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Original Heckler

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:20 am

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:51 am

“Fortune favors the bold. Or the remarkably stupid.”
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My name is...... Mason Luke Evans
But you can call me... Captain, Mas, Maverick Mas.
I am obviously a... Male
And I was born 21 years ago.
The Part I play... Captain of the Briar Rose
I can be pretty... Well, depending on when you catch me and what I'm doing I've a lot of different moods; my mother and father raised to be a gentleman towards the opposite gender so even as a pirate I tend to be quite polite towards women as a whole (I won't grope them, not even when I'm drunk. Actually when I'm drunk I just tend to sleep a lot more). However, let's not even try to say I'm non-violent; while being raised to know that women are far too often more clever then men, I've also learned not to treat them like china dolls, so if you try to rough me up I'll scrap you right back, no matter how delicate looking you are. Generally I'm pretty confident and easy to get along with amongst my crew; it's probably the reason nobody's tried to kill me yet. My instincts are more then usually right so I try not to question them too much, but I also knoow how to take responsibility for my actions and will do so fully if anything I do puts my crew at risk for something that was not originally planned out. I've always had an adventuring spirit, so don't be suprised if I suddenly veer off course to "check something out"; this usually only happens if something particularly intrests me, like a new portt I've not yet visited or seen, and at times I'll throw all caution to the wind if my gut tells me to go and take a look around. I'll confess that's not one of my better qualities, but like it or not it's gonna happen, so no use in complaining about it. Did I mention I'll do that too, from time to time? Usually only if I'm bored, though.

Now I'm sure by now you're questioning my skills as a pirate, since I probably seem like such a "nice guy", but let me tell you right now, I'm only nice when it suits me, and the current atmosphere. If you're in the way of something I need to further my mission I really won't heasitate to strike you down, and I've been told by numerous members of my crew that I tend to be particularly bloodthirsty when I get into heated, competitive and serious fights. I try to be as kind to my crew as possible, but I know that sometimes you have to throw down the gauntlet and as such I can be just as effective through discipline as I can through niceties. It all just depends on how I want to be percieved, I suppose.

Hitting Rewind...Contrary to what many people think of me, I was born in some pretty humble begginnings; the first born of an honest living blackmith father, entirely self made, and a stay at home mother, my first steps were taken in a small home with barely enough space, situated on the coast of an equally small fishing town. Things weren't the easiest for me to accustom to, since I'd been born without any sight in my right eye, but we managed as well as we could; mother and father never treated me any differently with my impairment; rather they said it made me special, a gift from the seas themselves. I took that and ran with it; made all the sense in the world to me, since I'd always felt closest to the waves in the first place. By the time I was two, barely old enough to know a thing at all, I'd already plotted out the rest of my life; become a captain in the navy, bring glory to my family, and spend the rest of my life on the water in a luxary ship. That all changed when my sister was born; something about having responsibility for someone else's life other then your own, really changes things. Especially when that someone else is your sister, who lives her life based on the concept of borrowed time. The doctors said they couldn't figure out what her illness was, but if anything else they knew she wouldn't live past the age of thirty. Mother despaired, and though father tried not to show it I know he did too. However, it was my sister who seemed to be the strongest of us; she encouraged me to pursue the idea of a naval career. Actually though, the navy was what changed my course altogether.

One of my superiors had mentioned the legend of a sail that could grant miracles; said it could heal the sick, cure the wounded, and on and on and on....Which of course perked my intrest; perhaps if I could get my hands on this sail, then I'd be able to save my little sister. Though no sooner had I asked to hear more then all of them just clammed up about it; I'm still not proud of the fact that I had to sneak into my officer's quarters and steal it, which proceeded in my being thrown out of the naval academy, but by then I don't think I much cared about anything else but finding that sail. I went home one time, said I was leaving but would be back someday, kissed my sister and mother goodbye (shook my father's hand) and never went back. Since then I've gathered a large crew, and now live a life of piracy as the captain of the Briar Rose, which I won from a greasy has been in a game of dice. But none of it matters; if I live or die, so long as I am able to see my sister well again. That would be my miracle.

Tools of the Trade... As far as weapons go, I use my sword (feature in above picture) and a pair of pistols. Besides those, I always keep a very specific peice of gold on my person, and often flip it to make decisions. It's never steered me wrong before.
I really enjoy... Exploring, scrapping, stargazing and sleeping in the ropes.
Love it! The family, a good challenge (either mental or physical), anything involving the ocean, dangerous situations and powerful storms, new locations and a good game of dice.
Eew, Nasty! Drinking games, accordian music, being told what to do, clingy, obnoxious and fragile women, being woken up when sleeping, losing a fight, anyone talking about his family or his blindness.
Turn it up!
Sing // GLEE Cover
Up is Down
Fly Love // Jamie Foxx

Sssh, don't tell! I just don't want my sister to die.....I don't care what happens to me. People say I get easilly distracted, too, but I don't see-hey, what's that?
They who hold me captive... No time for that!
Am I forgetting something...? While I do have a first and second mate, there is nobody on my ship I trust more then my pet white Mink, Jazz. He's not too friendly and will bite if he wants, but he's an excellent judge of character. I can also, erm..sing, a bit; I used to sing my sister to sleep when she was younger, not that you'll catch me doing that very often these days.
My lord, god and master is Yoko_Matsubishi


