Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:49 am
This thread is for the purpose of displaying the profiles and profile coding for the roleplay. Do not attempt to steal any coding or post here. The Earl will be after you with a weapon of deadly proportions to take your head. Thank you.
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:58 am
Profile coding: [align=center][img]ANIMEIMGURL[/img][/align]
[color=color2]B A S I C [/color][color=white]▀▀[/color][color=color2] I N F O R M A T I O N[/color]
[color=color1]◣[/color][color=white]█████████████████████████[/color][color=color1]◢[/color] [/align]
[align=center] [color=color1]►[/color][color=color5] "Quote Here Please" [/color][color=color1]◄[/color][/align]
[color=white]xxxxx[/color][color=color1]↘[/color] [color=color3]N A M E [/color] [color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color] [color=color1]↳[/color][color=color5] Name here[/color]
[align=right][color=color4]S O N G[/color] [color=color2]↙[/color][color=white]xxxxx[/color] [url=SONG URL HERE][color=color5]Song Name[/color][/url] [color=color2]↲[/color][color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color][/align]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][color=color1]↘[/color] [color=color3]A G E [/color] [color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=color1]↳[/color][color=color5] Age (spelled out)[/color]
[align=right][color=color4]H E I G H T[/color] [color=color2]↙[/color][color=white]xxxxx[/color] [color=color5]Height Here [/color][color=color2]↲[/color][color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color][/align]
[color=white]xxxxx[/color][color=color1]↘[/color] [color=color3]G E N D E R[/color] [color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=color1]↳[/color][color=color5] Male/Female[/color]
[align=right][color=color4]W E I G H T[/color] [color=color2]↙[/color][color=white]xxxxx[/color] [color=color5]Weight here- in pounds please [/color][color=color2]↲[/color][color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color][/align]
[color=white]xxxxx[/color][color=color1]↘[/color][color=color3] R O L E[/color] [color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=color1]↳[/color][color=color5] Role Here[/color]
[align=right][color=color4]H A I R [/color][color=color2]↙[/color][color=white]xxxxx[/color] [color=color5]Hair Color [/color][color=color2]↲[/color][color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color][/align]
[color=white]xxxxx[/color][color=color1]↘[/color][color=color3] L I K E[/color] [color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=color1]↳[/color][color=color5] (The person they like)[/color]
[align=right][color=color4]E Y E S [/color][color=color2]↙[/color][color=white]xxxxx[/color] [color=color5]Eye Color [/color][color=color2]↲[/color][color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color][/align]
[color=color2]B I O [/color][color=white]▀▀[/color][color=color2] I N F O R M A T I O N[/color]
[color=color1]◣[/color][color=white]█████████████████████████[/color][color=color1]◢[/color] [/align]
[color=white]xxxxx[/color][color=color2]↘[/color] [color=color4]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color] [list][list][list][list][align=center] [color=color2]↳[/color] [color=color5](Needs to be at least 2 paragraphs. One paragraph=6 solid sentences. No limit on this, as long as you're not crazy enough to do twenty paragraphs or something. Be creative and descriptive! Don't just put "She's nice and pretty" and be done with it. There's gotta be more than that. And I want some people who aren't perfect. Bawl it all out!)[/color] [/align][/list][/list][/list][/list]
[color=white]xxxxx[/color][color=color2]↘[/color] [color=color4]B I O[/color] [list][list][list][list][align=center] [color=color2]↳[/color][color=color5] (Needs to be at least 2 and a half paragraphs. One paragraph=6 solid sentences. No limit on this either. If you have questions, ask. I'm not a cannibal, and I won't eat you, I promise.) [/color][/align][/list][/list][/list][/list]
[color=color2]E X T R A [/color] [color=white]▀▀[/color][color=color2] I N F O R M A T I O N[/color]
[color=color1]◣[/color][color=white]█████████████████████████[/color][color=color1]◢ [/color] [/align]
[color=white]xxxxx[/color][color=color1]↘[/color] [color=color3]E X T R A S[/color] [list][list][list][list][color=color1]↳[/color] [color=color5](Anything random goes here- bad habits of the character, skills, or what he/she would do in a certain situation. Just put something here!) [/color][/list][/list][/list][/list]
[color=white]xxxxx[/color][color=color1]↘[/color] [color=color3]R E G R E T[/color] [list][list][list][list][color=color1]↳[/color] [color=color5](Fill out in detail your character's regret if she is a Soul. If your character is not a soul, then put "N/A". ) [/color][/list][/list][/list][/list]
