Name of Weapon: Kagatsuchi
Your Rank: Jounin
Who owns the weapon: Uchiha Akane
Who made it: Akane made it? Haha
Users Class: Ninjutsu (depending on the person, can be well used with Taijutsu. However it's main ability lies with Ninjutsu)
The Range of the weapon: Is a pair of fans; so it's about a foot long, and about 1 centimeter thick (when closed shut).
Weakness: It's a weapon that runs on chakra (I'm sure from here you'll know several ways of defeating this weapon)
The sides of the fans are made up of a special kind of metal that burns blue fire, however like any other metal they CAN burn out they must be carefully used. The beautiful flamboyant designs at the very edge are blades, used to cut like any other kunai can. At the same time, the middle part of the fan (or the main portion) is also made of a special material (or special wood to be exact) which helps reduce the risk of burning out so quickly (but please keep in mind you can still break through it, since it's still a paper fan).
The Blades// The blades that hang out at both ends of the fan are designed in such a way for two main reasons. One, being that they can be used as projectiles; however, the way it cuts can be done in two ways. So if your character had this weapon in possession, instead of a kunai your character can use this as a projectile. Also, it may be used is if it was directly stabbed into a person, where the jagged ends would literally shred the muscles it pierces through (for it to be stabbed into and then taken out would put the enemy in alot of pain) (for this to be performed, the user closes the fans and then throws them). The second reason why the blades are designed so uniquely is because they may be used as metal rods for those who have Lightning affinity. Now this particular design is designed according to the style of the way the user fights (these are very tiny rods by the way). However, it requires people who're of Chunnin level to learn how to successfully use these rods with different sorts of lightning jutsu.
The Abilities// As stated earlier, the fans sides are created from a special metal that creates blue fire. This blue fire actually is unique from regular fire- for example, it's much more hotter than normal fire however it's weaker compared to black fire (Amaterasu) at the same time, it's burning ability is quicker than black but slower than red/orange. A thin layer of chakra surrounds the fan, protecting the blue fire from doing damage to the weapon- at the same time, the chakra flows into the fire to keep it fueled (as does the paper portion of the fan). With this ability, the user may create any fire jutsu but requires to have chakra flowing into the weapon constantly. This particular ability is very helpful for users who carry Fire affinity.
As mentioned before, when the fan(s) are closed shut they form into model rods which can conduct electricity to flow through it. With this, the user can do any lightning techniques which includes using rods.
And of course, as a normal fan, it can enhance wind techniques by people who carry the wind affinity.
Rp Sample: The rushing water of the Valley of the End urged his heart to beat faster and faster. With each step he made on a tree, he put more strain to push himself further which caused his lungs to slowly pant desperately for air. The woods weren't big enough to hide himself for the crimes he's done against the Leaf Village. Closer! The sounds of the water is getting closer! Almost there! He leaped out of the trees and landed on the rushing waters of the Valley of the End.

'Good.. there's no one around.' He thought, setting his hands firmly on his knees and bent over for air in a tiresome manner. The young man smirked, growing cocky to believe that he outran his enemy- his eyes shifted from the trees surrounding him to the ground beneath him, now tainted with drops of blood. Tracing the path of the crimson drips, he gradually understood that these bloody drops were indeed his very own, born from a deep cut across his cheek. His eyes widened in disbelief, and he stood up immediately in paranoia- "H-How!?" He staggered a bit, searching left and right, but unable to find an enemy within his perimeter, although something caught the corner of his eye; directly across from him, on the opposite side of the stream was what seemed like a metal rod stuck into the surface of a boulder, with his blood trickling down the sharp ends of the blades. The Blue Heron of Flames- it's got to be her. Images foreshadowing his death flashed in his mind as the feeling of terror and fear infected his heart. From this fear, an idea crept into his mind- She's here, and she's hiding.

'Where are you, Blue Heron?!' he thought to himself in a bewildered state of panic, his body tinged with anxiety and fear as he turned left and right for any signs of his pursuer's presence. Out of pure instinct, he pulled out a kunai from his shirt pocket and gripped it tightly, a product of the training he had received when training to be a shinobi. He had no exactly idea what sort of intentions were lurking around his proximity, shrouded behind a dark curtain of the night sky accompanied by only the congregated stones. His eyes shifted to all directions, ready to lash out at a moment's notice. His body was most certainly alarmed by the whole incident, but it never fully took of yet, not until a descending shaded figure began to approach towards his direction. He couldn't see any distinctive features, other than the fact that it was a female. What truly caught his eye, however, was the fact that in her hand, she carried a fan that appeared to be of the exact or similar design as the one that grazed him just moments earlier.

Adrenaline coursed through his veins in an uncontrollable fashion, as he personally felt the pressure mounting over him, as if a giant stood before him. There was only one chance he had in order to survive this confrontation. Use a distraction to create an opening in the enemy's attention, and use that to take her out with a well-timed jutsu. 'You will not have me!' he shouted to his pursuer, whose only response was extending out her fan-bearing hand to her side, opening up her fan with a flick of a wrist. As if cued by that very action, the shinobi snapped his hand, flinging the kunai at her with such speed while immediately in the process of forming hand seals. However, as much as it was a decently planned strategy, it was now all for naught. An eerie blue glow began to emanate from the fan, an burning ember casted in an azure hue. The kunoichi merely had to swing her fan forward in a fast, yet smooth motion. In doing so, she released a surging wave of blue flames, bounded to meet with the enemy's position.

These flames of blue shade released a strong degree of heat, a testament to their reputation regarding their severe scorches. They weren't of ordinary fire, but much beyond it entirely. They engulfed the entire kunai before it could even make half-way through its journey. And without giving him much of a reaction towards it, accept a faint realization of the inevitable, the fiery blue sweep swallowed up the target whole, completely shrouding him in a blanket of sapphire-like embers. The kunoichi made no actual remarks or gestures of her target, a mere glance at her once-enemy sufficed before moving towards where her fan's sibling was resting.