User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. "He loves me, she loves me not,
she loves me, he loves me not,
he loves me, she - oh, blast!"

The heavy crash of waves against the bluff perfectly accompanies the kick and stamp, the stem of the denuded flower splintered viciously into the ground.

"It's all so silly, anyway…
It's all so silly, anyway! There is so much more to think about - so much more to do;
so much out there, so much to see, to taste, hear, touch -
I'll get out there -
leave the sea - the infinite vista awaits, exotic, exciting, alive to my eager step, the dense, spongy give of dark moss, the wet slap of dead leaves, the solid tap of wizened mangrove roots; the rapt, tireless tenacity of sucking mud, the sweet, steady serenity of cool, still lakes -
The nameless flowers, the fruits, that I will name, and taste, some delightful, that I will laugh, and taste again, again, until it is vanished and I will start on another, some bitter, that I will twist my tongue, and scrape it against rough bark until the memory fades; some yet that I will regret, stumbling, tumbling, till fever dreams have run their course and I find sweet fruit again -
The nameless creatures that I will name, that will run, startled and in fear, from me, that I must run, swiftly and in fright, from; that will perhaps instead turn backwards thrice, steal to my hoof, cautious and curious, till temptation overcomes and it rounds my sure limb, plucking daintily the morsel proffered from my lip and evermore become a companion, sure-limbed, beside me -
The songs, the stories, the songs that I will learn - all the stories, the songs, till I reach the ones that do not yet exist, and then they will, for I will sing them, tell them, sing them; all shall know these joys, and also the sorrows, for there will be sorrows, but I will tell them, sing them, that they shall know the sorrows and revel in the joys, sing them, tell them, dance them, sing them - all!"

- and munches up the plucked petals in a dazzling show of defiance.

Below, the waves continue to break, a blazing sun scattering diamonds across an endless sea. Seabirds call, wheeling across the open sky; stranger birds call beyond them, behind them. Surveying all that is familiar and home, vibrating finely with an illimitable energy, the kimeti asks:
"So, what now?"

"So, let's go!" the kimeti replied.