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[MY B2ST DREAM THREAD [ALL FICTION] Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 8 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:16 pm
okay so this is a thread where i pile up all my b2st dreams i manage to remember
i write them when i remember them
you can write your comments here of what you think of my dreams
gonna close the other thread I had on making comments about my dreams  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:17 pm
this is my FICTION dream of 'though i call' MV

the sky is very dark heavy rain and thunder
inside a dark bed room with kikwang sitting on a bed (singing his verse)
in the background is imaginative scenery.... like um.... kiki recalling what happened before

in the scene is a girl and kiki close together
you can see the sad emotion on the girl and kiki's face
the girl says in a low voice 'it's over'
then backs slowlly away letting go of kiki's hand

then it goes to doojoon standing next to a window (singing his verse)
same as kiki an imaginative scenery.....

the scene is outside, you see the girl being pushed on a swing by doojoon
she has a happy expression on her face
while kiki is watching with the sad expression on his face

then it goes to hyunseung sitting on a chair next to the window (singing his verse)

in the scene it goes to a happy memory kiki had with the girl
where the girl and kiki had a cute time playing around in the kitchen
with cake (cake fighting xDDD)

then it goes to kiki so you can see his expression as he is recalling the happy memory
he has a sad smile on his face

then it pans back in forth to yoseob leaning on the bed and hyunseung sittingon the chair and dongwoon standing near the closet (singing the chorus)

in the scene the imaginative scenery fades away and b2st leaves the scene (yeh except kiki)
the girl opens the door to the bed room and stands in front of kiki
she has a neckalace in her hand and holds it out to return it to kiki
kiki looks at it for a moment but doesn't take it
instead he closes her hand and tells her to keep it
the girl wonders why kiki wants her to have the necklace when clearly their relationship is over
kiki explains that she should have it to remember him by
the girl doesn't know what to say

it is still raining and thundering heavy

slowly b2st re-enters the room
starting with junhyung (cuz his rap comes next), he's just standing next to the door back against the wall

kiki stands up and gives the girl one last hug and kiss before officially saying good-bye to their relationship
the girl starts to cry as she lets go of his hand and walks out the room

then it pans back in forth to yoseob leaning on the bed and hyunseung on the chair and dongwoon standing near the closet [they re-enter the room](singing the chorus)

in the scene kiki is silently crying tears rolling down his cheeks
he still loves the girl a lot
he remembers one more happy memory with the girl
where they first confessed to eachother that they liked eachother

then the last scene doojoon re-enters the room
the rest of the the song is being sung (chorus/rap......)
it ends with all of them leaving the room

the end  



PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:18 pm
another b2st dream i had;
i was in a hospital holding a baby and b2st was all around me
then i woke up questioning myself
who is the father xDD  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:19 pm
another b2st dream i had
they were teaching me the moves to freeze
all though freeze has no dance or mv
i can't remember the dance steps though xD  



PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:20 pm
this isn't a dream but i though i'd put it up here since i though of it

(make me a little FICTION on how i got to cube united)

it wasn't EASY locating B2ST AIRLINES but i finally found it
my parents weren't happy about me leaving but i said 'it's a nice CHANGE for you guys. you won't have to see me for a month'
they dropped me off at the B2ST AIRLINES and waved good bye
as i borded B2ST AIRLINES i had to BREATHE IN BREATHE OUT to make sure it wasn't FICTION
i was SHOCKED that my parents let me go
THANKS TO my non-stop begging i was headed to SOUTH KOREA
as the plane descended off the grown the pilot yelled READY GO!
arriving in SOUTH KOREA i had to find my way
it wasn't EASY but i managed somehow
i was trying to get a hold of my parents to tell them i arrived safely
THOUGH I CALLED a few times they didn't answer 'i'll GO AGAIN later'
at last i finally found my way to where the UNITED CUBE concert is being held
i was so anticipating this i couldn't believe i am actually here
i started WIPPING THE TEARS that suddenly came out of happiness
since i was early i got a chance to look around
to my surprise when i was look around i saw B2ST rehearsing
among them where other B2UTYS watching as well
I took a seat and just watched B2ST's rehearsal
after they finished some of the B2UTYS tried to go up and meet them
knowing B2ST for being sweet and humble they didn't mind meeting the B2UTYS
i was so nervous FREEZE i froze in place not knowing what to do or say
CLENCHING A TIGHT FIST i stood there quietly trying hard not to embarrass myself
after all the B2UTYS were gone i was the only one left
B2ST realized that i was a foreigner/international fan so they brought out a translator for me
as soon as we got to talking my nerves went away
we had a friendly chat and the one question i remember was
Who is your favorite member?
(lol) shyly i pointed to HYUNSEUNG and said I LIKE YOU THE MOST
my face went a little red but he was thankful and gave me a hug
after the chat they gave me a shirt and signed their autographs
one by one i gave them a hug before leaving to get ready for the concert

