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Desirable Sex Symbol

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PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:54 pm
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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 9:40 am
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxLet's make the rain pour down on e v e r y t h i n g

            Age: Twenty-five, though appears to be sixteen.
            Gender: Female
            I was once: Desiree Hall
            My ability: Desire has the ability to shift her physical form into any image she has in mind. She takes the form of a young girl most of the time and her true form is unknown to anyone but her and those who have dared to see it are already dead by then.
            My song: Gollum's Song // Emilíana Torrini
            My Voice: Okazaki Ritsuko
            Love them: Desire has a love for Lolita-like clothing, her love for elegant dresses and lacy clothing often getting the best of her. She finds that it suits her beautiful doll-like figure and rather likes to show it off. A liking that she inherited from her past life is her love for dancing and singing. Often she will dance in her room, listening to classical music and pretending that she was on a stage. She would sing to herself at times, pretending the many dolls and teddy bears in her room were a small audience of people. And sometimes, you would think that they were, with their eerie smiles and watchful eyes. Another thing that Desire loves is sweets, for she is often seen eating nothing but cake, candy, or a sweet tea. Usually she will refuse anything that doesn't have a sweet taste.
            Burn them all: Desire has a hatreds toward loud noises such as lightning or piercing screams. Often she will get frustrated when near them and will throw a temper tantrum. She will groan or scream until the noise goes away and try whatever it takes to make the noise go away. Desire dislikes humans more than anything, she finds them irritating and selfish. In each human she see's, she finds a faint memory of her past life, which disgusts her tremendously. Another dislike of hers is women, as she finds them fragile beings who are incapable of strength, unlike herself for she finds herself without a gender but beautiful all the same.

xxxxxDear Diary...

      In her past life, Desire was once known as Desiree Hall, a famous dancer and performer. She was a well accomplished woman and a woman of great beauty. It was this that led her to be quite popular among men and to become married at the age of only seventeen. is names was Charles Walker, an accomplished high-ranked military officer. He was a kindly man whom always came to all of her shows and at the end of each one he would always give her a bouquet of scarlet red roses. It was this quality in him that had led to her to fall in love with him and marry him without a second though. She was so young and so head over heels that she didnt waste time thinking of the consequences.

      With her young age and popularity, Desiree was quite the idol among many great socialites of the Amestris government. Known for her fashion, beauty, and wonderful singing voice Desiree was also quite popular among men. She was also made famous for her elegant parties, of which only the most elite and powerful Amestrians were invited. She was very much in love, with both her husband and the sudden stage light put upon her. Though she had what appeared to be a wonderful marriage, it seemed that the amount of love seemed only upon her heart, for her husband seemed ignorant of any feelings of the sort. It seemed that she was his trophy and she had no choice to be as such, for when marrying Charles she left behind her dancing career as well as any family and friends she once had. Wealthy society was cold and cruel, and with her known debts she could not survive without her husbands money.

      It was her husband's lack of affection though, that caused her to feel a growing loneliness. He was a harsh man, no longer the handsome boy whom had always greeted her at the end of her shows, with eyes bright and a charming smile. It was the loss of such a love that Desiree looked to others for affection, finding it a source of comfort and relief. But it was those flirtatious ways that had made Charles angry with her and in this anger that he had cut off all of her strings to the outside world. He alienated her from others, allowing no visitors to talk to her and ignoring all phone calls. Desiree, being the free spirit she is, couldn't accept being locked up. She was only capable of talking to the servants and even then it was hard to find those whom she could talk to, for they were either to scared to loose their job or were simply not interested in Desiree's talks of ballet or of singing.

      In her solitude, Desiree spent her time alone in her room or in the Estate's lavish gardens. She would sing to herself or dance if only for an audience that wasn't there. During one of her afternoon's there, she met a gardener by the name of Sampson Riley. He was a gardener whom after an amount of time Desiree had grown close to. He was her only friend and during his work, he taught her things she had never known before, such as the names of specific plants and which ones could heal one's wombs or take the life of another. He was an intelligent man whom shared her interest of dancing and show business. Often she would sing to him as he was her only company and the bright light within her dim future. It was this fondness in each others company that had them falling for each other. They had an affair in secret, for if Charles were to find out who would know the terrible consequences. Afterwards, Desiree had gotten pregnant with Sampson's child, though she herself had not known such an important factor.

