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Springtime Teenager

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:09 pm
Trying to get back into this shop...!
(Implying I was ever into it gdi)
(can you believe this journal was posted in '11 lmao what the heckie)

Feel free to PM me about breedings or RP! (especially the rp i'm so thirsty)

also this is super U/C sorry for the mess!

plotting thread
PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:28 pm
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Name: Refuge
    Also known as: Safe

Cagey... Aloof... Restless... Free...

    There is only one thing that's truly important to Refuge—his own well being. This buck prefers to keep to himself whenever possible, never staying in the same place too long. The best way to preserve his own skin is by way of solitude, and it's an existence that he's perfectly fine with.

    It's disposition. From birth Refuge has found peace in the seclusion of the swamp, prizing it far over companionship with other kin. It's nothing personal (not usually), and he finds those that try to pry or push annoying, if not plain infuriating. Despite this, Refuge doesn't necessarily find other kin wholly unpleasant, he just prefers not to interact with them (nothing personal, remember?). Watching other kin—studying, as he'd put it—is actually somewhat of a comforting activity for him. His ability at reading body language is honed as a result, even if he can't react appropriately. He merely seeks to understand behaviors and psychologies behind actions. Having such information helps Safe predict things, as he'd rather not turn a blind eye to any sort of detail when it comes to threats. Refuge is nothing if not cautious.

    This being said, if any kin did happen to find themselves in a position of conversation with Safe, it would become apparent that he's sorely lacking in social skills despite his 'all encompassing knowledge'. His words come off as blunt, dull, and oftentimes downright rude, even in the occasional instance that he wasn't trying to be a total jerk. Poorly gone conversations are still the least of his worries, so long as he can be left to his devices, and it's very obvious he lacks any sort of remorse. However, one thing Refuge is not in the market for is making enemies, and he can usually worm his way out of situations before he goes and upsets anyone too much, (see: running). At the end of the day, Refuge only means to preserve himself and his personal 'sanctuary' built within.


    • Watchful
    • Level Headed


    • Reclusive
    • Abrasive

RP Tracker:



Springtime Teenager


Springtime Teenager

PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:33 pm
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Name: Sunsetter
    Also known as: Dusk

Relaxed... Serious... Contemplative... Crepuscular...

    Sunsetter is a buck of many things. Hardworking just isn't one of them. Preferring to nap the majority of the day is how Dusk usually spends his time. It isn't until the sun rises or the sun sets that he stirs, and even then he keeps his hobbies pathetically sedentary. Preferring brains over brawn, Dusk finds ruminating or musing to be the best way to spend his hours. Where some might call out his laziness, he merely sees it as philosophy as he ever expands his so-called wisdom. Questioning the things around him and trying to decipher the reasoning of the universe is very important to him.

    But don't mistake Sunsetter's lax behavior for carelessness. He won't be winning any races or making any bounds in strength, this much is true, but Dusk is a rather serious individual. Life, while a beautiful thing in of itself, is also rather pessimistic as times. While it is important to celebrate the gifts and good things in the day-to-day, he believes one should also remember to live knowing that fate is entirely too fickle to get comfortable. That being said, Dusk doesn't necessarily stress, as life to him moves far too quickly to worry. With a strong belief that karma sorts out everyone in the end, he's content seeing where his destiny will lead him without sweating most of the details.


    • Patient
    • Thoughtful


    • Lacks initiative
    • Lazy

RP Tracker:

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:46 pm
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Name: Shameless
    Also known as: ...Shameless lol

Brazen... Bold... Flirty... Aggressive...

    At first glance, Shameless is anything but responsible. Shameless is loud and proud, drawing attention to herself whenever she can, be it negative or positive. The limelight is an important position to be in, and she absolutely relishes it in. Bold to perhaps a fault, she'll be one of the first to dive headlong into danger; it's at least suffice to say she has utmost confidence in her abilities. Taking initiative and stepping up are traits she considers very important, and she has no issues challenging anyone that she sees wavering, especially if they try to hold a position of power. That being said, competent bucks—and honestly does too—are very appealing to her once all standards have been met. Shameless is, after all, very shameless. A tad relentless in her pursuits, her escapades don't usually pan out or last longer than a night, and she enjoys a good thrill from potential suitors who acknowledge her prowess. Nothing like a game of hard to get for this doe.

    When she isn't being unprofessional however, she's a proud member of Westfen, a position she considers surprisingly important. Loosey-goosey or not in her free time, being a daughter of Westward Bound demands some businesslike manners. While she's not the most seasoned hunter in her clan, she considers herself proficient and established. Being the best doesn't really matter so long as she's just a hair above most—she'll leave looking good to older brother Flame. She's always looking good, after all.


    • Dauntless
    • Smooth talker


    • Reckless
    • Haughty

RP Tracker:



Springtime Teenager


Springtime Teenager

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:13 am
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Name: Across the Grass
    Also known as: Stride

Nomadic... Athletic... Straightforward... Down to earth...

