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Reply Crazy Character Convos! [[The Roleplaying Forum]]
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Designer Hobo Style

Distinct Elocutionist

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:25 pm

In the future, there is nothing but sand. Literally. Due to nuclear holocaust the land has been wiped completely of it's lush forests and the water sources have dried out. After living underground for centuries, people have dug out and begun to build towns in the expansive desert. All of the technology that was used to kill them is now gone, leaving them with nothing.

Search parties have been sent out to find oases for irrigation, arable land, and wood. However, the desert is a harsh place. There are sandstorms that last for hours, the sand so fierce that it could blind you. The animals that didn't die out mutated and evolved to survive the desert, becoming huge and carnivorous, eating anything it sees. Everything out there is the same, huge sand dunes on all sides, it's easy to get lost.

You are a member of one of these scouting teams. Each team will have five members and there will be one team per area. Your job is to go out into the desert and search for an oasis with your team. You will fight monsters, come across bandits, find ancient ruins, and come across many other obstacles along the way. There is also a survival element to the rp, so please keep in mind that your character needs to drink, eat, and sleep (there's also peeing, but let's just pretend people do that at some point).
PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:54 pm


Name: Orlelsia
Age: Eighteen? Nineteen? Has lost track.
Region: Medius
Appearance: Ragged bandages cover a good percent of her body; looping around her shoulders, down her upper back, around her chest and back again; as a sort of headband to keep the straggly hair away from her eyes and hold it in place. A long strip also wraps from the lower part of her waist to the upper calves. Each knotty strand of the mess dangling across the back, sides, and across parts of the front of her face is a vivid lazuline. Orle's nose is bent slightly; the only visible sign that it was broken once.
Personality: Childish to a point of near-defiance; but from what or who though none -- including herself -- can or will say, Orle has frequently gotten herself into trouble in the past. From that single behavior, it tends to be difficult to discern the rest of her personality.
Backstory: A loner from the start -- even within her own, tight community -- she once could be found most of the time within the series of caverns that her ancestors (and those of the people around her) once used as a shelter. It was from one of these wanders that her hair was so greatly discolored.
Weapon: Meteor hammer.
Survival Skill: Creating makeshift tools, ect.
Weakness: Tends to overdo things, or go too far.

Little Miss Despair
Name: Tashia Keeler
Age: 15
Region: Medius
Appearance: Fiery red hair, cut short as to not get too hot and bright green eyes. Tashia has an athletic build, slender limbs and a small waist and breasts. She proudly adorns herself with a regal red and gold hooded cape, which more often than not acts as her clothes more than what she actually wears. Besides that, Tashia is often found to be wearing bloodied bandages over her breasts, shorts with suspenders, and leather sandals that wrap around her legs topped with a metal plate on the feet.
Personality: Cocky and sharp witted, she often puts on a guise to gain your trust, she has a strong set of morals which include "Do or die". Very outgoing in person, yet guarded on the inside. Tashia has learned to be a loner.
Backstory: When the first search teams were sent out ten years ago, Tashia's father was the captain. When he didn't return, she and her mother were left to themselves to try to make ends meet. However her mother was 8 months pregnant when he left and she died in childbirth one month later. As Tashia's home begun to go derelict, she left the place, taking her father's robe with her as a blanket (since she was too young to actually wear it). She was left in the streets all by herself.

Tashia didn't play with other children, she had to beg for food all day long. When she got too old to beg, she tried to get a job, but no one would take her, having no clothes except rags. Instead she learned thievery and taught herself how to get trickier and trickier. Finally, Tashia had become a full blown grifter and managed to make ends meet with a much less violent way. She still clung to her regal past, and sought to join this year's search team into the desert, hoping to find her father.
Weapon: Her father's knife
Survival Skill: Her years of survival on the streets of Medius. Tashia is quick and nimble and knows a thing or two about how to get out of a tight situation.
Weakness: Has trouble trusting anyone due to years of aggressive survival tactics from the other street urchins.

Name: Freyk Gontishman

Age: 17

Region: Medius

Appearance: Freyk is slight young man, thin-boned, fair-haired, and averaging five-four in terms of height. He dresses in a black, sleeveless, leather cloak. His cloak, pants, and boots are all made of leather and are adorned with various talismans made of bone. His pupils are gray and the lad has uniquely pointed ears. After coming to Medius, Freyk procured several ear piercing and a pair of fingerless gloves. His right leg is visibly twisted and he walks about with a stone staff and jolting limp. His skin is fair and doesn’t seem to tan easily, not that this makes him stand out amongst other Medians. His face is charming, though most often he has a severe look plastered across it. His lack of any other expression sometimes confuses people, and most can never tell his good days from the bad ones. He smiles rarely, but when he does it should be counted as a blessing to the recipient.

