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WARNING: You are entering a Regular Show related Roleplay, randomness and hilarity may follow!

Welcome to the Regular Show Roleplay.

This has been my favorite show ever since I saw it for the first time. So, I said to myself... Hey, this could be made into a nice RP. So, here it is.

This roleplay will work in episodes, episode ideas are open to everyone, as anyone may PM me to suggest an idea. It may be a cliffhanger, or just a full episode, as long as the idea pertains to the show, random and hilarious. Episodes will be ended by the leader of the RP... AKA me.


1. This is a PG show. There is violence and romance and mild cursing, but I would not like for it to go overboard, AT ALL. Death is ok, as long as it is resolved. Romance is limited to maybe a few jokes and kisses, as for the PG rating. Go too far and I will warn you, or kick you permanently from the RP, depending on how far you went.

2. Stated in rule 1, don't start what you can't resolve. I don't want the story of an episode to skew off into something that can't be resolved. This may be a very random show, but everything is always resolved in the end. If this happens, the person responsible will be given a warning and will not take part in the next episode. If the same person gets another warning, he/she will be kicked from the RP.

3. No posting on this RP until I give the go head to post. Once the current episode ends, I will post if I am open to ideas. If I have one at the moment, I will not state it and I will PM everyone in the RP the idea. This RP requires and feeds off of improvising. Ideas can be stupid and random, as long as they will make a good episode.

4. Main characters such as the animal duo will have be loosely based off of their equivalent or their exact equivalent, and have the same personality. Minor characters can be changed, but need to keep the former character's personality. For example, Mordecai could be used, but an equivalent could take his place, maybe a relative of some sorts. You may also choose to play the Antagonists of the episodes, an ever changing part. You may also make your own character, as long as they can fit into the RP logically.

A list of the characters that can be played are below, crossed off names are already taken. PM me if you would like to play a character. I would like a lot of people to participate in this RP.

Main Characters:
Mordecai - Taken/Chaos Starlight
Rigby - Taken/Guardian Wolf 117
Needed to start - Benson - Open
Margaret - Open
Eileen - Open

Minor Characters:
Muscle Man - Open
High Five Ghost - Open
Skips - Open
Pops - Taken/Koneko Shizukana

Antagonist(s) - Open

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Current Conformed Cast (Characters):

Username: Chaos Starlight
Name: Joshua
Info: Consult for other info Mordecai's brother
Pic: User Image