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ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:30 pm
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No posting except for Coffee.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:04 pm
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l o a d i n g . . .
blankblankf i l e x l o a d e d

blankblankblank B A S I C S
blank「 STUDENT ID 」
blank「 NAME 」
blankblankHikari L'Ouverture Mikagami
blank「 ALIAS 」
blankblankHika or Kari
blank「 CALL-SIGN 」
blank「 AGE 」
blank「 BIRTHDAY 」
blankblankOctober 13th
blank「 GENDER 」

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y e s x n oblankblank

D E T A I L S blankblankblank
blank「 EYE COLOR 」
blankblankDeep Blue, but she hides it under Coffee Brown Eyes
blank「 HAIR COLOR 」
blankblankRaven Color
blank「 HEIGHT 」
blankblankFive feet three inches - 5'3"
blank「 LIKES 」
blankblankNo one! Kidding!
blank「 ROLE 」
blankblankGirl 3
blank「 POSITION 」
blankblankHead of CEDEF (Intelligence Agency)
blank「 CHOICE 」
blankblankOddly enough, she wanted to be a hitman...or join the mafia.

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Starting it off, Hikari is a very strange sort of girl. Although she's very friendly and cheerful to staff and CEDEF members, you can't help but feel she's very cold deep down inside. If you're the type of person who can tell how someone is truly feeling, you'll find her very blank, and much of a sort of void all the time. She hardly gets excited for real, her enthusiasm during work is fake. It's like she lives in a world of her own, hardly interacting with the one next to her. Hikari is somewhat a bit of daydreamer sometimes, getting lost in thoughts which no one knows about. She's really not a person to anger, because her anger can swing two ways.

If she begins to act like she's angry, with that unhappy expression and yelling at you, then you should be glad Hikari isn't serious. The most she'll do is give you a slight beating up and then make sure you got the message. However, if Hikari gets dead quiet and serious, there's absolutely no way you could ever escape her alive. Being head of CEDEF makes her a person you really don't want to cross. She knows her manners very well around the upper class, and is often polite and sociable around them. That's how she gets half her connections. She generally doesn't take anyone into her confidence though.

An aloof cloud, Hikari doesn't like to be particularily associated with anyone. And her position suits her. CEDEF may be an Intelligence Agency, but they're more like outside advisors, and in times of war she holds Second-in-command next to the President. Even if she's outgoing and easy to get along with, you never know how Hikari will be at the end of the day. Her energetic and carefree personality out of work earns her a lot of friends among the street urchins - they're good at getting information. Her cold and cruel personality makes her a favorite among the mafia, and they're always passing to her the best weapons that come their way.

It would be more correct to say that Hikari has three faces: a childish one, an adult one, and a killer one. She adapts to the situation very well. She wasn't always like this - once, she was a warm and happy soul in high school, who cared dearly for others. But like others, Hikari learned to grow up, not to trust anyone, and be ready to kill your friend if necessary. Even if it seems like you're walking on knives around her, just don't anger her or provoke her. She can get along with you good enough. But she is strange, and I've already warned you. Strange as in weird. And don't tease her about her height - she has an inferiority complex over it. To be specific, a Napoleon complex.

Hikari Mikagami was born in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Her father was French, and her mother Japanese. She currently knows Japanese, English, French, Italian, Chinese, Latin, and Irish. Knowing seven languages is a requirement for CEDEF.
For the most part, Hikari can only recall vague pictures of a smiling face from her earliest days. Her mother died when she was only three, but her father couldn't take her in either. Her grandfather took care of her instead. And so, growing up, Hikari had the normal life of any girl. She went to school, had friends, had rivals. But it wasn't always so. She loved the time she spent with her grandfather - he being probably the only she still cared about after joining CEDEF (besides her father, of course). Her grandfather, Jikan Watari, was kind to her. Her father, Jacques L'Ouverture, was almost never home.