Personality: Freyk is a quiet and reserved young man, saying only as much as he feels a given situation would truly warrant. He is calm in the face of adversity and radiates order and togetherness amongst his peers. Secretly he is very bitter and dark-minded, the injury he sustained as child taking its toll on what others see to be his general good nature. He dislikes being a burden to others and himself and comes off as being overly dominant. What he lacks for in a physical presence he makes up with a strong force of personality. Whenever he chooses to talk it is honest, earnest, and well-thought. He seldom takes criticism in good stride and is easily irritated by those who don’t plan their actions or go off half-cocked into dangerous situations. He is greatly annoyed when anybody puts their fellows into danger unnecessarily.

Backstory: Freyk was born in the desert as part of a Medius caravan. Overly curious and highly perceptive, his parents feared that their child wouldn’t be able to survive amongst the rest of the Caravan’s other children, being that he was essentially the runt of the litter. Freyk surprised them however and dominated his playmates just as easily as he could breathe the air. The child’s forceful personality was well respected and as Freyk grew his peers simply all chose to the bow the knee. At age 10 Freyk’s perception saved the caravan when he felt the wind shift ever so slightly and warned his friends and family of the encroaching sandstorm. After that point the child was utilized as an early warning system against possible disasters. Three years later Freyk has attained a level of supernatural importance amongst his caravan members, who saw him as a kind of desert seer or shaman. By that time the 13 year old boy had managed to stave of many possible disasters ranging from beast and bandit attacks to any and all forms of natural disaster. He was revered, but a day and week after turning 14 disaster struck him specifically. Walking alongside one the caravan’s many Sand Sleds, the vehicle disturbed a patch of earth which hid a small grotto. Freyk for once completely unknowing of the coming disaster fell down through the disturbance and hit the hard rocks below. The child lived and if not his importance to the other members of the caravan, he would have likely been left for dead. A rescue operation took place and Freyk found himself freed from his predicament before dawn the next day. Sadly one of his legs was badly injured the healers in the caravan did the best they could to fix it. After the event Freyk was considered infirm and was not allowed to leave the confines of a sled set aside entirely for him. With their seer permanently injured, the caravan leaders decided to head back to Medius and so within a years time Freyk was back in his home city. The people he had known in the caravan dispersed, seeking out other ways of life amongst their fellow Medians. Freyk however could not abandon the desert and so became a guide, leading people short distances and earning a small amount of coin for his services. He has been pursuing such business for two years now and was called upon to join the year’s coming search party. He is both greatly honored and slightly apprehensive and knows not what to expect.

Weapon: Freyk fights defensively with a long staff made of stone. He also uses it to assist with walking.

Survival Skill: Knows how to predict sandstorms with relative accuracy and also has a natural talent for taming wild beasts.

Weakness: Freyk suffers from a slight physique and is crippled by the injury to his leg. Alone he is often quite vulnerable and even in a group his physical abilities are quite limited. Freyk also buries within himself a deeply sadistic mentality. He enjoys watching other people suffer, though he would never willingly voice such thoughts. Freyk is fully aware of his reliance on others for purpose and protection and does not wish to endanger himself any more than is necessary.

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Name: Elorx
Age: 19
Region: Born and raised in Tierras del Norte but became a refuge and moved to Medius when he was 18.
Appearance: Elorx is an albino, he has pale skin and red eyes but his hair is black. He is 6’2 and 154 lb he has a lean frame and is lightly defended. Being albino causing him to be more sensitive to the sun so he is completely covered in the daytime hours in a red hooded cloak.
Personality: Elorx is aggressive and foul mouthed always letting his opinions show, yet self loathing and masochistic he searches for fights and his sacred body is proof to this tendency. He is also fiercely loyal and protective, never the bystander he is either the cause of the fight or the end of it. His softer side is only shown to children and some women and he never lets anyone harm children or women in his presence.
Backstory: Elorx was born as an albion and so his pale skin and red eyes made him an easy target. He grew up always fighting and he became very skilled at hand to hand combat. After he turned 6 his family began training him for survival in the desert and killing. Elorx had a younger sister that he loved and protected fiercely. She was gentle and kind not at all like the other Tierras del Norte and when Elorx turned 17 and had to prove himself as a bandit he was tasked with killing his sister. Fearing what would happen to him if he refused he killed his sister. This is what caused him to hate everything about himself and the people he was with. One day the band of bandits he was with was passing by the capital of the Medius he escaped to the town as a refugee.
Weapon: Daggers, specialty in hand to hand combat, he relies on his speed to win fights.
Survival Skill: Has the ability to “track” water, night traveler.
Weakness: Self hatred, hot headedness, nightmares, overprotective of people he cares about.

