Ever sence I got my new computer I've been having some issues.

Issue number 1:
Everytime I log into my computer,
the video cards driver install folder pops open.

Issue number 2:
My computer never remembers what I set my folder view settings for.

Issue number 3:
If I try to open a LARGE folder and play a video with VLC player,
it errors on me and shuts down "explorer" so my desktop has to refresh.


Aswer one:
For the first problem, I had to go into the "system configuration utility" and edit the "startup" tab to unclick a video card related item.

Answer 3: This one is cause by the DEP (data execution prevention) program.
It's designed to limit the use of higher levels of RAM to programs
that execute pure data instead of using EXE files.
It's suppose to protect you from viruses that do that,
HOWEVER it was becoming a MAJOR pain in my a**
because it was activating EVERY time I wanted to use VLC player to watch something,
that happens to be in a big folder.
So I had to edit the "C" drives "boot.ini" (and restart) to shut it off.

And because of my "virtual HDD files" (SPTD) the "Dr Watson" kernal debugger program was glitching and couldn't fix it.
(the virtual disk emulator DID warn me that it might conflict with kernal debuggers - so I disabled the virtual HDD too, while I was at it.)
AND YES "Dr Watson" is an ACTUAL system program ^.^
Just check your C:\Windows\system32 folder if you don't believe me.

Answer 2: This one is caused by the fact that explorer
only remembers settings for 600 folders
and once you've viewed that many,
it starts resetting them all to default.
(AKA, bumping off the oldest saved folders first)
This problem actually first popped up after I got my secondary internal HDD.

I haven't yet found a likable way to fix this one.
Because the only way I was able to find,
involves editing the registry,
to increase the folder number that "explorer" remembers.
And I DO so hate messing with the registry >.<
(The only other way, is to download and install a new file browser)
And THAT would be an even BIGGER pain.


Unfortuantely I now have another problem.
My DVD-burner is only able to burn ONE DVD A DAY,
and then it gives me "cyclic redundancy errors" on ALL following disks.
when I try to copy them back to my computer.
And that means that my drive is dying on me and I need a new one.
DAMNIT, I don't have money for a new one right now.