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:43 pm

"Fight for what you believe is right; but never hurt the ones you love."
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"Ahoy, land-lubber, and welcome aboard the Fortuna!"
My name is...... Abigale Elizabetha Evans
But you can call me... Gale, White Lily
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born Nineteen years ago.
The Part I play... Captain of the Fortuna
I can be pretty... Gale is a little eccentric, and she tries to make up for her weakness by acting tough and unbeatable, going through any lengths to prove that she's strong enough to be captain of her ship, and not have to have someone look after her all the time. She's very sensitive when it comes to the topic of her family, especially her brother, and her illness. She's rowdy with her crew, and isn't afraid to be outgoing, but sometimes her illness keeps her from doing too much. She's not too weak physically, and she can challenge one of the stronger crew mates to arm wrestle or sword-fight every now and then, but she only gets sick easier than most, and coughs up blood when its' serious. She's never one to show weakness, even to the people close to her, and gets irritated easily when people try to pamper her, or give her a handicap.
Hitting Rewind...Gale had been born to a completely normal life. Her father had been a blacksmith and her mother didn't have a job, staying at home to take care of her and her older brother Mason, on the coast of a small fishing town. Mas had been born without sight in his right eye, even though Gale knows some people think that he lost his sight in a vicious sword fight with another legendary pirate. Then, she was born. She was sickly from birth, and when she was a child, it impaired her stamina and strength drastically. She could almost never go outside, she couldn't play with any of the other children, and she felt guilty that Mas had to usually stay back and watch over her when he could be out there as well. She was seven when she learned that she probably wouldn't be able to live as long as her brother, or her parents. She saw their pain, their sadness, and she resolved herself never to seem weak and worry them again. She didn't want them to have to throw away any chance of having a better life because they were too worried for her, which was why she encouraged her brother to continue pursuing his idea of a naval career.

But she hadn't meant for him to suddenly leave them. She hadn't wanted him to go. He never told her where he was going; he merely kissed her on the head and turned abruptly, leaving her and their parents. She had tried to follow him; she rushed down to the docks, but her illness kept her from leaving. The next few months were torture, her sickness getting worse by the day. She didn't want to die; she wanted to see her brother again. Almost miraculously though, she pulled through, and chose to sneak out of her house one night. That's when she heard the legend of the sail. She decided that she wanted that sail; wanted it for her brother, to cure his blindness. She imagined how happy he would be, and her decision was set. The next day she disguised herself as her father left for work and her mother left to buy food, and slipped down to the docks to steal onto a ship. As luck would have it, the ship was looted by a pirate ship; which just so happened to be the Fortuna. The captain found her and dragged her onto the Fortuna, and at first, the crew had been unsure what to do with her. But then she explained that she just wanted to see her brother again, that he had left her so abruptly she had to find out why he had left, the captain took her in instead of killing her.

During the years she spent on the Fortuna, the captain taught her everything about piracy and Gale picked up fast. Soon, the captain decided that if he should ever die, Gale would be the person to inherit the Fortuna. There was mutiny at this statement; and soon enough the captain, who had become almost like a second father to Gale, and who had been the only one to have learned about her crippling sickness, was killed because of it. Gale had never felt so furious in her life, apart from the time her brother had left. She beat the mutiny back down, and demanded the execution of the person who led the mutiny and the person who killed the captain and to throw their bodies into the sea without proper burial. The rest of the crew saw that she had potential to become a good captain, and finally relented. Since then, she had become the captain of the Fortuna, and doesn't care what happens to her, just so long as she finds the sail, her brother, and heals him.

Tools of the Trade... Gale never goes anywhere without her trusty sword, and she keeps a gun on her just in case, but she'd rather fight with her sword.
I really enjoy... Swordplay, climbing the rigging, lazing around in the Crows Nest
Love it! The ocean, the smell of the ocean, directing the Fortuna through a rough storm that is actually strong enough to rock it.
Eew, Nasty! Being pampered, her illness, being seen as a mere girl, dress up
Turn it up! If I Die Young
Sssh, don't tell! Secretly, she's afraid of small spaces, and being caged up. She also doesn't want anything to happen to her brother, whom she truly loves and cares about with the bottom of her heart, even though she acts haughty and cold, as if she didn't care. She absolutely loathes wearing dresses, and would rather go around in her underwear than in one.

They who hold me captive... None yet.
Am I forgetting something...? N/A
My lord, god and master is Hunter Crawl
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:12 pm

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart; and when that is broken, love ceases to exsist entirely."
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"Careful; sometimes beauty is the beast. I'm living proof."
My name is...... Azalea Marie Coroda
But you can call me... Zee, ... Tails...
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born Twenty years ago.
The Part I play... The Mermaid
I can be pretty... Most people know me under another name; Siren. And the name comes with labels; whore; man-eater (literally); spawn of the devil. And really, that's very unfair. My mother fell in love with a human, and taught me to not think little of them, that humans, for all their misdeeds, can be capable of great good, as well. Her veiws shaped many of my own. But do not misunderstand, I am still very much my own person. A balance between a human girl and budding Siren.

When it comes to violence, I have no trouble jumping in the fray of things. I refuse to sit on the sidelines while others put their lives on the line. Some call it reckless, I call it protective. Of course, I will admit, sometimes my action are fueled more by rage than protective instinct. I always did have a bit of a temper. I'm just not good at completely expressing myself. I get flustered and frustrated and end up just exploding (at one person in general, too... [/blush]). I can be sarcstic and cold-hearted and often say things I don't really mean. I'm more stubborn than any mule. I'm proud and a horribly sore loser. I honestly don't know how most people stand me. But, under my rough exterior, I am a bit of a marshmellow. I have a soft spot for childern and for a good sob story. I hate having to constantly be reminded of someone's sob story. I'm insanely curious, nosey, even, and have a weakness for shiny things. I do have my rare moments of kindness, where the stars align and I finally say the right thing for once. I'm quite protective and possessive of those I get close to, and undyingly loyal. I will never abandon a friend; I have too few to be able to lose any. But above all else, I will always do my duty and keep the Sail of Miracles seperated. It's a bit lonely, but I owe it too my mother.