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Name: Sister Kiara
Age: 18
Region: Medius
Appearance: Kiara is short at 5’1 and is just 102 pounds she looks like she could snap in a breeze. Golden straight hair falls around her shoulders and stops about halfway down her back. Kiara’s eyes are a warm brown with red undertones. She is in her priests uniform which has a black cape, white shirt, metal braces, and black skirt of the best materials her boots lace up on both sides and end just under her knees. On a leather belt hangs a large pouch containing medical supplies and a flask of alcohol.
Personality: Kiara is very shy around guys and finds everything outside the walls of her church walls strange. Kiara is kind and gentle with most everyone she meets. She tries to make people smile by being silly and outgoing.
Backstory: Kiara was abandoned as a baby to the Lunaire sisterhood and she became one of the most brilliant student the sisterhood ever had. She grew up inside the walls of the monastery and learned the art of healing and archery from the sisters and has become a master at both. Kiara was highly educated by the sisters and is very charismatic giving her the ability to bargain and make deals. Living in the monastery her entire life Kiara has never met a man.
Weapon: Longbow
Survival Skill: Healer/medical knowledge
Weakness: Extremely shy with guys, No street knowlege

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Character Sheet-
Survival Skill:

Name: Can be full name, first name, or the nickname, just establish what you want us to call your character if it's anything different than what you put down.

Age: anywhere from 15 to 25 should be good. Could be more or less, just nothing too young or too old.

Region: The five regions are Tierras del Norte in the North, País do leste in the East, Pays du Sud in the South, Ovest in the West, and Medius in the middle. Now that we've got a search team for Medius, any additional players may create a character from a different region, though it is suggested that you make a bandit in addition to your search team member while you wait for the search team to fill up. And of course any search team members from Medius may make a bandit character as well.

Appearance: This ranges from height and weight, muscle tone and fat, hair color and eye color, to the types of clothes they wear. Be as descriptive as you like so you can paint a picture for us what your character looks like. On the flip side, you can use a tektek or a picture you found or drew, but please put it at the end of the character sheet if you do.

Personality: Pretty simple one here, just try to be descriptive and please keep to the personality that you lay out. I personally use MBTI personality types as a guideline for personality, so if you get stuck and don't know how your character should act, you should look that up sometime.

Backstory: Here's a chance for free character development! Did something bad happen to your character when they were a kid? Is there some lost love out there in the desert? Be creative!

Weapon: Keep in mind the setting of the area. Wood is very minimal and it would be difficult to mine for ores. Also add in some kind of fighting style, is your character offensive, defensive? Do they have secret techniques or are they a complete newbie?

Survival Skill: One skill that is vital to your team. Nothing extremely supernatural, keep in mind that this is supposed to take place in the far future.

Weakness: Something that brings great conflict to your character. It can't be something that will never effect them during the roleplay, so keep that in mind. It can be physical, mental, or emotional.

PM me with your character sheet.

Designer Hobo Style

Distinct Elocutionist

Designer Hobo Style

Distinct Elocutionist

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:08 pm

1. No Mary Sues. No perfect characters, they must have at least one thing wrong with them. It makes the roleplay boring otherwise.
2. No Godmodding. Your characters are human. They will get hurt. They will get thirsty. They will get hungry. They will get tired. Please keep this in mind
3. If you're going to join the roleplay, post in it. If you can't participate anymore or have to go some place for a while, pm me, I don't want characters that aren't being used.
4. Be as literate as you can. I would prefer if you post as if you were writing a story for English class. Good grammar IS necessary (though one slipup or two is understandable) and posting in a novel style is preferable as opposed to posting in asterisks, hyphens, parentheses, etc. Posts should have good thought, they don't need to be several paragraphs long, but at least longer than a sentence.
5. If you fail to follow the rules, you will be dropped from the rp. I will send a warning pm first, but if it happens a second time I will drop you. That goes for inactivity as well. If you are inactive for a week I will send you a pm notifying you of being inactive. If you don't respond within a day, I will drop you. If you do respond and have a good reason, you will have another week to post.
PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:57 pm

Tierras del Norte
Dark skinned and aggressive, these people will attack on site and are the most commonly found bandits. The Nortes are obsessed with power and conquest and are easily bought out. If you happen to have gold on you should you be ambushed by them, give it to them and they will be more likely to let you live without a fight. The Nortes have also managed to domesticate several of the desert animals for riding. This aids in their search for conquest.

