Ok so constantly I've been trying to get a hold of some official from SCEA to look into my PSN and get my region changed.

For some reason instead of my country the Bahamas it was set to United Arab. Because of that I was unable to get add-ons for my games and so forth since they're all US versions down here.

So I made another account with a US address with the help of a bud of mine from the states who graciously allowed me to use her information for the account, but I want to use my original account. Its a pain to keep switching from account to account to get things I need for my current games.

Does anyone know an administrator or some sort of official personally who can help me out with this? Also is there a way it could be done without affecting my trophies? I used to not care about those, but then I started gaming my you-know-what off to obtain some difficult trophies. I'd hate to have hours go to waste.

Seriously can someone, anyone help me out with this issue?