Character Name: Selene Doe

Age: 18

Physical appearance: Selene holds a strong chin to hold her stern smile. She has curves-to die for. Always wears her sneakers untied with socks to her knees. She has her worn out faded jeans with holes and her low cut half shirt with a huge smiley face on it. Selene has a purple heart necklace that shines brightly once in awhile.

Personality: Selene makes very interesting and exciting friends. She likes to leave her mark on everyone she meets. She is very flighty and will disappear for a long time as she meets new friends and explore new places. But when she comes back, she always will have new thoughts, opinions and interesting things to share and ideas to teach. Life is very interesting and fun to her. She is many sided, quick both in the mind and physically. She is brimming with energy and vitality. She is intelligent and very adaptable to every situation and every person. Also very curious and always want to know what's going on in the world around her. She is not one to sit back and watch the world go by, she always wants to be involved. She never minds her own business! This is because she really enjoys communicating, more so then most other people, she is the ultimate social butterfly. She can talk and talk, but she has interesting things to say, her talk is not mindless babble. She always has interesting opinions and thoughts on things and are not afraid to speak her mind. Always in the know and is the one to see for the latest juicy gossip. Lacking perseverance, Selene easily goes off topic to explore another thought or idea. Selene is superficial, she will form opinions on matter without diving into them and exploring them fully. This can lead her into thinking she knows everything, which she usually does but her mind is too busy to be concerned with fine details. Routine and boredom is her biggest fears. Selene would rather be naive then know the depressing truth, she does not want anything to put a damper on her freedom or positive energy.

Occupation: Selene doesn't have a job. Shes a wanderer always looking for a new adventure to start her day. This always leads to something dangerous, but Selene doesn't ever mind its all fun and exciting if she doing something different.

Biography: Selene never knew or even knows if she ever had parents. She once saw a seer and the lady told her she was of the ancient ones. Not knowing what this meant Selene just took it as that she was reborn because she knew from some of her dreams that she had other lives. Lives that unfold everyday she sees something that she feels like she seen before or people she meets seem way to familiar. Selene just hopes one day all will be revealed. She doesn't ever remember having a young life only that of being in a foster home till she ran away at 15 years old and now is roaming everywhere and doing everything. The only thing Selene knows about herself is that she has great power because every time she has great emotion her necklace shines and she feels energy coursing through her at great rates of speed. One day while she was roaming she found a log and decided to start carving it, it became a great long bow, and she tied some string to it and called it her baby. She never leaves anywhere without it, either it’s strapped to her back or in her hands.

Weapons: Long Bow

Name of weapon: Baby
Number of Points:5
element: Earth
Description:When Selene focuses really hard on an opponent the arrow shot becomes stronger.
Weapons: Armor

Name of weapon: Necklace of Aurora
Number of Points: 5
element: none
Weapon Skill: Shields
Description: When Selene feels threatened the necklace puts up an invisible but not impenetrable shield. That protects her from magic attacks and other not physical intrusions.

Name of ability: Earths Touch
Amount of points: 3
Description of ability: Selene can sense things from miles away because the necklace and the Earth itself warns her of danger.

Elemental magic:

Fire: 0 points
Water: 0 points
Wind: 2 points
Lightning: 0 points
Earth: 3 points
Light Side: 2 points

Signature Attacks: Long distant arrow shots
Name of Attack: Bulls-Eye
Number of points: 5
Description of Attack: Bow can shoot at long distances and hit almost every target with the help from Earth and Wind.