Enemies: País do leste and Ovest
Allies: Pays du Sud
Neutral: Medius

Search Team:

País do Leste
Fair skinned and noble, this group is all about exploring. They have set up a trade route to Ovest that cuts through many small villages. These people are kind and helpful, extremely smart and worldly. Lestians are expert navigators, which is important in the expansive sand dunes. If you come across one, they might have a map to trade with you.

Enemies: Tierras del Norte and Pays du Sud
Allies: Ovest
Neutral: Medius

Search Team:

Pays du Sud
Fair skinned and pompous, this group is very secretive. Like the Nortes, the Suds are greedy. While they won't attack your team, if you want a little information from them, all it takes is a little gold to get them to talk. Less interested in conquest and more interested in wealth, Pays du Sud stands as the capital of the wealthy, and thus the educated. While a Sud might not be the strongest person, they are very smart.

Enemies: País do leste and Ovest
Allies: Tierras del Norte
Neutral: Medius

Search Team:

Dark skinned and jocular, the Ovestians are a very prideful bunch. While they are friendly and welcoming to strangers, they are not completely against the idea of war. At times, Ovest will go on scrimmages with its enemies for sport and often will host tournaments in its capital. They enjoy other forms of entertainment as well, including plays, music, and poetry, and will entertain their guests. Generally, an Ovestian is strong, but also good natured.

Enemies: Tierras del Norte and Pays du Sud
Allies: País do leste
Neutral: Medius

Search Team:

The Medii are in the middle about everything. Their skin is neither dark nor pale, and their demeanor is neither aggressive nor passive. The Medii's neutrality is rivaled in infamy only by the Swiss of ancient times. They prefer not to get into the affairs of other regions, and thus pass and go as they please. There is no specific skill attributed to Medius, its people do not have any special skills.

Search Team:
2.Tashia Keeler
3.Freyk Gontishman
5.Sister Kiara

Designer Hobo Style

Distinct Elocutionist

Designer Hobo Style

Distinct Elocutionist

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:59 pm

Monster Compendium

Coming soon~
PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:01 pm

In the future, there is nothing but sand. Literally. Due to nuclear holocaust the land has been wiped completely of it's lush forests and the water sources have dried out. After living underground for centuries, people have dug out and begun to build towns in the expansive desert. All of the technology that was used to kill them is now gone, leaving them with nothing.

Search parties have been sent out to find oases for irrigation, arable land, and wood. However, the desert is a harsh place. There are sandstorms that last for hours, the sand so fierce that it could blind you. The animals that didn't die out mutated and evolved to survive the desert, becoming huge and carnivorous, eating anything it sees. Everything out there is the same, huge sand dunes on all sides, it's easy to get lost.

Designer Hobo Style

Distinct Elocutionist

Designer Hobo Style

Distinct Elocutionist

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:33 pm

The roleplay is now open!
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:04 pm

Releasing the arrow it shot forward the fletching brushing against her fingers. The arrow fly true and hit its mark dead center from 40 meters away. Kiara lowered the longbow and grinned at Sister Miora the archery master who nodded in approval. Satisfied with her practice for the day Kiara returned the archery equipment to the storage place. When she was returning to the main building Mother Lori pulled her aside and handed Kiara a thick letter with the cities seal. Excited Kiara opened the letter immediately and began to read. When she finished the letter she gasped and sat down. "Mother Lori I have been chosen to be in the next desert exploration as a healer." With that everything changed and the day went by quickly as she packed and gathered all the necessities for the journey. Finally when it was time for Kiara to leave the walls of the monastery there were tears, hugs, well wishing, and last of all Sister Miora presented Kiara with her prized longbow quiver and arrows. With that she was off and a chaperone lead Kiara to the inn where all the people who were to head into the desert where to meet and stay before the journey. Once they set her up in the humble quarters of the inn she had nothing left to do but wait for the others to arrive so Kiara headed into the great room and waited for the others to come.


Crazy Character Convos! [[The Roleplaying Forum]]

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