I've noticed that there are times when a song becomes associated in my thoughts, and other people's thoughts, to a movie, TV show, or other things of the kind that aren't necessarily a part of a song's original purpose. Let me give you a couple examples. Every time that I hear the guitar solo in Lynyrd Skynyrd's 'Free Bird', I always remember one particular scene from the movie 'Forrest Gump'. In the scene, Forrest's best friend Jenny is strung out on some kind of drug, and is standing on a balcony wall in her platform heels and looking down at the pretty lights beneath her, and it seems for certain that she is about to fall to her death, but then she comes to her senses and gets off of the balcony wall. It's a pretty intense scene, if you ask me. Of course the guitar solo is the soundtrack for that particular scene, which is why I remember it when I hear the song. As another example, I think of David Bowie's song 'Changes' as one of his greatest hits, since it is on the 'Best of Bowie' CD that I own, but to my nieces and nephew, it's 'the song from the Shrek movie'. (Shrek 2, to be precise.) Does anyone else out there have other examples of this phenomena?