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Original Heckler

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:54 pm
Back to the Rp
PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:56 pm
"A year of winter is worth even just a month of spring."
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"A pleasure to meet you."
The Name is... Anna Marie Nichola Suoh
The Gender is... Female
The Age is... 17
The Role is... Princess, and Host Club Co-Founder (with her best friend)
The Self goes... Anna is a curious combination of both her mother and father, and has a number of personalities depending on the situation at hand; when at the host club and/or entertaining she is the epitome of good breeding, well mannered, polite and quite good at her role as "Princess", often appearing fragile and delicate, needing the boys who come visit her to do everything from helping her up to opening doors for her. However, much like her father this is only to be shown under those circumstances; truthfully, Anna is straightforward and independant, and absolutely abhores people telling her she can't do something, offering to help her with things they think she can't manage because of who she is and the life she leads. She really is just a regular teenager, competitive and a lover of life no matter where it takes her. Gentle and kind, that part of her Host Club persona truely is real; Anna tends to become quite serious when someone she loves is hurt or in trouble, but she'd drop everything and anything to help someone else, no matter how ridiculous the request. However, this isn't to say she is perfect by any means; Anna is very emotional, almost to ridiculous degrees, and though understanding the lives of the less fortunate there are times when she still appears to be quite sheltered and occassionally clumsy. Additonally, she can be quite stubborn in refusing to let people help her though she insists on helping others; it's why she won't speak of her past and therefore only her brother knows about it.
The Story unfolds.... Born one beautiful spring morning, the lovely and talented Anna was meant for greatness as soon as she was brought into the world a Suoh; throughout the years she was given in equal measure a taste of the rich and privelaged life her father, Tamaki, had lead in his youth and a not so gentle dose of reality from her mother, Haruhi. This had its problems at times in conflicting opinions, but to Anna, life was perfect; warm, and loving, with a mother and father she could trust in and an older brother she could look up to and talk with in times of her distress. However, at the age of seven the Suoh household found something to be very wrong with Anna; a scraped up knee lead to a doctor visit on her overly concerned father's orders. It might have been the best thing to have him so paranoid; the medical officials diagnosed her with the oncomings of cancer. At such a young age, they said, there was already a chance for her to die. This lead to Anna's being bedridden for years, going through expensive therapy and coming in and out of the hospital untill she was about twelve for it came back as soon as they had banished it. But they did have a breakthrough, and Anna grew exponentionally from her survival. Not willing to let her out of his sight too far, Tamaki enrolled Anna in Ouran Highschool for her education.

While in her first year of attendance, Anna learned of her father's legacy, and her mother's equal contribution to it; the Host Club, which had been disbanded since then, seemed like a very important part of the school's culture and so without much difficulty Anna decided to bring it back. Now the club has become very much like a family, as her father's was when he attended Ouran. It's a very important part of Anna's life, for it is the first thing in many years she can fully put her support into, as a now healthy and growing individual.

The Skills are... Anna has picked up a number of musical abilities, the most prominant being able to play the piano like a prodigy as her father did (he taught her to play the keys from the time she was able to walk) though she knows her way around the violin and flute among others quite well. Her mother taught her to cook.
The Time Wasters are... The Host club, playing the piano with her father (together they can play some pretty difficult music and it's become father/daughter time), cooking, reading, dancing and singing.
The Loves are... Ouran and the Host club, her older brother, her best friend, her parents, animals, good music, sweet foods, making other people happy, "commoner" items, parties and anything social.
The Hates are... Talking about her cancer battle, hospitals, needles, stereotypes against women, liars, fakes and anyone who would harm her family or Host Club.
The Music plays....
Spinning around // Jump 5
Anywhere but Here // Hilary Duff
Get in Line // Ke$ha

The Special one is... At the moment, nobody.
The Extras are... Owns a white cat by the name of Zelphie; it kept her faithful company during her last few years of cancer. Due to her father's genes, Anna is partially (about ¼) French and has learned to speak the tongue in an effort to keep her family heritage alive.
The Master is... Yoko_Matsubishi  