And so, that was pretty much her life until she turned nine. That year, her father took her to Europe with him. She was to learn how it would be like to take over the family. The L'Ouverture family was not only highly ranked among the nobility, but it held a certain prestige over the underground mafia as well. Hikari loved European life. Half a year later, her grandfather joined them in Europe, completing the family. For a while, Hikari had a double life, but the government didn't mind. They saw her as someone with potential, and kept a tab on her. After graduation, she decided to sign up for CEDEF. It was no easy task, getting in, but her training had paid off. She made it into the tightly-closed organization, and was able to enjoy new liberties.

After joining CEDEF, Hikari worked as a minor agent in Hokkaido for a while, before she was assigned to a more important role in Tokyo. A few major incidents here and there, and whoosh. Hikari was promoted to a more home base setting in England. There, she learned how to get connections, please the upper class, and various sorts of "useful" stuff. Hikari by then was well government trained. Within just half a month, she was promoted to a full-fledged officer. Give her the rest of the year, and she had reached the head position. But the government trusts her, and Hikari was a suitable candidate.

She was a bit surprised (slightly a bit) to see her former classmates working along with her. Hikari never felt much the same, though - the warm feelings she used to have around them almost completely gone. But there was a deep part of her inside that wished to have friends once more, to be listened to, to be able to trust. Hikari wasn't too affected by what the government did to the poor girl, even though that girl used to be her best friend. Hikari just kind of is okay with everyone. No special feelings towards anyone in general. But it seems she quite hates dislikes the daughter of the Foreign Minister. Hikari hates her type, I suppose. Who knows, Hika may become everyone's downfall.

【勝手にPV】繰り返し一粒【ちょこっとアニメ】 l 【鏡音レン】夢喰い白黒バク【オリジナル曲】 l 【手描きPV】↑人生ゲーム↓【初音ミク】
Hikari has a very very strange fear - she is absolutely scared of ladybugs. Those creatures made her highly suspicious. But that's a story for another time. She can literally stand anything, except ladybugs. Although they're well into the future, Hikari likes the old fashioned CZ75 - she can fight with one or two guns. If it's more hand to hand combat, she prefers her four swords. She'd have two in her hands, two balanced on her feet. Hikari enjoys cake very much, though the reason is quite unknown. She also likes to experiment with various hats and color contacts when she's off work. Hikari is just a bit strange. Watch out around her! She wears a pendant around her neck, made of sterling silver and a lapis lazuli. It indicates she is the head of CEDEF. Her ring is a L'Ouverture heirloom, identifying her as the heir to the family.

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ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:21 pm
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l o a d i n g . . .
blankblankf i l e x l o a d e d

blankblankblank B A S I C S
blank「 STUDENT ID 」
blankblankPudding Earl
blank「 NAME 」
blankblankRied Desmond Malumvir
blank「 ALIAS 」
blank「 CALL-SIGN 」
blank「 AGE 」
blank「 BIRTHDAY 」
blankblankJuly 3rd
blank「 GENDER 」

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y e s x n oblankblank

D E T A I L S blankblankblank
blank「 EYE COLOR 」
blank「 HAIR COLOR 」
blank「 HEIGHT 」
blankblankFive feet six
blank「 LIKES 」
blankblankNobody. You think this icy-cold idiot likes someone?
blank「 ROLE 」
blankblankBoy 3
blank「 POSITION 」
blankblankMinister of Strategy and Warfare
blank「 CHOICE 」
blankblankEither a world dictator or a physicist.

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Ried was never a talkative person. He has a lot of things to say, alright, but he always keeps his comments to himself. However, that doesn't mean that his thoughts are any less truthful- quite the opposite. He's very blunt about things, and doesn't hesitate to make assumptions (though he won't share them with you too often). He's a definite believer in the idea of knowledge as power, so that's the main reason why he doesn't share a lot of his opinions with other people, unless it's for his job (then that really can't be helped). Even though he's a quiet person, Ried is not shy or the type to get pushed around- quite the opposite. Ried likes being in charge, and has a way of bossing people around quite a bit. He hates repeating himself, so his subordinates are quite used to the way he commands them- in an almost inaudible voice, unless he's in a bad mood.