      Unfortunately though, it was Charles whom had found out first. With her growing size and their lack of any physical contact, he had suspected her of an affair and whats more, a pregnancy of someone other than himself. He had began to go crazy with rage, for he would allow no other man to love her or touch her but him. He was a man filled with envy and pride, and it was this that drove him on a rampage. He destroyed everything he could grasp and as Desiree walked through the door he couldn't bear the thought of her within the arms of anyone but himself. He wanted the proof. If she really were pregnant than the child would not be his, but if he was wrong than there would be nothing to fear.

      Her screams were unbearable to his ears, but he needed the proof. He needed her to be empty inside... Days later, officers found Desiree sprawled upon the floor, her belly cut open and her eyes dead open in terror. In the corner the found a crazed Charles, a bloody blade in hand and eyes in shock. Next to him lay a small burlap sack, drenched in blood. He kept rocking back and forth, muttering to himself darkly. "It was in there... but I got it out...it's gonna be now...okay..." He kept on repeating this, even after the officers had taken him away and put him into a hospital. He had gone crazy, and after a while, the world had soon forgotten him. As for Sampson, his grief had overcome him and he resorted to alchemy in order to restore the life of his now lost love. And so, after months and months of research, Sampson performed human transmutation- the ultimate taboo. In the process, he lost both his legs and what he had created had come back to haunt him. Desire was created, and along with her birth Sampson had died. He was found with a gun in his hand and a bullet wound in his head. A supposed "suicide" due to the guilt and grief of his affair with Desiree Hall.
      After Sampson's death and her "rebirth", Desire went out on her own, joining a group of homunculi whom were determined to control Amestris and the fragile humans within it. Desire found humans to be weak and selfish beings, whom were capable of nothing but sustaining their own lives. She grew a hatred of humans and a love of toying with them. She now uses her newfound ability to manipulate such beings and has found her new meaning in this world- to control the humans and create a new world where they will pay for the sins they have created.

xxxxxSo I'm a bit...
      Desire is cold, playful, and flirtatious, and with this, she is the woman every guy wants. Desire has no trouble getting guys to give into her every whim and loves to use that to her advantage. She is a controlling person and a seems to enjoy making people angry or aggressive, finding it amusing how easily upset people can get. Desire can be secretive and never really trusts in anyone. She doesn't even seem to be fully capable of trusting in herself. Desire has no full memory of her past, and even the parts she does remember she does not tell anyone about as she figures there is no need to know of a life that is not her own. She has a childish side however, and shows it on most occasions. Never having the ability to be a child, nonetheless have one, she often likes to toy with others and play rather dark games. Desire is considered to be just a bit twisted. Having to live an empty life could do that to a person. She is violent and has a destructive personality although she will rarely show it, due to the fact that it is unladylike and does not suit her beautiful appearance. Despite everything though, there is a part of Desire that is waiting to be freed. A part of her that is kind and caring, although its almost impossible to show. Almost.

ll Vintage Nerd llxxx


Desirable Sex Symbol

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Desirable Sex Symbol

10,650 Points
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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:47 am
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxLet's make the rain pour down on e v e r y t h i n g

            Age: forty nine, but will never admit it! He often lies about his ages ans tells people his is a man of forty, or even thirty nine when he is flirting.
            Gender: male, will tell people that he is the picture of manliness when he is showing off
            Military Positionknown as the silver alchemist, due to his manipulation of different metals, silver being his forte.
            My song: Driver's High // L' Arc~en~ciel
            My Voice: Ryotaro Okiayu
            Love them: cigarettes (he is a huge nicotine addict and is almost constantly with one in his mouth), poking fun at others (even though he does not do it meanly he can get on a person's nerves), his daughter's cooking
            Burn them all: being called old (do that and those will be your last words), the loss of his wife, any man who tried to take his daughter away

xxxxxDear Diary...
      David is the only surviving child of his parents, Bruno and Lilith Trimble. As a child, he was often spoiled and able to get away with murder due to the fact that his parents had suffered seven miscarriages and two stillborn children. Because of his upbringing though, many people in his home town began to call him lazy, often saying things like “That boy will never amount to anything” or “A spoiled child like that needs to have a good whipping to get him into shape.” Most of them were right though, David was constantly in trouble, doing things like being caught sleeping in the hayloft he should have been fixing, in bed with his neighbors daughter, getting drunk at the local tavern and being kicked out after trying to start a fight with a man three times his size and ten times stupider, all of this just before he was twenty.