    Stride is nothing if not on the straight and narrow, perhaps a little too literally. Preferring not to sugarcoat things, Stride is definitely who you want to talk to if you want an honest opinion. Her view on the world is a simple one, and likewise she's propelled by pretty simple goals. Her motives in life are a mere pursuit of happiness, and she only wishes to see what the world has to offer—within moderation, of course. the Ache keeps her confined to the swamp, but honestly it suits her just fine for now. No location is quite the same after all! Not to mention each place brings new faces and more stories to add to her repertoire.

    That being said, Stride is quite the social creature. Traveling alone suits her fine, but two is always better, and she's not sure where 'three's a crowd' even got coined. The more the merrier! Despite being so friendly, Stride definitely has a bit of a competitive streak. Dubbing herself more of a jack of all trades rather than superb at any little thing, she definitely tries to learn and test herself whenever possible. Rubbing in her far and few victories is something she's been working on (as she can get a little too carried away), but she's at least a good sport when it comes to losing. Everything is a learning experience, after all!


    • Inquisitive
    • Amiable


    • Overzealous
    • Restless

RP Tracker:

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2013 10:36 am
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Name: Goodbye to Yesterday
    Also known as: Forward

Optimistic... Dedicated... Unforgiving... Repressed

    i'll fill this out eventually...



RP Tracker:



Springtime Teenager


Springtime Teenager

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2013 10:40 am
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Name: Tending Joy
    Also known as: Tender

Caring... Quiet... Nurturing... Protective...

    Tender is the epitome of a gentle giant. Preferring to take it easy in life, Tender has been rooted to the same place his whole life, finding travel excessive and sometimes downright unnecessary. Anything he needs can come from the loam of the earth, and one look at the small glen he calls home would tell you that. Gardening is perhaps his largest and most apparent hobby—even though it was one initially derived from necessity. Despite this, Tender absolute adores his craft, and is always willing to share with the occasional passerby's that find themselves on his figurative doorstep.

    Though he lacks a single mean bone in his body, Tender isn't afraid to use his strength when necessary, though he loathes to do it. Defending the weak is something he would always do, even if he finds them to be in the wrong initially. Mercy is an important moral to practice, and he does so when he needs to. Tender wholeheartedly believes in second and third chances. Some might call his views naive, but Tender likes to think there's good within everyone, as no single soul is wholly evil.


    • Empathetic
    • Diligent


    • Too trusting
    • Over extending

RP Tracker:

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:43 pm
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Name: Sky's the Limit
    Also known as: Endless

Energetic... Overextending... Chipper... Rambunctious...

    Caution can be healthy when in moderation, but not for Endless. Optimism practically flows through his veins; it's almost as if nothing bad could possibly happen! Ever! A true blue pollyanna if such a word existed in kin language, Endless sees all the light at the end of every tunnel. Each situation, no matter how bad or bleak, has something good to take away from it.

    Perhaps a little obnoxious, as Endless has endless energy. Everything is on the up and up and the go go go. There's no time to rest when there's so much of life to experience! Still, every source can run empty, and Endless has an awful habit of running himself into the ground from time to time. Trying to take on too much at once is a major flaw for the buck, whether it's making too many (unfortunately) empty promises to other kin, or attempting too many tasks. Endless lacks foresight, and even further lacks focus, so it's rare that any on project gets finished before he moves into the next. Even when Endless runs into a block however, he's always quick to rebound back, never staying down for too long. Life is simply too short to spend it sad!


    • Upbeat
    • Spirited


    • Rowdy
    • Flighty

RP Tracker:



Springtime Teenager


Springtime Teenager

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:44 pm
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Name: Sweet Talk
    Also known as: Taken

Naive... Softhearted... Coy... Bashful...

    Flattery can get you many places with many individuals, and the same can easily be said for Sweet Talk. A very gentle buck, Taken is a bit of a fool, easily buying into any sort of affection directed his way. Being otherwise too shy to seek out companionship on his own, he revels in that sort of attention. He



RP Tracker:

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:45 pm
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Name: Hides the Face
    Also known as: Mask

Shy... Huffy... Tentative... Deceptive...

    Mask just doesn't know what other kin want. He really doesn't know how to talk to them either. Finding it difficult to empathize with basically anyone, Mask can come off as crude very easily. He doesn't necessarily dislike companionship, he's just unsure how to go about it. There's a nagging voice in the back of his head that nitpicks everything he does, each little thing he says, and it's easy for him to take that frustration out on those around him.

    As a result, he's fairly unsure when he approaches others, and every time he tries to interact with someone different he has a habit of acting different. Taking on different personas as it were, Mask tries to match what he thinks the other would want, carefully picking out traits that might seem more attractive than others without really being true to himself. Regardless of his attempts, most of the time he ends up snapping anyway, turning coat as soon as the situation seems like it's going south. Which, as Mask is entire too presumptuous, seems to happen more times than not.


