Ok, I want to get a Zombie Survival RP started on this guild, and I hope it won't crash and burn like the other one.

I'm recruiting Infected and Survivors at the moment, and I would like 4 survivors, and as many infected as possible, I will cast for the survivors first, and infected can join as they please, if a survivor gets killed, they will have 3 options; 1. Switch to infected 2. Die and 3. Just die, and come in as another survivor, the 3rd option is only allowed once, to avoid repeatably coming in as a new survivor.

If a infected gets killed, and there is a survivor slot open, they will be able to come in as a new survivor, unless they have already played a survivor. They can also come in as a different infected.

The story: The haven has been home to many of people who were able to escape the infection, until the zombies destroyed it, now it's just a wasteland, filled with zombies. You are 4 survivors trying to make it out of the so called 'haven'. It's simple, but it can prosper.

Weapons and Equipment: You are allowed 1 primary, 1 secondary, and 2 specials, if you have something explosive as your primary, you can only have 1 special. It has to be a real gun in the category.

Assault Rifles (Full Auto, 3 Round Burst, and Semi)
Light Machine Guns
Shotguns (Full Auto, Semi Auto, and Pump Action)
Explosive Launchers
Sniper Rifles (Semi Auto, Bolt Action)

Pistols (Dual Wield, or Single, More Accuracy with Single)
Melee Weapons (If Chainsaw, you don't have unlimited fuel)

Throwable Weapons
Health Kits

PM me your profile if you want to take place in this rp, here is the template to use.

Side: (Infected or Survivors)
Background: (What happened to you in your life?)
Personality: (How do you act?)
Weapons/Equipment: (What keeps you alive?)
Pic: (Link only please)

I will keep a head count for people who are joining the rp.

Survivors: All Full!
Survivor 1:
Username: Chaos Starlight
Name: Chaos
Age: 16
Species: Husky
Side: Survivors
Background: Family was killed as the infection hit, doesn't like to talk about his past.
Personality: Sweet and nice, attaches to people and makes friends easily, not usually serious unless it is a dire situation.
Weapons/Equipment: FAL, Desert Eagle, Molotov Cocktails, and a Health Kit
Pic: http://i937.photobucket.com/albums/ad211/Bolt8890/furryhusky2.jpg

Survivor 2:
Username: Firionthedragon
Name: Raphael
Age: 25
Species: Dragon
Side: Survivor
Background: Was a soldier in the U.S. Spec Ops before his "brothers" were eliminated by the infection.
Personality: Usually Quiet but is willing to risk his life for others
Weapons/Equipment: HK G36, 2x Desert Eagle, Med kit and Nail Bomb
Pic: http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af294/firionthedragon/Mythics/DS_Rio___commission_by_Max_Dragon.jpg

Survivor 3:
Username: Cheteq
Name: Kashi
Age: 19
Species: Cheetah
Side: Survivors
Background: Graduated from top of my class....sadly it was no use. I joined the GeneSIP...or splicers if you may. Working on the basics, till an announcement was aired...my life was ruined and I feel that I played a part.
Personality: Somewhat serious but bashful at times.
Weapons/Equipment: ACR, 44. Cal and Reverend Pistol DW, Medkit, and Pipe Bomb
Pic: http://i53.tinypic.com/352eqvn.png[/IMG]

Survivor 4:
Name: Alison
Age: 17
Species: Skunk
Side: Survivors
Background: Alison has lived as an only child to a war traumatized father and a very old fashioned house mom. Growing up her father taught her everything he knew about self defense and working with weapons. She is a great aim but a little trigger shy.
Personality: A bit skittish and shy. She's also a bit innocent.
Weapons/Equipment: M110 Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle, Colt M1911, Medkit, and Grenades
Pic: http://i874.photobucket.com/albums/ab306/XxDeidara_In_WonderlandxX/My drawings/alisontheskunk2.jpg


Name: Lloyd
Age: 17
Species: Dark Wolf
Side: Infected | Hunter
Background: He wasn't one of the first to be infected, he managed to survive a few months, when he heard that a cure is being tested, he immediately made his way to the location, just before getting there, he was bitten, one of the doctors there, hoping to do more tests, injected him with the vaccine, but suddenly, Lloyd stood up and ran away, he wanted to put as much distance between him and survivors before becoming infected.
Pic: http://i937.photobucket.com/albums/ad211/Bolt8890/Tioga.jpg