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PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:07 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:12 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Gilbert Amsel
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Gill~
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` exorcist
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am twenty seven years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am asexual since my "accident" but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on nobody.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Junichi Suwabe
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Get Down With the Sickness // Richard Cheese
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the order

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
On the outside, Gill appears to be a rather eccentric man, almost always wearing a smile that looks forced and often described as "creepy" by others. As a former artist, he has a cluttered mind and can be frustrated when things to not turn out the way that he had imagined in his head, this fact often occurring during a battle if he happens to be losing or feels as if his partner is not helping him "see" well enough. Thanks to his blindness, he is almost always being led by his little sister, Irmalinda, by her holding his hand. If anyone else tries to even get a hold of his hand though they might find a new enemy.

While he will act differently in front of most people, he is severely self-aware of his appearance and does not like his scarred face. While his hair is naturally a pale shade of blonde, his hair became a very premature gray after the attack during his twenty third year of life. If people ask him his age he will almost always reply with a crul joke said in his native language, German, about their way of speaking or even saying things like "is that how you speak to your elders Sonny?" to tease them. Gill never lets his bangs fall from his eyes where the worst of his scars are and he does not like it when people "stare" at the way he looks. Not wanting to be judged by his looks, he likes to dress strangely and instead of the black order uniform, he wears an old black trench coat and top hat that would normally be worn by men three times his age.

Even if he does not want to admit it, Gill is incredibly dependent on others for even the simplest tasks. Being lead around by his younger sister most of the time, he often just says that he lets her help him because she is his baby sister and only surviving member of his family. When other watch him and he is unaware that he is not alone, Gill often looks aloft and zombie like, being perceived by others as either pathetic or sad depended on how he had treated them before.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
To say that Gilbert had always been special and been a prized treasure to others would be a major understatement. He was the youngest son born to a German couple that desperately wanted a daughter and were instead, given six sons, all of which barley succeeded in school and all took simple jobs after they decided to leave home. After Gill was born his parents gave up on having their girl and put pretty much all of their energy into his education and making sure that he at least turned out better than his brothers. Coming from a decent family that was in good standing in their town, he did not have any problems getting an education and since his parents did not want him at the school house, which only taught basic reading and arithmetic, a tutor was hired. From the time he was five until he was ten his life revolved around the lessons and readings that his parents demanded he know along with the plans for his future they were making that included studying abroad, getting a nice wife one day, and eventually becoming a perfect German citizen.

Unfortunantly though, Gill did not fit into the slate that his parents made for him. He never learned any other languages besides his native German (he did not learn English until he joined the order), he had the musical talent of a caveman, as his teacher put it, and all of his math and science lessons seemed to slip from his mind. All that he was good at was reading books and drawing pictures. While he was exceptionally good at art, his parents said that it would never get him anywhere in life and that if he wanted to achieve more thna his brothers he would have to stick with his lessons. Around that time though, his mother was pregnant with her seventh child, sure that it would be another blonde haired boy. instead, it was a girl, red haired and lovely like his mother. when his sister was born, at first Gill was enviouse of the girl.

Who was this baby to take his place as the center of his parents' world? at first, he was sure that he was going to hate his new sister. he knew of his friends from around the neighborhood that little sister were supoosed to be annoying, ruin his stuff, and follow him everywhere. Gill was relieved though when his parents finally came to terms that he was not the prodigonial son they had hoped for and lightened up on his lessons, dropping his language lessons completly along with most of the mathematics. The only things he was forced to keep was his music, to his mother's wishes, and his daily readings. This left him with more spare time than he had in years and more time with Irmalinda, who he had given the nickname of Irma to. even though he did not expect it, his sister grew on him.

By the time that he was twenty, his brothers were all out of the house and Irma was ten, always following behind him and clinging to his side, begging for him to take her to his art exhibits with him and to let her pose so that he would paint. At the time, as a new and upcoming artist, Gill lived with his parents and was working to get his name across the countryside of Germany, often painting death portraits and rich people wanting their faces immortalized on a canvas. But with the times and with the photographic camera, a new invention, was his rival and he found himself unable to keep up with the industrial boom that was coming with the end of the nineteenth century. Finally, after years of trying to make it big with his art, and failing, Gill took his father's offer and began to work in the family business of being a watch maker.

At first he hated the very concept of making clocks. Gill hardly had a proper sense of time himself, often staying up late at nights and sleeping in until late in the morning. To him the work was menial but it paid the taxes and since he still lived with his family he kept most of his income saved aside for his future travels, hoping to save enough so that he could travel around Europe to paint, maybe even get himself a nice wife along the way. It was tragedy that stopped him though. A few days after his twenty third birthday a mysterious man left a pocket watch that he wanted fixed, one that would later become Gill's reason for being alive, Rienheit.