[align=center][color=color2]↘[/color][color=color4] P U P P E T - M A S T E R[/color] [color=color2]↙[/color] [color=color2]↳[/color][color=color5] Gaia username here[/color][/align]
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:02 am
B A S I C ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ ► "Revenge is bittersweet" ◄ xxxxx↘ N A M E xxxxxxxxxx ↳ Arlen Dwayne LavintermS O N G ↙xxxxxThe Sacrifice ↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx↘ A G E xxxxxxxxxx↳ Twenty-OneH E I G H T ↙xxxxx 5'8" ↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ G E N D E R xxxxxxxxxx↳ MaleW E I G H T ↙xxxxx 135 lbs ↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ R O L Exxxxxxxxxx↳ Third SoulH A I R ↙xxxxx Dark Blue ↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ L I K Exxxxxxxxxx↳ Lost LoverE Y E S ↙xxxxx Black ↲xxxxxxxxxx ◤█████████████████████████◥
B I O ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ xxxxx↘ P E R S O N A L I T Y ↳ Arlen is, for the most part, a calm and logical scholar. He's always skeptical of new ideas, but will accept them in due time with reasoning and solid proof. However, that's usually hard to find, so it's difficult for people to convince him. He's rather stubborn that way, you see. Arlen seems like a quiet, collected person to the average observer, and doesn't talk much unless it's about something that he likes, or something that he's interested in. On the other side, if the subject is not interesting to him, or if the person talking to him seems stupid in his eyes, then Arlen will speak less and less... until he's completely silent. At any rate, he isn't the most talkative person in the world, but he can be pretty passionate when it comes to the topics he's interested in. He dislikes people who say useless things, however.
Arlen is by no means a weak person. He may seem like it, but Arlen can get pretty nasty- physically and verbally- when he gets angry. Although he rarely, if ever, gets annoyed or angry, he will make sure the offender gets what he deserves... possibly even more. Arlen's words sting more than his punches, since he's not the best athlete around, but that doesn't mean he won't back off from a physical confrontation. That's certainly the case here with his regret- he will not be scared off, and he swears that he will really take down that person this time, and not let her go like he did last time.
Angry mood aside, however, Arlen is a gentle person who honors life above all else. In fact, it's because of this that he let the First Soul's Sister go in the first place. He regretted that later on, and itched for another chance to take his revenge... it seems like he finally does have that chance at last.
xxxxx↘ B I O ↳ Arlen's father walked out on his pregnant mother before he was born, so most of his childhood was spent alone in the house, while his mother worked as a maid for a rich noble's family. That's when he first started having an interest in books and learning- his father had a large library, filled with books and scrolls. To occupy his time, Arlen often wandered around in that library, getting lost in books about many subjects- history, mathematics, astronomy... his mother saw her son's interest in books and learning, so whenever she had the time or the money, she would buy more for him to read. Arlen's relationship with his mother was very stable and very close, even though the two of them seldom met because of his mother's job. She only came home once a week or so.
Eventually, however, Arlen's mother died in a freak accident while at work. Arlen was horrified, furious, and grieved, all at the same time. He swore to get revenge for her one day, and started up his own company, which eventually rose up in wealth and prestige, under Arlen's guidance. Using his position at the head of that company, he crushed the noble's own company, and caused his death a few days later, framing it to look like a suicide. Eventually, he managed to wipe out the noble's entire family. Soon after doing that, Arlen slipped in a dark stage of depression, finding nothing useful to do with his life. That's when he met the girl who would later become his Lover, and the two of them spent a lot of time together. For once, Arlen felt happiness again. She was the one who dragged him out of that darkness, so he was enraged when all her memories of him were erased during that freak accident. The darkness seemed to grip him again, until the Lost Lover befriended him again. In exchange, he promised not to kill the First Soul's sister. However, he turned out to regret that for the rest of his life.
