Go Nintendo, Nintendo Conference

Nah I kid you.

-So mario 3ds will be out November 13th in North America. Boasting use of the gyro controls

-The secondary analog stick somewhat puzzles me in why it's running on a triple A battery. Instead of at least being something you'd unscrew the battery pack for and somehow attach it there. It'll run up to around 17-20 bucks.

- Mario kart 7 offers a first person view in the game when racing. As well as some new uses of old power ups from other games. (fire flower, leaf) Lakitu confirmed for a racer in the game. Out December 4th In North America

- Legend of Zelda 4 Swords Anniversary sounds promising. available for download between Sept. 28, 2011, and Feb. 20, 2012

- There will be a pink 3DS. Leaving me with wonder about purple, and green. The ones we saw at the e3 tech demo. Why the hell not Nintendo? Hell even Orange would be nice at this point.
Due October 20th in Japan.

- Skyward Sword apparently will have over 50 hours, of estimated gameplay under it's belt. Plus, a boss rush mode afterwards. A special edition with a gold wiimote, with built in wiimotion plus will be included plus a bonus disc.

-Mario tennis and Camping momma, some rhythm games, Kid Icarus being delayed until the first quarter of 2012. A gundam wing game, dynasty warriors will be taking it's kick at the can.

There's plenty more in the link above, this is just a gist of it for those who don't feel like reading the link.