It was a normal Sunday when his world came tumbling down. After early morning church, his family being fever-ant Catholics, his brothers ad their family often came over the family home for dinner and drunks while Irma, at thirteen she was told to be too young to attend the drinking, stayed behind at their church for a youth meeting. Shortly after the sun went down, a strange man knocked at the door asking for "the innocence". Not understanding what was going on, one of the brothers laughed and said three man was a drunk and went to push the man to the streets. Within a split second the man was no longer human but took a form of an akuma. For Gill, time went by before his eyes as his family fell to the creature and what walked inside behind it was no other than a member of the noah family.

Paralyzed by fear, he was not in the right mind and the only reasonable thought in his head was that it was a robber. On impulse, he grabbed the golden pocket watch from earlier and immediately the innocence synchronized with him. All around him Gill saw what looked to be golden clocks form around him and the creature fell. What was left was the noah smirking, the last thing that he ever saw. With a surprise attack a hand was reached inside of his face and his eyes were ripped from their sockets around with most of the skin around his face. before passing out, Gill clenched the pocket watch and fell to the ground.

Hearing the commotion, neighbors found the family, officials saying that they were slaughtered by a band of thieves and that only their youngest son, Gilbert, survived the attack and was left in the car of his younger sister, blinded and with his mind broken. For months he was in a sea of his own depression, eating when Irma fed him, sleeping, staring into the darkness. Six months after the attack he was found by the order and was given an offer, become an exorcist within the order. With nothing left to live for, Gill took the offer.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Unlike the innocence of other exorcists, Gill's ability to fight is a pure and somewhat strange variety that does not require combat and in many ways is quite the opposite. With his "weapon", an antique pocket watch, which he often refers to as Reinheit, his native language for purity. When Reinheit is activated, for Gill it appears that time had slowed for himself while to those around him he is moving unnaturally fast. it sets up a small time zone around his opponent where anything in it will recover and heal automatically, mostly just himself through or others in the way.

When invoked, Reinheit's face will emit a bright golden yellow light that will make transparent clock faces appear around him. Anything that is not covered by these "faces" will be temporarily safe from harm, not including akuma but Noah will not feel the immediate damage like the exorcists in battle. Eventually all damage the others suffered earlier will return, as well as wounds suffered during the time that he used his Innocence, the longest him being able to stop the process is twenty four hours at the most. It cannot bring the dead back to life, it can hold back mortal wounds though, often giving those hurt a little time to say goodbye if they desire.

His blindness is a large factor in his ability to fight. While it is a large disadvantage often having to be lead to the scene by a finder, almost always being Irmalinda, Gill claims that he can feel the flow of time around the akuma and that it is different from that of humans and noah. His way of purifying the souls and ultimately destroying the akuma is by taking the high risk and reaching his hands into the "heart" of the akuma and "purify it", reasons on how his innocence is still unknown and the unique style is on the list to be investigated by the science department at the order.

With his appearance though, ever since the accident that left him blind and severely scarred his face, Gill wearing his hair long and always makes sure that his bangs are covering his eyes, so that others cannot see how it appears that his eyes were ripped out of his face. While his eyes look normal beneath the scars they are glass and a gray color while naturally his eyes were green,


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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Irmalinda Amsel
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Irma

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` finder
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a female.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am seventeen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on nobody why, am I blushing?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Chie Nakamura
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Morning Sky // Junko Minagawa
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the church due to her brother but personally she is neutral.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
At a glance, Irma is a normal girl of her time, she is considered two things: cute, but stupid, a person least likely to become a finder withen the order. Even though she is not the brightest person that one would meet, she is not an idiot, just a bit dim witted, bordering on ignorance. Despite this though, she is an exceptionally sweet girl, trusting, putting others before herself constantly, the main person in her focus being her older brother. Because of this though, she is often walked upon and taken advantage of without her even knowing it.

Despite having more freedom than most girls in her time, Irma is a small town girl. In her future, she sees herself as a stay at home mother with a few kids and a husband, when in all reality her daydreams are useless because of her duty to the church. She has never seen herself as anything else and can get upset when people tell her that she is just wasting her time in having such childish dreams and that she should want more for herself.

While she is religious, growing up in a Catholic family in Germany, the church has somewhat skewed what she used to belive and part of her sees the 'sins" that she grew up being preached to such as "greed", "lust", "gluttony", "envy", "sloth", "pride", and "wrath", she now considering them to be suggestions. Being a rather girlish and typical seventeen year old girl she is almost always crushing on a different boy nearly every month. Due to her being raised in a good German family and sheltered has also softened her to a point where when on a mission, she does not like to go through the poor slums, remembering what her father used to say about "the poor have brought their squaller on themselves due to poor choices" and that "a true man makes himself".

