I would love some OC art <3 Here's some character info for you to peruse~

I've got monies. So post your samples and prices.

*23 years old
*5'9", slim - toned but not muscular
*Fur pattern: Main color is black, all markings are sky blue [like this].
Cheetah markings on face, leopard spots on body and huge fluffy stripy tail (like a red panda or raccoon, but bigger). On neck/chest/stomach, inner arms, inner thighs, palms, I want fainter blue and the spots to be smaller. Basically, all the places that would be white on the underside of a wild cat.
*Hair: Long. Black and blue as well. Not sure the exact style yet. Surprise me.
*Eyes: Bright blue to match fur listed.
*Piercings: tongue stud, two small hoops on each (cat) ear, bellybutton, left eyebrow (all silver), snakebites (black),
*Clothing: Um....it varies. Clothing isn't necessary. Skimpy shorts, I guess.

*Personality: Flirtatious and friendly, sometimes a bit cocky and impulsive
*Occupation: Dancer at nightclubs and bars

Thank you <3