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Devil Near You - Corrupting Angels

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:12 pm
Alrighty...... Here's the RP  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:44 pm
- Akira Wakana -

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Have you Gotten the Message? -Pick a card, Any card. I know what it will say anyway. Let me make a prediction. Good Bye-


MY NAME ISAkira Kurogami
But People call MeAkira... My close friends and family can call me Aki or Kuro
The last Number of Candles I saw was16
Do I really Have to Pull Down My Pants? I'm Obviously aChick
Want to celebrate it?
February 14th


You Should Really Get to Know Me

Akira has always been a quiet person. She's always constantly hitting the books or on a computer. Making her smart in not only academics, but other areas as well. She's also a bit of a "Daddy's little girl" So she listens to her family.... A lot. And makes sure she abides by the rules. She's not much of a social person. But she has this air about her, that makes people want to go up and talk to her. And despite her Honest, blunt, and sarcastic remarks, people can't help but like her for some reason. And although she is a bit of a looker, she doesn't think much of it. If the time calls for it though, she will make an effort to look nice. Actually, she'll put all her effort into something she puts her mind to, making her also slightly competetive. Akira is someone who cannot lie, you can tell just from looking at her. And, although she carries this "Cool" Vibe. She's actually very very cute and childish. She has this deadly attack known as "The Puppy dog face" and when in use, no one (No really, Absolutely no one) can stand up to it. And... One may think of this as cheating. But she will put up a "I'm helpless" or "Little school girl" face to get the things she wants. But that's on very rare occasions. The one thing that everyone wants to see though, is her smiling more often. Lastly, she rarely gets truly angry. She tends to throw fits (Actual Fits, as in tantrums) if she's upset. But if she ever does get super angry, stay away.... She may break a few (All) bones

Did You Know?

-Has an average build, lean muscles (Yet still quite strong) and pale skin.
Very skinny waist, a butt, and small breasts, she has all the curves
She's also very light despite her strength and height, like 105 lbs.
-Has Shiny black hair shines purple because of a previous dye
-Deep Violet eyes that appears black
-Italian and Japanese from Dad, French from mother

Come here, Let me tell you something
She questions her sexuality and even though deep in her heart she knows she's interested in girls, she denies it. She also believes she can get anything she wants if given an effort (She usually doesn't care for such stuff), so she is silently conceited. Oh, but she is also pretty childish as well. And although not many have seen it, when she is truly embarassed... Her voice pitches up and her personality takes a drastic change into being countering herself (For Ex. She'll be super cute and embarassed, but deny all charges of what she's feeling)

They're My DRUG

✓ Stuff animals + Hats
✓ Her deck of cards and other magic material
✓ Anime, Manga, Games, + Puzzles!

They Make me SICK

✖ Lightning and Thunder
✖ Things that are TOO sweet
✖ ... Spiders (The Big ones)

I Do EnjoyLearning new Magic tricks, Performing Magic tricks (In front of a small crowd, preferably children), Doing a one man fashion show (In the her own room of course), Dancing (Like the club dancing and once more, in the privacy of her bedroom) Reading, Drinking tea, eating Apples, Playing Games, Reading Manga, Watching Anime, Playing sports (Basketball preferabbly) and sleeping(AKA Napping). She enjoys sewing stuff up and cooking/baking as well. But that's rare


Obviously You're too curious•••
Akira grew up in a very strict family. She was constantly pressured to get nothing but perfect. Actually, she was expected to be BETTER than perfect. So she worked hard. And she got results. And then, Her family signed her up for other extra curricular activities. She knows fencing, Kendo, Akido, and can speak ASL, Japanese, Italian, French, and English. And although she could well be in college with a degree right now, she decided to at least experience highschool. Although, she regrets it everyday because it's so boring. She doesn't talk to people much, and when she does, she reveals very little about herself. So No one really knows her. She specifically tries her best to make sure she doesn't stand out at all. By not showing she can't speak any other languages other than Japanese, Making sure she gets an average effort in P.E, not getting a perfect score on her tests all the time by purposely making mistakes every now and then on them. And to top it all off, she doesn't bother to hide the fact that she is indeed a Nerd. Once she's interested in something, she WILL try her best to know all there is to about it. Evidentally, she holds a lot of potential although she hides it very well. For example, Academically she's smart so she could be in college at the moment. Athlethically, she's not olympic gold medal material, but better than average (She has GREAT Endurance. She can run a marathon at a decent jogging pace and not loose breath). And strength wise, she is a 3rd Dan black belt in Akido, 2nd Dan in Kendo, and is quite the fencer, she can probably take on just about anyone that's twice her weight and size (Maybe not Win if it was a competition in brute strength) and flee the scene before getting beaten up (She'd rather not get hurt and keep her face nice). So, at school she keeps it low (Outside of school, with the kids, she loosens up a bit) Although, she didn't get much results since people walk up to her to talk every now and then.
Ever since she was a child, people have liked her for some reason or another. It could be because of her looks or creativity. No one can really pin it out. Just that, they want to break the air of Mystery around her. Which is exactly why people like her. Not only that, whether they realize it or not, but people just have a natural liking to her because, well. They believe she's lonely and that she has great potential for her future.
She's a pretty big nerd. She knows so much about games, when they come out, and loves quality. It's the same with manga and Anime. But she actually will get bored of them eventually. She's pretty active, so she has to take a break from being indoors and go outdoors sometimes. That's when she goes out and plays with kids from her neighborhood or something. All in all, she just loves playing games. As long as anything is a form of a game, she will play it. Lastly, She's a huge sucker for puzzles. If you REALLY want her in one spot for a Super long time, give her a rubix cube or some large difficult puzzle.