Irma is a crybaby to the extreme and gets upset easily, mostly when her brother is around, because than when he comforts her he is still the big brother that she remembers from her childhood, not the man he has become. Overall, she is a pleasant young woman, a conservative dresser, kind, a blabber mouth, and kind,

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Irma is the younges child born the Amsel family and the daughter that her parents had desired. From the time she could walk her mother or whatever nanny had been hired would be correcting her on how to be a proper young woman. With the victorian era still going strong, she was expected to be like most women; to get ready for courtship and marriage and was groomed like a racehorse. In addition to being able to sing, play an instrument and speak a little english, the qualities a young Victorian gentlewoman needed, were to be innocent, virtuous, biddable, dutiful and be ignorant of intellectual opinion. All was expected of her except for the last demand. Bith her parents expected their daughter to have a good head on her shoulders and had gotten her the same education opportunites that Gilbert had gotten.

Unfortunantly though, she was worse in her subjects than Gill could ever dream of being and she showed no talent for music, art, nor even the love of reading. Even though she was not the vision of perfection, being far from it, her parents still doted on her and borline spoiled her rotton. Between Gilbert and them she was living a happy, yet extremely sheltered, life.

Growing up to a young teen, she was becoming the perfect woman of her era; whether married or single all Victorian women were expected to be weak and helpless, a fragile delicate flower incapable of making decisions beyond selecting the menu and ensuring her many children were taught moral values. A gentlewoman ensured that the home was a place of comfort for her husband and family from the stresses ofthe industrial era. Her life had already been planned out for her by society and she had no say against it, not knowing the world even outside of her home or her parents' social parties.

After the "robbery" that had killed her family and left her brother as a "cripple" as the goverment put it, Irma was the one left over her family's estae. Of course, she hardly had any clue of what she was doing and Gill; was of no help after the accident, her having to take care of him for the simplest of tasks such as feeding himself and getting dressed, After a few months she was running low on money and was having to face the options of institutionalizing her own brother or doing whatever it took to make money. As a servant she would make little to nothing and there were few options for women to work. Her last and best option was simple; prostitution.

At first she was disgusted with herself. At theirteen she already knew of her body and was aware of the "whores" that made mopney off of sin, as her church out it. Yet she needed the money. A young woman making five dollars a week in a store could make thirty five dollars in the same time as a prostitute. For some women prostitution led to a miserable life of venereal disease, drugs, and crime. Being aware of this, Irma had a neighbor watch over Gilbert as she traveled by foot two town over to sell her body over the course of a week so that she could make enough money to pay the rent.

Being scared, naive, and young, the first week was brutal on her and showed her the cruelty that some people had. After only three days of work Irma had been with six different men and the once innocent girl could no longer look herself in the mirror without feeling sick. She would write her brother and lie, saying that she was getting a loan from a family friend for the money she sent over. After two months of working the streets was when she was approuched by a man who claimed to be from the order and said he could help her. he was a young exorcist and was investigating the akuma that was plaughing the German countryside. After it was confirmed that Gill was able to train to become an exorcist, that same boy that had approuched her offered her a position to train to become a finder, she accepted with open arms.

Since joining the order, she has never told her older brother, nor anyone but the boy that found her of her life in the streets and acts as if it had never happened.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Without her glasses. Shortly before the akuma attack that had killed her family and left her brother crippled, along with being taken by the order, Irma had poor eyesight as a child. While the doctors said that her eyesight would even out as she had gotten older she still had trouble reading and her parents were strict that their only daughter in a family with six others sons would have an education better than most girls in their town. So for her eleventh birthday, Gilbert had surprised her by taking her to Berlin to get a pair of eyeglasses fixed for her face.

She later found out that he had to sell eight of his paintings to get them for her, but Irma was amazing that she could see everything clear for the first time in years. Overjoyed, she had seen the way her brother had smiled when he saw how happy he had made her and it is the smile that she misses since he was blinded, knowing that the scary smile he shows is just a way of protecting himself and dealing with what happened. As predicted, her eyesight had adjusted and she no longer has to wear them, plus she is always told that she looks better with them off. Yet Irma never told Gill that she no longer needs them because she knows that it makes him happy when she wears them because he gave them to her. The lenses that she wears with them now are so weak that they are pretty much plain glass to look through.


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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Pippa Washbrad
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________General, Pippa if you wish to die

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Exorcist General
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a female, why are your filthy eyes even looking?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am forty out years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am heterosexual but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on nobody you basterd.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Romi Park
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Guilty Sky // Riyu Kosaka
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the Order

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
When people have the unfortuante luck of coming across, or even being trained by, Pippa she is often discribed as either two things. One, is that she is possibly the worst person that they have ever had the displeasure of meeting. The second is that maybe while she is cold, harsh, and sometimes cruel, that she is that way for a reason. Her looks always seem to trick people into thinking she is completely different though. With a pleasantly round face, wide gray eyes, and soft blonde hair, she looks almost like the kind of country bumpkin that would spend her morning milking cows and draming about one day getting married to a prince. Withen seconds though those thoughs are destroyed, often when she shoves someone aside or yells at them.

