays they call me
Jack or Vince. As of January 25 I turned seventeen years old.
If you have not noticed, I am a
Gentleman. My companion for the rest of my life is Snowy Owl.
They call it a gift, but I think otherwise. My abilities are
using mainly shadows and the
unknown void. I also sometimes use the element of ice and illusions, but my sister prefers it
when I use shadows rather than illusions. She complains it interferes with her dreaming ability.
Like her, I have starsight. It's not something we tell others.

People have called me plenty of things - but I personally think I am a rather lazy and
irresponsible older brother. Yeah. I'm easily bored, always falling asleep in class, and I usually have
that blank bored expression on my face. Only my sister can lighten me up, seeing she's so energetic
and not annoying. Okay, maybe sometimes. I'm an easygoing guy, you can get along with me just
fine as long as I decide you don't bore me to death. I'm rather cheerful for a guy who likes to
sleep half the time. Well...Annie likes to tell me I'm dense. Am I? I don't know... Oh well.
I'm not failing any of my classes, and my teachers are frustrated because I never do my homework
But I can pass my quizzes and tests. Stupid teachers. Um...I'm rather protective of my sister.
Actually, cross out "rather" and put in "very". If you dare mess with her, I'm having no mercy on you.
No matter who you are.

I'd rather not tell you, but you might as well be informed. Alright, my life. What do you want to know?
Okay, so maybe Annabelle hasn't told you that our mother was Japanese and our father is French.
Big deal. It's just family. So...My life is pretty much boring. I spend half the time sleeping away,
And it's extremely hard to wake me up. Annie always gets in trouble waking me up because
she tends to throw me out of windows. Don't think she's all better than me. She's freaked out
when you throw her on a tall tower. She's scared of heights, and I find a way to tease her about that.
Our life has been pretty much rowdy, especially with my golden retriever Tobi. But it's fun, I admit.
So...with Kida and Zaya around, life is never boring for us. I'm the boring person, because I always fall
asleep. In fact, once, during an earthquake, I slept through half of it before I knew what was going on.
When I woke up, everything was shaking, so I grabbed a pillow, rolled under my table, and then fell asleep.
On the other side of the room, Annabelle was yelling her head off. Ouch. So I put on really loud music and fell
asleep. Yeah, I fall asleep to music. I usually listen to loud music, like rock and what not. Annie says it's
bad for my ears. Whatever. Did I mention I can't cook?

But compared to Annabelle, who's as messy as anything could be, I'm extremely neat. Emphasize
extremely. We're really weird. I know. Eh...so you know all you can about me. Don't complain, I usually
never stay awake enough to tell my story. So that's it. Call me if you will. I'm going back to sleep.

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 3:04 pm

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Tamora Knight

Greeting Here, it's confidential, but my name is Tamora Knight. But nowadays they call
Queen or Wolf. As of July 21 I turned 16 years old. If you have not noticed, I am a sarcastic female.
My companion for the rest of my life is
Frostfur, the great wolf. They call it a gift,
but I think otherwise. My abilities are
Water manipulation, i can speak to any canine.

People have called me plenty of things - but I personally think I am
I am basically a good person, but i have a temper, and i am not someone you want to
mess with when i'm mad. I am loyal to my friends to the point of death. I tend to be the
life of the party, always cracking jokes and goofing off, but truth is, you get into any one
on one stuff with someone i don't know, i clam up and get all shy. Unless you irritate me
right off the bat and i don't have the opportunity to be shy. Still though, I am fairly hard to
get really mad, and even after I've had one of my b**** fits, I still cool off pretty quick.
What's the point in staying mad forever anyway? I can't hold a grudge.

I'd rather not tell you, but you might as well be informed. Sooo, might as well start at...the start.
I had a pretty happy childhood. i was bright kid, i came from a reasonably wealthy family,
and of course, i always had Frostfur for company. he's such a cutie, and even when i was
a baby he was twice my size. he still lets me ride him sometimes. anyway, back on track.
I got to about that age when my powers started coming out. I was standing by the
sink while my mother was brushing her teeth and the water started to rise up and make shapes
in the air. Naturally, my dear mother had a little freaky fit and ran screaming from the room.

