Character Name: Somnium

Age: He appears to be around the age of 26

Physical appearance: Simple brown hair that is medium length
Piercing pink eyes
One pauldron on his right shoulder that is varying in color
Breast plate made of leather
White frilled shirt behind the leather
brown slacks and boots that go to the shin, combat style.

I promise I will do you no harm
I am a lover with a powerful heart
Maybe I am a fighter
But I will never break you apart

A dream to this world
baby I am dying; crying over here
Just a dream to this world
Don't you see that single tear?

One of a kind I am no monster
but a collective being
but a shred of humanity
as my purpose has me seething

But I keep going forward
I hope you feel it too
as I wake you from your dream
and you realize I am not there

Occupation: Wanderer

Biography: One day, Somnium simply woke up. He doesn't know who he was before, or who he will be after, but he simply existed one day. He has wandered around ever since, looking for his meaning.


Name of weapon: The Sandman
Number of Points: 75
element: None
Weapon Skill: A long wooden staff that can change into a large two handed sword. It shines when a master or genesis is near; as well as a god.
Description: A long blade that is gold in the blade and brown in the handle. It has no sheath, and materializes at will.


Name of ability: Veil of the Forgotten Dream
Amount of points: 100
Description of ability: The veil of the forgotten dream is basically the manipulation of the powers of those around him, allowing Sominum to either power up or decrease the power of an attack in his general area. The exception to this skill is any physical force that is not directly touching him, or a genesis itself. For some odd reason, his ability can work on the masters.

Name of ability: Feinting of the conscious mind
Amount of points: 50
Description of ability: Able to manifest himself at any area, he phases out of existence and back into being at different areas and points of time.

Elemental magic:

Fire: 1 points
Water: 1 points
Wind: 1 points
Lightning: 1 points
Earth: 1 points
Light: 1 points
Dark: 1 points