My Background Music•••
No Logic
Anything Else?-Akira has always been mistaken for a "Good Looking" Guy. She doesn't mind it, saying that she's bi. But sometimes it gets annoying. And although she doesn't look like it, she's a Child Lover and is actually very great with children. Also, even if she doesn't realize it, she's pretty possessive with things she really loves.
What do I want to become?
She wants to be a doctor that specializes with kids with cancer after studying at John Hopkins. And become a Magician as a side job.
Who Do I Like? •••
No One yet
THE AUTHOR•••Winters-Snow



PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:52 pm
- Kanon L'Ouverture -

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Have you Gotten the Message? "Nice to meet you!" (bright smile)


MY NAME IS Kanon Hatsukai Kobato L'Ouverture
But People call Me Kanon-chan, Hatsukai-chan, Kai-chan, or even Kobato-chan!
The last Number of Candles I saw was Fifteen...
Do I really Have to Pull Down My Pants? I'm Obviously a Girl!
Want to celebrate it?
December 25th


You Should Really Get to Know Me

Kanon has a very cheerful and enthusiastic outlook in life and her wanting to aid others in need is very heartfelt and sincere. However, she can also be really clumsy, rather clueless, and rash with her actions, and often trips over her own feet. Being inexperienced and naive, Kanon tends to have no common sense at times. Some things you tell her will pass straight through her, since she has no idea what you are talking about. Kanon gets easily confused by concepts she doesn't understand, and she also gets easily distracted. Kanon tends to speak her mind out before thinking about what she is saying, and so sometimes she's rather direct and blunt. She is easily amazed by things she sees, because she usually never goes outdoors. Other than that, you'll find her to be a sweet child who's always smiling. If you get her mad (which is rare), she won't really do anything, since her steam blows off in usually five minutes. Kanon tries her best in everything she does, and is very kind. She obviously doesn't know the true meaning of "evil". Her innocent and clueless personality made her naturally curious, and for a strange reason, she seems to not understand the human world until someone takes the time to explain it to her.

Behind that carefree facade of hers is her extreme fear of dying. In reality, she has rather low self-esteem, addressing herself in third person a lot, and not knowing how to tell others how she feels about herself. Kanon is scared of the pain caused by her illness, and her inability to help others at times. She is submitive, especially when someone she cares about is concerned. Kanon never breaks the rules, as she is scared of harsh punishments, and is very timid in reality. Also, because Kanon is shut in for so long, she is very blank about the real world. "Amusement parks" and "concerts" are some of the things she doesn't know. Kanon asks a lot of questions about those things, making her seem ignorant and childish.

Did You Know?

-Kanon is rather pale and thin, due to being indoors nearly all the time.
-Red-ish Pink
-Warm Amber
-Mother's Japanese, Father's French (technically European)

Come here, Let me tell you something
My illness is a personal secret of the L'Ouverture household, limited only to personal servants and family. I get dizzy and pass out, cough up blood, momentarily lose my sight or voice, and a few other effects. My excuse at school is that I have some "personal" business to take care of.

They're My DRUG

✓ Art and Music
✓ Stuffed Animals and Pocketwatches
✓ Going Outdoors and Sweets

They Make me SICK

✖ Sickness
✖ Being called "Dobato" if you're not her Family
✖ Loud Noises

I Do Enjoy Singing! I also really love piano or even violin. Also, I have a strange hobby of collecting pocketwatches and music boxes. Kobato can't help it... And I love horseriding. There's so much to like out there!


Obviously You're too curious•••
Kanon Hatsukai Kobato L'Ouverture was born into a rather aristocratic family, surrounded by the wealthy and large estates. As she grew up in her family, her siblings always recalled that Kai would always have a smile on her face, seemingly to enjoy everything. She had her parents, grandfathers, three older brothers, a younger brother, and a younger sister. The brilliant pearl of the family, she was greatly treasured, the one glue holding them all together. When Kai reached the age of seven, her parents noticed her capability for music. Encouraging this interest, Kai's abilities in music improved by much. She wasn't much affected by the rough "outside" world, seeing that her parents lived in a quiet isolated area on the nice shores of France. It was a reserved and safe life, away from the chaos of the cities.

However, this perfect image of her life was never true. When she was three, she contracted an unknown illness that caused her to get headaches and lose consciousness. As she grew older, Kanon began to cough up blood, go momentarily blind, and other side effects. As a result of her worsening condition, her parents began to forbid her to go outside, always keeping the frail girl inside the family. Despite her mother's insisting, Kanon found time to go outdoors and ride horses with her father, practice swordplay with her brothers, and go on picnics. She loved the outside world, yet her parents kept her in mostly. Her punishments for overpushing herself? The usual effects of the sickness.