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:11 am
"Music is an outburst of the soul!"
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"Oh..um hello there. Can I help you?"
The Name is... Michiyo Nakashima
The Gender is... Female
The Age is... 17
The Role is... The Natural Type
The Self goes... I am extremely intelligent when it comes to music and science, the two have always tuned well with me. People have also described me as artistic in the ways I do things by expressing myself through music which usually matches my mood. Sure people can describe me as a bit of a clutz now and then but who isn't? Oh I should also make it known I am very protective of my friends, and if you try to harm them physically or emotionally I will not hesitate to step in.
The Story unfolds.... I was born in a small town in the southern islands of Japan where I was raised by my grandparents. My mother was a traveling musician with no chance at a hit record and my dad was often gone adventuring so they elders took care of me. When I turned five my grand father woke me up to the surprise of a brand new guitar and head set for my C.D player. Now they were not the richest couple so I knew they had worked hard to get this for me. That is what inspired my love of music and pushed me to become great at it, and do something that my mother could not. Get a record deal. However that proved difficult to do considering I lived in such a small town and had to work a lot after school to help support the house hold.

When I turned twelve my grandfather passed away and it was just my grandmother and myself. We moved to an area just outside of Bunkyō where my grandmother found a job as a maid for both her and myself when I did not have school. I started out in an average public school and maintained awesome grades, primarily in science and band where I held an A+ if not better. When exams came around my scores were spotted by the headmaster of Ouran and two weeks after the school year ended I received a scholarship for half the year to attend, with a possible extension if I can manage to keep my grades the same if not better than what they were back at the public school I attended.

The summer before my schooling at Ouran began, I received notice my mother had simply disappeared by the newspaper reporting her. It hurt however I was not that close to her, and I was even able to take a two week trip with my dad to an excavation sight. It was a lot of fun but upon my return to the apartment I found out my grandmother was unable to work. So at the cost of slipping grades I head to work after school, and even work some fundraisers for the sake of earning extra cash so we dont burn through the life insurance my grandfather left. That is when my grandmother had started to show her stubborn side as she still does some work around the house and by listening to my singing which had also improved.

When I arrived at the host club, more so on accident while I was looking for a place to play my guitar alone and in the quiet, I was seemingly surrounded and kind of looked for a way out. I was unable to find one, the same way I came in but when I backed up my guitar case which was strapped to my back not only knocked over an expensive vase holding flowers but the water inside was died a lovely blue...that ended up staining the just as extravagant rug below. When I was told the price, my heart stopped completely there was no way in my entire high school career and then some that I could ever pay that off. However both luckily and unluckily they told me I would work for the club to pay it off. I had no choice but to accept.

The Skills are... I am very capable at playing the guitar and even write my own music, it is something that has been a big influence in my life. If I am not playing my guitar I am working on solving complex, rather high above the average students capability of solving math problems which will be my fall back if the music career fails. Balancing, its another task I am great at just because I work at a restaurant after school and you cannot spill the drinks on the customers.
The Time Wasters are... Playing video games as a way of relaxing when she gets stressed out, or playing her guitar works too. She can create her own math problems and often finds herself noticing patterns and finding ways to re arrange them.
The Loves are... Sweets, music in general, her guitars design, easy days at work, spending time with her grandmother.
The Hates are... Rough days at work, when her guitars strings snap, being called a geek or shorty, and anything spicy.
The Music plays....
Fort Minor: Remember the Name
Katy Perry: Firework
Rhianna: Disturbia

