Basically that's the problem. I have no meaning. I barely even exist.

I live out in the middle of ******** nowhere, in a town of 162 people, 3 hours near the next ******** town.
I have no friends... Or even people who give half a flying ******** about me.
I have no hobbies, no interests, not even a book to read or a game to play that I haven't already.
I live in a caravan out the back of the house because they don't even want me in there, it's ******** cold and wet out here.
I actually have a condition that makes me think, perceive and transmit emotions differently from you people, trying to understand you guys is like trying to understand Russian, but I try!
I'm clumsy as all ********, and this isn't that mind over matter bullshit, I can't help it, It's a ******** condition.
I have bent femurs and I'm missing bone ligaments in my feet that for the arch, which both make simply walking painful.
I have all the social skills and grace of a pubic lice.
My memory is shot to buggery, which gets me into s**t loads of trouble... I CAN'T HELP IT!
I'm ugly as ********. Fat as ******** I have many more problems that are much more personal...

Oh sure, you can say it'll get better but it's been getting worse for near on 6 months now. I have nothing that means anything to me... I don't see a purpose in this perpetual loop of s**t. The few good things I ever get going for me I end up ******** up, because, let's face it, I'm just one big ******** up waiting to happen.

You can say "Oh he won't do it", well guess what, you're right! Have a gold star! I don't want to. I just can't see any reason carrying on with this, pointless charade called life.

Saying it'll get better will not help in the slightest, even the people I consider close to me, who are probably just back stabbers knowing my ******** luck, can't convince me with that age old worn-out line.

The worst thing is knowing everyone hates you but they can't hate you half as much as you do...