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Nano Code

Lonely Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 6:27 pm
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:55 pm
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"Just a warning, if you make me mad, I'll probably kill you..."

Jack Thomas King

You may call me Jack, but in the asylum I was also called Psychotic murderer...or something like that...

About Eighteen years have past.

If I take off my shirt it's clear I'm a Male

According to my birth certificate, I was born on March 1st and died on September, 28, 1963

My hospital records say I'm Exactly 6' 5" tall and I weigh 154 lbs

xxxxI grew up in a typical 60's neighborhood. Captain of the food ball team for a dad, and a mom who was always baking. The school was full of "Average Jo's" and "Marry Sue's". It was sicking. I hated the place. I wouldn't say I loved my mom, our relationship was multiple. My dad was another story. We hated being in the same room as each other. He wanted me to be a sports guy, and I was the exact opposite. School was worse, I had multiple peopled beating me instead of just my dad. 'the only reason was this one girl. She was a punk and she was one of the many people who abused me on a daily basis. I was even looked down on by the dorks. But this girl seemed to be the only person who would beat me and I still could not hate her. I hated it.

I was eating dinner with my family and I had enough of fighting with my dad. I stabbed him in the head and sliced my mom's thought. The punk girl I couldn't hate lived a few houses down. My mind just snapped and the me who wanted to just get by was dead. I killed almost everyone in my neighborhood, including the girl I liked. I was sent to an asylum were I escaped by killing everyone in it, and setting the other psycho's free. Two days later I got shot by a farmer who wanted the cash reward for my death.

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I am unique. . .
I have an unstable and psychotic personality. I enjoy death and dark things. I'm also probably bi-polar. One second I'm fine, but the next I'm full of uncontrollable anger. When I'm angry I get very violent and destructive. It's safest to just run away when I'm like this, don't worry i won't take it personally. I do have a soft spot for sweets tho...

I find joy in these things. . .
♥ Dark places
♥ Stars/the moon
♥ Blood
♥ Music
♥ Night time
♥ The outdoors

But I absolutely hate these. . .
x The asylum I escaped from...
x Overly happy people
x The taste of burnt food, it makes me sick
x Most people
x People who jump to conclusions
x Really crowded places, they make me uneasy.

The song my heart plays . . .
Monster by Skillet
Smiling like a killer by Motorhead
Psyco Killer by Talking Heads

No one knows everything about me. . . I love Ice cream and sweets...

I'm pretty good at. . . Well I am...or was known for the many murders I did. I guess it's a skill, almost like art.

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. . . You can look in almost any library and find news papers or books that refer to me in some way. I'm very proud of that fact.

My Actions and Words Are Controls by: Nano Code

Nano Code

Lonely Sex Symbol

Nano Code

Lonely Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 6:29 pm
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"Fate controls who walks into your life, but you decide who you let walk out, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go. "

Summer Reyna Fitzgerald

You may call me Summer or Reyna

About 18 years have past.

If I take off my shirt it's clear I'm a Female

According to my birth certificate, I was born on May 26th 1992.

My hospital records say I'mExactly5’ 2”tall and I weigh 158

xxxxSummer use to be a happy child, her parents shielded her from their fighting. She knew something was wrong when her mom never came home on her 8th birthday. Her mother sent her an angel figurine for her birthday with a note that read “Hold onto what keeps you happy, your life could change in an instant.” She broke that day, her happiness melted away. Then, her father started drinking excessively. She would hid in her room for hours, the only thing that distracted her from her fear and sorrow was her violin, her baby grand piano, and her voice. She would spend hours writing music, listening to classical pieces and becoming completely immersed into the music. Then, on day after a particularly large drinking binge, her father stormed in her room, swearing at her, yelling something about what a traitor she was. His voice echoed across her memory. “You shouldn’t have left us, you whore! You dirty whore!!” He ripped her violin from her tight grasp and threw it against the wall. His hands wrapped around her throat. “Daddy! Daddy! It’s me!” She choked, sobbing hysterically. She struggled from his grasp, hiding from his terror between the bed and the piano. In a fit of rage, her father picked up the glass figurine, chucking it against the wall. She cried silently as her father left the room. She thought it was over, but it wasn’t. He came back with a large hammer, taking it to her lovely ivory keys. She watched in horror from her corner as he destroyed the only things she ever held dear to her heart. His eyes met hers as he realized the thing that he was a danger to her. Through his hysteria, he called child services on himself. A week later she was ripped from her home and sent to live with a family who didn’t care for her much. She was passed from family to family for almost 6 years, living in a shell of her former self.