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:25 pm
♥ i had this dream were i met you b2uties and we were spazzing and rocking out to b2st concert xD smile i woke up with the happiest smile on my face  



PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:29 pm
kiki met the girl while he was at the library, seungie met the girl
while he was at a cafe. neither kiki or seungie know they both met the
same girl. kiki and seungie were suppose to hang out together that day
but both of them canceled on each other because they made a date with
the same girl. now they both don’t know that the girl is playin’ them.
[btw the girl is a years older then seungie]

[this is a week before christmas eve]the girl made a date with kik
and seungie on the same day so she comes up with a perfect schedule to
she can meet them both. meet kiki for an afternoon date and meet seungie
for an evening date. she’s a gold digger/sleeps with people person.
she’s like that because she she has a dark past. (gonna explain her dark
past next)

so when the girl was little her mother passed away [around the time
she was 8] she’s left with her father which is not a good idea at all.
her father is a dirty old dude who’s mostly drunk all the time and
abusing her. she’s got no way out of her bad situation. so one day when
her father runs out of money for buying his alcohol and other things he
comes up with a cruel idea to sell off his daughter to other men in
exchange for money. that’s her life until she turns 18 and runs away.
now even though she runs away she has nothing until a gentlemen
approaches her…..

at first she doesn’t know she’s met a pimp. he say’s he’ll take good
care of her and stuff but he’s just bein’ a dirty pimp. she signs away
her life to him so he owns her now. once she finds out she’s stuck
with him there is no way out. the girl met kiki and seungie when the
pimp forces her to go and get him some money any way she can. so from
when she was little she remembers all the things her father made her do
and figures out that’s what she has to do obey her pimp. [okay end of
the girl’s past]

[back to kik and seungie] now it’s time for the girl to go on her
date with kiki. she meets kiki at an amusement park (typical date rides,
food games etc…) at the end of the date the girl pretends to cry.
kiki asks what’s wrong and the girl says all theses lies (she doesn’t
have much she lives with her 2 year old baby brother with no money or
food she can’t go to school…) kiki smypathizes with her and wants to
take her home with him. when he takes her home he shows her a bunch of
money telling her to take as much as she needs. the girl feels guilty
but runs with it and takes what her pimp needs.

she’s leaving her date with kiki but at the same time she feels so
much guilt and hates it. after leaving her date she gets ready for her
next date with seungie. the girl meets seungie at a club (dancing,
drinking, making out) now the girl starts to grow feelings for seungie.
after the date at the club they make it to seungie’s place. [x-rated
sign goes up] (you can probably figure out how far it when) after that
it becomes the next day and the girl feels bad for what happened. again
she plays the lying game and says all that same junk she said to kiki.
seungie feels bad and want to give her money. this time she feels even
more guilty and tries not to take seungie on up on his offer since she
kinda of likes him……

seungie insists she take the money. now the girl starts to cry for
real cuz seungie and kiki were just being really nice to her and she
took it to far. then all of a sudden she feels like throwing up. the
girl runs into the bathroom and throws up a whole lot. she starts to
feel a little dizzy and wonders about it. tracing back all that happened
she shocks herself and realizes she might be pregnant

the girl has this idea to get out of the bathroom and tell seungie
the whole truth but backs out. instead of telling seungie the whole
truth she grabs a paper and pen out of her pocket and writes a note
leaving it on top of the sink. the girl crawls out the window quietly.
the girl goes and buys herself a pregnancy test to confirm if she’s
pregnant or not. the test comes back positive and so she panics.