      When he hit his twenty first birthday and was thrown into the real world was when David met his calling, Alchemy. At first, he had no interest in the stuff, but had taken a job with a state alchemist as a research assistant. Mostly his job was to clean out supplies and try not to break anything, a simple task that he should have been able to handle. Of course, him still being the lazy young man that he was, he was almost constantly putting off work and dropping materials. One day during his break though, bored out of his mind, he found himself going through his employer’s study for something to read when he fell upon and old alchemy book. Everything inside interested him greatly and before long he found himself immersed with the information.

      Alchemy became his life, replacing his history of one night stands with women, getting good and drunk, and just being a screw up, and making him a new man. He found himself spending all fighters reading up on different metals ands learning how to manipulate them to his own use, even making a few transmutation circles for himself that nobody else could think of. Three days after his twenty third birthday and with his parents watching, David took and passed the state alchemy exam, becoming known as the Silver Alchemist. For the first time in his life, he felt that his parents were proud of him. Sadly though, that was the last time he saw them alive. On their way out of central, they died in a train accident.

      For the next six years, David became a shadow of himself. With his parents gone, he had nothing really to live for, no other family and he was in Central where he knew nobody. He would do his work; spend the money he made, mostly gambling or even for a cheap thrill with a prostitute. In many ways, he was just going through the motions in life. It was when he was thirty though that he met the woman that he would eventually marry. Her name was Katherine Dubois, often called Kat. She was a waitress at the bar where he usually spent his nights. Their first conversation had happened after he had gotten kicked out after a brawl that he pretty much started. During the fight, his cheek had been gashed and his lip split open, making his face a bit bloody but not any serious injuries. Kat did not know that though and she had followed him out of the bar, panicking. “Oh my god!” she cried. “You’re hurt! Let me get you home so that you’ll be comfortable.”

      By the way tha he acted, many would think that she though he was going to die. David had gotten a thrill from this woman and took her up on her offer. He pretty much expected that he would sleep with her than he would never have to see her again. His plans were cut short though when he tried to come on to her and she calmly told him that if he tried anything that she would castrate him on his kitchen floor. For the first time in years, he have laughed so hard and finally she joined in. Seven months later, they married and became the Troskeys.

      After a few months of a happy marriage, the couple got obsessed with having a child. David was thirty one at the time and Kat was three years older than him, they both knew that their biological clocks for having kids were running fast so babies, babies, and more babies become their ritual. After trying for two years though, they went to see a doctor in the military who told them that having kids was most likely never going to happen for them. They were crushed and had given up. But fate had something in store for them. Four years later, after going to the same doctor for stomach problems, Kat found out that she was pregnant. When Lily was born, David fell in love with his child and named her after his mother. He found everything about her amazing, even the part that she was pretty much the female version of him in looks, as people said.

      For the next couple of years the family lived a normal life. Kat was a house wife who took care of their nice house in central during the day along with Lily, While David worked hard as a state alchemist and came home to his wife an daughter every night. When the fever hit central though, the family had taken sick. He ended up being fine, nothing but a small cough that went away within days, but his wife had died and his daughter the same as him, devestated.

      It took him a couple of months, but David managed to pull himself together and take care of his child as a single parent. A few years later, after the Shou Tucker incident where the man had turned his daughter into a chimera, David was offered his position in the Tucker house so he could work with using the human body's elements study possible illnesses and cures.

xxxxxSo I'm a bit...
      David is a pretty laid back guy. At times he can be a bit obnoxious and childish, often going on about how his could take anybody in a fight that he wants too. With his age though, he will get angry whenever somebody calls him an old man, often by his alchemy students. He is very popular with the older woman in town, mostly because he still looks young and has a happy attitude.