Despite her rough personality, deep inside of her soul is a woman bent on taking her revenge on the Earl for the death of her idendicle twin sister, Emma. Pippa sowre to herself that she will sacrifce whatever and whoever it takes for her revenge. She is often depicted as "terrible but treasured" by other generals of her rank. It is no secret that the only reason that the order has even put up with her for this long is because of the power she holds.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Will come later as the RP progresses

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Having the ability to synchronize with her innocence, Atlas, at one hundred percent, Pippa carrues the title of general. To the naked eye, she would seem like a mad woman for constanly carrying the giant sword with her, on that is only inches shorter thanj her in hight and appears too heavy for any woman to hold. To activate it, she has to whisper the words "With the weight of the world". When she uses it Atlas is able to crush the akuma or her opponant.



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Desirable Sex Symbol

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:27 am
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Noel (P. Nole) Lynn Kreiss
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Uhm Noel

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Bartender?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am age spelled out years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am Heterosexual but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on well I meet a lot of women in the bar.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Tatshuisa Suzuki
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Heavens Divide // Donna Burke
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the alright that's it I'm cutting you off.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Despite his part Noel is still a very confident and out right person. He is still a young man so as expected he is very brash and sometimes very naive. Despite this Noel has always been a careful person as sometimes his power can leak out and cause harm to those around him. When he is busy trying to not preoccupy what he can do Noel is a very kind person, and a very talkative person at that. This helps for the fact that he has a job at one of the local pubs, being a bar tender and all. When in the presence of women Noel is also some what shy, mostly because he feels that what happened years ago might happen again.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Noel has always lived the life of solitude and will do so for as long as he much or until he knows what is really going on with him. Noel as a young boy knows no true recollection of who his parents were. The care taker of the New Sun Adoption Home told Noel that he was simply found on the door step of the adoption home with nothing except a blanket and wrappings covering his supposed birth mark which rested on the back of his right hand. Fun fact, Noel once tried to remove the birth mark but this simply resulted in another scar across his entire back.

As Noel kept growing he started to notice that the once closed birth mark started to open up with red. It was at this time Noel would end up finding out that his powers would start to manifest itself. For example when he was 10, one of his child hood rivals ended up getting mortally wounded in the spine making him immobile from the legs down. It also seemed that the night before Noel had been thinking about how that kid had once kicked Noel to the ground and how the kid also boasted he would be a great soccer player one day. Another occurrence that happened was that there was almost a haunting of sorts in which people started seeing a rather large ghost with many arms caused noises and the like around the house. To make things a lot stranger Noel was only one who was not affected by all this.

Then when Noel was 12 at the best Noel's true powers out broke in which the ghost that had supposedly haunted the halls broke free and wreaked havoc through out the entire house. Once again Noel was still the only one unaffected by this while everybody else either ended up dead or to the point where they would fall apart if they moved so much as an inch. Unbeknownst to him there had been an Akuma that entered the house and almost killed him in his sleep how ever had the Innocence not reacted Noel would have died. Never the less Noel ended up running away before a small cell of Exorcist could find him.

Escaping to the City Noel took everything that was valuable in the orphanage and then used it to establish at least a small foot hold. When he got there though it wasn't really necessary because he would found by a man named O' Reily who had owned a small pub in the town. Noel started off mooching off the man and using what ever he had to pay off what he needed to do but eventually he started to work for the old badger as a sort of way to pay him back, seeing as how he had literally almost eaten the man out of house and home.

Ever since then Noel has met a large amount of people who taught him a lot things some of them really useless and others more useful like how to parkour. Now a days he works in the stead of the man who owned the bar as a Bartender. You know mixes the drinks, serves them out, cuts people off when he needs to and even gets himself into trouble to make sure all the furniture stays on the ground at the end of the day.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
While he may not know it yet Noel does in fact have an Innocence and even more unbeknownst to him a Parasitic Innocence, which makes him always hungry all the time. His Innocence though not discovered, when called upon will manifest itself into two blades which and combine into a spear when put together. [Weapons] but when his parasitic innocence is activated many weapons of various types spears, halberds, swords (long and short) and even more types can be summoned. The problem is that the more he would use this stage the more he would either hurt himself with cuts all over his arms and legs or even others if he isn't careful.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:15 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Vasilias Break Titan
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Vas. Tsubasa works has well

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Exorcist
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a Male, just because I'm slender doesn't make me a female.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am seventeen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am pansexual but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on myself, no just kidding.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Ono Disuke
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: You will Rule the World // Disuke Ono
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the Order

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Vasilias is an incredibly secretive person, who easily weasels his way out of telling the truth about himself. Constantly wearing a hypothetical mask Vasilias finds that it's easier to get through life with getting has little people involved has possible. In short Vasilias wears a mask of complete frivolousness.