Hitting Rewind... My mother was the Mermaid of legend. She was the lover of the elder brother, and after his death, she never let anyone into her heart again. She didn't even have the opportunity to tell him she was pregnant with my brother and I. Even though she was heartbroken, she still cared deeply for my brother and I.

However, it was I she told of the sail. She trusted me with it's secrets; well, not all of them. She was determined never to let it fall into the hands of anyone ever again. She mostly told me about our father, and how much she loved him. Though she never revealed to me the exact locations of the other four pieces, she did give me clues to their whereabouts. However, I have not sought them out. I don't need to; before our mother died, she passed a piece of the sail down to me. I carry it everywhere. The center piece. It's blank, and just looks like a piece of old clothe. It's easy enough to hide.

In recent times, while traveling through the ocean near a small port town, an interesting rumor reached my ears; a ship, setting off to find the Sail of Miracles. It wasn't an uncommon thing, humans looking for the sail. But being as curious as I am, I went to check it out. And it wasn't long before I fell in love became quite interested in the ship's captain. He seemed more determined than most. And when I learned of his reasons, I felt envious of his sister; my own brother would never do that for me, I was sure. So, I asked him if I could join. Not many people know the oceans like a Mermaid, after all. And no, I did not need to feed off of their flesh (there are plenty more fools roaming the sea for that sort of thing). I have yet to reveal my past to Mason, though it wouldn't surprise me if he already knew. I haven't told him about my piece of the sail, either, though if he asked, I'm not sure I could deny him the truth. I spend most of my time on board the ship, but the water calls to me at times, so sometimes I swim beside them. I guide Mason the best I can, offering what advice I have (when I'm able to speak coherently and without getting so flustered...).

Tools of the Trade... I'm a Siren; my beauty and kiss alone have killed many a man.
I really enjoy... Watching and Stalking Mason Exploring the Ship, Swimming (duh), Singing, Sparring, Learning the Human Culture, Running (I like using my land legs to the fullest)
Love it! Shiny things, human flesh fresh meat, the water, the rain, nightime, the Briar Rose, sweets
Eew, Nasty! Seafood (for obvious reasons), too much sunlight, when other women approach Mason, the Sail of Miracles (it has caused far too much grief), dull things, ugly men
Turn it up! Disgusting - Ke$ha
Sssh, don't tell! Living the majority of my life below sea level, I have trouble with heights; even being on the ship and looking over the edge is hard. Having the water below is better, but still...

They who hold me captive... .... M-Mason....
Am I forgetting something...? I keep my mother's piece of the sail folding neatly within a locket I wear around my neck. I never take it off, but I sometimes take the clothe out, just to look at it and wonder why go thruogh all the fuss for a simple piece of fabric.
My lord, god and master is Reku1495


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:21 pm

"Mother, dear, just wait for me - I'll show you someone you'll be proud of..."
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THIS is who I truly AM
And who would you be....?
My name is...... Aquafina Safferel Atlas
But you can call me... Saphamestal Altiar or First Mate Altiar (No one knows my true name)
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born 317 years ago.
The Part I play... First Mate of the Briar Rose
I can be pretty... Aqua is somewhat like a deranged, psychotic, unstoppable child whose only goal in life is to please her parents. Given that she never knew her father, she dotes all her attention on Calypso, her mother. Her actions and thought life are all based on how to make her mother proud of her. Aqua developed a thinking that said if she did something that would make Calypso proud, then the goddess would come back and spend more time with her. She can be seen as a lost and dazed youth with an insanity streak as well as a tendency to speak quickly, slowing down, and randomly bursting into maniacal laughter for no apparent reason.

However, despite the way she truly acts, Aqua is more then capable of concealing her amoral psychopathic self, putting on a show of being a capable authoritative born-leader with an independent spirit. She views herself as the only one who is capable of smacking around some sense into the captain whenever she feels that he made the wrong decision. To further push others into not linking her as a goddess's child, she feigns a lot of naive innocence and pretends that she doesn't know anything related to the supernatural.

Hitting Rewind...Aqua was born into the world, daughter of a Goddess. She never knew her sire, and was never even given a hint if he was human or god. Her childhood passed on quite nicely, always seeing her mother on a daily basis. But one day, Calypso disappeared without a trace. Distraught, she tried to seek her out, but to no avail, Aqua didn't see her until many, many years later. When she went to the place where she last saw her, Aqua did notice her from a distance, where she saw her mother approaching Aqua's twin brother.

Misunderstanding that her mother favored Tempest more then her and that she was doting over him for the past years of her disappearance, Aqua saw that Calypso soon left shortly afterward, not even casting a look over her shoulder to see that her daughter had been standing there. Soon enough, I boarded a ship and became a pirate. I climbed up the ranks and now I'm the first mate of the Briar Rose. If only mother can see me now... I'll let the captain lead the ship for the time being, but once he leads me to the sail, I won't hesitate - I'll kill him, turn into the captain of the Briar Rose, and bring the sail to my dear mother to use...

