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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:27 pm
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:32 pm
Son of Jupiter

▁▂▃▄▅Alexander Heracles Thallis

User Image

► - - - General || Information

► Me || Myself || And || I - - - Alexander || Heracles || Thallis

► I'm || Older || Than || You - - - Eighteen

► The || Doctors || Are || Always || Right - - - Male

► For || You || I'd || Change - - -Son of Jupiter

► Look || Ma!/Pa! - - - Aerokinesis [eg. Calling down lightning bolts, Send static shock through physical contact, Shooting arcs of electricity capable of shocking or stunning someone, Sensing wind magic, Fly [somewhat]]; Leadership skills

► I || Can || Handle || It - - - Ξάνθος [Xanthus]; Mist Form and Real Form

► Because || I || Am - - - Alex is a bit...self-centered at times. He's very strict, and often is seen as cruel. In truth, he's a little bit insecure about himself. He comes off as arrogant because he's afraid of being seen as weak. Since his father his Jupiter, many look up to him to make big and challenging decisions. He has a moderate amount of pride [enough to make others think he has somewhat of a big head; not enough for his father to zap him into a pile of dust]. He knows how to take control of the wildest situations and he doesn't fear anything. He charges his problems head-on and doesn't care what others think of him. He hates romance because he thinks it's something that doesn't really exist; like how the gods were supposed to not exist. However, he knows when to give respect when it is earned, and he wouldn't mind stepping down from his leader position and give other people a chance to talk from time to time; but as he is the only son of Jupiter in the whole camp, and probably the whole world, he can't.

►S o m e || T h i n g s || T h e y || D o n ' t || T e a c h || Y o u || A t || S c h o o l- - - Alex was born in the country-side to his mother and only family, Elizabeth Thallis, and he grew up in a farm. It was peaceful for the first few years of his life. He didn't know who his father was, and never wanted to know, because whoever was cruel enough to leave his mother with a kid wasn't a 'father' in his mind. He was home-schooled partly because his mother didn't have enough money to send him to a proper school, and because he was dyslexic and could only read Latin, and when she had tried to once, he got into a fight at the orientation every five minutes; no joke. So he learned all he could from the large library at home which belonged to his grandfather on his mother's side.

He was two years too young when his first monsters appeared. At ten years old, venti appeared on his farm home. He barely got away with his life when he accidentally summoned a bolt of thunder that destroyed his farm home, and killed his mother in the process. He ran away, not understanding how he did what he did, and was found by a faun who, realizing that he was a half-blood, though he hadn't know to which godly parent, guided him to the Roman camp. There, he was taken in by the guardian of the camp, Lupa the wolf. But getting in wasn't easy, and Lupa made him fight with an already experienced camper. He caused the camper to go into shock when he grappled with him because he unknowingly caused too much electricity to enter the other. Lupa realized whose son he was, and immediately accepted him. He grew up alone in the house for Jupiter's children, which was empty with the exception of him, and earned respect as he trained to gain acknowledgement and stay alive.

► All || Mine - - -
✔ His weapon, Ξάνθος [Xanthus], which is a whip made out of flexible/chain-link imperial gold and can be disguised as a gold fountain pen with the word Ξάνθος carved onto the handle, which was given to him by Hera
✔ Thunderstorms
✔ Being out in the rain
✔ Flying

► You || Can || Keep || Them - - -
✗ Zeus
✗ Zachary [Yes, even the son of Pluto comes second to his loathing of Zeus]
✗ Mythology [ironically]
✗ Being challenged

► Behind || The || Curtain || Pulling || The || Strings - - -Hunter Crawl

Daughter of Zeus



PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:36 pm
Daughter of Neptune

▁▂▃▄▅Calypso Delmare Nereida

User Image

► - - - General || Information

► Me || Myself || And || I - - - Calypso || Delmare || Nereida

► I'm || Older || Than || You - - - Seven - Teen

► The || Doctors || Are || Always || Right - - - Female

► For || You || I'd || Change - - -Daughter of Neptune

► Look || Ma!/Pa! - - - Calypso posseses the Ability to survive up to 2,00 Feet below surface level with her body able to adjust the buoyancy levels to adhere to the new depths and Pressures, Also assuring her Ability to Breath (Like a Mermaid). Her hearing capablilites are quite acute, but differ between Land and Water. She also has the Ability to command and control Water Bases, Such as Lake forms, Oceans, Rain, Streams and Some forms of Mist.