Ried always had a head for intellectual things, so his job isn't a huge challenge for him. Moreover, he's always liked commanding armies in board games and such, so his job was more or less the same thing. He takes everything into consideration when mapping out his war plans, and seldom leaves things out. He's a perfectionist in every aspect of the word, and hates it when things don't go according to plan. When pushed to the limit, Ried will go into an almost maniac state, but that almost never happens (he's got a large amount of self-control).

It's true that Ried isn't the friendliest of people, but he can be very loyal to friends. Although he never shows it, Ried is willing to go great lengths to make his friends happy (he's got a bottom line, though). He gets annoyed when his friends aren't acting like themselves, and hates it when they don't tell him what's bothering them. Friends mean a lot to him, after all.

Ried is a half-Japanese, half-Italian. Appearance-wise, he looks more Japanese, however. He speaks fluent English, Italian, and Japanese.
Ried was born in Italy, to a Japanese mother and an Italian father. His father was a poor restaurant owner, while his mother was a tourist who dumped his father after having him. Ried never saw her again, and his father ended up raising him. From an early age, Ried showed much talent in school (though he did not do as well in sports), and breezed through school. Even though he was smart, Ried was lazy, and so he often slept in class or didn't pay attention. He didn't seem interested in anything, though he did excel the most in political studies and science. There was a period where he planned on becoming a physicist, but he trashed the idea when he found out that working for the government brought more money.

Ried didn't have a smooth run with most of his classmates. He was antisocial and didn't talk much, and when he did speak he did so in a bored and disrespectful tone. However, he did manage to make friends in high school at last, and those friends ended up becoming colleagues later on. He was resentful towards the government for killing his friend, and is currently undecided about saving the Foreign Minister's daughter. For one thing, she seemed so weak. Ried disliked weaklings, but still... it was hard not to think of that old friend when he thought of her, and he's still not sure what he should do about it. If he saves her with the others... they would most likely lose their heads along with their jobs, after all.

Continued Story
Kokou no Pride
Ried is the Minister of Strategy and Warfare, but his physical abilities are very limited. He has asthma, and can't be out exercising for too long (or he'll have an attack and look like an idiot). Ried has a gun with him at all times, but without it he's totally harmless. One thing he can't stand is a weakling, and he's often doing purges in his department to get rid of them. Ried is always afraid of losing his post in the government, since he likes commanding the army, and is always on the outlook for traitors. Ried is often eating on the job, since he's a workaholic that doesn't have any time to do anything except work all day long.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:03 pm
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l o a d i n g . . .
blankblankf i l e x l o a d e d

blankblankblank B A S I C S
blank「 STUDENT ID 」
blank「 NAME 」
blankblankOchiru Milis Nakabuki
blank「 ALIAS 」
blankblankOchi or Nakabuki
blank「 CALL-SIGN 」
blank「 AGE 」
blank「 BIRTHDAY 」
blankblankMarch 15
blank「 GENDER 」

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D E T A I L S blankblankblank
blank「 EYE COLOR 」
blankblankBirght blue
blank「 HAIR COLOR 」
blankblankCotton Candy Pink
blank「 HEIGHT 」
blankblank5" 6'
blank「 LIKES 」
blankblankBecause she would put that on record...
blank「 ROLE 」
blankblankGirl Two
blank「 POSITION 」
blankblankHead of Vicocaro - Elite Assasination Squad
blank「 CHOICE 」
blankblankHmm... Maybe a model?

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i g n o r e x r e s t a r t

Ochiru is rather complex when you compare her looks to her personality. Of course, she looks sweet or atleast nice but she has her evil, twisted side. I guess that's why she's in this line of work. Overall she's a quiet person and rarely speaks. When she does it tends to be either harsh and rude or sugar covered sarcasim. Deep down she is that sweet little girl everyone seems to see her as but she just knows how to take care of herself. She also knows how to care for others. She may like to work alone but she'll protect the few friends she let's past the dark sheild of coldness with her life.