Tools of the Trade... Over the years, Aqua has amassed quite a lot of varying swords and daggers. (Images of the ones she kept are the pictures above) Her personal favorite is the dual swords with the blue ethereal glow (as they enhance her magic ability as well) but to conceal her identity from the rest of the crew, she avoids using them whenever possible.
I really enjoy... Practicing her swordplay/magic
Love it! Mother (Calypso), swords, magic
Eew, Nasty! Anyone who disrespects Calypso
Turn it up! Rise
Sssh, don't tell! After all that work... what if... what if Mother isn't happy...?
They who hold me captive... NO ONE will EVER hold me down.
Am I forgetting something...? I'm able to manipulating water and weather, it's a genetic gift Mother dear gave to me. (She's not capable of doing really big magic stunts... yet. Unless she wants a one way ticket to death.) Another thing she's able to do (said that it's inherited from her father) is sense, see and summon spirits/ghosts. I'm also quite flexible and I have some gymnastics training up in my sleeve to make myself a bit more...aerodynamic, for lack of a better term.
My lord, god and master is ll Yuna-Chan ll
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:22 pm

"Happiness is only a myth."
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Under the Mask
Nice to meet you. You can call me Josh.
My name is...... Tempest Caelium Atlas
But you can call me... Josiah Alten (No one knows my real name)
I am obviously a... Male
And I was born 317 years ago.
The Part I play... Gunner on the Fortuna
I can be pretty... lazy. I'm rather laid back and a casual guy. I don't like getting involved much in activities that I'm not interested in, and if I could, I'd skip out on the formal occasions.Some people view my laziness as carelessness, but I really do care about certain things. I just don't really care much about most things like how everyone else does. Other people think I'm just plain boring, and just leave me alone. Not that I mind being a loner has its good points, sometimes. However, sometimes I rub off on the girls as being very "cool" and "charming." But no offense, ladies, but I'm really not looking for a fan base, thank you very much. Fan girls are creepy, especially the stalkers. I'm not one for violence, me being rather a pacifist, but if needed, I can be a decent fighter. Also, I have a rather indecent habit of sticking long things in my mouth. (straws, pencils, cinnamon sticks, etc.)

However, despite my laziness, when I'm really interested in what I'm supposed to do, I can give one hundred and ten percent energy and eagerness into it. Any other reason why I'd do something would... well, probably because I have to do it. I like to think of myself as a lion - lazy, but will still whatever needs to be done.

Hitting Rewind...I'm the twin to Aqua - older by twelve minutes, as you probably know from her biography, our mother is Calypso, and we don't have the slightest clue who our father is. It's true that my mother did disappear for quite a few years, but she was not spending that time with me. She was trying to search for our father. That day when Aqua came, she almost nearly left me for dead since she misunderstood the whole thing. But, thankfully, she didn't, and I was, well, left alive. I last heard that she became a pirate and is searching for the sail of miracles. I boarded a different ship, with the captain aiming to find the same sail. I can only hope that I can find my sister and smooth this misunderstanding before she does something too rash...
Tools of the Trade... Dual Guns (two of the same kind of gun) as well as a pair of Thief Blades for close combat
I really enjoy... Shooting targets (using blank bullets) and parkour running around the ship
Love it! Night-time, although people think I'm crazy because I can shoot and still hit my mark - but I'm a night owl.... That and swimming - really, what sailor (or pirate) doesn't know how to swim?
Eew, Nasty! Heat, jammed guns, being caught with no ammo.
Turn it up! Ash Like Snow
Sssh, don't tell! If my sister dies - I know, she went all psycho, but she's still family...
They who hold me captive... None
Am I forgetting something...? Although I was skipped out on the magic department, my physical abilities are far from normal. I'm a very nimble and quick sort of person, and I sort of... lack... a bit on muscle tone as I'm more of a lean and scrawny sort of a guy. My eyesight is also heightened quite considerably and I take a lot of pride in my sharpshooting. My martial arts skills is definitely far from shabby.
My lord, god and master is ll Yuna-Chan ll


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:41 pm

"Life can't always be perfect, and so let's live with forgiveness and acceptance."
User Image
Isn't it amazing how normal I can look sometimes?
Hmm? Did you say something?
My name is...... Chrome Elentari Millefiore
But you can call me... Just Chrome or Elentari...and unfortunately, Teddy
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born nineteen years ago.
The Part I play... Navigator of the Briar Rose
I can be pretty... Chrome is very cheerful and nice, even if she is a bit eccentric. She loves to help out the best she can, and her bright smile makes you feel warm, but weird is weird. Chrome tends to talk or hum to herself as she goes along, and she also says and does the weirdest things at times. She often loses track of what she is doing, or forgets what a person is telling her within five minutes. She can be described as distracted at times, but when it comes down to navigation, Chrome is dead serious. She loves the maps and the many instruments, and her zeal makes her the best navigator you can get. When she is really caught up in something, it's really hard to break her concentration. Chrome is very dedicated, I guess you can say that.

Otherwise, she's a bit of an airhead, living in a dream-like state sometimes, and bursting with energy the other half. Completely blank, your insults will just go straight through her. Chrome, despite being very weird, is rather sociable, and likes making new "friends". I wouldn't advise you to play a joke on her, because it'll probably take you twice as long to explain the joke to her. She laughs easily, gets along with people enough, and is just rather strange, that's all. She's not a lunatic, Chrome is just...different. And she can get rather confused at "complicated" things. But just because she's a strange girl doesn't mean she doesn't know how to defend herself.

Hitting Rewind... Chrome was born into a rather nice family. Her father ran a clock shop, her mother stayed at home to take care of her. However, when she was three, her mother's sickness took a turn for the worse, and she was limited to staying in the garden, where she wished to be. Chrome always wandered through the garden, picking flowers to make bouquets for her ill mother. Her father sometimes had to take his daughter to his shop, where he taught her the basics of fixing clocks and various other objects. And from then, Chrome developed an interest in delicate instruments, such as compasses, astrolabes, and clocks. Her father used to pull out old maps he had when he used to sail in his younger days, and father and daughter would pore over the map, identifying islands and locations. She thought it was really fun.

It was during one of those days when her mother passed away. Chrome and her father moved out of their old cottage and into the shop, staying there permanently. However, Chrome was running off to the merchants, looking at instruments and maps, and down to the dock to see if she could catch a story or two from sailors. Knowing his daughter's restless and adventurous soul, he decided to send her off to the Briar Rose, since she was looking for adventure and miracles. Chrome's father has always supported his daughter, and he merely wanted her to be happy. And so she joined the crew, as a navigator, since Chrome seemed to have a mind built for one.