► Because || I || Am - - - You wouldn't know it by first glance, but Calypso is quite Intelligent. Throughout her years of being alive she had dwelled in the knowledge of the world almost ever day of her life. Taking any chance she had to stick her nose in books or engross herself in studies. Quite the book worm. But aside from knowledge, Personally, Calypso's Shyness can be misinterpereted as Snobby, which is nothing she is, but peoples first impressions seem to lack that sort of differential. The girl also has difficulty making new friends, most often than not, sitting by herself near the shores of the ocean or any form of water she can find, finding a calmness and sometimes, just sometimes, you can find her speaking to the ocean breeze. Her type of.."Speaking to her Father", Sort of thing.

Calypso with friends can be seen as Sweet, Gentle, Loyal, all the things a good friend ship could need, but also with a few Insecurities. A smart girl who needs to relax. Which, her only form of calming down and diverting from the normal world is Swimming. Something she seems more involved in than her studies.

►S o m e || T h i n g s || T h e y || D o n ' t || T e a c h || Y o u || A t || S c h o o l- - - Seraphinas "Mother" and "Father" Were Dignitaries of Peace for the America's thus, Calypso grew up with only the best in education and teachings. When the question Presented itself on why she didn't look like her "Parents" and if she was "Adopted", the only thing her Father could do was smile. The girl had always known she was different, but this day took the cake. Giving her a presentation of her toddler years, the girl was quite awestuck. Knowing she was different was one thing, but, being Told She was different was something else.

The Daughter of Neptune. Her "Foster Parents" were entrusted with her safe keeping by the God himself. It made no difference to Calypso in any right though because she loved them as she loved the Man Father Figure she hadn't yet seen or met, but knew, she could just feel it in her bones when she swam in the lakes or in the oceans, that he was presiding over her.

Claming to see and speak to a mysterious man in her dreams seemed all the more natural now. The man Must have been her father. Assuming to her Aquatic tendencies, Her "Parents" Saw it fit (Per her fathers orders), That she be sent to Camp Half-Blood for Demi Gods. More like her? She was thrilled! Of course she took the advantage to go. A new way to better her New Self and her Old Self through the world of Normalities.

► All || Mine - - -
✔ Overcast - Rainy Days & Thunderstorms
✔ Music/Dancing (All forms. Her Favorite would be the Tango and Waltz)
✔ Swimming
✔ History (Leaning more towards the side of Ancient Rome and Egypt)

► You || Can || Keep || Them - - -
✗ Abuse
✗ Animal Torment
✗ The Pollution of our Seas and it's Animals
✗ Obnoxious People

► Behind || The || Curtain || Pulling || The || Strings - - -CandyCane831

Calypso's Weapons of Glory:

Mist Form - A Necklace Given at birth. Near water it emits a cooling Aura.

Weapon Form - A Special Trident. With a slight twist, breaks into two pieces. Aside from it's obvious weapon use form it enhances her ability to conjure up surrounding forms of water. (Not much, but enough.)

Son of Poseidon

▁▂▃▄▅December Delfin Rovitto

User Image

► - - - General || Information

► Me || Myself || And || I - - - December || Delfin || Rovitto

► I'm || Older || Than || You - - - Seventeen

► The || Doctors || Are || Always || Right - - - Male

► For || You || I'd || Change - - -Son of Poseidon

► Look || Ma!/Pa! - - - December is able to breathe underwater, and see underwater as easily as if he were on land. He is able to withstand water pressure in deep ocean and can emerge from any body of water as dry as he was when he first stepped in. Being underwater doesn't affect any of his senses and he can also manipulate water in almost any form [eg. not solidified].

► I || Can || Handle || It - - - παλίρροια [Palírroia]; Mist Form, A charm for a bracelet/necklace/keychain, and Weapon Form, a Trident made of pure Silver mixed with Imperial Gold, and an Ebony handle.