The Special one is... None at the Moment
The Extras are... She is terrified of storms, they can cause her to have severe panic attacks.
The Master is... ChiyoYukiko  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:51 am
"If you can't stand the heat, the get out of my kitchen."
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"Hm? I'm sorry, but I'm busy now. I can schedule you in later, if you'd like."
The Name is... Aiko Yumemi Ootori
The Gender is... Female
The Age is... Seventeen
The Role is... The Cool Type and Co-Founder (with Anna)
The Self goes... Calm, cool, and collect, just like her father, Aiko is a deeply serious girl who treats her responsibilities in life with the upmost importance. She's always got a plan, and if the first one backfires, there's always a back-u[p waiting in the wings. Aiko tends to be two steps ahead of everyone else, using her intelligence and intuition to predict situations and plan accordingly. Though seemingly cold and calcuating (and though those traits are true), Aiko has a softer side that comes out around Anna. She seems to be the only person who can get Aiko to relax and enjoy herself. Most of the time, she's stressing about the Club or about her schoolwork or about taking over her father's company. However, she hides it well behind her planner, laptop and blunt demeanor. She has her father's dark temper, too. She's not above doing whatever it takes to come out on top, and though her anger is mostly guised in dark looks and hypothetical threats, when pushed over the edge, Aiko is prone to violent outbursts, throwing her 'calm, cool, and collected' look out the window. However, there's one thing you can always count on from Aiko; if she does become your friend, you never have to worry about keeping up appearances! The meaning of the words 'private information' mean nothing to her, so there's nothing she doesn't know about you before she makes friends with you. Therefore, there's never any reason to be anyone but yourself around her.
The Story unfolds.... Being the daughter of the famous Kyoya Ootori had never been easy. Much had been expected from Aiko, even at a young age. Her mother had had a very good infulence on her father, helping him, as she would put it, 'mellow out'. But even so, the Ouran graduate and successor of his own father's medical company expected his daughter to work just as hard as he did, even though she was an only child. So, as soon as she could read and write, there were medical texts stacked on her desk and homework assignments from her father under that. Eventually, it got to the point where Aiko started to become sick on a regular basis from lack of nutrition, lack of sleep, and the amount of stress her father placed on her.

By the time she reached high school, her mother halted her husband's 'madness'. "She's just a child, Kyoya! She needs time to herself, to find out who she is! She needs friends! And fun!" Reluctantly, her father pulled back a little, and began to see what he'd done to his daughter. Guilty, he told her that her new assignment was to find a club she enjoyed, and join it. But, Aiko didn't like clubs. She didn't like sports, either. There was nothing she wanted to join! But then, Anna came to her and told her about the Host Club. Aiko couldn't believe her father had been apart of something like that (Anna's? Not so much), but she was her best friend. So, Aiko agreed to help her start it back up. Now, it has become part of her everyday life. She treats it like a business, and makes sure all the finances and expenses are accounted for. She schedules the trips and the events, along with Anna, and takes care of all the minor details for her friend. And, though she would never say it outloud, she loves the Host Club, and is thankful she gets to be a part of it.

The Skills are... Other than being a wiz with numbers, Aiko has extensive business knowledge. She's an avid horseback rider, and because of her father's expectation for her, speak Japanese, English, and Spanish.
The Time Wasters are... Running the Host Club with Anna, Reading Medical and Business Texts, Organizing Club Events, Riding Horse, Shopping
The Loves are... Anna, the Host Club, Sweets, Being organized, Listening to Anna play piano, Horses, Being right
The Hates are... People who make fun of the Club, Being wrong, When things don't go according to plan, Mushrooms, Burnt cookies, Insects
The Music plays.... Run the World (Girls) - Beyonce
The Special one is... Hm? Oh no, Aiko's far too busy for something like that.
The Extras are... Aiko never goes anywhere without either her laptop or her planner. If she doesn't have it, soemthing is definitely up.
The Master is... Reku1495  


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:33 pm
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.
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Hello Lovelies, how may we serve you?
The Name is... Kaito & Toushiro
The Gender is... Male
The Age is... 17
The Role is... Devil type
The Self goes... Kaito is one of those kids who are completely optimistic, loves to be free and fun and just loves to be a goof off, He just hates work and will more then always push it so Toushirou so he will do it. He loves to prank and socialize. However between the brothers Kaito is more the submissive of the two, since Toushirou is the more Manipulative one. Though he keeps on a happy face, most of the time it's for the host club. Out of it he`s a more serious character although still fun loving, Toushirou likes his quiet time to read or play video games and sometimes just to have his away time from his brother. Toushirou is a good manipulator and knows it as uses it for his own gain, he is smart, but rebellious and often gets in his way and tends to do things that would piss his parents off. As much as he loves his father, sometimes Toushirou feels he can only seem to trust Kaito. And feels pressured into the clothing business with his brother, when really he wants to do something in music, while Kaito is the opposite he loves clothing and designs and can`t wait till he inherits the family business.
The Story unfolds.... The twins are the son of the infamous Hikaru Hitachiin. and ironically the boys had come out to be identical twins, and sometimes even Hikaru mistaken them as each other, though usually not as often. While Kaito is able to shake it off, Toushirou has a more aggressive outtake on it. Toushirou although loves and trusts his brother more then anyone else in the world, feels a little bit of jealousy towards the more open twin. Feeling as if he's constantly in his shadow. Hikaru and Toushirou seem to always butt heads, as arguments fly between the two it`s usually up to Kaito to fix his brothers blind anger.