Tools of the Trade... Chrome always has a teddy bear somewhere - whether it's a hairpin, a charm, the actual stuffed animal, or just a design on her outfit. She also carries a blue pendant with her, to help limit her curse. Although Chrome really prefers knives, she'll be willing to use her sword at close range combat.
I really enjoy... Chrome loves stargazing. She wouldn't even mind if that meant sleeping out in the open in the middle of a raging storm, as long as she could see the stars. She also happens to love fixing delicate instruments, from the time she spent in her father's clock shop. As you can tell, Chrome also loves music, especially singing, or playing the organ.
Love it! Strangely, Chrome is very fond of magic tricks, especially illusions. She also happens to love the color blue and any sort of teddy bear. She has a sweet tooth, especially towards cakes. Any type of cake - excpet a mud one - she'll have no problem finishing it for you. Chrome also really likes music, which is expressed when she hums to herself. She has some talent for playing the organ. And of course, being the girl she is, Chrome misses her father very much.
Eew, Nasty! She really really dislikes getting sick. It makes her rather moody... She also doesn't like it when someone breaks one of her instruments - she'll start complaining how much work it'll be to fix it. That said, Chrome doesn't like cloudy nights - they block her view of the stars.
Turn it up! Special Illusion
Sssh, don't tell! Strangely enough, Chrome doesn't even want the special sail. But people really don't believe her, and so she's stopped trying to convince them.
They who hold me captive... No one, of course!
Am I forgetting something...? Hmm...she's forgetful, so we'll have to get back to that later.
My lord, god and master is Iced_Chocolatte_Coffee
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:02 pm

"Achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death."
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I used to be so young and naive. but then I grew up.
If you're going to say 'hi, at least add some flare.
My name is...... Ren Carter Thomas
But you can call me... Just Ren
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born 20 years ago.
The Part I play... Second Mate of the Briar Rose
I can be pretty... Hard to get (not in the way you think [/wink]). I like to stay on my feet and have something to do at all times. But on the occasional time that I have absolutely nothing to do I go for a swim off the side of the ship or mend my clothing (yes, I have sewing skills but they are extremely limited). Sometimes I can be a cynic but normally I'm able to keep my pessimistic thoughts to myself, even if I feel like screaming in somebodies face. I consider everyone on the Briar Rose Family, whether they like it or not. I'm also a little OCD. I guess that helps explain the fact that I always like to be doing something instead of sitting on mt arse because, on the Briar Rose, there is always something that needs cleaning or organizing. But then I also have all the stuff a Second Mate is supposed to do... But, the fact of the matter is: people say I'm witty and have a great sense of humor and that they like hanging out with me. I guess I'll take that as a compliment.

I'm definitely a rough-and-tumble kinda gal. I didn't have exactly the happiest life before I met Mason and joined his crew. Now I don't know what I would do without them all. But, like all humans, I have a bad side, and if you get on said bad side... Let's not go there, it's rather scary. But, to make you feel better, very few have actually made so far as to get on my black list.

Hitting Rewind... I grew up in a perfectly normal middle-class family, got a decent education (more than a lot of these sea rats have gotten, at least), had friends. "Why did I become a pirate when my life seemed perfect?" You ask. Well, the answer isn't that simple but I guess I can try.

Being a pirate isn't the easiest lifestyle and many have questioned my sanity when it comes to my decisions when leaving my family for a life out at sea. But I haven't regretted my choice to leave my cozy home on the Irish Coast. The only people I had left were my sister, Lenny, and my school-friend, Scarlet, but we had long since grown apart by the time I turned 16. I've been a pirate for four years, sometimes it feels like longer because all the best memories seemed to have come from my time here on the Briar Rose. Not that I didn't love my sister and enjoy spending time with her but my soul seemed to scream for more than sisterly affection. I wanted something more to live for. Something that wouldn't be mad at me when I forgot to make breakfast; something that would never cease to comfort me when I had had a rough day. Those rough days though... they seemed to have disappeared, because once I found the sea and Captain Mas everything seemed to change for the better.

"How could you leave your sister?" I loved my sister with all my heart and it hurt to leave her when the day came but I don't regret it. She'd been telling me for the past two years, ever since our parents died of yellow fever, that I needed to make something of myself. She said I needed to get out there and stop fretting over her because I was starting to get to get 'worry wrinkles', as she called them. She was right, to some extent, I did need to get away from all the heartbreak and sadness that had happened but to do that I had to leave my little sister? At first I was, like, no way, noooo way am I leaving my 13 year old sister to live by herself[ while I'm thousands of miles away on a ship, possibly enjoying myself while she suffers.Not long after that conversation our old family friend,Scarlet, showed up on our doorstep, half crazy from starvation and torture. She'd gone missing right after our parent's deaths, right when we'd needed her the most. But now, here she was, barely standing at our threshold rambling crazy stories about a corrupt government and people that roamed the seas stealing from these, corrupt, money-guzzling countries. Kinda sounds like Robin Hood, if you ask me, said the look that Lenny and I had shared after getting Scarlet to bed. The next day she'd woken and started rambling again. She wasn't as frantic as she'd been the day before and, at least today, she was slightly coherent. She seemed to be getting better, thank the gods she hadn't come down with the fever. By the third day she was there she was able to stand on her own and talk like a normal person. She told us about people who wondered the seas and had complete freedom. It sounded like a dream but it looked like Lenny believed tit with all her heart. But Scarlet never was willing to cough up the information about who had created the red welts on her chest and back. She insisted it didn't matter but I couldn't help but wonder if these sea-roamers had something to do with it. I'm not quite sure what happened after that. One day I was shopping for some new clothes with Lenny (God knew we needed them), the next I was wondering the trading docks along the coast looking for suspicious ships. I didn't have a coin in my pocket or any new clothes on my back, just my wits and ability to stand up in a brawl if i had to. But I guess that's enough when it comes to being a pirate.