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M o R e _ A b O u T _ m E

I am unique. . .
Extremely sigh and reserved, she hardly even speaks. If she could, she would avoid the world and drown herself in her music, but with her foster family living from pay check to pay check, she had to get a job. She finds it hard to work with people, but forces herself to appear happy to the world. In her silence, she watched many people around her and learns from their mistakes. She longs to feel a part of society again, but society has given up on her.

I find joy in these things. . .
♥ Music
♥ Singing
♥ Sweets of Any Kind
♥ Playing the Violin

But I absolutely hate these. . .
x Booze
x People who Leave
x Broken Violin Strings
x Wasting life Away

The song my heart plays . .
Concrete Angel

No one knows everything about me. . . She is slightly afraid of men, many people actually. She wants to involve herself, but she doesn't always have the right words, so she stumbles alot. She is trying though.

I'm pretty good at. . . She sings, she plays the violin and the piano. She can tell when people are in distress and hurting, but fear of getting hurt prevents her from helping those around her. She regrets her fear everyday and just tries to life with herself.

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. . . I have a small tattoo on the base of my neck.

My Actions and Words Are Controls by: KassandraHawkin
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 3:37 pm
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"No matter how smart or wise, one may be able to know everything, but they will never know love until they learn it themselves."

Nayeli Marie Hughes

You may call me Yeli or Marie.

About seventen years have past.

If I take off my shirt it's clear I'm a female.

According to my birth certificate, I was born on February eleventh, 1994..

My hospital records say I'm exactly 5'8" tall and I weigh 110lbs.

xxxxFrom the moments my brother and I were born, both of my parents new we were to be bright young people. They were the type of people that looked upon their children to be what they expected of them and hoped it would turn out well. Both of my parents, Lydia and Alex, were great people. They cherished my younger brother and I with such love that it was too much for us, but we accepted it. My younger brother, Xavier, was a good boy, or at the time at least. Always looking after me and everything even if I was the eldest.. School for him and I was harsh. Our parents pushed us into challenging classes to help us have high GPAs and to make us smarter in life. For me, my parents pushed Piano and Language Learning into my mind to help my memory of things. For Xavier, they made him do sports to his boost his chances of getting into college on a athletic scholarship. Doing such wasn't great at the time. By the middle school came around, the dealings of drugs and alcohol abuse came into play. I for one didn't get into it, I focused on my grades and dealt with the crap that went on around me. Drama, backstabbers, the occasional envious bitches who followed me around thinking if they were in my presence they'd catch whatever I had. The drugs happened to kick up with my brother though.. He got into steroids to help with the sports he was in outside school due to the fact he was placed in with the higher players of football and soccer. My mom found out through some of the coach moms and confronted Xavier about it. He came through on the fact he was taking drugs and was taken out of activities for a while. No less than five months or so of not being in sports and being away from drugs, the time I was barely in the middle of my seventh grade year, he got into gangs and things of that nature. My mom and I were driving by an area where two groups of kids broke out into a riot and had police men swarming around trying to stop it. Realizing Xavier was in it, she stopped the car and got out of it like the crazy mother she was. She slipped into the fight after getting around police to pull my brother out and accidentally got shot when a officer's finger slipped on his tripper after giving off a warning to end the fight. Xavier hasn't been the same since then, and now our dad blames the fact of how stupid Xavier was at the time. I on the other hand, still can't believe she's gone.

