A human boy (your character) finds a white kitten while he is visting his uncle in the country and decided to take it home. Weeks later when he arrives at his home in the city of tokyo and his parents are not home after going to take a shower only to come back and see that where the came once was is instead a very cute boy that at first he believed to be a girl until he found out because the boy was completely naked , the human just got done taking a shower and is regretting that he didn't think about putting a towel on because only person in the house was him and the 'cat'. The cat boy was experimented on so he can turn human and is smart in things like math but is extremely Innocent and doesn't know if he is doing something he shouldn't be.

Your character is seme the cat guy is uke.
I want to do this rp in pm.

This is how the nko boy looks in his more human form:

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