Tools of the Trade... My custom knife that we picked up on our journey around the world. I think I scavenged it off a dead Syrian... I also carry a single pistol.
I really enjoy... Competitive swimming, eating (thank the gods I have a fast metabolism), telling stories about myths and legends, and rock climbing (whenever I can).
Love it! The rising/setting sun, new tools (it's always nice when you don't have to worry about your compass falling apart...), blue, and climbing and hanging off of the ropes when we're leaving port.
Eew, Nasty! Bilge Rats, tangled ropes (mainly because Captain has a thing for sleeping in them, urgh), being rushed, and running low on food and rum rations (you never know when it will all be gone!).
Turn it up! Goodbye Again ~ Vertical Horizon
Sssh, don't tell! I was kissed by a merman once... And lived to tell. That alone should warrant some suspicion; but the only thing that changed was my ability to breathe underwater. It didn't effect my mind or anything else that makes me who I am. I don't remember much, everything is a little fuzzy now, but he was very nice to me...

They who hold me captive... Since when do you have a crush on family...? [[subject to change]]
Am I forgetting something...? N/A
My lord, god and master is XxImminentXFatexX


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:06 pm

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And if it ain't dead, kill the damn thing so I can skin it."
User Image
Underneath the clothes...
"Hey, so I just heard about this sea monster..."
My name is...... Jackson Andreas Mackie
But you can call me... Jack works just fine for me.
I am obviously a... Male
And I was born 23 years ago.
The Part I play... Beast/Creature Hunter
I can be pretty... Probably a little more eccentric then I might seem, which I saying a lot considering that I'm all about standing out and making a name for myself wherever I go; attention, I've heard, can be difficult to work with, but in my profession I find it helps a lot. Born with all the qualities of both a good merchant and a natural adventurer, over the years I've found that my father gave me many traits I have learned to be very thankful for; while I may not be the smoothest or the most suave man on the face of the earth, I can spin a pretty good yarn and know when to make compliments and flash a smile. Chemistry and boy language are second nature to me, as they were to my old man; Mason likes to say it makes me a lady killer, even though I've too much of a restless spirit to stay attatched for very long. While I'd like to think of myself as intelligent and aware, knowing how to look out for myself thanks to traits my mother gave me, I'll admit I've been skewed a time or two, and as such I tend to be more then a little suspicious when meeting new people, so don't be suprised if I invent some game or test before placing any real judgements. Once you've earned my respect though, know I'll do whatever I can to assist you, and offer any knowledge I may have picked up on the side; just, you know, don't expect me to tell you anything about sea creatures unless I get some benefit.
Hitting Rewind...Well considering where I grew up, I'd gather my life was a far cry more exciting then most of these british bores out here in this part of the world; in case you haven't gathered it yet I'm not from these waters, and rather I was born in Spain to an English merchant father and a Spanish dancer of a mother (dancer, not prostitute; don't go getting those mixed up). I dunno...I guess my old man sold my mom the fabrics which she danced in, and it was never very professional in the time they spent together. Not that it was legally binding or anything; from what I've gathered he couldn't really stay in Spain, not what with the English and the Spanish fighting over every ridiculous thing worth fighting over, but he came and went as often as possible so regardless he was still a big part of my childhood. When I was about twelve I was able to see the world my father spent his time in, and on that trip I fell in love with not just the sea, but the legends my old man's crew would tell, about mermaids and sea serpents and how if they ever caught one they'd be so rich that dad could come live in Spain without any worry. Which sounded like a pretty good deal to me; after that I started spending a lot of time with the older people in my mother's village, drinking up the stories they could tell me and the advice they could offer; granted most of it was that you'd be stupid to go and try half that stuff, but whatever.They didn't think it was stupid when a pod of Siren attacked the shore and a then fourteen year old me saved about half the damn village. Having the foresight to bottle Siren tears, half a year later my old man was able to come live with us in Spain, as a fixture in both my mother's life and in mine. But you know, that really wasn't enough for me.

When I turned eighteen, old enough to venture out on my own, I took over command of my father's ship started running the business. But that really wasn't much fun; Mom always said I had an adventuring soul, so after about two years of running the business I took up residence in England for a while, learning their language, trying to fit in a little more until something good ended up coming along. That something, or rather someone, was a kid named Mason; we just sort of clicked after a few drinks, and even though his mink tried to bite me several times, every time we're in the same vicinity there's a lot to talk about. Last time I saw him he said he was heading off to find some miracle granting sail...maybe I outta join him out there; certainly a lot of beasts to skin.