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M o R e _ A b O u T _ m E

I am unique. . .
My persona you say? Well, it's a little odd if you ask me. I come off as a happy person due to the fact I dislike being sad. If I ever am sad, it's only if I'm reminded of my mom or am seriously hurt when it comes to my emotions on love. My love status is a bit troubling.. I've only fallen in love once but the love they gave me was fake which makes me very upsetting when it comes down to that. Most of the time I am understanding and new judgmental, unless I am provoked. When I am I come off as someone who has two split minds and suddenly appear angry, which can be quite often if you know me well enough. On the other hand, I have good sense of humor. I'm always managing to keep a smile on people's faces if they are upset in anyway in hopes of calming them down. Due to being as smart as I am, I may explain things too well for one to understand as quickly as I would. Sometimes I come of as timid when it comes down to being around certain people I may have feelings for, or when complimented.

I find joy in these things. . .
♥Seeing my younger brother happy

But I absolutely hate these. . .
xFake people
xThose who try to pick fights with me
xAnyone who messes with my family

No one knows everything about me. . .
No one knows the real truth behind my mother's death. Whenever anyone asks about my mom's death, I just tell them she was in a car accident rather than saying she was shot down by an idiot of a officer.

I'm pretty good at. . .
Thanks to my mom for having me play piano, I became so well with the thing I am considered a professional player. I don't play as much anymore due to the fact it's embarrassing and to much of a reminder towards my mom.

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. . .
I took language lessons when I was younger, so I am slightly fluent in the language of German. I speak it around people in attempts to annoy them and hope to make fun out of it.

My Actions and Words Are Controls by: BonBonRawr

Nano Code

Lonely Sex Symbol

Nano Code

Lonely Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:46 pm
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"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

Isabell Josephine D'LionCourt

You may call me Izzy, Bell, Josie

About Eight-Teen years have past.

If I take off my shirt it's clear I'm a Friggin' Female

According to my birth certificate, I was born on February 30th and died on Well...We'll see When the time comes, won't we?

My hospital records say I'm Exactly 5'7"'s tall and I weigh 120 Lbs.

xxxx Isabell isn't your typical Teenager. Late Teen's actually. Being born into a prominent family sure does change things. Haven't you noticed throughout history? There is always that one sibling that tries to reach out for things that aren't the norm. Things that are all their own. That situation seems to be the case of Isabell. Her parents and her sister trying to force her into things and be things she does not want to do, shouldn't really surprise you when you find she acts, talks, walks and looks the way she does.

It wasn't always this way. Things used to be much, much more simple. But, time has a way of doing things to people, weather it be wealth, social norms or..well, anything. Isabell is the type of person to "Punch now and ask questions Later" Or "Get a tattoo cause No one likes it", in everyones eyes she's someone trying to be her own person, but in Isabell's eyes, she's just someone crying out to be loved for what she looks like and what she is capable of doing, on her own, her own terms.

For now, it'd have to suffice, she'll do many things because "Mommy and Daddy and that Betch of a sister, won't like it".

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M o R e _ A b O u T _ m E

I am unique. . .
..In Many ways. It has been said that the more Annoying you are, the more people can see into your soul. Well, Someone said that atleast. But, If anyone had an annoing bone in their body it would be Isabell. Being opinionated and Stubborn can do that to someone. But she wasn't always this way. Sometimes..Certain things in life cause your attitude to change. In drastic ways.

I find joy in these things. . .
♥ Sweets
♥ Music
♥ Asian Soap Operas

But I absolutely hate these. . .
x Arrogance
x Animal Cruelty
x The color Pink

The song my heart plays . . X- Japan - Without You
Critical Bill - My Suicide
The Roots - The Seed (2.0)

No one knows everything about me. . . I can speak two different Languages, per my parents teachings as a child. I am Fluent in Mandarin and Russin, but no one needs to know that since I speak nothing but English.

I'm pretty good at. . . Acrobatics. Mainly Hooping, It's my favorite and out of the ordinary. I also LOVE to play my Guitar and The Erhu.

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. . . I sport a few Tattoos. Arm Pieces, a Chest piece, a Tattoo on my Neck a Backpiece and a piece on my Right Hip/Leg. I also sport a few piercings. A piercing on the Left Side of my Lip and one under my Right Eye.

My Actions and Words Are Controls by: CandyCane831
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