When the Light dies all that will remain is the dark.

The Under earth, The last sanctuary for those that still remained devoted to the teachings, of the dark. Only here could one truly train there affinity to the dark, and only here could one truly become submerged in then dreadful, and awe inspiring power that the darkness held. It was here that Dark spent most of his time. Alone intentionally sectioning himself off from the rest of the demons that wondered this land. He had no time for them, or anyone else to put things frankly. His training was all that he needed for now.

Alone he sat surrounded by the shadows seeming to engulf him. Sitting on the cold damp floor, and his head hung down allowing his hair to drape over his face his precious spear stabbed into the earth. Slowly he extended his hand to his right and left side his palms pointing upwards to the ceiling of the caverns as he dropped deeper into the darkness. In his meditation he allowed the darkness to over take him to flow freely though him in a attempt to gain a greater understanding of the power the darkness held, and with that strengthen the rage, hate, and evil inside of himself.