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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:20 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:26 pm

▄▀▄ ✘This is what i look like✘User Image▀▄▀

► This is what they call me... Boris airay◄
► Candles on my cake...19 ◄
► They tell me i am ...M◄

I want more of (Likes)
❸Having fun

Get Rid of them (dislikes)
❶Blood Durpe
❷ Water
❸being alone


Random Lullaby

Romantic Hellhound

9,525 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:00 pm

▄▀▄ ✘This is what i look like✘▀▄▀
User Image

► This is what they call me Kandi ◄
► Candles on my cake 18! ◄
► They tell me i am Adorable Female of course!!◄

I want more of
❶ Candy!!!
❷ Music!!!
❸ Another Kitten.. In Wonderland...

Get Rid of them
❶ Blood!
❷ Pain...
❸ The Dark..
PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:58 pm

▄▀▄ ✘This is what i look like✘User Image▀▄▀

► This is what they call me Vivaldi ◄
► Candles on my cake Twenty-Three - Twenty-Seven honestly we don't remember our age...◄
► They tell me i am Female, Why do you question it? Do you wish to ask more stupid questions? Or do you not value your head?◄

I want more of (Likes)
❶ Cute Things, we love stuffed animals and have many in our room... please don't speak of this to anyone.
❷ Tea during the evening, the sunset is the most delightful time, don't you agree?
❸ Roses, we love the color of them especially during the sunset, they turn the most brilliant shade of crimson

Get Rid of them (dislikes)
❶ Ace, he annoys us relentlessly... it's not that we hate him, it's just that we would rather he leave us alone...
❷ Men, to tell the truth being the only female in wonderland makes us a little irritated because men are all there is around us...
❸ Fighting, we really hate when that happens, especially when Ace and Peter are going at it. We have a feeling that they do it just to annoy us.



Magical Girl

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:47 am

▄▀▄ ✘This is what i look like✘ User Image▀▄▀

► This is what they call me Alice Liddell ◄
► Candles on my cake 17 ◄
► They tell me i am F◄

I want more of
❶ reading
❷ Tea, as it's very calming.
❸ Vivaldi, as she is a great friend to me.

Get Rid of them
❶ Peter White. Seriously. Keep him away from me.
❷ Blood Dupre. He looks to much like someone who broke my heart.
❸ The fact I'm stuck in Wonderland
PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:52 pm
x x x" I woke up as I waited "
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

[ B ] [ l ] [ e ] [ e ] [ d ] [ [ i ] [ n ] [ g ] s l o w
There was no way to

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Make all this // blow over // soxxxxx

User Image

I started [ writing ] the [ ending ]

x x x x x x x x I said too much

And you just ( kept on pretending ) For both of us

User Image
xxxPost Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post

xxxPost Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post

xxxPost Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post

xxxPost Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post

I could never :: speak :: in a way you wanted to :: hear ::

x x x x x x x x x{{ I couldn't convey }}

We were just {{ sinking too fast }} to save the two of usx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Whispering hope away Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Lyrics: Secret By: The Birthday Massacre
Pictures: Deviantart
Post Layout: Lathadea {Me}



PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:28 pm
((everyone we will start as soon as we have a blood smile ))  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:29 am

▄▀▄ ✘This is what i look like✘▀▄▀
User Image

► This is what they call me Blood Dupre ◄
► Candles on my cake Unknown...Younger than Vivaldi though. Somewhere around twenty-one, or twenty five perhaps?◄
► They tell me i am A male of course.◄

I want more of
❶ Black Tea; the best drink in the world.
❷ Hatter Mansion; It's the only place I can be without being disturbed. Not that I'm there often. And Alice loves to come over because of the twins and Elliot.
❸ Roses; only because my sister would love them. Not that I have a sister.

Get Rid of them
❶ Mostly everyone in 'Wonderland' [Boris Airay, Mary Growland, Peter White, and Ace to name a few...]; they're mindless and annoying and they provide no entertainment.
❷ Alice; I'll show her not everyone is in love with her.
❸ Horrible tasting tea. Really, it spoils tea time.



PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:35 am
(We can starts the role play now a big thanks to everyone! ^ u ^ )  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:21 pm
((Alright since really not much people know about alice in the country of hearts I was planing on either taking Elliot or Peter (I will think about it but because my school will be starting soon it means i will be on less. ))  


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