As Kanon grew older, her brothers and sister could no longer stay in the countryside. When she was twelve, they were forced to move into the city, where the L'Ouvertures already had a large estate. Her siblings went off to school while Kanon stayed at home alone. Occasionally, she would wander out on free days. Kanon is still pursuing her choice of music, but this year her mother has allowed her to try public school with the warning to come home immediately if her illness shows up again. Kanon is slightly frightened and excited by this turn of events. What in the world would happen in public school?

My Background Music•••
Anything Else?I have a mild case of claustrophobia...if you leave me in a tight space too long, I'll break down without question. I tend to address myself in third person a lot...oh, and I usually carry around a messenger bag and Ioryogi-san with me! Ioryogi-san is the blue stuffed dog I own...and I always wear something over my head. A hat, hairband, whatever. And did you know my name means "little dove"? ~

What do I want to become?
I...I haven't decided yet. Perhaps I'll just stay at home and compose my own songs, I think?
Who Do I Like? •••
Err...what's "like" hmm?
THE AUTHOR ••• Iced_Chocolatte_Coffee
PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:55 pm
Gill Hamilton

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Have you Gotten the Message? "Are you meeting someone here? Must be important."


MY NAME ISGill Hamilton
But People call MeDoesn't Have One
The last Number of Candles I saw wasSeventeen
Do I really Have to Pull Down My Pants? I'm Obviously aMan
Want to celebrate it?
December 22nd


You Should Really Get to Know Me

Gill comes across as being an extreme jerk even when you start to know him. The reason for this is his lack of interest with his colleagues. He always finds people of the same age grouping to be inferior to himself. He doesn't mind children in the sense of teaching them of the world they live. To Gill ignorance is never bliss. He spends all of his free time insuring that he will never be 'ignorant'. Hiding himself away in libraries and in his room studying for hours even days about topics that fascinate him. Though if you catch him on a pleasant day you may get a glimpse of a sad smile. But don't even think about trying to ask about his past because you will receive nothing but a earful of a lecture.

Did You Know?

-Very refined appearance, pressed white buttoned shirts and vests
-Pale blond with a single cowlick that never stays down
-A vivid sky blue
-A bit of German decent but mostly English

Come here, Let me tell you something
He does a very secretive caring side, you only see it if you spy on him while he helps teach children at the near by Elementary school. Be warned that if he catches you spying on him he will find you later and the outcome of that will not be a pleasant one.

They're My DRUG

✓ Books
✓ Quiet Places
✓ Working

They Make me SICK

✖ People
✖ Procrastination
✖ Heavy Metal

I Do EnjoyGill often finds that he busy himself to much with work, not that he minds. Though when has pulled himself away long enough to relax he often does so by reading. His true outlet however is writing, he finds something so emotionally pleasing about letting out his thoughts and feelings onto a sheet of paper. He never shares what he writes and keeps them all locked away in a secret journal that is with him at all costs.


Obviously You're too curious•••
Gill was born in a small town on a single island that seemed to be floating in its own little world. He grew up as the Mayor's son, though it seemed that he was doing more of the work than his father was. His mother passed away when he turned about five so he doesn't have much recollection of her. The few things he does remember about his mother is a small garden they grew behind their house. It had many beautiful flowers in bloom, but nothing in comparison to the tomato's that grew. Always ripe and delicious. Once she passed away though the garden died along with her, trying to replant anything would be to painful for the memories that may return to either one of them. So Gill grew up on the island, knowing everyone and making friends with few people. He loved the island but knew it would never truly provide for him. So after years of begging his father Gill was finally granted the wish to travel to the mainland and to finish High School there and attend the college he deemed worthy so that he may achieve the goals in his life. Not a day goes by when he doesn't think of his childhood home. One day he does plan to return to the island; to see its rivers that run through the farms, its forests crowded by living creatures, its glittering oceans, the mountains that tower over the island, and the mines that travel to the far underground. Not to forget the people that he grew up with. One day he will return to his harmonious island.

My Background Music•••
The Man Who Sold The World - David Bowie
Anything Else?He becomes very melancholy when he comes across something that causes him to recollect his mother's passing or the island its self.
What do I want to become?
To become a CEO of a major corporation or a Teacher
Who Do I Like? •••
I haven't the time for trivial matters
THE AUTHOR•••I Zemunasu



PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:46 pm
- Devin Jacques Liddell -

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Have you Gotten the Message? "Hiya there!"