her mistake she gave her phone number to kiki and seungie so they
nonstop call her trying to get a hold of her. plus her pimp is searching
for her since she didn’t return in a couple days so he’s calling her
too. the girls now scared but she has enough money to survive for awhile
[the money she took from kiki] knowing she has a life inside her she
doesn’t know what to do. trying to do the right thing she decides to get
a hold of seungie and tell him the truth. [2 days before christmas

the girl gets a hold of seungie, they meet at the place she’s
staying at. she only explains the pregnant part to seungie and nothing
else. at first seungie is extremely shocked and doesn’t know how to take
the situation. on top of that her phone rings off the hook, kiki and
the pimp still look for her. out of panic the girl lies again and tells
seungie she was joking. she tells hims she plans to leave and never
come back and that she’s sorry for their one night stand. she starts to
cry and can’t take it anymore so s he kicks seungie outta of her

(christmas eve) so christmas eve rolls in and her stomach is kinda
showing that she pregnant. finally kiki gets a hold of her and asks her
all these questions [where were you? what happened? how come you didn’t
answer my calls?] kiki finds her sitting on a bench near the bustop.
the girl is surprised and doesn’t know what to say. she’s sitting on a
bustop bench waiting for the bus to arrive so she can skip town

kiki doesn’t know what’s going on so that means seungie didn’t tell
him anything. he also notices her stomach is a bit big. nothing is
being said cuz the girl can’t come up with a lie this time. now she
misses the bus because kiki is right in front of her. she tells kiki the
truth about how she’s pregnant but she doesn’t tell him who the kid
belongs to.

at this point there staring at each other and kiki doesn’t know what
to think. surprisingly seungie comes in since for the past couple days
after they last met he was looking for her. he goes and confronts her
about being pregnant. seungie realized the reason she was throwing up
the time of their one night stand. now kiki he is super shocked and

the girl is caught, she dug her own grave with all the lies and
cheating. straight up out of the blue while kiki and seungie are
standing in front of her she completely tells the whole truth to them.
in the end seungie gives the girl a hug. kiki notices a dude coming up
to them yelling the girls name [didn’t quite catch the girls name].
(dundundun the pimp finds the girl…….)  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:30 pm
okay so dunno what possessed me to hold up a sharp object in front of yosoeb as he was standing in front of me
(before anything happened it went into a flash back)
i'm all by myself sitting on a bench
some mysterious looking guy comes up to me and starts a conversation with me
he fools me into believing something i shouldn't
[the conversation might not be fully right but i'm remembering what i can]
guy: 'hello miss'
me: 'uh hi...'
guy: 'i know this person' - shows me a picture of ys-
me: 'oh you do. what about him?'
guy: 'do you think he is a good person?'
me: um.... yes i do, why?'
guy: 'well i happen to think otherwise'
me: 'what do you mean?'
guy: 'oh it's nothing, never mind i bothered you. pretend i was never here and you never met me'
the guy walks off and purposely drops a bracelet
i pick it up and look at it thinking ys has the same bracelet with the same initials on it
then i think 'nah must be a coincidence'
so i'm still waiting on that bench after the mysterious guy leaves
when the city bus arrives i get on so i can go home
i arrive home to find my door wide open and i think to myself 'didn't i lock up before i left this morning?'
i walk inside my house slowly not sure what to expect
then out pops the same mysterious guy from this morning
he greets me, places a knife in my hands and hands me my house keys
guy: 'you should be more careful where you leave your keys or someone might break in'
then he leaves
freaked out i don't say a word and just watch him go
a note is left on the counter probably by the mysterious guy
it shows pictures of ys with another girl someone i don't know
i look at them in disbelief and laugh to myself 'must be all photoshopped'
but then again i don't know what to think since the mysterious guy just randomly handed me a knife
everything starts to sink into my head so i quickly burn the pictures and throw the knife away in the trash
(okay outta the flashback)
[lets just call me jay in the dream]
ys: 'jay what are you doing?'
jay: 'i don't know'
ys: 'why are you holding that peice of glass?'
jay: 'i said i don't know' (i had a panicking scared tone in my voice)
(back to flashback)
i brush off what happened thinking this is all just a dream so when i wake up it will all be over
it becomes night, i get ready for bed etc......
so the next day comes
and i guess that myserious guy's plan was for me to kill ys but it didn't work out
he thought the knife in my hand and the pictures of ys w/ a girl would trigger me to kill him
so he goes to his other plan
(this is where it gets magical xDDDD)
(outta flashback)
ys: 'you should put that down'
jay: 'i would if i could'
(back to flashback)
the mysterious guy starts saying some crazy weird words while pointing his finger at me
(lol the magical parts are funny to me xDDD)
my eyes turn red for a few seconds
all of a sudden i don't have control over my body
the mysterious guy uses me like a puppet
he my phone out of my pocket to call ys
i don't know what to say to him but i have to say something since he's already on the line
so i invite him over
it's akward when ys comes over cuz i didn't call him for anything
the mysterious guy hides so ys doesn't see him
(out of flashback, no more flashbacks)
so i left off holding a peice of glass at ys
the mysterious guy is possessing me so i can't control myself
the glass flies out of my hand straight at ys
luckily ys dodges and doesn't get hit which is a relief to me
the mysterious guy shows himself but he stands behind ys
ys doesn't hear or see him
mysterious guy doesn't posses me anymore (but not for long)
i run up to ys trying to pull him out of the way
instead i end up pericing his heart with the same peice of glass i was holding
the mysterious guy at the last minute possessed me again
how i got the glass back into my hand i dunno xDDDDDD  



PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:32 pm
ooh another one one of my fave dreams
okay so some reason duuno but i'm playing this game with b2st
i'm told to stand on this x on the floor
then jung juri and bongsun blind fold me
i dunno what is going on or how the game works
all of a sudden i feel peoples hands on my arm, kiss on my face, lots
of hugs and in the background jung juri and bongsun are laughing
it goes dongwoon gives me a back hug, hyunseung gives me a kiss on the
cheek, yoseob gives me a regular hug, junhyung kisses my forehead,
kikwang kisses the other side of my cheek and last doojoon kisses my
bongsun tells me to remove the blind fold
i stare and start to blush because i figure all that skinship came from b2st  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:34 pm
i dreamed i was at a b2st concert
they pulled me up on stage and started serenading me xD with the 'oasis' song xD  



PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:35 pm
junhyung dream scratch that junseung dream;

this dream i'm sitting down in my dorm
i share a dorm with hyosung(of secret)
i'm sort of drunk and out of it so i kiss hyunseung
junhyung notices and points a gun to hyunseung face (i'm dating junhyung in this one)
hyosung comes in (she's in her room) wondering what the noise is all about cuz junhyung is yelling
hyosung notices junhyung holding up a gun
she runs in front of hyunseung before junhyung fires
instead of hyunseung getting hit, hyosung gets shot in the shoulder
junhyung puts the gun back in his pocket and panics
even with hyosungs painful shoulder she dials the police to report what happened
i'm frantic trying to call junhyung but he doesn't answer
you can see like a flash back of junhyung standing on a high place like a building or something
he ends up jumping then my dream ends there  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:36 pm
imao i find this one funny
my family owns a cafe so i come to visit
i say visit because i'm a famous singer (reality is i can't sing or dance for crap xDDDDDD)
i'm welcomed by my family they are happy to see me
kikwang and yoseob walk in to the cafe just to grab a bit to eat
they see me sitting at a table eating lunch
(totally imao) they look at me and get all fanboyish because they are fans of mine
[this dream cracks me up]  



PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:37 pm
i had this random a** dream where i vision junhyung shopping in the grocery store
then for about a month or two every time i went shopping in the grocery story i couldn't stop thinking about junhyung xDDDDD  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:38 pm
so i'm being chased by somebody
doojoon is there with me protecting me
we keep running and running
we end up getting cornered
the both of us don't know what to do
the mysterious person fires the gun
doojoon pushes me outta the way and ends up getting shot
i start to cry watching doojoon die right before my eyes
the shooter runs away  



PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:39 pm
the dream that makes me dhfoldsjflajfdlka;jfdlafjdal;fjd fangirly
in short.... me and hyunseung are at the gym exercising and um.... fjdlsajfdls;ajfda;lfdja; lfdjlsa; -quickly blirts out- he's shirtless smile  

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