Vasilias doesn't like to take things too seriously at all. Has a matter of fact stressful times simply irritate him. Thanks to his thin stature and long hair he is often mistakes has a female but that has long since stopped bothering him now, and even now he tends to play the part up. The truth is Vasilias is actually just an easy going person who doesn't seem to have a worry in the world. He is laid back and he loves playing the role of the idiot. The few who knew him in the past know that his idiotic manner is just his own way of saying hello. He is active and has a rather positive personality, and is almost always optimistic. Even in situations where it seems impossible for him to win, he never takes it too seriously, he doesn't remain calm, no...he act sarcastic and sly...irritating his enemy even more, or making him seen a bit on the insane side. What people don't see in him is behind his idiotic attitude, he is absorbing every ounce of information.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Vasilias came from a rather rich family somewhere in Italy (he refuses to disclose the actual location) and he thought life would be easy for him. He lived out his life generally in peace but that all came to an end when his little sister was attacked by a level one akuma. When Vasilias ran to save her he was shot, many times by the demon's poisonous bullets, but he didn't die for some reason, his sister had gotten grazed on the leg however and she quickly turned into the poisonous dust herself. Angered, Upset, Enraged, Scared, and Confused Vasilias went on a rampage. He was only around seven at the time and he was about to get shot in the head by the akuma when there was a sudden ache in his back. In less than an instant six wings came out of his back and covered him involuntarily has a sheild. Then the feathers one by one started falling off and were floating, in less than a second later they were shot into the akuma whom exploded soon afterwards. The sad part...his parents watched his sister die, and their own son commit such a violent act and they did nothing to help them. Vasilias' family had no idea what an akuma was so they of course saw him has a monster with a dangerous temper and decided to take actions to 'tame' him. Vasilias was brutally trained in martial arts. His body was trained so that pain would come has nothing new. Everyday he would be trained day and night for one whole year, until he mastered what needed to be mastered. By the time it was time for him to start high school, it was time to start some 'mental' training. Vasilias for two years had extremely low health due to those two years of training. He was only allowed to sleep for 8 hours for one whole week, he was allowed three glasses of water a day, has for food, he was only allowed to eat every other day, only one meal. He was locked in a cell with no windows and only one door. While he was in there he would be lectured over an intercom and would have to listen and test on what was taught to him. During this time it seemed has if Vasilias would die if he was even touched. He lost about fifty pounds but he still stayed pretty strong. After a while he was allowed to eat and drink normally, later people were allowed to come in and visit him. But he was still not allowed to leave. By the time he turned 17 he was allowed to leave, after his parents were killed by akumas.

Vasilias' father was a cold, ruthless man. Vasilias' father feared only two things, losing, and death. He hated the fact that he would die and lose all the power he built up only to give to some brat that was born. Vasilias was often mistreated by his father and he has the scars to prove it. Vasilias probably would have stayed in that cell if his father hadn't been murdered by the Akuma.

Despite this Vasilias still had a deep love for his mother and sister, and for the longest time he was secretly grieving, but upon his release, where he learned that there was no one for him he broke down, and he was visited by a certain Earl. Taking the man up on his offer Vasilias called the name of his little sister and she came back, in an ugly skeleton body. Upon his sister being ordered to kill Vasilias, he did nothing. His sister begged him to kill her, but he couldn't how could he when he had just brought her back. Raising the blade to cut Vasilias down, Vasilias raised his hand towards his sister, and the blade that was her arm went straight through his hand. The pain ran through his hand and he felt in in his back. But the pain in his back was different, wings once again sprouted out and once again lifted him into the air, once more feathers came falling out one by one and they floated before shooting like bullets at the skeleton figure of his sister.

Vasilias passed out, by the time he awoke he was with a mysterious person whom never told him their name, nor did they tell him why they were forcing him to go with them. It took three years to travel from Italy to Japan, and during that time Vasilias was taught all about the Order and Akuma, but upon reaching Japan he was left alone to go to the order himself, and since then he hasn't seen his teacher yet.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Vasilias has a great fear of getting too close to people. He strictly believes in, you can't lose what you can't have. Vasilias also has a fear of being locked up in any place for a given time all by himself, people call it claustrophobia, but Vasilias calls it trauma. He won't necessarily be serious about it at first but his tension will slowly progress.