MY NAME IS Devin Jacques Liddell
But People call Me Devin or Dev!
The last Number of Candles I saw wasSeventeen
Do I really Have to Pull Down My Pants? I'm Obviously a Guy...
Want to celebrate it?
December 27th


You Should Really Get to Know Me

Devin is very friendly and cheerful, not to mention a real troublemaker. Always "exploring" around, sometimes he wanders into a place where he gets chased out. Despite his addle-headed personality, Devin is an experienced street fighter, not as weak as he seems. He's usually grinning at a joke or around his friends. Not shy at all, Devin is what you would call a daredevil. He loves doing exhilirating things just for the fun of it. Breaking four bones or an leg? That's no problem for him. Always optimistic, it's real hard to bring this guy down. Devin has a very friendly, enthusiastic, and outgoing personality, and is almost always seen fooling around, smiling, making bad jokes, and teasing his friends. He is shown to care deeply for his friends, having to act as a sort of big brother for Kanon as she adjusts to life in the big city and going to great lengths to protect those who are close to him.

Did You Know?

-I usually have a scratch of some sort, or broken bones. Eh.
-Dark Gold
-Dim Topaz
-Father is English, Mother's French

Come here, Let me tell you something
Well, I can't tell you, or it won't be a secret, right?

They're My DRUG

✓ Manga
✓ Sweets
✓ Cats

They Make me SICK

✖ Homework
✖ Being Restricted
✖ Mint

I Do Enjoy going outdoors, exploring around, joking around, taking dares, and riding horses.


Obviously You're too curious•••
Devin was born into a normal family. Being an only child, he was allowed to have fun and play around, without strict discipline. His family wasn't exactly rich, but they were far from poor. He grew up as a happy child, with a smile on his face and a few wounds here and there. Devin was always doing something 'fun', causing him to be rushed to the hospital several times a month. After a while, he grew tired of staying in the hospital and would escape for fun. The doctors usually wouldn't find out until too late, and he'd be scolded by his grandfather at home. Oh, what fun. He was rather 'popular' in elementary and middle school, his bubbly personality attracting many friends. The daredevil of the group, his friends never found his adventures to be boring. The teachers were exasperated, but he had good grades and behaved around them, so they couldn't complain.

When he was fourteen, Devin was on one of his usual 'adventures' when he fell from the tree he was climbing onto the other side of the fence. There, he was greeted by the sight of a large estate, and a girl who was resting beneath a tree in the large 'backyard'. That was how he came to meet Kanon. She was always restricted to her house, and so Devin would sometimes visiting her (by climbing the fence of course). He's one of the few who knows about her condition. She never tried to go outside, and despite his persuasions, wouldn't change her mind. One day, however, Kanon's grandfather discovered the two of them outside, and therefore, Devin actually didn't get into trouble but was 'officially' introduced to the L'Ouverture family.

He was invited to go horseriding with Kanon (where he broke an arm), learn archery (a cut on his cheek), and have a turn at swordplay (got whacked severely). Kanon sometimes wandered out, and Devin would find her walking around, lost. After three years of their friendship, Devin managed to persuade Kanon's mother to allow her to attend public school. He's rather protective of Kanon, and people often mistaken them for a couple. Pshaw! He's too busy for that stuff...right?

My Background Music •••
Pink Rose
Anything Else? I own a cat...well, technically Kanon's, but she gave the cat to me. Meet Arthur!
What do I want to become?
I'd like to travel the world...
Who Do I Like? •••
Hmm? Oh...Haha...I don't have a preference!
THE AUTHOR •••Iced_Chocolatte_Coffee
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:49 pm
- Fawkes Knightley -

User Image

Have you Gotten the Message? -RAWR! IM A DINOSAUR biggrin -


MY NAME IS -Fawkes-
But People call Me -Foxey-
The last Number of Candles I saw was -17-
Do I really Have to Pull Down My Pants? I'm Obviously a -Guy-
Want to celebrate it? -September 14th-


You Should Really Get to Know Me

-Fawkes has always been a very active, fun-loving individual. He isn't the "daredevil" of the school but has definitely done his share of stupid, stupid stunts just for laughs. He is very adventurous and feels at home in nature as well as in any form of water. Fawkes loves to play around and can be considered a complete moron at times, due to the fact that he's incredibly impulsive. He is a good-hearted guy though and can be quite protective of his friends. Fawkes, although he doesn't show it, is actually quite intelligent and ranks in the top 5% of the school's test scores. It baffles many people. Fawkes may seem like a wonderful guy but if you get him mad, run. It takes a lot to truly get him mad but if he ever sees a woman being hit by a man or something similar, he snaps. Oh! Fawkes is an amazing flirt, and enjoys it. -

Did You Know?

-Fawkes had a broad build, with a decent amount of muscle on him.
-He is slightly darker than most, but not by much-
-When Fawkes was 11, his father cut open his back with a broken beer bottle so as a result, Fawkes has a scar that runs from his right shoulder to his left hip on his back
-Fawkes stands at about 5'11
-His hair is a deep violet shade
-His eyes, like his are a deep violet
-Fawkes' mother is a hispanic woman and his father is an American businessman

Come here, Let me tell you something
Fawkes desperately craves approval

They're My DRUG

✓ Rain
✓ Outdoors
✓ Music
✓ Heights

They Make me SICK

✖ Crying
✖ Seeing a woman get hurt
✖ His father

I Do Enjoy-playing the piano, listening to music and doing some form of physical activity-


Obviously You're too curious•••
Fawkes' mother only married his father from him. You see, he was conceived on a drunk one-night stand and then his parents married for his sake. His father has always loathed Fawkes and beat him constantly as a child. His mother would try to step in but then his father would just start beating her. Fawkes always hated his father and always tried to avoid the man, but he couldn't successfully do that. One day, his father got a job proposal in Japan and the family moved. Within a week, his father ran off with some slut.