Tools of the Trade... Well I don't use any other weapons but my guns (featured in appearance), but I know how to make use of a number of things when it comes to hunting down sea beasts and the like; can skin the hide off a serpent with just a butter knife I can.
I really enjoy... Exploring and telling stories; when I'm not out hunting it's how I make my living, more or less.
Love it! A good story, pretty women, anything concerning legends and sea creatures, the home country, my family, new locations that have yet to be visited, eccentric clothing and various oddities. Alcohol's good too, but only when I'm in need of it.
Eew, Nasty!The Navy (bores, always ruining any fun around town), people who ask too many questions, falsified legends, boring, mainstream clothes and eels...just don't like them. At all.
Turn it up!
Volare // Gipsy Kings
I will always Return

Sssh, don't tell! Can commitment be considered a fear? It's not that I'm not looking, I just don't have the spirit to settle down in one place is all.
They who hold me captive... That's one bridge I've yet to need to cross, thankfully.
Am I forgetting something...? Since I was born in Spain, obviously it's my better language; I find myself slipping back into it more often then I'd like.
My lord, god and master is Whitefiregirl
PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:08 pm

Anger is like a drug, a fire-breathing, pounding through your veins, never want to stop kind of drug. And I've just swallowed a large dose.
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What do you want from me? I despice unneccessary formalities.
My name is...... Adelinde Pyrros Cote
But you can call me... Adelinde, just Adelinde.
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born 21 years ago
The Part I play... First Mate on the Fortuna
I can be pretty... Adelinde is not a lady. Those who go around throwing that curse at her can and will get a crack of her whip. She is a hard talking, hard fighting, hard working woman. Adelinde talks tough but in those rare moods of hers where she lets her guard down she comes across as more observant, intellectual and grounded than she wants you to think. A little rude, she says things exactly as she means them, leaving no room for misinterpretations. She scorns laziness and when she's in one of her moods she also tends to start "fights" where she will challenge someone to fight her fist-to-fist for a winner, careful not to bruise anyone up too bad. Though she's not a sore loser, she's likely to call the same person to fight again and again until she can defeat them due to her competitive nature.

Adelinde loves learning new things and becomes almost childlike in enthusiasm when some says they have something to teach her. When things are running well she tend to be more calm and warm natured albeit a bit agrressive when things are not running well she tends to be a bit stormy or close herself off completely. She is a lot more observant than you would think, having a very curious side she tends to ask lots of questions, and surprise people with her knowledge of their internal workings. Adelinde often stays up after everyone else has went to sleep, and reads or sings old tunes she heard in townsquare. The songs a bitter reminder of the past she refuses to sing in company, but she often whistles as she works. Something about the witching hour brings her guard down, which changes her personality a bit. She's not one to talk about her past and any questions asked about it are usually answered with a crack of the whip. Adelinde has a weakness for sick people and while she's glad and the captain seem to be women of the same thread to an extent, she worries about her.

Hitting Rewind... Anyone whos' met Adelinde can guess she came from the rough side of town. But it's not as simple as that, Adelinde's father had been a street performer, playing his music while he had little Adelinde weave through the crowd picking pockets. Her old man was very traditional in the role of a woman, believing they should be seen but never heard. His wife embodied that role, never speaking but always cleaning, cooking and waiting at home. Adelinde saw many other acts out on the streets and would always watch other perform street fights or magic tricks, trying to replicate them, this angered some resulting in a quick switch to the back but others were more willing to teach the little girl. However her curiousity meant she was starying away from her father, though he acted mild mannered in public place, he was a ruthless man who would beat Adelinde cruelly when she disobeyed.

He wasn't amused by the other tricks Adelinde picked up, especially the fighting of which she was quite fond. "A woman must be gentle and silent, never practicing such a filthy art!" He tried to redeem to her by teaching her to sing, surprised by her delicate voice. Though her voice was quite beautiful it was as delicate as it sounded and she often coughed up blood after performing for overuse. As she grew into a teenage though, life got much, much worse. During one of her "shows" in town square a man approached her father, asked how much for a night with the singing girl. Her father was surprised by how handsomely this paying and continued to force Adelinde into it. Her anger grew thicker, and the fighting between father and daughter more gruesome, leaving many scars on both their backs. One night it reached its climax when father took out a knife and told her he would cut her down right there if she didn't do as she was told. She deflected the oncoming by grabbing the knife out of his hands, and thrusting it through his chest.

That night she ran away, finding herself climbing aboard a ship heading out and hiding. The captain was quite angry, and wanted to slit her throat. But she offered to work, in exchange for her life, and shelter. Quick learner she was, she quickly rose from cabin boy. However, this did not stop the scorn of the men, "Awww, look at the weak little girl do work." This insult was often coupled with pouring on mead on her head. Adelinde had always had a bit of a quick temper but she swallowed it, knowing that she couldn't beat them. And so, she trained, until she was better than them at all that they did and then made them fear her.Not long after her old captain lost his mind and jumped overboard. The crew had nothing left to do but steer home and part ways. She now is first mate on the Fortuna and takes her job very seriously.

Tools of the Trade... Adelinde usually has a whip in hand, ready to strike if neccessary. However she usually has a few small throwing knives on her in case the message doesn't get across. She also carries a dagger if her real intention is, in fact to kill.
I really enjoy... reading, learning, fighting, telling old stories, exploring, studying people, training her body
Love it! the cover of night (the only place she can really be herself), competition, books, interesting people, loose/comfortable clothing, getting down and dirty
Eew, Nasty! dresses, lace, laziness, uppity people, sexism, unneccessary formalities, prostitutes
Turn it up!
Fight Inside
Sssh, don't tell! Displays of affection freak her out (no matter how much she tries to hide it), reminders of her past often bring on vivid flashbacks, shaking, and nausea.