So for weeks, they watched me, taking stock of every move, seeing what my powers would do.
Without control, eventually things just got out of hand. fountains exploded, rivers overflowed,
ice and snow melted early, pipelines froze over, the whole nine yards. Anywhosit, with
all this going on, my poor neighbor assaulted parents had to send me somewhere to learn,
and Winter Cherry was the best thing, so off i went, and here I've been since. On the journey,
I learned that i could talk to any canine i wanted. I mean i couldn't control them or anything,
but they tended to like me, and i was able to use the ability to keep off a pack of wolves
when we were passing through their territory unawares. they were rather offended until they
realized i could talk to them. Cool, eh?

As for the whole marriage deal, I ain't so big on that. I am my own girl, and there's no one to
tell me different. and arranged marriage? i think i'd rather have my tongue nailed to a table.
Besides, Clover's kinda cute and all, and he does seem to like me a little, but man that Spade is hot!


ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 3:08 pm

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Isaac Vlassis

Good day, it's confidential, but my name is Isaac Gregory Vlassis. But nowadays they call
King formally, Izzy informally. As of July 7th I turned seventeen years old.
If you have not noticed, I am a
Male . My companion for the rest of my life is a Fox . They call it a gift,
but I think otherwise. My abilities are
I have a way with the wind, it allows me to do plenty of things…
like tune in to a conversation a whiles away… I also have a way with playing on others emotions.

People have called me plenty of things - but I personally think I am
Cunning is the first I think of. I am incredibly cunning and there’s always something going
on in the back of my head. I am also quick witted when it comes to words. I can often times
lead people into corners with knowledge. However, if I think on it, I do have a nice side. I’m helpful
to those who can benefit me in the future. Never hurts to have allies. Do not be fooled by
my intelligent charm. I am not out for your benefit, or anyones benefit. I have an agenda
of my own… I'm also quiet about information I know. You could say I'm an information broker...
I rarely perform favors, mind you. I may play ignorant, but I know stuff you don't think I know.
I also prefer blackmail to fists... brain over brawn.

I'd rather not tell you, but you might as well be informed. Needless to say, I was raised in a world
where I was king. Wealthy father, owner of an incredibly large company, and I was the son
of one of his many… maidens, you could say. I was the only one, and I was raised with
hatred from my parent. My dad did not care for me; he only cared when I made him look bad.
He hated me, because I ruined his free lifestyle he ran… and took time from his little Empire.
I quickly took heed to this, and began working on ways to get my dad to appreciate me.
To love me, and actually acknowledge I was his son.

So, as soon as I started school, I ran for everything that could lead to furthering my popularity,
and peoples trust in me so I could further myself into a seat of power… to be on top of the back,
and be THE elite. I was far ahead of my time, and I made strong allies in elementary school.
A few, I considered friends, and close advisors. My father began to have suspicion of me and
my incredible success at an early age, and hired a few people to… watch me. One day, one of
them observed me playing with a ball… a visible ball of wind. When my father asked me to
show him my trick, I was quick and proud to show him, expecting affection for the first
time. Instead, he called me an embarrassment to his name, a freak of nature, and tossed
me out of the house. From that day on, I did not care for him, all I wanted to see, was his face
when I surpassed him.

Until that day came, I needed a way to fend for myself, and nurture the ability I had.
Conceal it, hid it, whatever I needed to do. As I entered high school, a man came to the
orphanage, and gave me a new home. This ‘Academy.’ It has treated me well, and I plan to
return the favors it has done for me in due time. As of yet, I am only the leader of the Student
Council, but, I plan to gain prestige amongst teachers. I need their assistance to further
myself, and become the elite once again.

The arranged marriage does not worry me. She can come along for the ride, and help me
upstage my father.