E X T R A ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ xxxxx↘ E X T R A S↳ Arlen is a surprisingly good cook, having read a lot of books said subject. He's a superb leader, but a horrible organizer. His room is always messy, littered with papers and manuscripts. In fact, no one but Arlen himself can find anything in that rat hole...
xxxxx↘ R E G R E T ↳ Arlen constantly blames himself for his Lover's current state, and his regret was not being able to kill the person who had caused her to lose her memories- at least, that's what he thinks his regret is.
↘ P U P P E T - M A S T E R ↙ ↳ Pudding Earl
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:57 pm
B A S I C ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ ► "Believe in Anything, for there is no such thing as Impossible. Just Incapability. But even that can be overcome" ◄ xxxxx↘ N A M E xxxxxxxxxx ↳ Ken Issac Solomon S O N G ↙xxxxx Bang! Bang! Bang! ↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx↘ A G E xxxxxxxxxx↳ Twenty- Four H E I G H T ↙xxxxx 6"6↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ G E N D E R xxxxxxxxxx↳ Male W E I G H T ↙xxxxx 148 Lbs (All Muscle)↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ R O L E xxxxxxxxxx↳The Childhood Friend H A I R ↙xxxxx Red↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ L I K E xxxxxxxxxx↳The First Soul E Y E S ↙xxxxx A Piercing emerald Green↲xxxxxxxxxx ◤█████████████████████████◥
B I O ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ xxxxx↘ P E R S O N A L I T Y ↳ Ken is a very kind and gullible gentlemen. He is the type to take off his jacket and shirt in the dead winter to give to someone, and he is still quite classy. He would actually take off his jacket and lay it out on a puddle for a girl to cross. He's also very patient, being able to create a huge picture out of dominos he's quite cautious and careful. He is not the type to get disheartened very easily, he isn't even capable of getting angry at anyone. And when he does ever get angry, it's at himself. Things will break, including walls.
Despite being very gullible, Ken is actually a very intelligent guy. Hey, he's in university and majoring in Nerology with a bunch of other things. And yet he's still very gullible. Go ahead and tell him that the stars in the sky are actually fireflies trying to go back home to the moon, he'll totally believe you. With enough explanation, he'll believe almost anything.... His Major (And a few minors) would be a different story, that is something he knows through and through. Ken is also very active, How else does he get all his muscle?
He is the type who thinks that absolutely nothing is Impossible (Otherwise, how else would he be so gullibe?) He just believes people think it is impossible because they are incapable of grasping it. That's why he does "The Impossible" To see how it goes, and shows people that Anything is Possible (After a lot of logical thinking, he is not about to go jump off a cliff with sharp rocks below it). And when people tell him it is impossible, he'll do it and just tell them "Well.... I'm able to do it, and I'm only human"
xxxxx↘ B I O ↳ Ever since his early childhood days, Ken had always been taking advantage of. If people needed money for lunch, he'll buy lunch for them. If they didn't want to help clean up after a party, they'll dump it on him. He's always willing to help others, even if it means he has to sacrifice some of his own things. Being super smart didn't help that much either, seeing that people will just ask him to do their homework for them by making up some excuse that they were sad or busy with something. And the thing is, he believes them. So he was more than happy to do their homework.
Although he is very easily taken advantage of, there are girls who actually fall for him. Who wouldn't fall for such a overly exceeding tall, strong, Intelligent, handsome man? Not only that, but he's extremely easy to get along with and is almost always cheerful and laughing. Well, until his childhood friend died.... He always constantly wants to cry, grieve over the loss of his precious love friend. Not wanting to worry his friends and family, he keeps smiling, being cheerful for their sake. But it's not helping him. There is no one their for him to talk about everything to. No one that is willing to put up with his domino playing. No one to fill that big hole in his heart. Does he even have a heart anymore? He can't even feel it beat, no matter what he does. From setting up pictures with dominos to over exerting himself by working out. Now having bags under his eyes from lack of sleep (He probably gets 2-3 hours of sleep now), his family can't help but worry for him now.
The only thing that could be driving him to live and stay Sane is his promise he declared to himself when he was younger, to become the best Nerosurgeon ever. And his small mantra he keeps repeating before he sleeps.... "She would want me to go on living.....". But despite all that, a normal person could tell there is something wrong with him. He locks himself up in his house, doesn't take care of himself very well, is obsessed with doing something Anything to keep him busy. It's a wonder as to how he is still even functioning properly, especially at school where he has over piled courses upon courses.