This was all before Fawkes was even 13. His mother doesn't know it, but since then Fawkes has been working at a dock to earn some extra cash and paying their landlord quite a bit of money for rent. Fawkes became this happy person in order to make his mom happy, as well as to try and get past his difficult past. No one in Japan knows of his past or of the scar he received from his father.

My Background Music•••
I Gotta Feeling ~ Black Eyed Peas
Anything Else?-The only thing that completely freaks Fawkes out is snails/slugs-
What do I want to become?
Doesn't care.
Who Do I Like? •••
No one
THE AUTHOR•••Sylar Ginyoku



PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:38 am
【 Isabell LionCourt 】

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Have you Gotten the Message? "I, Myself, Am entirely made of flaws. Stitched together with good intentions."


MY NAME ISIsabell LionCourt
But People call Me Izzy, Special ones call me Bell
The last Number of Candles I saw was Sev1enTe7en
Do I really Have to Pull Down My Pants? I'm Obviously a Friggin' Female!
Want to celebrate it?
October 18th


You Should Really Get to Know Me

I have been told I can be a Rude, Cocky, Scandalous person. I would wonder why people would say such things but then I realize, It's not like I change their perceptions. Because what they say IS True. I am all of those things, stitched together in this little human form. In the end, what makes people talk more? All of the 'Good' things you've done, or all of the "Life changing" decisions you make on a daily basis? I live my life every day, Like tomorrow will be the day I need to get a job and supply for a family. These days here, are my freedom. Why should I pass up on such a good thing? Sure, people will see me as a "Bad Influence", but who cares?

Their just boring and envious.

Did You Know?

- Isabell has an Average Build. Due to all the Acrobatics, she's quite Toned.
- Standing tall at 5'7"
- Originally Black, but a Change needed to be done, The Addition of the color Plum to her Onyx hair.
- Bedroom eyes, a slight Silverish Blue
- Isabell's mother is of Chinese Descent and her Father a German Soldier (Whom isn't around).

Come here, Let me tell you something
Isabell wishes for nothing more than to be loved.

They're My DRUG

✓ Adrenaline
✓ Lollipops
✓ Acrobatics

They Make me SICK

✖ Preps
✖ Animal Abuse
✖ My Father

I Do Enjoy Acrobatics, Hooping and Contortion are my favorite forms, sometimes Both


Obviously You're too curious•••
Isabell is the apple of her Fathers eye...When he wants her to be.

Her mother and Father had met when she was visiting Germany on a scholarship. Her mother was an excellent dancer, but had fallen for a German soldier, thus, conceiving Isabell. Their relationship had lasted for quite sometime, even further into marriage. Now, to say they had only married because of her, no one would know, but Isabell had expected that such a thing had happened because of her.

Her Father was a constant ball breaker. Wanting her to be "The Son he Always wanted", but her mother, well, she wanted Isabell to become her own Spirit. (Yes, her mother is slightly a free flowing-esque/Hippie Chinese woman) Having her way, her Mother convinced her husband to enroll her into an Acrobatic class. Being there since she was a child, continuing till now, she was sent off to school, just as her Father percurely left back to Germany.

My Background Music•••
Bat for Lashes - Let's get lost
Anything Else? I sport a few piercings (Much to mother's dismany and thanks to some friends). Center of my lip. Also, Under my Right Eye.
What do I want to become?
Professional Acrobatic.
Who Do I Like? •••
...Psh, None of your damn business!
THE AUTHOR•••CandyCane831
PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:21 am
- Jax Knightley -

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Have you Gotten the Message? -Hello-


MY NAME IS-Jax Knightley-
But People call Me-Jax-
The last Number of Candles I saw was-16-
Do I really Have to Pull Down My Pants? I'm Obviously a-male-
Want to celebrate it?
-November 12-


You Should Really Get to Know Me

-I am incredibly analytical and able to figure out most situations with no problem. If i'm not found studying in the library, or reading then look for my brother for I will be with him... doing god knows what. Usually i'm very quiet and can seem cold, but in truth i'm a kind-hearted individual. I have always been incredibly intelligent and a wonderful student. I pride myself in my ability to please my teachers and do whatever they ask. I follow orders to the letter and never give less than 100% when it comes to school.-

Did You Know?

-I stand at about 5'9-5'10
-I am part Hispanic & Part Caucasian
-I have a broad build with a decently defined-body
-My eyes and hair and both a light shade of violet

Come here, Let me tell you something
I am envious of my older brother

They're My DRUG

✓ Studying
✓ Rain
✓ Reading

They Make me SICK

✖ procrastination
✖ The fact that my brother doesn't try yet he scores right above me
✖ My Father

I Do Enjoy-Studying & Reading. I need nothing else-


Obviously You're too curious•••
I was born a year after my brother, Fawkes, was and since childhood have felt like I live in his shadow. He loves me, I know but it seems like he is always number #1. I think that might be why I started to try so hard in school. Anyways, my father was usually pretty kind to me... I don't understand why. It was only on a few occasions that his beatings of my mother and brother that he beat me as well, he gave me the scar I have actually. Anyways, after we moved and he left things got simpler for a while.

