Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:06 pm
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:58 pm
Yeah yeah yeah My name is Desiray I am old enough,but if you must know I'm 17(appears this age,more than a 100 years old) years old I have a dashing personality is I do say so myself Desiray is honest and straightfoward,she is funny,short -tempered,sarcastic,loyal,strong-willed and barely jokes around. I look like this,yes its natural beauty "Hm interesting" My story.....heh just press fastfoward and watch it before your eyes Desiray was passed around constantly from home to home,and never had got a last name her own parents din't give her their last names.Desiray is Yuko's apprentaice,but has spent much time in the spirit world where she has found out a few things about herself,like the fact that she is a witch/elemental and can enter and exit Yuko's shop even though she has no wishes that need to be granted,why she has no idea even Yuko.She has returned in order to put balance back into the spirit world and the world of the living. My hobbies include Sleeping,Training,Dancing The one I will forever owe my life to roro456