When she's not out on a mission she's classy and propper, but get her out into the feild and she becomes a blood thirsty, unforgiving, killing, monster. Though she's quiet, she still gets what she wants. It's the upside of her beauty. She knows how to use it. Basicly, Ochiru is a weapon that can bring anyone to their knees.

Ochiru was born in Tokyo, Japan to a Japanese father and a French/Irish mother. Growing up she learned Japanese, English, French, Irish, Spanish, Russian, and German. Knowing seven languages is a requirement for Vicocaro.
Ochiru grew up rather poor and an only child. She wasn't even suposed to be born. Her mother, Bella Jaqua, was in Japan, visiting an old high school friend when she met Ochiru's father, Tomoya Nakabuki. Bella was only going to stay a week, but by the time she was going to leave, she was broke and had to stay with her friend, Sarah. Not too long after she found out she was expecting. Her father, back in Europe, was furrious! He was going to send her the money to get her back home but changed his mind with the news. Tomoya took Bella in, even though neither of them were ready for a child. Then Ochiru was born! Tomoyo worked double shifts and Bella stayed home to care for Ochiru.

Growing up, Ochi had a weak immune system. Her parents always kept a very watchful eye on her to make sure she was healthy and unharmed. Because of Bella's French background, she loved to dress Ochi in frilly dresses and cute, girly things. It just became Ochiru's normal. She's stuck with soft colors like pinks and light blues, giving her a sweet, delicate look. When Ochi was in her middle school years, her parents took her out of public school and started to home school her because of how sick she started to become. That's when she started to learn different languages. That's also when she started to take on a meaner, darker side to the sweet, kind, and caring Ochiru.

When she was in public school, even though she was shy and quiet, she had a lot of friends. Being home schooled, she lost most of them. She was left with nothing but the boys around her to play with. She soon learned how to care for herself and not cry at every little scrape or cut she earned. They helped her become a stronger person inside and out. Eventualy, her immune system got stonger and she started fighting, behind her parents' backs of course, and could take on even the strongest of the guys.

By high school, she was let back into public school. Still quiet and girly but with new talents that set her apart from the other girls. Soon, people started to look up to her and wanted to be her friend just for protection. But the stress of false popularity got to her. She became even more quiet and took on a cold and unforgiving set of traits that made her perfect for her job.

Blackjack // Secret (hard pop remix) // Dancer in the Dark
Ochiru has a cat named Bonheur. Ochi also tends to keep herself as busy as possible. She wears a single cartilage earring in her left ear and key earrings at all times. The cartilage earring, indicates she's the head of Vicocaro and doubles as a ear piece/microphone. The earrings are much more important. While most things are locked by censors or high tech lock and coding systems, in the Vicocaro estate, where they keep history files, mission files, and the like, behind all the censors and coding, there is a single lock that needs an old, simple, key (one of the two earrings). The other is the key to a personal lock box hidden somewhere in [ censor ].

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ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

ice and coffee

Dapper Duck

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:50 pm
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l o a d i n g . . .
blankblankf i l e x l o a d e d

blankblankblank B A S I C S
blank「 STUDENT ID 」
blank「 NAME 」
blankblankRoderich Edelstein
blank「 ALIAS 」
blankblankJust Roderich
blank「 CALL-SIGN 」
blankblankForte, or Count Forte
blank「 AGE 」
blank「 BIRTHDAY 」
blankblankOctober 26th
blank「 GENDER 」

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D E T A I L S blankblankblank
blank「 EYE COLOR 」
blankblankLavender Violet
blank「 HAIR COLOR 」
blankblankCoffee Brown
blank「 HEIGHT 」
blank「 LIKES 」
blankblankUm...really now...
blank「 ROLE 」
blankblankBoy 1
blank「 POSITION 」
blankblankMinister of Foreign Affairs
blank「 CHOICE 」
blankblankRoderich had wanted to be a composer or conductor.