► Because || I || Am - - - Ember is a very polite young individual. He has a naturally charming disposition and he might as well be a son of Hermes with the way he can coax humans into believing his words. He's a brilliant actor. Ember is actually a pretty nice guy once you get to know him. He's very humble and is always a peace maker, especially between the daughters of Zeus and Hades. He's not afraid of anything [as long as there is a body of water near by] and he's always one to go to if you want a bit of a helping hand. But be forewarned; his temper is something to be fearful of. Pray that you may never see his anger.

►S o m e || T h i n g s || T h e y || D o n ' t || T e a c h || Y o u || A t || S c h o o l- - - Ember was born in the middle of December; hence his name. He grew up with is grandparents, and never knew his parents. His father seemed to have left his mother before he could know she was pregnant and his mother died giving birth to him. He was named by his grandfather, but for some reason, his grandmother was the one to give him the name 'Delfin'. Growing up, his grandfather always warned him never to go anywhere near the sea, despite the young Ember's fascination with it. His grandparents would get into a lot of fights because his grandfather hated Ember's father, but his grandmother would always say confusing things like 'Sooner or later, he will have to know.'

He was twelve when his grandfather died and his grandmother finally told him about who he really was and why his grandfather was so insistent to keep him away from the sea. 'You are the son of Poseidon.' She told him. His grandfather was afraid that the god of the sea would snatch away the only thing of Ember's mother that he had left. Tearfully, Ember's grandmother let Ember go to Camp Half-Blood. And even though he didn't want to, he knew it was for the best, after all...He's been there for a few years now, and slowly got used to life there. He doesn't go back to visit his grandmother, but he writes to her often, and she writes back.

► All || Mine - - -
✔ Rainstorms
✔ Swimming
✔ The beach
✔ Getting caught in the rain

► You || Can || Keep || Them - - -
✗ Lightning
✗ Sea pollution
✗ Flying/Heights
✗ Obnoxious, overly pushy people

► Behind || The || Curtain || Pulling || The || Strings - - -Hunter Crawl
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:37 pm
Son of Apollo

Daughter of Apollo

▁▂▃▄▅Abbott Cecila Diggory

User Image

► - - - General || Information

► Me || Myself || And || I - - - Abbott || Cecila ||Diggory

► I'm || Older || Than || You - - - Sixteen

► The || Doctors || Are || Always || Right - - - Female

► For || You || I'd || Change - - -Daughter of Apollo

► Look || Ma!/Pa! - - - Elemental light control, which she usually fuses with the arrows she uses. As well as an ability to heal minor wounds by singing to her father, though they both take an enormous amount of energy away from her. She has a natural talent with any sort of musical instrument, and not a half bad singing voice to boot.

► I || Can || Handle || It - - - Caput Lucis(Guiding Light);Mist Form, A soft flute case she slings around her back and Real Form, a quiver of arrows and a bow that can also be used as a blade

► Because || I || Am - - - Abbott is a quiet girl, though that doesn't mean she doesn't have anything to say. She can be quiet observant through her silence as well. She is immensely honest. She has a tendency to speak her mind without filtering her thoughts, another trait that aides her bad first impressions. Being the terrible liar that she is, what other choice do you have? She's quick to defend others at the drop of a hat. Though it's easy to get her annoyed or frustrated, she tends to forgive and forget just as easily.
She can be an immensely hard worker with boundless amounts of energy. Though sometimes she doesn't always think through her actions, she does them with good intentions. Inside, she's quite the hopeless romantic, but with a strong aura of pride and the stubbornness of a bull also in the mix, she never is one to easily admit her feelings. Abbott isn't a 'show-off' either, sometimes almost reluctant to heal others just because it involves singing in front of them. You could say she has a problem 'reading the atmosphere' as well since unless you tell it to her extremely bluntly, she probably won't understand. It's not that she's stupid, but more so naive. But putting all that aside, she's a loyal, honest and cheery girl with a true heart.