Vasilias is a parasitic type exorcist. His wings come in one rather extravagant form but have a total of three purposes. The top two wings are a pure white color. When used they can be placed on top of any wound and it will start to heal, but has soon has that feather is only a red color than it will no longer heal and the user will need another one. Even though the feathers take poison and heal wounds, the pain of the wound does not disappear until the normal amount of time that it takes to heal passes. Has an example, if someone is shot in the arm, the feather will stop the bleeding and close the wound. A bullet wound takes about a month and a half to completely heal, so the pain wont go away for a month and a half.The middle wings are grey ones. These two wings can be pulled out by Vasilias and they transform into double rapiers. The bottom set of wings are black, they have the feathers that are used has projectiles. Every time Vasilias calls out his innocence all the feathers that were used have regenerated, but whenever Vasilias summons his innocence, it causes him pain because the wings each time grow out of his back, ripping through muscle and skin, it bleeds for about ten minutes until it stops.

On Vasilias' back there are two long scars which the six wings grow out from. Due to this Vasilias' back is very sensitive and simply touching it causes him to wince in pain or jump, It hurts so much that Vasilias can't even sleep on his back.

Lapin Nightray


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:40 am
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Kurama Endo
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Q

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Noah
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am twenty years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am heterosexual but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I don't have a crush on anyone .
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Takehito Koyasu
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Shattering the Skies Above // Trivium
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the Noah

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
How would I describe my personality? I've never been any good at answering such complex questions. I've been called rude by my Noah brethren but I can't see why. I only call them an elitist and stupid bunch, how can that be rude? The people in my town have never liked me. I used to let the livestock loose around town, defaced the local church's door, and once let a bear loose on a rampage. I have never understood why the people were so angry, I was just having fun. I'm sure that deep down in peoples' hearts, they know I'm the sweetest guy they know.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
It seems you want me to tell you my life's story. No, I refuse to tell you such a long and boring story. What?... I'll get some candy in exchange? Very well, but pay close attention to everything I say.