Toushirou all though is an extreme hothead he is also the smarter brother.He his brilliant in his math and science, and academically he is a straight A student. While his brother is the more average student and often gets Shirou to help him get his grades up. Kaito is someone who just can`t be tied down and often explores places that seem to be unknown territory.

While Kaito is more fond of Hikaru and often get along quite well while Toushirou mostly likes his uncle Kaoru and gets along with him, they both hate their mother, who had divorced Hikaru for his money and pays little attention to the twins. Toushirou often shows his dislike in a rebellious form, while Kaito is the one who tries to talk him out of it. When the boys are in an argument and angry at each other it isn`t very often, actually it`s extremely rare. But when they fight it`s usually very extreme like the one time where the twins had gotten into a fight and Toushirou had gotten a tattoo of a crown on his left shoulder without telling Kaito and the more out going twin almost had a heart attack when seeing the one thing that could tell the two apart. The boys do usually bond together often and usually like pranks, so they use that as their bonding time.

Kaito loves his cousins like sisters while Toushirou avoids them like the plague. The girls seemed to be carbon copies of themselves and it makes him sick. Although secretly he would protect the girls with his life if necessary. However his bond with his cousins are a little stronger after they had introduced him and Kaito to the host club and had them join them. Toushirou and Kaito feel that they are in debt to them since it made the boys`s bond much stronger then before and they are extremely grateful.

The Skills are... Toushirou: Stringed instruments are his forte, although his father is proud of his musical talent he is unhappy with the decision of perusing music instead of the family buisness.
Kaito: is brilliant at designs, and loves making new clothes. He strives to make his father happy as well as his brother too.

The Time Wasters are... Toushirou is able to play every string instrument, and loves to practice or he reads or plays video games, while Kaito likes to cook and sew and also play video games.
The Loves are... Kaito:☺ Sewing (Fashion)
☺ Cooking
☺ Hosting
☺ Pranks

☺ Instruments (music)
☺ The Beach
☺ Reading
☺ Pranks

The Hates are... Toushirou:
☹ Sour candy
☹ People who try and steal his brother away.
☹ nosy people
☹ Jerks
☹ Bitter foods
☹ Boring people
☹ restricted areas.
☹ selfishness

The Music plays.... N/A
The Special one is... No one right now, but we`ll see as time progresses.
The Extras are... Toushirou is Bisexual and is usually called Shirou by his brother but finds it irritating when other people call him that. Kaito & Toushiou sometimes switch eye colors using colored contacts to mix things up.
The Master is... RawrziesDeLoli  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:25 pm
"To live will be an awfully big adventure."
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*Blink* "What?"
*Giggle* "Heee, hiya!"