The sweet far thingxxx

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxLet's make the rain pour down on e v e r y t h i n g

            Age: sixteen
            Gender: female
            My song: Wish // Sowelu
            My Voice: Yuki Matsuoka
            Love them: simple word games (most of the times she will make bad puns that only she can understand), most house work (is a simple minded person who aspires to be a house wife), and her father
            Burn them all: anything that has cheese in it, being called stupid, her bad dreams that she has where she is trapped in her own body and unable to move

xxxxxDear Diary...
      Lily was born under the name Lilith Marnie Trimble in Central City, Amestris. Her father, David was a state alchemist and her mother, KAT, stayed at home with her daughter while her husband worked. The first two years of her life were normal though. She was a healthy toddler who put her parents through the normal struggles, swallowing objects that she should never have even put into her mouth in the first place, wetting the bed occasionally, crawling in bed with her parents when she had a bad dream, the usual. It was a few months after her third birthday though when the sickness struck. A few had spread across the country side and while David and her only had a mild cough, her mother took sick and died..

      After her mother's death, the small child did not know what do do, nearly finding herself lost in her own sadness. All she wanted was her mother and for her Papa to smile again, the three of them. But Memories of her mother faded as sher father took over her life and became both roles of mother and father to her. As soon as she was old enough she found herself following him everywhere and basking in the way her father adored her and doted on her, being a classic daddy's girl.

xxxxxSo I'm a bit...
      When people first meet Lily, she is considered two things: pretty, but stupid. Even though she is not the brightest person that one would meet, she is not an idiot, just a bit dim witted, bordering on ignorance. Despite this though, she is an exceptionally sweet girl, trusting, putting others before herself constantly. Because of this though, she is often walked upon and taken advantage of without her even knowing it.

      Despite the hidden power that she holds though, Lily is a small town girl. In her future, she sees herself as a stay at home mother with a few kids and a husband. She has never seen herself as anything else and can get upset when people tell her that she is just wasting her time in having such childish dreams and that she should want more for herself.

The sweet far thingxxx

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxLet's make the rain pour down on e v e r y t h i n g

            Age: he was created three years ago but appearsto be in his early twenties. he will claim to be much older though.
            Gender: male
            I was once:Denny Washbrad
            My ability:he has the ability to let his body phase through solid objects. Because of this, it leads to his method of killing, mostly by running his hand through the heads of his victims and turning their brains to mush by solidifying once more.
            My song: What's up People? // Maximum the Hormone
            My Voice: Sōichirō Hoshi
            Love them: his control over the others, the possible fall of Amestris, anything sweet
            Burn them all: humans, those who even attempt to challenge him, alchemy

xxxxxDear Diary...
      Years earlier, Denny Washbrad was born to a small family in Xenotime. His father, Adele, was a miner and his mother, Susan, stayed at home. Growing up, he was lonely and often played for hours by himself, which was how the boy discovered his love for painting. Seeing his son's talent, Adele would often surprise his son with painting supplies and an infinite number of canvases. Yet to Susan, the family was too small. After her son's birth, she had been told by the doctor that she could not longer have children. A miracle happened though. When Denny was twelve years old, his mother gave birth to a baby girl.

      At first sight, Denny was in awe at his little sister. He was happy to see that she had blonde hair and blue eyes like him, instead of his parents' brown hair and hazel eyes. "She is mine?" he asked as his parents chuckled, telling him that she was his baby sister, Elizabeth. "I will take care of you." he said with a wide smile. Unlike most older brothers, Denny loved his sister more than anything and would never get mad at her, even when she would spill paint all over his new work or art or even when she knocked down at least a months supply of paint. He loved her and became protective of her.

      Years went on and Denny grew up to be a talented young man, trying to pursue a career as an artist, never wanting to be just another mine worker. Tragedy struck though when he was sixteen and Elizabeth was only four. While he was at a local market, trying to sell some of his paintings to local tourists, his parents and sister were on a train to Central, a small treat that the family would once a month go to a small restaurant for dinner. The train crashed though, dozens of lives lost.