E X T R A ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ xxxxx↘ E X T R A S ↳ Ken is Majoring in Neroscience and Psychology, Minoring in 6 different languages (American Sign, Spanish, French, Japanese, Arabic, and Korean), Rocket Engineering, as well as Photography. He is also a smoker (Not a big one, just one - two cig every week. Unless he is super stress) and when he doesn't want to smoke to relieve his stress, he goes out and set up dominos to make a huge picture, buys a new difficult puzzle (Floor or Metal pieces where you disconnect them and connect them again. He's actually very good at this), or over exerts his body by making it work out despite how tired he is. And despite all his homework from all his classes, he actually finishes all of them very quickly and passes all his tests as the top student.
He treasures his witch hat because he believes he is magical.
xxxxx↘ R E G R E T ↘ P U P P E T - M A S T E R ↙ ↳Winters-Snow
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:37 am
B A S I C ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ ► "People who give attention to a stray and leave it are as bad as the ones who abandoned it in the first place." ◄ xxxxx↘ N A M E xxxxxxxxxx ↳ Chrome Annabelle Vongola S O N G ↙xxxxx Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari ↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx↘ A G E xxxxxxxxxx↳ Nineteen H E I G H T ↙xxxxx 5'3"↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ G E N D E R xxxxxxxxxx↳ Female W E I G H T ↙xxxxx 90 lbs↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ R O L E xxxxxxxxxx↳ First Soul's Sister H A I R ↙xxxxx Twilight Lilac↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ L I K E xxxxxxxxxx↳Hmm? Oh, no one~ E Y E S ↙xxxxx Light Lavender ↲xxxxxxxxxx ◤█████████████████████████◥
B I O ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ xxxxx↘ P E R S O N A L I T Y ↳ Chrome is a rather quiet but cheerful girl with a smile on her face. Under her false carefree facade is a girl who is antisocial and is happiest when left alone. She tries to help out best as she can when someone who is kind to her needs help, or if she sees an old grandmother who needs help she'll go. She's rather sweet and shy around people she doesn't know, due to the fact she spends most of her time alone. Chrome is energetic in her own way, and she doesn't try to seem anything but happy. She prefers if you don't try to find out why she's feelings down.
Although she is athletic and rather even dangerous at times, Chrome's health is always below acceptable. She's often malnourished and pushes her health to the limit. However, being rather determined (or should I say, stubborn), she'll risk it to finish the task. Living alone most of the time, Chrome doesn't know how to really take care of her health, and just manages by. She doesn't know how to react when someone tries to take care of her, and would most likely just run away. Despite her poor health, Chrome isn't as meek as she appears to be.
Due to her nature, people can't seem to be honest to her or think of her as pitiful. She gets confused and shy when someone is kind to her since she had never imagined that her existence could be accepted by people. She reluctantly interacts with people around her, because she doesn't want sympathy from others. She's often misunderstood by others, simply because they think she isn't worth it to understand.
xxxxx↘ B I O ↳Chrome had a relatively sad childhood, to say in the least. Her real name was Nagi, before she changed it. Her parents didn't care much for her, and she was quickly abandoned and grew up alone. She wouldn't really open up to anyone, not even her sister. Her father worked for a famous overseas company, her mother was a famous superstar. Neither of them paid much attention to Chrome, well, because Chrome wasn't worth paying attention to.
After trying to rescue a cat, she was badly injured in a car accident, which led to the loss of her right eye and some of her internal organs. The only way to save her life would be to have someone with the same blood type transfer their organs to her. She did not care whether she lived or not, and her mother refused to sacrifice her own organs anyway. Her father had complained that his daughter made him miss an important meeting, but told her mother she could still be saved by donating organs. Her mother didn't want to sacrifice herself for "a girl she didn't understand" and that made her father upset. Meanwhile, Chrome had already heard the whole conversation.
Eventually, the doctors gave up on her, her parents left her, and she was all alone. And one day, a strange person visited her. He called himself an "alchemist", and told her he could save her if she wanted him to. Chrome agreed, and true to his word, the strange person fixed her up. She was grateful to him for saving her life, when no one else cared about her. Eventually, Chrome became his apprentice and took after the career as an alchemist. Others called her a scientist.