The Name is... Mimi and Meiko Hitachiin
The Gender is... Female
The Age is... 16
The Role is... We're the Vixens.
The Self goes... Past their upbringing and the fact that they share almost perfectly identical features, Mimi and Meiko are almost nothing alike in their actions and discourse. Mimi is by far the more sophistiacted of the two; however, though she is the sort of girl who says her pleases, her thank yous and her no sirs, and acts the very eptiome of grace and poise, she's actually quite dark, and self centered. Mimi doesn't trust many people, not even her own cousins, and has a very difficult time showing any real, raw emotion. Meiko would then by default be considered the more approachable of the two; a bubbly, friendly and open minded tomboyish spirit, Meiko makes friends easilly, and is always trying to please as many people as possible; however, for how strong she is iko is the sort of person who craves interaction with others. Without it she would break apart at he seams, unlike her twin who doesn't really seem to care either way; she loves her cousins dearly, while Mimi hates them both. Both girls are very intelligent, and while they usually try to use their powers for good, if something doesn't sit right with the two, caution is advised.
The Story unfolds.... Mimi and Meiko were born one spring morning, to the well known and recognized Kaoru Hitachiin and his wife their mother, a beautiful painter with galleries all over the country; as luck would have it they too were identical as their father and uncle had been, though thankfully even at a young age the two were so different that their parents never once mistook one for the other. Very early one, the twins diverged in intrests; Meiko found a love for sports and Mimi an intrest in the world of finance, both of which were pursued up until their first year at Ouran. Suddenly, they weren't so special anymore; just another two faces in a sea of people with too much money. Meiko was heartbroken, especially when she was denied a chance to become a member of the school's soccer team on the grounds that her dad was based in fashion, not something that only boys could do. This didn't help Mimi's issue with trusting others; how could she even begin to put her faith in others when all everyone else saw was a pair of weak little girls? Soon enough neither twin cared enough about anyone but themselves. Anna changed that.

The host club leader approached them multiple times, asking if they would join the Host club their father had been a part of; each time the offer was refused. What did it matter if their father had done something like that? But Anna didn't give up; in fact, the brunette's persistance spilled over to many areas of the school, giving Meiko a real chance to try out for the soccer team. Guess who's captain of all those boys who shut her out before? Seeing Meiko so happy in turn prompted Mimi to re-consider joining the Host Club, and in just a few months the two were important members. Then they decided, maybe if the girls were helping out their cousins could too. And now all four of them are members of the same club.

The Skills are... (Skills)
The Time Wasters are... (hobbies you have)
The Loves are... (likes)
The Hates are... (dislikes)
The Music plays.... (theme song(s))
The Special one is... [/b ]Nobody for either one.
The Extras are... (other, if any)
The Master is... Whitefiregirl



Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:36 am
I came to visit, if that's okay?
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Hello. Is the Club open?
The Name is... Cinder Moon Evernight
The Gender is... female
The Age is... 17
The Preference is... The Devil Type
The Self goes... Cinder is the type to take any kind of beating with a smile. She never shows what she is actually feeling but only smiles and walked away. She normally takes her stress and frustration on her targets. She is calm and nice. She is sometimes a klutz when she is really nervous. Cinder has the tendency to lost her temper on people but then apologizes quickly and runs away to be alone for awhile. She is well organized when it comes to school and being at home. Cinder is easily flustered when it comes to boys that she has a crush on or likes.
The Story unfolds.... Cinder was born in October. She was treated like a princess even though she hardly ever cared. She just wanted to act like a normal child. Her mother and father are always away on business now and hardly ever has time to spend time with Cinder. Cinder loves her parents but figured she should just stay out of their way and talk to them when they have time. When Cinder turned 13 she was given money from bother her parents and a dress from her mom while they were in Paris. Cinder loves dresses and would wear them all the time at home but when it comes to roaming outside she wears pants and a t-shirt or tank top. As Cinder grew older she took a liking to archery and got involved in archery and always took her frustration and emotions that upset her on the targets. When she found out about the Host Club she figured it would give her something else to do instead of going home to the empty house like she always does. When she first found out about the Host Club she was nervous and shy and had no idea what to say or do.

Cinder believes that since she found the Host Club that her years in High School will be better instead of her getting attacked by some of the other girls. She wants to run through high school without problems but it seems like that wont be happening soon.

The Skills are... Cooking, Cleaning, Archery
The Time Wasters are... Archery, Reading, Writing, Singing
The Loves are... Archery, Sweets, Rain, Nighttime, The Host Club, taking walks, reading
The Hates are... Being alone, snow, hot days, being picked on by others
The Music plays.... Nox Arcana- Labyrinth of Dreams
30 Seconds to Mars- This Is War

The Special one is... No one yet.
The Extras are... N//A
The Master is... Bravery-Homunculus  
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