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He is a well-spoken, young master type, who was initially aloof until he was saddled with too many burdens. Roderich gives higher priority to his hobbies rather than his work, and is more optimistic and quiet in comparison to the other ministers who are more serious and work-oriented. He is not an outdoors person - and you'll often find him inside with his piano or work. Roderich, although he doesn't follow others much, he somehow manages to show up during important sessions. He's very organized and tidy, but he's not an extreme work-a-holic. Despite being musically talented, he has no sense of direction and frequently gets lost. Although he isn't much of a sociable person, he's friendly and well-mannered enough to get along with most people.

Roderich isn't exactly cold, but he doesn't exactly trust everyone either. He's rather calm and refined, and rather formal too. He's not the best person to tease, because Roderich just doesn't fit the type. He's elegant, and his words are fluent and eloquent. He can get flustered and confused too sometimes. If you're looking for a quiet and peaceful day, go and spend one with him. He hates people who blabber on and on. Roderich is a peacemaker most of the time, acting as a third party in arguments (or fights). He's intelligent, and probably the most kind you'll find out of all the snobs higher up in government.

Surprisingly, despite his gentleman and polite manners, Roderich was born to fight. And he fights rather well, so I wouldn't suggest getting on his bad side. The government and him exist harmoniously, since he's not the type to stir up any trouble. It's thanks to this that the government hasn't taken over the music industry and started spouting musical propaganda. Although he appears to be patient, Roderich really isn't. He plays out his anger on his piano. He's a bit of a more quiet type, you see. But you really don't want to make him snap. He can become rather cold, not to mention cruel.

Roderich is one hundred percent Austrian. However, his English is accentless, his German elegant and smooth. He also knows Japanese, and Italian. Roderich is currently studying Latin.
Roderich was born in Austria, and raised in Austria. His family was one of the lower nobles, his father being a count. Therefore, it would be correct to say that the L'Ouverture family presided over them, Jacques being a duke. Although Roderich was expected to become a swordsmaster and learn all sorts of the old fine arts, his favorite was music. His parents loved his talent, as he began composing at the age of seven. Next to piano, he loved violin second-best. Roderich was also a fine painter and artist, but to him, music was more exciting. His life passed without too much incident for the first few years. Roderich was admitted to public school at the age of nine. He was top of the class, except in more active subjects. Nevertheless, he managed to do fine.

His high school and middle school years were marked by periods of solitude. The same year he joined public school, a strange girl also transferred. At first, he was annoyed by her attempts to talk to him. That would become his friend Hikari. Since she belonged to the L'Ouverture family, Roderich had to be respectful whenever she came over. It was a nightmare, but eventually the two became sort of friends. And then he had new friends. They kind of became a group. But Roderich kind of stayed aloof, at the sidelines. The aloof cloud he remained until graduation. Then, he was sent back to Austria for his college studies. Roderich worked and studied hard, and a month within graduation of university he was selected to work under the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Roderich was one of the best in the department. So it came as no surprise, when a year later, the Minister of Foreign Affairs resigned and he was promoted to that position. But he was surprised to see his first friend get promoted to Head of CEDEF at the same time. Although CEDEF admittedly was more of an outside organization, Roderich directed half of its activities. It was ironic - the person who had presided over him was now to be taking his orders. Talk about fate. He was quite surprised when the other girl died - she had held all their bonds together, even if she was the weakest out of all of them. To be honest, he's not too sure what to do with the new girl. Help her? Or what? His headache is returning...

Your Truth is My False l The Boundary Between Snow and Ice l Walk of the Heart
His interests are art, music (the piano in particular), and cake. He is afraid of marine animals (such as crabs and starfish). Also, Roderich prefers to be called Count Forte, more than his regular name. He wears glasses not because he has bad eyesight, but because he thinks he would look plain without them. Roderich absolutely loves his piano, but he's not obssessed with it. His weapon of choice is a sword, being old-fashioned. He often dresses old fashioned as well, like the men of the Victorian Era. He has a white cat that follows him around at times, named Edelweiss. Roderich admired Chopin most, out of all the composers. He mainly plays Chopin's pieces, and his own.

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