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 3:18 pm

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Clara Ecard

Hey, it's confidential, but my name is Clara Ecard. But nowadays they call me Diamond.
As of
May 20 I turned fifteen years old. If you have not noticed, I am a young lady. My companion for
the rest of my life is
Hawk. They call it a gift, but I think otherwise. My abilities are
shadow bending, blood bending, and telepathy.

People have called me plenty of things - but I personally think I am a soft hearted girl.
Mostly I'm very friendly and happy. When I'm not using my powers at least.
I get very serious then and harsh towards people then. I hate that part of me.
I constantly feel like I'm fighting a battle inside of me to keep my good, kind, loving side showing.
In tense situations you know how people tend to freeze up? Well I don't. I think and act better in times like that!

I'd rather not tell you, but you might as well be informed. I grew up a happy child. You know that
perfect story of how the kid is praised for everything because he or she's flawless? That was me!
Well, until my powers started taking over. I wasn't hurting anyone it was just not right or
proper or whatever... My parents saw that side of me as evil. Back then I suppose they were
triggered by emotions because they always tried to keep me happy.
I felt different and felt the true love of my parents slipping away from me.

A few years back I got a little more used to my powers and learned to
control them better. I still have yet to perfect it. Last year though, they
took over. I was so mad at my mom and dad that I was using my powers
to make them kill each other. It was nothing like me! I broke the daze and
found my mother holding a knife to my father's neck and they locked me
in my room after they snapped out of trying to snap each other.

I've been less privileged lately then they said I was going here. That I
needed to sort things out and until I did they no longer wanted me in their
home. What a wonderful goodbye huh? I know I'm not evil... I just wish I
could convince them that.


ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 3:19 pm

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Izaya Masaomi

Yo, it's confidential, but my name is Masaomi, Izaya. But nowadays they call me Clover or Zaya.
As of
June 7 I turned seventeen years old. If you have not noticed, I am a guy.
My companion for the rest of my life is
Arctic Wolf. They call it a gift, but I think otherwise.
My abilities are
surprisingly not linked with earth. I have control over sound and forms
of water (including, but not limited to; snow, ice and mist)

People have called me plenty of things - but I personally think I am lazy. I'm rather laid back and a
casual guy. I don't like getting involved much in activities that I'm not interested in, and
if I could, I'd skip out on the formal occasions.Some people view my laziness as
carelessness, but I really do care about certain things. I just don't really care much
about most things like how everyone else does. Other people think I'm just plain boring,
and just leave me alone. Not that I mind being a loner has its good points, sometimes.
However, sometimes I rub off on the girls as being very "cool" and "charming." But no
offense, ladies, but I'm really not looking for a fan base, thank you very much. Fan girls
are creepy, especially the stalkers. I'm not one for violence, me being rather a pacifist,
but if needed, I can be a decent fighter. Also, I have a rather indecent habit of sticking
long things in my mouth. (straws, pencils, cinnamon sticks, etc.)

I'd rather not tell you, but you might as well be informed. I come from a decent rich family that's
part of the yakuza back in Japan. With that background, I'm quite skilled in various martial
arts, although I might be a bit rusty from not practicing them often. I'm not the oldest son
in my family (I have an older brother and two little sisters) But strangely enough, I was the
only one with this strange gift, so I was sent to the Academy once my parents heard of its
existence. Actually, it was more of my idea for me to go to the Academy, since my parents
were not very fond of the idea of me being away from Japan and in Europe. Either way I had
to do some convincing work and eventually, they agreed. Learning English was rather difficult
though, and I actually still have my Japanese accent when speaking.

I got myself quite busy in my arrival to the Academy. I took up quite a bit of extra curricular
activities such as the bass guitar (which I had started back in Japan since I was six). But I
never joined any bands (yet), and you'll never be finding me singing. Ever. I am also a
prominent member of the fencing club, a sport I enjoy, but sort of regret taking thanks to
all the attention I'm getting. I also joined the horseback riding club a couple years back.