I was born in Oberhausen, Germany but I wasn't raised there. Shortly after my birth, my parents decided to move back home; to Japan. We lived in a small, but prosperous, village with a population of 40 people. I was the only child in the village, so I had nobody to play with. There were times when I would throw hot water at the bulls, just to see them go into a rampage. I never understood why the townspeople would be angry over something like that, it was fun. I used to be called a troublemaker, a prankster, and a devil child. I still think that they just didn't know how to have fun. However, little did I know that my fun would be short-lived.
At the age of seven was when my world would change forever. I learned that my parents were exorcists from the order and the only reason they hid was for us to live as a normal family. I remember everything that happened that one night. Two exorcists from the order forced themselves into our home, no words were spoken between them and my parents. One of the two exorcists charged, ready to attack. He wasn't after my mother or my father... I was their target. I was paralyzed with fear, my eyes were tightly closed while I feared for my life. I thought to myself, "Am I dead?", while shivering, crying, and curled on the floor. I opened my eyes when I felt my mother's embrace. I looked at her and saw her chest was covered with blood, she didn't have the strength to stand again. My mother's last wish was softly whispered to me, "kill them all", soon followed by her death. "Mother", I said frantically to my mother's lifeless body. My father and I didn't handle her death very well. My father lost control of his innocence due to the shock and became, what is known as, a "fallen one". "Your mother and father are dead and you're next.", said one of the exorcists. Their words couldn't reach me, I only wanted my mother back. Little did I know I was about to get what I want, but not how I imagined it. A monstrous figure rose, an Akuma, my mother. The exorcists were ready to attack as soon as they saw my mother's new form, they suddenly stopped when they saw him. The Millennium Earl had made his appearance in my moment of tragedy. "I brought your mother back to you" He said to me. I didn't hear him, I couldn't hear him. My sight was fixed on my mother's lifeless corpse and the Akuma. Anger started taking over my mind, body, and heart. My skin began to darken, my eyes turned from black to amber, and the cross-shaped birthmark on my forehead began to ache. The exorcists understood the threat that was exponentially growing in front of them and decided to attack. There was only one thought in my mind, my mother's wish. "Kill them all", the whisper turned into a roar that pierced the last bit of sanity I tried to keep. When I came to my senses, my father and one exorcist were dead and the remaining one was struggling to stay alive. "You're a monster!", he shouted at me. He was on his knees, his arms were broken and covered in his own blood. "Look at what you did to your mother, your father! This is all your fault", he said to me. It was true, the fact that they died was entirely my fault but I didn't want to hear it. "Stop... stop it!", I shouted at him, I couldn't handle the guilt. I wanted him to stop saying all those horrible things that he was saying to me, so I grabbed him by the hair and forcefully ripped his head from his body. The Earl watched, smiling, knowing that this night's event still hasn't come to an end. I only stood there with a look of disbelief, still holding onto the severed head. Why would someone just watch this scene with a smile? Suddenly I felt a metal-like tube hitting my face, it was the Akuma. This creature wasn't my mother, this was a monster with an overwhelming killing intent directed towards me. It was preparing to attack but I couldn't move. "Stop it", I said. The Akuma then stopped its attack and stood there. "Well... well, welcome to the family. They call me the Millennium Earl", he said, "You carry the 'Noah gene' which let's you control these Akuma, among other powers that make you a God among these worthless humans". I couldn't reply to him, I didn't want to. Instead, I took a look at the Akuma and said "I don't want to look at you, go away, go away and die!". That's right, I commanded the Akuma, that came from my mother's soul, to die. I was surprised to see how obedient it was, against its own will. The Earl walked up to me and offered me his hand, "let me take you to the rest of our family" he said. I shook my head, I didn't want to go with him. I pushed his hand away and ran away. "Do what you want, you'll join us sooner or later", yelled the Earl from a distance.
I told you this was a long and boring story. I'll end this here. What? You want to know more? No, no... not unless you give me more of that delicious candy. Okay then, let's move on with this sob story.
After the death of my parents, I lived as a homeless kid that moved from one town to another. I stayed alive by the only means I had available for me, I became a thief. I didn't steal from peoples' homes, mostly food from market stalls and money from peoples' pockets. Being here, telling you this story means that my life as a petty thief didn't really last long. Lets fast forward this story for a few years, shall we? I was 14 years old, I was a better thief, a faster thief but not fast enough. In this cliche turn of events, I was eventually captured after stealing from the wrong person. Take some time to imagine the kind of person that could capture a now-professional pickpocket. Whatever it is you imagined is most-likely wrong. It was just an average day, I spotted a rich-looking girl buying fruit from a distance. The moment she put her wallet inside her purse is when I began to move. I dodged the people that were in my way and reached for her wallet without her noticing. To my surprise, the one who didn't notice anything was me. When I tried walking past her, she quickly grabbed my wrist. I turned around so that I could either push her away or break free from her grip, but something unexpected happened. When my eyes met hers, I became immobilized by love. I didn't want her to let go of me, I didn't want to move away, I only wanted to enjoy this moment until I snapped out of it by the cold, open-handed, hit of justice across my face. I'd say that even that slap was one of my most treasured moments of my life. After she hit me, I felt very embarrassed for trying to steal from her but that lovestruck expression from my face wouldn't leave. She dragged me away from the market without saying a word, I was okay with the idea of being arrested since this was the happiest I've ever felt. She stopped at the market's exit and asked "Why are you picking pockets? Your parents will probably get mad when they hear what you've done". 