Then I noticed that even though my brother was always off goofing around, he was scoring better than me in the state exams. It was a very aggravating fact, how could that moron score better than me??? I decided to try harder and have completely submerged myself into my schoolwork. That is all the time I have for you, now leave *returns to reading a book*

My Background Music•••
Theme song
Anything Else?-Only time I am not so strung up is when I am with my brother-
What do I want to become?
College? Unclear. Career? Psychiatrist
Who Do I Like? •••
no one has intrigued me
THE AUTHOR•••Sylar Ginyoku



PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:47 am
- Ayumu Ishizawa -

User Image

Have you Gotten the Message? -If you don't know me, I suggest you keep your distance.-


MY NAME IS-Ayumu Ishizawa-
But People call Me-Ayu-
The last Number of Candles I saw was-Seventeen-
Do I really Have to Pull Down My Pants? I'm Obviously a-Male
Want to celebrate it?
-April 5th-


You Should Really Get to Know Me

-Ayumu is a very dark and cold person. He doesn't get along with anyone at school, and prefers to interact with his fists rather than his mouth, so other people like to keep away from him. Not that he minds, of course- he likes to be alone most of the time. However, underneath the harsh exterior, he's really a kind person. It's just that most people never come close enough to him to find out, since by then they're usually out cold with a bloody nose. Ayumu's real self almost never surfaces for that same reason. He has too much pride sometimes, and hates getting intimidated by others. -

Did You Know?

-Details about Appearance

Come here, Let me tell you something
Ayumu is actually a great artist. Apparently all that punching has increased his skill and dexterity in his hands.

They're My DRUG

✓ Drawing
✓ Being alone
✓ Watching scary moviews

They Make me SICK

✖ Cheerful people
✖ Smiling
✖ Annoying idiots

I Do Enjoy-Sleeping and drawing-


Obviously You're too curious•••
Ayumu used to be a normal kid in a normal family, and even had a younger sister whom he adored. However, his sister, Chika, was often bullied by other children when she became crippled in a sports accident when she was six. Ayumu hated the people who made fun of her, and that's when he began to get into fights and such. By the time he was ten, he could take on two others who were two years older than him. Chika resented the way Ayumu fought other people and was kicked out of school numerous times just because of her, but she didn't speak up, since she didn't want to make her brother angry or depressed. Ayumu's streak of fights and school suspensions continued, and his parents became disgusted with him.

On Ayumu's thirteenth birthday, his entire was killed by a random gang shooting. He was consumed by grief and madness, and joined a rival gang to avenge Chika. The gang was impressed with his skills, and went out of their way to recruit him- just a thirteen-year-old boy. Although in recent years he hasn't been extremely active in the gang, he is still associated with them and is sometimes attacked by rival gang members on the streets, especially late at night. By now he had developed a hugely negative reputation in the school, and never talked to anyone voluntarily. To this day, he is still chasing after Chika's killers from the rival gang.

My Background Music•••
Haijistu- Hiyama Kiyoteru
Anything Else?-Ayumu developed his drawing skills very early in his life, although no one really paid attention to it...-
What do I want to become?
Ayumu doesn't have a goal, but he secretly wants to go to an art school to become an artist.
Who Do I Like? •••
Who gets close enough to be liked by him?
THE AUTHOR•••Pudding Earl
PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:55 pm
~Veronica Vinely~

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Have you Gotten the Message? -What can I do for you?-


MY NAME IS-Veronica-
But People call Me Roni
The last Number of Candles I saw was 17
Do I really Have to Pull Down My Pants? I'm Obviously a Girl
Want to celebrate it?
March 31


You Should Really Get to Know Me

Roni does everything by the book.She does what they tell her to do.Since she doesnt want to cause any trouble she trys the best that she can be.She does all the chores in her house.Has an A in every class and doesnt do much else except drawing.She trys having fun but I guess she doesnt know how to.

Did You Know?

-She is skinny girl.She has soft pale skin with birthmark in her back.She has a beautiful smile.
-Long Brown/Black Hair
-Brown Eyes
-Mother is Jappaneese and her father is American

Come here, Let me tell you something
I've never kissed a guy.SInce i dont have time for them.

They're My DRUG

✓ Art
✓ School
✓ Rules

They Make me SICK

✖ Fighting
✖ Rule-Braekers
✖ Peanuts{Allergic}

I Do Enjoy
Drawing,painting and preety much every art there is.


Obviously You're too curious•••
Veronica doesnt do anything before checking if it against the rules.She doesnt like to make trouble since theres already enough drama with her parents.She does what she is told.Sometimes she scared of doing something wrong and getting yelled at or even worse hurt for not being good enough.She doesnt have time for fun between all her classes and chores.She trys being her very best in everything.She doesnt have much friends and the ones she does have she would never bring them over,who know what would happen.