    • Beguiling
    • Careful


    • Anxious
    • Presumptuous

RP Tracker:



Springtime Teenager


Springtime Teenager

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:45 pm
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Name: Won't You Come
    Also known as: Follow

Passionate... Fiery... Expressive... Charismatic...

    Having the makings for a natural born leader, Follow has a staunch disposition and nerves of steel. With an unwavering resolve, nothing really seems to get to this doe; of course, these things are really only surface deep. Having a strong projection is important, but she is only mortal, and she definitely has insecurities broiling under the surface—just like everyone else. The difference is her ability to cover it.

    Perhaps it's unhealthy to keep these things broiling under the surface, but Follow is at least adept at letting things roll off her back. In solitude she'll allow herself to reflect on her emotions, but so long as she's in the presence of another being she'll choke it back. It's not from lack of trust, but more of the mindset that she needs to do everything herself, as if she has something to constantly prove. Then again, Follow holds herself to very high standards.

    Speaking of her fiery passion, Follow enjoys fire in general. Bordering on pyromaniac, she finds many things soothing about the flicker of flames. A helpful beast, but still an unpredictable foe. It's merely one of the many unpredictable things nature has to offer, and a constant reminder never to underestimate anything.


    • Charming
    • Ardent


    • Guarded
    • Over Impassioned

RP Tracker:

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:46 pm
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Name: You Long For Seasons
    Also known as: Ache

Pensive... Wishful... Strong... Introverted...

    A formidable presence, Ache is merely that—a presence. Silent more times than not, it isn't uncommon for one to find Ache somewhat intimidating, though he doesn't mean it at all. Fairly friendly when it gets down to it, Ache simply prefers not to speak when it isn't necessary, letting others do all the talking for him. He's more than content to lend an ear and listen. Being too outgoing is simply exhausting, causing Ache to spend a large amount of time alone and in respite.

    One thing ever captivating to Ache is the turn of the seasons. Basing many of his schedules around the tides of nature, Ache is impressively attuned to the natural shifts. Very much set in his ways, there are specific things for summer and specific things for fall. Perhaps a little stuck in his ways in that regard, but having specific structures in Ache's life make things more enjoyable. Not having constant direction is a bit of a bore for him, as he's always busying himself with things to do.


    • Dedicated
    • Organized


    • Impractical

RP Tracker:



Springtime Teenager


Springtime Teenager

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:46 pm
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Name: Somberly
    Also known as: Somber

Stoic... Cautious... Rough... Considerate...

    Bullheaded and weary, Somber is a very serious doe with a very important agenda. Putting her sister high on the priority ladder, it would be suffice to say that she's basically obsessed with keeping her safe, even when unwarranted. Anyone else might as well not exist.

    Don't expect her kindness to extend to anyone else, that's for sure. While she can be considerate with the few kin she holds dear, she's otherwise pretty rough around the edges, always seeing an ulterior motive behind every action. It takes a lot of time, patience, and willpower to prove yourself to Somberly, but those who do will find a very loyal companion.



RP Tracker:
Just a Visit ft If I Wither
• one with rose
PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:50 pm
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Name: Quite Contrary
    Also known as: Contrary

Purposeless... Truth Seeking... Vagabond... Smarmy
    Contrary sure inherited her mother's wit and snark. Aside from that, the differences are seemingly endless. Much more quiet, Contrary isn't one to initiate a conversation on her own. This isn't to say she's not social; she merely enjoys listening. Any conversational partner would see this should they speak to her first.

    For Contrary, her largest issue is one of identity. She's just not sure what it is she's supposed to do with her life, or if there's anything grand she should be trying to make of it in the first place. Having rejected the offer poised by her mother to join her home clan, she now feels a little bit like an aimless wanderer.

    Another quirk is her inherent dislike of... dirt. It's odd, and she knows it's unavoidable as the swamp is a disgusting, muddy mess, but her bright colors and pure white of her skin just make it so... obvious and there. Nothing is worst than the feeling of murk stuck and dried to her body. Throw in an extraordinarily bushy tail that was obviously not meant for swamp life, and the irks are absolutely endless. Sticks, leaves, burrs; it all gets caught in there one way or another, and she spends far too much time trying to keep it groomed.

    The tail does, however, giver her some exceptional balance. It definitely helps with how she traverses land... unconventionally. Up on fallen trees or hopping along rocks, she rarely takes spills. This is good, because that would be an absolute disaster.


    • Vigilant
    • Swift


    • Directionless
    • Sarcastic

RP Tracker:
Complementary ft Crimson Tears


Springtime Teenager


Springtime Teenager

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:52 pm
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Name: Sticks and Stones
    Also known as:

keywords here...
    what he like



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