►S o m e || T h i n g s || T h e y || D o n ' t || T e a c h || Y o u || A t || S c h o o l- - - Raised by her mother, a happy and cheerful woman, Abbott lead a relatively good life. When she was still a young, she did try to bring up her father often. It was only natural for a child to know about her parents, but her mother was firm, and it was the only thing that seemed to dim her bright smile. As she grew older, she had learned to drop the subject. Life was comfortable enough; They weren't exactly a rich family, but it wasn't as if they were in the poorhouse either.

The kids at school, weren't exactly accepting of Abbott however. Being dyslexic, and unable to make heads or tails out of the books they read, and though she really tried hard, she found herself unable to concentrate on the tasks that were put at hand. They took it as simple and plain stupidity. Attempt after attempt, she tried to stay on everyone's good side, but eventually retreated to sitting alone. She sat at the back of her classes. And really, with her pride so bruised, she wouldn't bother to even prove herself at the only subject she did excel in: music. It seemed like playing music was about the only thing she could do, the only thing she was quick to learn at. Going to her mother for help, who was already working herself to the bone just to support the two, was out of the question. So Music became her sanctuary and her outlet of her frustrations.

It was at the age of 13 which she had been first attacked. She was lucky to have even lived. Her mother struck with grief, finally let the truth come out. And Abbott had been staying at camp half-blood ever since.

► All || Mine - - -
✔ Music!
✔ Sunny Days
✔ Strawberries
✔ Poems and Books

► You || Can || Keep || Them - - -
✗ Doing nothing
✗ The cold
✗ Arrogance
✗ The Dark

► Behind || The || Curtain || Pulling || The || Strings - - -Mich22



PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:42 pm
Daughter of Mercury

▁▂▃▄▅Namine Jesse D'Lorenzo

User Image

► - - - General || Information

► Me || Myself || And || I - - - Namine || Jesse || D'Lorenzo

► I'm || Older || Than || You - - - Fifteen

► The || Doctors || Are || Always || Right - - - Female

► For || You || I'd || Change - - -Daughter of Mercury

► Look || Ma!/Pa! - - - Ability to steal things without other people noticing, Teleportation [but she won't know this until much, much later], ability to sneak around quickly and quietly without being noticed, powers of persuasion in which her words can cause people to believe her [but she doesn't have a good control over it yet], her stamina is way above average, Photographic memory, and above human average speed.

► I || Can || Handle || It - - - ταχεία άνεμος [Tacheía-ánemos]; Mist form and Weapon form

► Because || I || Am - - - Peppy, perky, and super optimistic, Namine is the easily the least violent of all Roman demigods. It's not that she doesn't like fighting, she adores fighting [only if it leads to winning of course], but she's not always looking for a fight and would rather trip a child of Mars into a patch of poisoned ivy than challenge them to a duel. Don't be fooled by Namine's weak, fragile looks. As the daughter of the trickiest Roman god, she's actually quite powerful and isn't someone to be messed around with. She's strong, both physically and mentally, and probably emotionally as well, but she's still a girl either way and it doesn't hurt her to have a shoulder to cry on from time to time.

►S o m e || T h i n g s || T h e y || D o n ' t || T e a c h || Y o u || A t || S c h o o l- - - Namine is actually part Japanese, and she grew up with only her mother, who worked at a tea-shop, and a step-father, who just lazed around doing nothing. Her mother was often abused by the man, but whenever Namine pleaded with her to just leave him, she would shake her head with a faint smile and tell her that it was all for the best. That didn't stop Namine from pulling every little trick in the book to piss the guy off and hope that he would leave. But everything just kind of...fell apart when she was twelve years old. The man beat her mother and started to abuse her as well. The two were left bruised and broken, and that's when things went completely down hill. Their little house was attacked by strange monsters, and her mother gathered her and ran for their lives. They didn't get very far, however, when the monsters caught up. Her mother told her to run; run as fast as she could because she believed in her. As much as Namine didn't want to go, her mother gave her a push and ran to intercept the monsters.

And Namine ran.