Her passion is art.Her mother told her she had a gift the first time she drew something.Sadly her mother doesnt have time for her since she too busy fighting and discussing.She thinks its sad every night at the dinner table no one says a word and if they do it becomes another fight.She wishes her family could get along but until that she has too focus in no making anyone angry and being the best that she can be.Other than that she always trys to look happy and people believe she is.

My Background Music•••
I'll tell you when i find one
Anything Else?My face get swollen when I eat peanuts, it gets really hard to breath like that.I have fish named cookie.
What do I want to become?
My parents tell me its best to go to law school but I really want to be an artist.
Who Do I Like? •••
Nobody Yet
THE AUTHOR•••Sassy2610



PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:25 pm
Thomas Bellamy

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Have you Gotten the Message? I Don't Bite.


MY NAME IS Thomas Bellamy
But People call Me Tom
The last Number of Candles I saw was 17
Do I really Have to Pull Down My Pants? I'm Obviously a Male
Want to celebrate it?
June 11


You Should Really Get to Know Me

Thomas is a seventeen year old kid with many responsibilities. From his farm to his schoolwork, he's always doing something. But despite that fact, there is nothing he likes more than to not do anything at all. For just a few brief moments he feels calm and peaceful, and then jumps back into his busy life. Thomas is a very determined person and works very hard to get what he wants. He strives to be the best at all he does. But more than this, he is a caring person and is always ready to help a friend out despite his busy schedule. These days he's a bit more solemn than usual, but he tries nonetheless. Many people think of Thomas as someone who's got it all together. They view him as a perfectly happy individual. But in truth he has struggles that affect him as well. And if everyone counts on Thomas to help them with their problems, who is there to help him with his?

Did You Know?

- Lean and hard through years of farm work
- 5'10''
- Brown
- Gold
- Caucasian

Come here, Let me tell you something
Thomas tries to act as if nothing is wrong with him, but the pain of losing his parents weighs heavily on his heart.

They're My DRUG

✓ My animals
✓ My farm
✓ Peace

They Make me SICK

✖ Snoring
✖ Bullying
✖ Life taken for granted

I Do Enjoy A hard day's work


Obviously You're too curious•••
There was a time when Thomas would come home from school to the smell of a home cooked meal. His father would be standing on the porch welcoming him and asking how his day was. His mother, a beautiful young women in her thirties, would kiss him and tell him how lucky she was to have a son as smart as Thomas. He would smile and dance around the kitchen as she set out the plates. Thomas would go on and on about elementary school nonsense for hours, and his mother would pretend that each story was as interesting as the next. Later that night, his father would tuck him in bed and read him a story about superheroes or kings or cowboys or anything Thomas happened to like. This was the life that he remembered. This was the life that was taken from him on one cold winter night. Often he tries to remember what happened, but his mind only goes blank. They told him it was a car crash, but for some strange reason he knows that was a lie. The truth, buried deep in his mind locked away, is that they were murdered. Murdered right in front of him. The cops found him standing frozen in place staring at the gaping hole in his parents' heads. But his conscience mind won't allow him to remember these things. In order to keep his sanity, Thomas had to forget.

After that Thomas bounced around several foster homes until the age of 16 where he was emancipated from foster care. He moved back to his family's farm that had been waiting for him and got to work. From that point on, Thomas's life never stopped. It was a lot of cleaning up at first, but he's made some major progress. His parents would be proud of him. And that in itself is a comforting fact.

My Background Music•••
Soldier On - The Temper Trap
Anything Else? If Thomas would ever tire of farming, he would love to go to culinary school and become a chef.
What do I want to become?
Grow old and grey on my farm with the one I love.
Who Do I Like? •••
I can't be bothered by that right now.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:27 pm
Kanamiku Yamamoto

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Have you Gotten the Message? Hiya! Want to party?!


MY NAME ISKanamiku Yamamoto
But People call MeKana or Miku
The last Number of Candles I saw wasSeventeen
Do I really Have to Pull Down My Pants? I'm Obviously aFemale
Want to celebrate it?
February 14th


You Should Really Get to Know Me

Kana is the party-animal type of girl. She can never be seen without being at a party. Kana is the nice type of girl but she does have parts of her that can be scary. Kana has a temper problem that mainly involves when she doesn't have enough sleep or when she just feels like it. Kana dislikes being told what to do the most it cause herself to get in a bad mood that no one wants to see. She mainly tries to hid her bad mood swings until she is at home or alone. Most of all she is nice, friendly, and curious. She is crazy at party's but she doesnt care.

Did You Know?

Average build.
5 ft 4 in
Violet color
Japanese from Mother, Russian from Father

Come here, Let me tell you something
Kana is bi-sexual. She doesnt show it because she thinks she will be treated like an outcast because she likes girl and boys. She also has glasses but she never wears them.