      Denny was called to Central hospital, only to have two military officers tell him that his parents were dead and his sister's back had been broken, leaving her paralyzed from the waist down. Seeing her in the hospital bed nearly caused him to fall to his knees, but he promised himself that he would stay strong for Elizabeth. "Big brother?" The small child whispered as she tried to sit up, still crying. "Mama and Daddy, they aren't coming back. The officers say that I will have to live with grandpa." Their grandfather was a known alcoholic who had a bad habit of taking his frustrations on those around him.

      "That will never happen!" Denny declared as he wrapped his sister in a hug, never wanting to let her go. "I will take care of you. I promise that I will never eave you!" And that is what he did. He took Elizabeth home a few months later and vowed that he would fight to keep her. For seven long, but happy years the two lived together. Denny worked in the mines the way that his father did to support his sister, becoming the only parent that she remembered. At eleven, she became an exceptionally bright girl, paralyzed or not, that would spend hours reading, her biggest interest being alchemy.

      "Big brother!" she would call, following him to the stone porch before sunrise, when he was on his way to work. "I have to tell you something." her sentence was always cut short thought when she saw how she could not roll her wheelchair down the stairs. Seeing this gave Denny an idea. Before leaving for work, he would write Elizabeth letters and as she followed him to the back yard, he would throw her these letters via paper airplane. His messages were often little things like; "have a good day!" or "I'll be home late so just make yourself dinner." These paper planes became a habit for the two of them. Every morning she looked forward to getting these letters.

      The sadness of the Washbrad family came back though, this time with Denny. While he was in the mines, the twenty three year old man made one small mistake and caused a tunnel to collapse, smothering him. After his death, Eleven year old Elizabeth was sent to live with her grandfather and deal with his abuse for two years before she got the idea to bring her brother back. "He broke his promise." She told herself and the young woman spent all of her time doing the research until that fateful day.

      During the transmutation, Elizabeth knew she had nothing left to lose and could only picture her brother's smiling face as she held the last paper plane that he gave her. Then the gate opened and she saw the truth. Equivalent exchange was cruel and took away her eyes, leaving her blind. "Brother!" She screamed, her body riddled with pain and on the ground. Feeling around, she felt a hand where her creation was. "Please help me, it hurts so bad. Don't leave me alone again!"

      This was not Denny though, the boy remained dead while Vengeance just stood and stared. He was aware of what he was and just looked at the poor girl with a disgusted look as he pulled a blanket over his naked body. "Fine, I was going to kill you but I will take your words into consideration too." he said, in Denny's voice with Denny's smile. For the poor girl, this was too much and she would rather be dead. Yet acting as a family member, Vengeance had her sent to a mental hospital in Xenotime, saying how she was delusional and had blinded herself during one of her fits.

      For over a year Vengeance was alone, watching the humans from his own distain and killing whoever he needed to get a place to stay. Nobody was safe from his wrath, whole families would die just because he wanted to use their house to stay in for the night. It was two years ago when he met Fran, a mysterious man with white hair. This man offered Vengeance a place in the new order. He could be part of creating a new world where the pain and disorder created by alchemy would be vanished. This Fran claimed that he could defy the god on the other side of the gate and could bring back the humanity that he figured Vengeance wanted.

      For about six months, the homunculus pretended to work along side Fran until he bretrayed him. When Fran least expected it, Vengeance stuck him in the back of the head and took over the new order, changing their location from Fran's simple lodging to the former home of Dante. Instead of killing Fran though, vengeance did much, much worse. He had the man's tendons cut in his legs and the main muscles slices in his arms, leaving him unable to use alchemy, or even hold objects and walk! If the other Homunculi ask about their leader, Vengeance will just give them a story he made up saying how Fran was planning to hand them over to the state for money and that he was one of them all alonge.

xxxxxSo I'm a bit...
      Vengeance is a very controlling creature. If he does not get his way than he is known to go balistic and even hurt those who trust him the most. Some would call him the ultimate control freak.

The Sweet Far Thingxxx
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