She didn't know how long or how for she had run, but when she stopped, she was no longer in her hometown. Somehow, she had ended up on a completely different coast. A faun found her and brought her to the Roman camp Half-blood. At first, she felt so out of place and kept herself hidden for the most part. But then Alex found her cowering one day and taught her how up grow a backbone and fight since there was no use sulking. She follows him around like a puppy now, and she had grown stronger because of him.

► All || Mine - - -
✔ Pranking
✔ Flying
✔ Swordplay
✔ Alex

► You || Can || Keep || Them - - -
✗ Venus or Mars demigods
✗ Large bodies of water [nothin' against Neptune, though, of course]
✗ Falling
✗ Her Athazagoraphobia [Fear of being forgotton or ignored or forgetting.]

► Behind || The || Curtain || Pulling || The || Strings - - -Hunter Crawl

Son of Hermes

▁▂▃▄▅Aaron Nikias Hypatios

User Image

► - - - General || Information

► Me || Myself || And || I - - - Aaron || Nikias || Hypatios

► I'm || Older || Than || You - - - Eighteen

► The || Doctors || Are || Always || Right - - - Male

► For || You || I'd || Change - - -Son of Hermes

► Look || Ma!/Pa! - - - He has a scary good memory, he's extremely good at talking/persuasion, and he can run far above average speeds for any human. Sometimes its like his feet don't touch the ground. He can also hover. Nothing too showy, unless you count his little mischievous mind and pickpocketing talents as a skill; that's pretty much it.

► I || Can || Handle || It - - - Θάνος [Thanos]: In Mist Form, it is two aged gold rings worn on his index fingers. In it's Real Form it is two twin daggers.

► Because || I || Am - - - Aaron is the son the most cunning Greek god, so it is only natural he would inherit some of his personality traits. Aaron loves causing mischief, nothing is more fun in his eyes. His mental and physical strength are greater than one might guess. His mental ability is hard to match. Along with his dexterity and speed, these skills often go to his head and tends to get him into more trouble that it's worth. Aaron is a act first, think later kind of guy. Whenever something good has come into his life, he finds some way to get rid of it. This tends to make relationships hard, and they aren't his aria of expertise. In fact its his worst flaw; he prefers a one night stand to "love". One big flaw of his sometime rude demeanor. Aaron can be an over confident, and rather cocky jerk. With his smooth talk and sharp tongue he can really piss people off. Yet Aaron doesn't mind. He doesn't need anybody...well, he has convinced himself he doesn't

►S o m e || T h i n g s || T h e y || D o n ' t || T e a c h || Y o u || A t || S c h o o l- - - Being the son of Hermes, many would believe him to be born to a poor family in the countryside....this is not the case for Aaron. He was actually the second oldest in a family of four, not including his step-dad. They were a rich family, born and bread in Greece. He when to a fancy school, his parents insisted on learning many languages, and skills. He was always slightly different from his family. Unlike his older brother, he did not feel like having a steady and planed life, and unlike his younger twin sisters, he never wished to find love. He looked nothing like his "father", and his mother had always treated him differently. When he got in trouble she simply shrugged it off. He thought he was just the odd ball, with all the recessive genes, but obviously there was more than meets the eye. Aaron hadn't found out about his father till he had turn twelve. His mother and the man who he had thought to be his dad, had gotten into a loud and rather fiery fight. His mother took him aside and told him about how she had an affair with the Greek God Hermes. Aaron laughed it off at first, but then she when into further explanation. She told him how there was a camp full of other Demi-Gods just like him, and she had taught him everything he needed to know for the journey to reach this camp. With tear filled eyes she handed Aaron a bag full of enough money to buy a small town, a backpack full of clothing, other personal necessity he would need, and two rings that, according to his mother, had been a gift from his father. So at the age of twelve he had found out he was the son of Hermes and he now had to find a camp of others like himself.

He didn't find the camp for three years. In those years he had become a thief, better at his skills and of coarse a man of no commitment. he travailed to many places, seeing grand sights. He also had gotten into quite a few fights. In those, Aaron had learn it's funner to be on the defensive side. That way you could play more mind games, and weaken your opponent before the final blow. He also left closer to his dad when he wore the rings. Aaron wanted nothing more than to meet his father. On the eve of his fifteenth birthday, Aaron had meet a savvy, smooth talking man told him where the camp he was searching for. Aaron always had a suspicion it was his dad Hermes. However Aaron is just waiting for him to meet in person again. He has had a few dreams of him but that's it. At the camp, he had a great time! Aaron never want's to back to the norm....ever!