They're My DRUG

✓ Cheerleading
✓ Rain
✓ Nighttime

They Make me SICK

✖ Teachers
✖ Being made fun of
✖ Snow

I Do EnjoyCooking, Cheerleading, Drawing, Playing the violin, Dancing


Obviously You're too curious•••
Kanamiku was born on February 14th. Yes Valentines Day. She figured it was just luck that she was born on the day of love. Her Mother and Father seemed to be excited that she was born on that day. Kana was their bundle of joy. They would leave her with her grandmother when they went to work and then pick her up afterwards. As Kana grew up she started have these feelings that she always ignored. She tried to talk to her parents about it but they just told her it was the chills because they lived in Russia and it was always cold. Kana believed them. Kana grew to the age of 10 when she found out her parents got into a car crash and died. She cried for two weeks and then went mute. She didnt talk for three years. Kana's grandmother had her pack her things and sent her to live with her aunt. She agreed and left. She needed to get away from everything at home.

Kana is now 17 and lives with her aunt. She goes to school and studies but she has changed a lot since she found out her parents died. She now talks to people but not a lot. She avoids people when they ask her about her family. She dislikes discussing it with people who shouldn't be in her personal life. She is the head cheerleader and it makes her happy that she has something to keep her focused on other things. Her Aunt still mourns for her mother and father to this day and Kana prays for them every morning before she goes to school. Kana right now just hopes that she will be able to talk to people who wont want to know about her family and personal life.[/color

My Background Music•••
Evanescence - Imaginary NIGHTCORE
Anything Else?Kana can sing a little bit but she stopped after her parents deid
What do I want to become?
Kana wants to go to a good college in Russia or on near her Aunt
Who Do I Like? •••
Thats a secret you have to find out
THE AUTHOR•••Bravery-Homunculus



PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:50 am
Arisu Yuka Sumiko

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Have you Gotten the Message? "Have any challenges for me?"


MY NAME IS Arisu Yuka Sumiko
But People call Me Alice, Ali (Alli), Arisu
The last Number of Candles I saw was Seventeen
Do I really Have to Pull Down My Pants? I'm Obviously a Female
Want to celebrate it?
July 4


You Should Really Get to Know Me

Arisu tends to be very much childish, she cant help it though. It just happens.. Her mind doesn't compute other people's feelings. Alice can be nice and homey towards people she doesn't know or does know.. Well, she can be also demanding and very blunt. Well, besides that, Ali is ambitious, unafraid of winning or losing (when she loses most of the time). She is always determined and rough. She isn't like much girls, she doesn't cry and be all girly and.. Well, like a girl. She is most likely like a boy. Anyway, there isn't much to her, besides her being a ambitious outspoken tomboy girl who doesn't care if she loses or wins.

Did You Know?

- A fair built, although not strong to pick up very heavy things, a small figure, almost looks like a pear~
- 5'5
- Long and Black with many layers
- Dark Green, they almost look black!
- Mothers Side: Japanese/Korean Fathers Side: Irish

Come here, Let me tell you something
Well, why would she tell you? It wouldn't be a secret now..

They're My DRUG

✓ Beating others! (although she can never be number sometimes)
✓ Taking Risks
✓ Life itself

They Make me SICK

✖ Doubters
✖ Strict boring people~
✖ Critics

I Do Enjoy-Insert Hobbies-


Obviously You're too curious•••
Arisu was born on the day of Independence. Yes, the fourth of July. A joyous day of celebrating our U.S's Independence. Her parent's little girl was the one and only.. Well, you see, her parents had tried many times before to have a child.. But, to no avail, they have all been dead fetuses. But, Alice was one special girl. And once she was old enough to walk and sometimes talk, she was always with her father, only because her mother was taking on school again and was going studying abroad. And her father was a cartoon artist, always at home drawing stuff. Alice's father is also Irish, and teaching her Celtic. It used to drove her mom insane, when she knows English, Korean, and Japanese.. But, it also drove her dad insane when her mom taught Alice her languages. It was a never-ending battle to see who can piss each other off.. But, it wasn't a terrible household. Everyone was just there.. Being each other.. And no one to stop her from doing what she loved to do. And even when she took up the challenge to beat this one kid from the Track Team, she obviously lost, but it didn't matter to her. Her parents, at first were puzzled, but knew she was just ambitious and bit of a adrenaline-junkie.

Everything was just peachy-keen at first with Alice's life was constant battles that she sometimes won and lost. She was known as The Loose Canon, unafraid of anything. School wasn't kind.. But, at the same time it was. It was all good till her father recieved a letter from where her mom was studying, which was in Germany. And once he read it, it contained photos.. Revealing photos.. And once he saw all of them.. He called her.. Despite the major time difference.. And of course they yelled and yelled all night, causing Arisu to wake up and hear it. Well, lets just say, her father and her moved away, selling the house without his wife knowing and started a new life.. But, this minor bump didn't shape her. It made her semi-better.

My Background Music•••
Theme song
Anything Else? Her body can bend in several ways. (in other words, she's a Contortionist)
What do I want to become?
Im not sure yet.. I want to join a circus though!
Who Do I Like? •••
Im not sure.. Help me?
THE AUTHOR••• iNessieMonsterRawr
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