lets keep this simple. basically, all you have to do is follow gaia's TOS.
but here are my few simple requests;

-be respectful to other people.
-dont make a character that cant be killed.
-^no GMing
-for the love of god, if you kill someone, DO NOT bring them back to life.
-dont play other people's characters.
-violence is amazing.
-romance is unnecessary.
-do not do anything stupid.
-you can have as may characters as you can handle.
-dont let people roleplay alone ):
-the more roleplays your in, the more i'll like you biggrin
-you can start whatever roleplay you wish
-the more you start, the more i'll love you biggrin
-pictures in character discription!
-have a SEPARATE thread for the characters of your roleplay.
-and a link from the character list to the rp, and vise-versa.
-tell me if someone is causing any promblems.
-the creator of the roleplay has full authority over his/her roleplay.
-what they say goes.
-only i can overrule them ;3 *heh heh...*
-i can add/remove any rules i want.
-if you dont like, you dont have to stay.
-if you want to leave the roleplay, simply tell the creator.
-or, just do what i do, and kill your character.
-plot twists are amazing and more than welcome!
-for the more complicated roleplays, seek me out! biggrin (pm me)
-complicated roleplays will have to be approved by me.
- ^if its not a complicated roleplay, then dont worry about that last rule.
-((please keep out of play things in double parenthesis))
-in-play things in any readable color
-"dialogue is in quotations."
-thoughts are in italics.....
-stressing a word or phrase is underlined.
-quiet talking and whispers should be in this small size! (but not super small.... thats impossible to read)
-please post at least 2ce a week! (:
-enjoy the roleplay! this is all for fun
-dont take anything personally. most likely its the character, not the person.
-dont get seriously injured and be perfectly fine in like.... 2 days. (there are exceptions)
-dont have a character out of place in the roleplay. everything needs to flow naturally.

and for the sake of keeping things simple, the only way to tell a complicated roleplay from a normal one;
if there is an OUT-OF-PLAY plot and an IN-PLAY plot, its a complicated roleplay.
please, do not join if you cant handle this. its really not as complicated as it seems.

to make it even more simpler;
the OOP plot is what you know, but your character DOESNT know.
the IP plot, is what your character knows.

EDIT; Added Rules
- do not get more than 2 pages ahead of any person in the rp.
- everyone must have at least 1 post every 2 pages.