► All || Mine - - -
✔ Trouble/Pick pocketing
✔ Meat!
✔ Running around outside/Fighting
✔ One night stands~

► You || Can || Keep || Them - - -
✗ Authority
✗ Party Poopers
✗ Small spaces
✗ Responsibility

► Behind || The || Curtain || Pulling || The || Strings - - -Nano Code
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:43 pm
Son of Minerva

Daughter of Athena



PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:44 pm
Daughter of Mars

▁▂▃▄▅Mikaela Jay Harvy

User Image

► - - - General || Information

► Me || Myself || And || I - - - Mikaela || Jay || Harvy

► I'm || Older || Than || You - - - Seventeen

► The || Doctors || Are || Always || Right - - - Female

► For || You || I'd || Change - - -Daughter of Mars

► Look || Ma!/Pa! - - - Mars, of course, is a god war. Therefore, it is only natural that his daughter would have inhanced speed, strength, and endurance. She's an excellent stratigest, as well, always three steps ahead of any opponent. But Mars was also a god of argiculture, giving his daughter a bit of a green thumb. Nothing like the Ceres of Demter children, but she still had more success than most in growing her plants.

► I || Can || Handle || It - - - αιμοβορία (Aimovoría/Bloodlust) - What in modern day terms are called 'brass knuckles', Mikaela's imperial gold and leather myrmex may not look like much, but you'd be wise not to think lightly of them. Real and Mist

► Because || I || Am - - - Strong, serious, and very, very aggressive, Mikaela is not anyone's first choice in company. She's got a silver-tongue and fiery temper that's set off at the smallest things. She doesn't much care what you think of her, unless you've somehow managed to get her to respect you. Then, your opinon of her would be everything. Mikaela aspires to please, believe it or not. She's constantly working for her mother's approval, since she is the only family she's ever had. Proud, stubborn, and loyal, she refuses to give up before she makes her mother proud of her. Because without her mother, she's completely alone. And despite her personality, Mikaela hates being alone.

►S o m e || T h i n g s || T h e y || D o n ' t || T e a c h || Y o u || A t || S c h o o l- - - Mikaela's mother was a strong, independent woman. And ahalf-sister to a demigod herself. So, as soon as Mikaela was of age, she was shipped off to camp, expected to be the stongest of them all.

Generally, when a child is only ten years old and away from home, they do wantever they want. But Mikaela did not have that option. Her mother was all she had anymore, and since she visited her daughter weekly, she refused to disappoint her. She trained all day long, becoming faster, stronger. And every week her mother would expect her to be more, and would leave after telling her daughter "keep working harder". And so she would.

Any quest that was offered up to campers, Mikaela snatched. Anything to prove to her mother she was the best there was, the strongest at camp. She killed hundreds of monsters, completed many quests. But it still isn't enough. Mikaela still awaits to hear her mother ever say that she's proud of her daughter.

► All || Mine - - -
✔ Fighting
✔ Winning
✔ Flowers
✔ Company

► You || Can || Keep || Them - - -
✗ Being Alone
✗ Weeds
✗ Losing
✗ Small, Ankle-Biting Dogs

► Behind || The || Curtain || Pulling || The || Strings - - -Reku1495

Son of Ares

▁▂▃▄▅Cratos Perci Arellius

User Image

► - - - General || Information

► Me || Myself || And || I - - - Cratos||Perci||Arellius

► I'm || Older || Than || You - - - 20

► The || Doctors || Are || Always || Right - - - male

► For || You || I'd || Change - - -Son of Ares

► Look || Ma!/Pa! - - - enhanced strength and stamina. Can also turn into a human-sized replica of Ares, but this drains him very quickly.Ares form

► I || Can || Handle || It - - - Diablus: Mistform Normalform

► Because || I || Am - - - Fierce, loyal, and charismatic, Cratos is a born leader. Being the son of the god of war, Cratos has quite the temper, but works to keep it under control. With a unique ability to see all sides, he often will be seen mediating conflicts within the camp.Holding a sense of balance, craos is always just, and rational with his decisions, unless angered.

