Im not sure i didnt do any RPs in a while, and none here. So the idea is sorta... very wierd. But i like my wierd ideas cuz only i can tend to think of them i think it'd make others brains hurt or something XD trying to come up with stuff.

So the idea is Biological machines, and/or tools, and/or clothing, and/or buildings, and weapons.

Um like a bioenginered/altered organ from an animal can be made for a battery or somethign by discharging electricity and lives off of dust mites and stuff in the air which is common, and they can cause it to have strict dna so its dna repairs itself whenever it can so it doesnt mutate and become useless or so it doesnt age or get damaged over time.

Or they can have living guns, that are wirelessly connected to your living clothing, that receives signals from your brain and sends them to the gun so you can have certain types of rounds, like thought itd be extremely slow irl if this could be done, but it absorbs oxygen and carbon from the air compressing it into bullets, the carbon bullets as strong or stronger than diamond and when it has liqued oxygen in th emiddle of it which is flammable, so then it can pierce almsot anything and/or explode on impact, then it burns up leaving no evidence behind (diamonds can burn and be lost in things like house fires cuz of it),

or the clothing has a virtual reality thing, it can access the internet to your brain, it can make you live longer and make you healthier stronger happier and smarter. I thought of a hoody version so far and a full body version lol. But in that daydream i also had alot of um sci-fi based shape-shifting, like a left brained version of shapeshifting if turning into an identicle other being is right brained (means you cna change individual hands limbs tissues organs etc by will to anything you want even original things not in nature) but that might not work well with furries. And in that original idea i had the suits give them the shapeshifting powers also and they could download stuff from the net to their brains like a weapons blueprints then they can shapeshift their arm into a version of that thats biological and wierd looking then use it just as well. When i thought of close range fighting, itd be nothing you ever thought of before for close range fighting, like they would have to more than think fast, cuz they can suck your blood out of you with their hands if they wanted or they coudl turn their clothes into shields, or if they stabbed one, then the other could inject a poison into them or something, or they can steal each others dna as well to copy powers and ideas they had, etc etc. I even made a dude that was a living electrical based being who coudl suck peoples souls out and manifest objects with the bio-electricity he feeds on others with, and another dude could have a sinpmle needle send a false body death signal into the opponents body causeing all his cells to rapidly die.

Yeah i suppose im into biology somewhat lol.
But cuz of daydreaming this i had a dream about it once and a female half green dragon scaly half blond human i tried gettin laid with, even though she had a nest of living organs spread throughout the room, she eventually declined but let me take some of her organs she used for trying to get dna mutations i think.