'Parents', she said and I faintly smiled. "My parents are dead, picking pockets is the only way I can feed and clothe myself", I said with shame in my words. Her angry expression faded after listening to my explanation and decided to release me from her grasp. I turned to look at her and apologize and, to my surprise, she held my hand and said "you're coming with me". My legs moved on their own, I decided I wanted to follow her wherever she wanted me to. We said nothing during our walk, I'll always regret not saying anything that day. Our walk came to a stop at the gates of a mansion. The sight of the house sent chills down my spine, I felt like I was in more trouble with her than I would have been with the police. When the automatic gates opened, I felt like those were the gates of hell opening for me and I was in love with my grim reaper. We entered the colossal house, where I was told to sit in a chair in the waiting room while she spoke with a man in a distant room. Soon after, the man entered the room. He was a fairly built man, about 6'3'' tall with a scary aura about his person. He sat across from me, his voice was a lot more intimidating than his looks. "So, my daughter tells me that you saved her.", he said in a semi-happy tone. I shook my head and fixated my sights to the floor. "Don't be shy, you'll be rewarded either way". "I tried stealing your daughter's purse and she caught me. She asked me why I did it and I told her that this is how I keep myself alive. I'm just a homeless thief", I replied. There was no way I could make eye-contact with a man that was trying to be kind to me. I could feel his expression change but there was no negative emotions coming from this man. "You're not homeless anymore. You'll live here and you'll work here. You will have to go to school and you won't have to steal again", the man said as he put his hand on my head. I sat there in disbelief. I was able to be welcome into a home, I was now going to get an education, a job. "T-thank you!", I said. "Q will take you to your room and explain everything you need to know.". "Q?", I asked. "My daughter, the one who brought you here.", he answered. I can't believe that I didn't get her name before we arrived to her home. The man walked away, I instinctively followed him outside of the waiting room. Q was waiting for me with her arms crossed, she was probably upset. She started walking ahead of me, guiding me to my room. "Q? Does that stand for something?", I suddenly asked. "No, it doesn't. I am only one of twenty six children, each named after a letter of the alphabet. We are free to choose our name when we successfully join the Black Order." My eyes open wide after hearing her mention the Order. I hated everything that had to do with the Black Order, the Akuma, or the Millennium Earl. Before my rage could do anything, we reached what would then be my room. I stepped in and faced Q with a smile. Q, however, wasn't smiling. She seemed flustered, perhaps a bit agitated. "Stop looking at me with that stupid expression on your face", she said as she walked away. I worked for Q's family as an all-purpose butler, and I was home-schooled when I wasn't working, eating, sleeping, or training. The relationship I had with Q was an awkward one. We kept our distance, but there were no ill feelings between us. At sixteen years of age, I was promoted from butler to bodyguard. When I turned seventeen, I received my high school diploma. In the three years I have lived in the mansion, Q and I became significantly closer ever since that night.
What? Of course I'll tell you about it, the italics were just for a semi-dramatic effect. AHEM! There was one night when Q sneaked out of the house, everyone panicked since it was during preparations for her upcoming birthday party. I knew where she went, I always knew where she went when she wanted some time alone. I searched for her in her mother's garden, where she stood there gazing at the moon. I smiled and turned around, keeping my distance. "Come here Kurama", she said, "I know you're there... you're always there". The way she spoke to me was very soft, compared to her usual straight and serious tone of voice. I walked up to her and looked up at the moon. I smiled as the light of the moon hit my face. "I never actually thanked you for everything you have done for me", I said. She turned me around and stared at me with that combination of serious and angry expression she always wore. "Why don't you ever try to make eye contact with me?", she asked, "Why haven't you ever had the guts to look me in the eye since the day I caught you stealing from me three years ago?". I looked down and kept my silence. "Get over it! I forgave you.", she said sadly, "Why don't you forgive yourself?". "Because I l-...", I said, I hesitated confessing to her since I was her father's employee. Q gave me a heartwarming smile, and on that moment we kissed. After that night, Q and I became even closer. We'd talk, we'd laugh, we'd lie to her father that Q was visiting a friend and would go anywhere just to kill time with each other. Those days would soon come to an end on Q's 18th birthday. The party was held in a private yacht. All family members, employees, and friends of the family attended. Q was happy, I was happy, but her father knew everything. Q's father had called for me so that we could talk alone. He revealed to me that he knew about my relationship with Q, he knew about the birthmark on my forehead and why Q helped me cover it with make-up. D-don't laugh about the make-up! I was trying to hide! Most importantly, he knew that I carry the 'Noah gene'. This party wasn't a party, it was an ambush and it was Q's test. Everyone in that yacht was in the Order and Q was being tested. If she killed me, she would be accepted as an exorcist, if she didn't then she'd be branded a traitor and she would have to be killed with me. I quietly walked with Q's father back to the party floor. The music stopped, the people stopped talking, and I just stood still. Q walked up to me, "What's wrong?" she said. I pointed to her father, who was walking towards Q. He explained to her, to everyone, that the main event was about to begin... my public execution. I paid no attention to Q and her father, I noticed everyone had their innocence ready to attack. My idea at that moment was to provoke Q and have her kill me, so I walked up to Q and her father and kicked him on the chest. He wasn't as intimidating as he used to be and he wasn't as strong as he appeared to be. He laid on the floor, shocked. "Q, kill me and live. Live and be happy", I said, accepting my death in exchange for Q's life. She angrily glared at me and slapped me for the last time. "If I kill you, I won't be happy", she admitted as tears ran down her face. I held her tightly and promised to protect her but I was interrupted when her father attacked Q and I with an innocence that took the shape of a gun. The attack pierced her heart and grazed my arm. Not only had I already lost my parents, but I also lost the love of my life. What started as sadness, it turned into uncontrollable rage. I didn't reject the blood-lust any longer, I didn't reject the anger that was giving me power, I took on my appearance as a Noah. I killed everyone there, my old co-workers, my old friends, and even the employer that gave me a temporary second chance at a decent life. When I was done, I rushed to Q's body to see her struggling to breathe. I got on my knees and stared into Q's eyes. "Your eyes... they're beautiful", she said as she died on my arms.
"You win Earl, you win! I'll join you just so I can kill every exorcist in this world." The Millennium Earl then suddenly appeared and welcomed me once again.
I abandoned the name I was given to at birth and renounced my identity as a human. I call myself 'Q' so that I can feel that, no matter where I go or what I do, she will always be right beside me. Now, I live as a fake hero. I unleash an Akuma at a random town, then I appear out of nowhere and destroy the Akuma. This strategy is slowly working in my favor in order to make the public lose faith in the Black Order.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Now that I understand all this Noah jazz, I know that I am the 8th apostle and the representation of Noah's Wrath. As a part of the Noah Family, I can control Akumas and my appearance changes into an incredibly sexy killing machine. That information isn't enough to satisfy you? Okay, okay... I'll tell you more. My transformed state enhances my speed and physical strength but it doesn't change my appearance, I call it Achilles's Armor since the only weak spots are the knees. I can materialize lightning, my favorite attack is a medium-sized lightning spear I call "Zeus's Judgment". I love all types of candy. I hate spiders. I'm also afraid of mushrooms.

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