They who hold me captive... you're touched in the head if you think anyone holds any power over me.
Am I forgetting something...? Adelinde has many scars on her back from beatings.
My lord, god and master is AndiOnEdge


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:48 pm

"A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man perfected without trials."
- Chinese Proverb

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"In the future, do be more careful."
My name is...... Fenghui Sorrel
But you can call me... Feng
I am obviously a... Male
And I was born 22 years ago.
The Part I play... Doctor for the Briar Rose
I can be pretty... Quiet, but vastly intelligent and knowledgeable; when compared to the rest of the crew on the Briar Rose, Feng tends to dissapear into the background and he honestly wouldn't have it any other way since being put on the spot makes him uncomfortable. An old soul, Feng is gentle and kind and has more patience then any man you will ever meet; therefore he's exceptionally easy to talk to and not only takes on the role of medical professonal but that of a father figure to those who seek his advice. A lover of knowledge, Feng has no judgements when learning, and as such tends to be more of an optomist then anything else as he beleives there is something to be learned, new information to be gleaned, from even the most undesireable of people; that being said, his patience is not boundless and therefore should one push Feng too far, he is more ferocious then any sea beast or hellcat in existance. He's a grudge holder, too; something you can certainly feel when he's the one cutting into your skin with a knife.
Hitting Rewind...Feng does not often talk about his past, not because he regrets it but rather because he is a very private individual; born to a wealthy family of scholors and health practitioners in the heart of China, it's no suprise that growing up Feng was surrounded by intelligent practices and knowledgeable people, his painter mother and medical father among them. For many years the three lived in relative comfort; at least, until the English invaded their small town looking for various foreign items to pillage; the damages were immense, especially on a mentally taxing level as both Feng's mother and father passed away. beant on revenge for the death of so many of his people, Feng took to piracy, and spent much of his teen years pillaging back what the English had taken from his mother land. One such ship was a just developing Briar Rose; however Feng, as Mason had noted, was not meant to be a pirate, which became clear as he skillfully attended to the wounds of his own crew. Mason inquired as to how Feng would feel about becoming the Briar Rose's doctor, their medical professional, in exchange for a wish from the sail of Miracles; while the whole idea seemed silly as Feng had been rasied on the practices of sceince and logical facts, the offer was too good to pass up; with some luck he'd be able to make his town prosperous again. Now he works as a medical professional, for the sometimes far too haphazard pirate crew.
Tools of the Trade... Feng is a healer by nature, and as such has many appliances and herbs on him at any time; however should the need arise he does carry around a small but vicious looking dagger.
I really enjoy... Reading, stargazing and simply watching the ocean roll and sway.
Love it! Tea, a good book, new medical equipment, anything relating to his homeland, quiet places, intelligent conversation and for the most part, being left to his own devices.
Eew, Nasty!Loud, sudden noises, overly chatty and obnoxious people, alcohol, prejudices about the Chinese, and most of the English.
Turn it up!
Love you like a Love Song // Selena Gomez
Sssh, don't tell! When one has someone else's life in their hands, there are many fears one experiences.
They who hold me captive... Nobody at this time
Am I forgetting something...? Feng's English is very broken; he understands it well but does not speak at the same level so most often he stays silent.
My lord, god and master is Whitefiregirl
PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:23 pm

"Life’s pretty good, and why wouldn’t it be? I’m a pirate, after all."
User Image
When I have the chance to pretty myself up.
Hey, there.
My name is...... Celestine Tylen Thomas
But you can call me... Tylen or Ty
I am obviously a... lovely little lady.
And I was born 19 years ago.
The Part I play... the swordswoman of the Briar Rose
I can be pretty... A pretty face doesn't necessarily mean a girly-girl. Many people think that they can get away with treating me like a girl, especially a stupid one. In truth, I am a tomboy. I do many things a boy would do. More often than not, I can be found wearing boy's clothes. Do you know how restrictive women's clothes are? It's horrible.

If someone gives me a hard time, I give them one back. Usually, the person backs off, not realizing what they had gotten themselves into. When provoked, I can get violent. Yes, I do have quite a volatile temper and I can be impatient sometimes, If I really want something, I will be patient and really go for it. I am very intelligent and most of my knowledge consists of seafaring and sword knowing.

Hitting Rewind... I was born in a sea village in England bordering the sea. I had two parents and six other brothers. Being the only girl, it was quite natural for me to want to do what my brothers did. So, I followed them around and did what they did (partially to their dismay and, oddly enough, their pleasure). The two eldest wanted to join the Royal Navy, and they trained via swords. The younger boys wanted to learn, so the older ones taught them. I was taught as well. The slick shine of the sword mesmerized me and I immediately fell in love with the weapon. Though it was hard work, my determination (mostly due to my brothers' taunting that I couldn't learn because I was a girl) and my ultimate patience saw me through. Within a few years, I developed strong muscles to wield my weapon as well as a mastery and knowledge of how to use it. The younger boys were quite jealous.

As we grew older, I grew restless. There was talk from Mum and Dad about marrying me off. The fish business was getting bad. The two eldest were off at war. The next oldest had taken off with a band of thieves because he wanted to experience adventure. I was left with my brother Alex. With no hope of a boy to inherit the family legacy, there was only me. Alex was only twelve. I was a mere girl of fourteen. But Dan, the brother who became a thief, had escalated my interest. I realized that I didn't want to be cooped up and married to a man. I wanted to explore the world and experience all there was to be experienced.
I wanted to be free. That overwhelmed the pangs of guilt I felt at leaving Alex with Mum and Dad. So, I wrote them a note and stole away on a ship in the night.

Ever since, I have been a seafarer. I disguised myself as a boy to gain experience on a ship's crew. At seventeen, I joined the Briar Rose and have been with them since.

Tools of the Trade... My love.
I really enjoy... Training, sailing, sword fighting, singing to myself, and collecting shells
Love it! Adventure, weapons, my sword, the ocean, taking care of the ship, working, exercising, and eating.
Eew, Nasty! Ugly men, staying cooped up, no food (this is the worst!), rusted swords, and sea monsters.
Turn it up! Nobody's Fool ~ Avril Lavigne
Sssh, don't tell! I like butterflies, okay? Just don't tell anybody, or I swear I'll punch your eye out.

They who hold me captive... I think Feng's kinda hot.
Am I forgetting something...? Nothing.
My lord, god and master is Evoblack


Original Heckler

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