However, one day, when a girl came in to where she was conducting an "experiment", Chrome panicked and accidently wiped all her memories. Arlen was furious with her, and this made Chrome retreat further into her lonely shell for a very long time. She kept telling the public it was an accident, but the pressure the media put on her nearly drove her to the edge of taking her life. Even now, Chrome is very very reluctant to talk to strangers. However, she avoids being "friends" with others now.
E X T R A ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ xxxxx↘ E X T R A S ↳ Chrome carries a retractable trident as well as knives with her in case she faces a difficult situation. She usually wears a black eyepatch over her right eye. Chrome has two pet birds: Hibird, and Mukuro. Chrome also has a very nice voice and is quite an expert on piano. But she doesn't sing for others, only for her two birds.
xxxxx↘ R E G R E T ↘ P U P P E T - M A S T E R ↙ ↳ Iced_Chocolatte_Coffee
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:11 pm
B A S I C ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ ► "Never give up on anything that you can't go a day without thinking about." ◄ xxxxx↘ N A M E xxxxxxxxxx ↳ Loretta May Hastings S O N G ↙xxxxx Don't Forget↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx↘ A G E xxxxxxxxxx↳ Twenty-One H E I G H T ↙xxxxx 5' 6"↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ G E N D E R xxxxxxxxxx↳ Female W E I G H T ↙xxxxx 128lbs.↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ R O L E xxxxxxxxxx↳ The Lost Lover H A I R ↙xxxxx Blonde↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ L I K E xxxxxxxxxx↳ The Third Soul E Y E S ↙xxxxx Green↲xxxxxxxxxx ◤█████████████████████████◥
B I O ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ xxxxx↘ P E R S O N A L I T Y ↳ One cannot discuss the character of Loretta without first discussing the accident. Despite its traumatic effect on her, nothing much as changed. Before it happened, she was cheerful, happy, and ever the optimist. She was always polite and kind to who ever she met, and hardly ever lost her temper, let alone hold a grudge. She was a clever, and outgoing, stubborn and reckless. Once she set her mind something, there wasn't much that could get in her way.
After, not much changed. Loretta is still the cheerful, polite, likable girl she was. However, her outgoing personality took a down turn; she became less talkative, and more introverted. Where she was once very easy to read, her emotions are now well hidden behind a careful smile meant to set others at ease so they don't worry. She still likes being around other people, but is less likely to seek out their company. She spends much more time to herself (more than she used to), quietly thinking. Loretta is desperate to remember her past. She hates not knowing. But she refuses to let it hinder her. As much as she longs to know who she is, and what she's done, she knows she must keep moving forward with her life.
Loretta is still recovering from the accident, and is coming out of a mild depression; losing her memories was a big hit for her. Her body is weak, and she cannot exert herself too much. She hasn't been eating regularily, but is recovering.
xxxxx↘ B I O ↳ Loretta is the only child of a rich family. Unlike most, her parents loved her dearly. Her father, a well respected business man, and her mother, a former model, always made time for their only daughter, and provided her with the best money could buy. She had private tutors for her studies, and the best teachers for her extra ciriculars. She was taught piano, ballroom dancing, French, and, just for fun, they even had their chef teach her how to cook. All in all, Loretta was happy. A tad lonely, though. Since she didn't go to a school, she didn't have many friends.
Her parents noticed this, though, and always made sure to include her in their get togethers; and they always encouraged their friends to bring along their childern, so their little Loretta would have someone to play with. It was this way that Loretta made friends, and charmed the other parents as well. She made quite the reputation for herself. It was even rumored that because of her, her father's business equity doubled.
She was still just a young woman when she met him; Arlen. They had been attending the same party when she spotted him. He seemed so... dark. So sad. She couldn't stand seeing him like that. So she went over to talk to him. That started it all. She seemed to pull him back into the light, and soon, she fell in love with him. She could spend hours just talking with him. In the back of her mind, she always wondered if they would ever marry. It was a pleasent thought. But she wouldn't rush things; she always assumed she and Arlen would have time. Loretta never imaged things would go horribly wrong.