I was getting used to my life at the Academy when I heard about us having some sort of
arranged marriage with other people in the Academy. I personally think that it's idiotic, but
I won't complain too much about it. So much for remaining single, I'll miss my bachelor days.

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 3:52 pm

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Stephanie Annabelle L'Ouverture

Hiya there, it's confidential, but my name is Stephanie Annabelle L'Ouverture .
But nowadays they call me
Heart or Annie. As of October 13 I turned Sixteen years old.
If you have not noticed, I am a
girl. My companion for the rest of my life is Wolf. They call it a gift,
but I think otherwise. My abilities are
the ability to enter the dream world I have a sort of connection
with animals. I'm able to use Nature, but I specialize in Wind.

People have called me plenty of things - but I personally think I am rather carefree and energetic.
I have a soft spot for teddy bears and other childish things, but I also like old-fashioned
stuff like pocketwatches. I'm a generally cheerful and agile person who likes being armed
with two knives always. Don't worry, they're tucked out of sight. I like making new
friends, and I'm rather easy to get along with. Yeah, I'm agreeable, but I'm also stubbonrn.
If I have my mind stuck on something, then I won't change my mind. I'm friendly,
don't worry. I have a bad habit of being lazy and I hate class. I'm always dozing off.
Yupies, I'm a HUGE procrasinator.

I'd rather not tell you, but you might as well be informed. Okay. So...Let's see.
I came from the L'Ouverture family, which belongs to one of the seven great families.
My father is a duke...you can call him "Sir".Alright. My family is a pretty nice one.
My father's a good-natured and humorous, my mother is slightly erratic but cheerful.
I learned the habit from my father to "calculate" others and try judging how they think.
It's quite useful. Anyways, my life.
Well, it was pretty sheltered, due in part to my older brother and my younger sister.
To be honest, I'm rather cold around my younger sister, due to the fact that she is the only
"normal" one and she's annoying as well. Eh. Serves her right. So...where were we?
Okay. I was home-schooled for a long time until seventh grade. My parents were
afraid that I would accidently reveal my abilities, and so they hired private tutors. Isn't that
great? I enjoyed lots of classes others didn't get in public school. And so, in my eighth
grade year, I started to attend the Academy along with Nii-san. It was loads of fun!
Every year, I get to torture Zaya-kun with remarks 'bout his girlfriends fan girls!

About me...I joined horseriding club! And archery club. I'm also in String Orchestra and
Full Orchestra; I play as either violinist or pianist. I'm still debating whether to join Ensemble
Or take Architect? Whatever. You get the point. I met Zaya-kun during horseriding!
We're friends, and I enjoy torturing him everyday. But it's not fair that I'm short and he's tall!
And knowing I'm arranged to King is a big let-down. I mean...It's much more fun
to spend time with Zaya-kun and Nii-san. Right?


ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 4:01 pm

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Lucain Aoi

Evening, it's confidential, but my name is Lucain Aoi. But nowadays they call
Spade or Coyote. As of August 11 I turned 18 years old. If you have not
noticed, I am a
guy. My companion for the rest of my life is a Snow Coyote
. They call it a gift, but I think otherwise. My abilities are just a bit of shapeshifting
and the ability to manipulate forms of air/wind.

People have called me plenty of things - but I personally think I am a little bit of
an over-thinker. I sometimes literally get lost in thought when I ransack my mind.
This is usually done out of determination that I attempt to think out my strategies,
yet I don't excel in smarts as much. Being a charmer is me. I'm not doing it because
I would like in a female's pants, but just respect is a big thing that matters. And along
those lines, I am honest as well. Faking or "winging it" is something that I don't do
too often, yet I've changed a lot in these past years, so I might tend to be kinda funny.

I'd rather not tell you, but you might as well be informed. When I was smaller, I
was that kind that was half empty, half full with confidence. I was a little shy, yet active
with people I knew. As I grew up with my family and friends-some good, others bad-the
pressure was beginning to feel a little heavy. I became withdrawn and evasive until I was
15, I saw a beautiful girl in my mother's garden and I befriended her. She relieved all my
stress and I experienced some fun I haven't felt before. My shapeshifting ability felt like it
naturally came to me when I was with her. She still accepted me, actually in awe at my
coyote self, although I don't prefer it. She enjoyed the wind controlling as well. It was when
my father discovered I was having fun with a family stranger that he tried to forcefully sent
her away. Of course I furiously was against my father's demand, regardless of the situation.
I snapped, growing so mad at him I blew him away with a great burst of wind, and then
attempted to run away with her. We were shortly found, I haven't heard from her again,
and she quickly was forgotten about. Later my father announed to me that I was going
away to a school much later. And after that, I going to be royally engaged.

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 4:02 pm

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Grace Desmont

Hmm, it's confidential, but my name is Grace Elizebeth Desmont. But nowadays they call me Joker or 'Liz'.
As of
January 28th I turned Sixteen years old. If you have not noticed, I am a lovely young woman
. My companion for the rest of my life is Eastern Indigo Snake. They call it a gift, but I think otherwise.
My abilities are
Invisibility which comes in handy when you don't want to talk to people.
Small ability of flight. Mainly hovering and can't stay in the air that long.
I also have what others call the Sirens Song.

People have called me plenty of things - but I personally think I am cold, uncaring, anti social, and a bit mean.
I don't care what other people think of me. Judgmental people are a waste of time. I'm not like that though.
True I might look at you and think that person is probably some stuck up wench. I'm usually right about people.
I'm not a nice person and I'm quick to give you my opinion. I can be rather selfish about certain things.
I'm not a very talkative person. I just don't like people. I can be loud, but that is when I'm angry.
I have a short temper and it is hard for me to calm down. Anything really sets me off. Annoying people mainly.
I have to have things my way and will fight with others til I get it. I'm rather arrogant and I know I'm always right.
I have a short attention span and I'm always pulling pranks on others. I love messing with peoples heads.
You can always find me off alone brooding. I always get trapped in my own head thinking.
Under my tough girl I don't care facade I'm can be nice. I'm not completely twisted.
I don't like being nice to others because they can be deceiving and turn on me. People can use you for anything.
I try not to have any fears or weaknesses. People could use them against you for anything they want.

I'd rather not tell you, but you might as well be informed. I have been an orphan my whole.
Don't worry it's not some big deal. I didn't have a bad life or anything like that.
I have never been abuse by any adopted father or really anything bad by any family.
I just never stayed with one family for too long. Reason one was because of my attitude.
Reason two, which happens to be the most likely, was because I could stay in one place.
I couldn't stand to be tied down to one family for too long. Gives you something to lose.
Most families were really nice and sometimes it was hard to go, but it was always for the best.
About a three years ago I thought it would be best for it to be just me alone.
Government wasn't very happy about my choice, but because I had made my own choice.
Plus they also knew I was different and what better way to keep a mistake a secret
than to let it be on its own. And this choice is part of the reason why I'm at the academy.
You see about a year a ago I met someone. The Empty Card. He was like me.
Orphaned, a kid with the gift, and alone. Even though we have only known each other for
a year I feel we have become close. Closest I could ever allow someone to get.
Well we were trying to get out of some big trouble when these strange people came to our rescue.
At first I was mean and hateful. I don't like when others step in to help me.
Then they mentioned others like us with gifts. That there was a school for us to be safe.
I didn't care one bit for it but he wanted to go and I gotten so used to him I didn't
want to be alone anymore. So I tagged along. Come to find out we didn't read the fine print.
Arranged marriage. Oh how the agony. I have heard stories of arrange marriages where
at first they won't accept each other but soon fall in love. Foolish fairy tales if you
ask me. I met some of the others that go to the academy and they aren't too bad, but
not one would I trust enough to marry to. That is until we actually found out who we are
to marry. I'm actually happy with it because it's him and I trust him more than anyone.


ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 10:18 am
Empty Card

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Kida Orihara

YO! Wassaup, dude?! [/big grin], it's confidential, but my name is Orihara, Kida! But nowadays they call me
Empty Card (how laaaame!) or just Kida
. As of June 19 I turned 18 years old. If you have not noticed,
I am a
good lookin' boy! My companion for the rest of my life is hawk. They call it a gift, but I think otherwise.
My abilities are
the element air and light. So, technically speaking, I can blind people and fly in the air - how fun!
(It's also quite useful when one's trying to run away from people)

People have called me plenty of things - but I personally think I am very friendly, enthusiastic, and outgoing.
You can find me fooling around, smiling, making awesome (in reality, they're horrible) jokes, teasing friends
(like Zaya and his "girlfriend" - Belle), and occasionally hitting on the beautiful ladies. But don't get me wrong,
I care about my friends and I have this big brother relationship with Zaya. In fact, that's how he recognized me
when I came to the Academy, despite not seeing him for years, my bubbly personality and genius (they're
not awesome, they're lame - I HEARD THAT) jokes that convinced me that I was Kida and not some wacko.
But personally, underneath it all, my enthusiastic, happy-go-lucky demeanor is actually a mask of my true,
much less secure self. I worry a lot about major choices ([/whispering] and falls short of being paralyzed by his
fears) but when I finally make a choice - I stick with it through the thick and thin! I have a strong feeling of
responsibility for my friends, and I take insults about them very seriously. I'm a carefree guy, but never try to
tick me off. I'll make your life a living hell. Thanks to my orphan life on the streets, I picked up some fighting
skills, and even better - I'm not afraid to use 'em! Bwahahahahaha!

I'd rather not tell you, but you might as well be informed. Yea, I'm an orphan, what's there to say? I have no recollection
of my parents, I have no idea if I have siblings, and I have no information or contact info about any other relatives.
Orphan, pure and simple. In fact, I never even had a family before, I was generally out on the run, avoid being taken
in by the police and sent to fake foster families. Then eventually, in my little travels around the area,
I found Gracie. At first, I sort of wondered what in the world she was doing in Japan, since I had never heard such
a "strange" name like hers before. For some reason under the sky - I have honestly no clue - she decided to stay
with me. Probably because we had these weird gifts of sorts, but I wasn't about to decline her offer. It wasn't everyday
that someone offered to live the wacky dangerous street disasters I naturally got myself into. I had some trouble
with her negative personality, seriously, I probably saw more then she did - and she was living a rather softer life
then me being in the foster family system. So naturally, thanks to our polar opposite personalities, we clash every
now and then, only to meet up a few hours later and laugh it off as if nothing had ever happened. But even with our
differences, I was very surprised to see that she had actually stayed with me through the thick and thin. Once I
went to go visit Izaya, only to find that he had finally managed to go off to his dream Academy off in Europe. It
was around then I kinda nearly got caught by the police again, so we had to get a run for it. Turns out during that
whole fiasco, these other elemental wackos came up and helped us with our little escape. Then explained about
the same darn exact Academy that Zaya wanted to go. After expressing heavy interest (and a little help from
Zaya's family) the two of us were soon going to Winter Cherry Academy. Although since it was a first time experience
for me being at school, I'm not really used to all that system sort of thing, so I ended up looking like an eccentric
idiot to most people. But I picked it up really quick! And then came the arranged marriage - hey! It's not my fault
that I can't read English! So then I found out that my partner was Gracie, I'm not complaining or anything since I
seriously know-know her! But then there was Ace - that one deadly girl that reminded me so much of Gracie when
I first meet her. I wanted to see if I could get her to lighten up and be more optimistic towards others. Hey, I probably
have all the excuses in the world to be all moody and anti-social, but I chose not to be. You guys had the nice life -
and yet you're all giving the looks and the "I don't give a [/censor]" attitude. WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH
YOU PAMPERED PEOPLE?! Alright, I'm done ranting. As you probably noticed - I have a hard time with those
pessimistic anti-social people.

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