She doesn't remember the accident at all. In fact, she doesn't remember anything anymore. Not her parents, her friends, her life. Not even Arlen. The doctors weren't sure if she'd ever make a full recovery, but they said it wasn't impossible. She was simply to take things easy, and not push herself. Of course, her parents sent out for the best doctors around. But nothing could be done. Only time will tell if she'll ever recover what was lost. Because of her lost memories, no one told her of Arlen's death. If she didn't remember him, there was no need to tell her, right? She wouldn't care. Besides, she needed to move on.
Loretta lives alone now, in a humble home near the hospital so she can go in for regular treatments. The only thing she hasn't shared with anyone yet are the strange dreams she's been having. Every time, they're of a strange man. And every time, she fells overwhelmingly desperate to reach out to him, to hold him. But she never can. She doesn't know who he is, nor has she ever seen his face. But he feels familiar. Whoever he is, she doesn't believe he's real. Not yet, at least.
E X T R A ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ xxxxx↘ E X T R A S ↳ It's not easy to tell when Loretta is lying anymore, but before her accident, she would always bite her lip when she wasn't being truthful. Also, she loves to cook for others, and make them happy. She has a cat, Mouse, who always follws her around and happens to be very protective of his Loretta, and despite how fat and slow he it.
xxxxx↘ R E G R E T ↘ P U P P E T - M A S T E R ↙ ↳ Reku1495
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:31 am
B A S I C ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ ► "Life can't always be perfect, and so let's live with forgiveness and acceptance." ◄ xxxxx↘ N A M E xxxxxxxxxx ↳ Yuni Aria Millerfiore S O N G ↙xxxxx Kokoro no Hoshi ↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx↘ A G E xxxxxxxxxx↳ Nineteen H E I G H T ↙xxxxx 5'5"↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ G E N D E R xxxxxxxxxx↳ Female W E I G H T ↙xxxxx 117 lbs↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ R O L E xxxxxxxxxx↳ Second Soul H A I R ↙xxxxx Dark Sea Green↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ L I K E xxxxxxxxxx↳ Eh? Well, that is.. E Y E S ↙xxxxx Azure Royal Blue↲xxxxxxxxxx ◤█████████████████████████◥
B I O ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ xxxxx↘ P E R S O N A L I T Y ↳ Yuni was originally kind-hearted and caring towards others, always a cheerful girl who wanted to help others out. She would smile for the sake that you could smile. However, after a conflict in her family, she broke down and emerged as a bitter and cold-hearted person. Yuni started becoming cold and distant towards everyone, almost showing no emotion besides anger. Her eyes also dulled and became blank and empty. She also started to refuse to interact with others much, not liking them for trying to help her.
Just recently before her accidental death, Yuni recovered from her trauma and felt deeply regretful about what she did. She became what she once was, a cheerful and sincere girl who doesn't like to hurt others. Yuni is incredibly nice, thanking everyone multiple times for agreeing to help her when she receives help. She's not the reckless type, and you can see her laughing often. She's willing to make sacrifices to help others - even if it means giving up her life to restore peace. However, there is still a part of her broken from that time, something that never will really heal.
xxxxx↘ B I O ↳Yuni doesn't talk much about her family, which would explain why no one knew of her inner conflicts. She was born into the Millefiore family, which then was rather powerful among the mafia. Yuni was raised on becoming the next boss of the family, and she grew up in protection from harm. Back then, she was well loved by the family, her cheerful and smiling face always brightening them up. She became friends with the First Soul, and her family approved of their friendship. However, a conflict between her family and the Gesso family caused Yuni to go into a trauma after seeing her family killed before her eyes.
Eventually, they talked it out, by Yuni went into a deep state of shock. It was then agreed by the doctors to give her a powerful sedative, because all the feelings weren't good for her health. Her family didn't like it, but they didn't want her to die either. The drug was administered to her, and it dulled her heart. She became a completely different person with a different attitude and personality. She grew distant from all the people she once knews, becoming a lifeless soul wandering around. Yuni became very bitter, especially about her friend, who always shone out above others. Knowing her friend was in love with the Childhood Friend, Yuni decided to "confess" to him, stealing maybe some of her friend's happiness.
After many years, they stopped administrating the drug to her and its effects wore off. Yuni was horrified to learn about what happened, especially between her and her friend. She apologized, but the latter wouldn't listen to her, saying all she had were "excuses". And Yuni didn't say anymore, because how could her friend ever know? She wasn't even allowed to talk about her mafia family, for goodness's sake. A few days later, Yuni was killed by a member of the Gesso family.
E X T R A ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ xxxxx↘ E X T R A S ↳ Literally no one knows about Yuni's mafia life outside of school. Also, Yuni has the ability to see the future sometimes (they call it starsight), and she can read feelings and sometimes minds. She's very sensitive to the atmosphere around her, which would explain why. She, like her mother and grandmother, was born and fated to die young. She's well-liked among the mafia, and has many connections, which would explain why she was protected so well. Her one wish is to learn to fly.
xxxxx↘ R E G R E T ↳ Yuni regrets hurting her friend's feelings, and going out with someone she didn't even like.
↘ P U P P E T - M A S T E R ↙ ↳ Iced_Chocolatte_Coffee
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:40 pm
B A S I C ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ ► "One thing has the power to change so much." ◄ xxxxx↘ N A M E xxxxxxxxxx ↳ Schuylar Van Alen S O N G ↙xxxxx If I Die Tomorrow ↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx↘ A G E xxxxxxxxxx↳ Twenty-one H E I G H T ↙xxxxx 5'4" ↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ G E N D E R xxxxxxxxxx↳ Female W E I G H T ↙xxxxx 110lbs ↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ R O L E xxxxxxxxxx↳ First Sole H A I R ↙xxxxx Red ↲xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx↘ L I K E xxxxxxxxxx↳ Childhood-friend E Y E S ↙xxxxx Blood Red ↲xxxxxxxxxx ◤█████████████████████████◥
B I O ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ xxxxx↘ P E R S O N A L I T Y ↳ Schuylar is pretty much a mixture of happiness and pain. This can make an image of their mind seeming to be bright outside, but dark on the inside. She is, for the most part, a very loving and happy person. Usually Schuylar was friendly with most people, or at least a few. Yet she cared for all things at the same time as well. Her shy mind was something of a nuisance to her. It disabled her to speak what she thought in cases where it was needed to be said and soon hated this part of her personality in later years. Silly at times, which leads her to be embarrassed easily and somewhat of a clumsy accident, but still fun.
After having to experience the fact that her own two close friends had soon become one together in life, her mind altered. The small hatred she was forming out of envy towards her friend made her eventually come off as a cold heart'd female. This shows whenever the Second Soul tries to speak out of forgiveness or any other reason for that matter. Her voice may sound effortless in tone, and would end up having an emotionless expression about her face. Her anger isn't much of a bother actually, it's just a small flare she has when it comes to the Second Soul and anything else they might have to say. Her alternate mind seems to seep and lash out when it's not needed.
All that's in her are complete opposites put into one, trying to fight for dominance over the other.
xxxxx↘ B I O ↳ Schuylar and her sister were born in a family of riches. Mother being a superstar, father working for a great company; loads of money, what else could be wrong. Considering their parents were out a lot, they pretty much raised themselves. She wasn't good with raising her younger sister, who sadly doesn't talk with her much anymore. From there they both pretty much lived separate lives. Schuylar, although, had a friend who she grew up with and managed to get along with quite well. Over time she started to love this person, but failed to tell them at the correct time.
From that, she had to experience dealing with the fact that the one she loved picked another girl over her; that female being her own friend. Devastation and hatred filled into mind to the point where she developed an alternative mind and the choosing to not talk to the couple ever again. She dislikes the fact she has a play a 'game' instead of passing on considering she believes she's over her friend, but the lie shines through. Deep down she still feels love for him, and has to manage to tell them, no matter how much she doesn't want to. This just wasn't going to be her cup of tea.
E X T R A ▀▀ I N F O R M A T I O N
◣█████████████████████████◢ xxxxx↘ E X T R A S ↳ Schuylar tends to bite the tips of both of her index fingers to the point where they have calloused over. This comes from her shyness and having a problem of being nervous.
xxxxx↘ R E G R E T ↳ In order to pass on, she must tell her old childhood-friend the feelings she still holds towards them, or suffer what not even she knows.
↘ P U P P E T - M A S T E R ↙ ↳ BonBonRawr