►S o m e || T h i n g s || T h e y || D o n ' t || T e a c h || Y o u || A t || S c h o o l- - - Cratos was born to a Spartan officer, a rough childhood. At nine , he was drafted into army training, getting in touch with his weapon, at 15, he was sent into the wild for his test. Cratos of course passed this test, slaying several vipers and a wild boar. It was after he returned home that he was taken to the camp, and his history explained to him. Now he tries to carry on the traditions of his family, both mortal and otherwise. He keeps his skills of battle sharpened as well as honing his blacksmith skills.

► All || Mine - - -
✔ Music
✔ Friends
✔ Tradition
✔ Fighting

► You || Can || Keep || Them - - -
✗ Dishonor
✗ Lies
✗ Surrender
✗ Ignorant people

► Behind || The || Curtain || Pulling || The || Strings - - -CG Paradox
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:45 pm
Son of Venus

Daughter of Aphrodite

▁▂▃▄▅Alyssa Dysis Pedergreen

User Image

► - - - General || Information

► Me || Myself || And || I - - - Alyssa || Dysis || Pedergreen

► I'm || Older || Than || You - - - Seventeen

► The || Doctors || Are || Always || Right - - - Girl

► For || You || I'd || Change - - -Aphrodite's daughter

► Look || Ma! - - - Well, I flip my hair and guys fall over me. It's a good thing to be capable of but I've never been loved for my personality, just my looks

► I || Can || Handle || It - - - Mist form; A heart necklace my father gave me on my sixteenth birthday, when he told me about my mother. Real form;The heart of my necklace turns into a shield and the arrow turns into a sword when I say the words "Όλα είναι δίκαιο στην αγάπη και τον πόλεμο" which means "All is fair in love and war".

► Because || I || Am - - - To some, I'm the sweet laughter loving girl whom the lonely sought out for help. My mother was beauty personified, without her there would be no beauty. However, some say I'm treacherous and malicious. I'm known to have a bewitching power over men that more times than not brought about their own destruction. But it tends to be out of my control considering who my mother is. I will admit that I am vain, jealous and easily offended. But I do carry personality traits from my father as well. I love caring for others and it breaks my heart to see someone in misery.

►S o m e || T h i n g s || T h e y || D o n ' t || T e a c h || Y o u || A t || S c h o o l- - - I grew up with my loving father. He always watched out for me, I was his pride and joy. He never spoke much about my mother, saying she was no longer important and left after my birth. But I could see the pain she had left in him, and it made me hate her. He was the only person I had in my life and seeing him so visibly upset by some girl broke my heart. Of course, that was until he broke down and told me who she really was. I didn't believe him at first. I found it to be impossible that a Greek Goddess could be my mother, the mother that left us behind and didn't even bother to try and raise me. But slowly, it started to make sense. Why I looked incredibly stunning even if I hadn't showered in a week. That's when my father decided to send me to the camp, to be around other teens that were what I was. A demigod. Half god, half human. This year is my first year going, so I'm nervous. But we're all similar in age at least, so I'll be okay, I guess.

► All || Mine - - -
✔ The Hunger Games
✔ Poetry
✔ Music
✔ Harry Potter

► You || Can || Keep || Them - - -
✗ Star Wars
✗ Misery
✗ Twilight (the movies)
✗ Vegetables

► Behind || The || Curtain || Pulling || The || Strings - - -Flawless Fire



PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:46 pm
Daughter of Vulcan

▁▂▃▄▅Seraphina Vahni Tarsa

User Image

► - - - General || Information

► Me || Myself || And || I - - - Seraphina || Vahni || Tarsa

► I'm || Older || Than || You - - - Seven - Teen

► The || Doctors || Are || Always || Right - - - Female

► For || You || I'd || Change - - -Daughter of Vulcan

► Look || Ma!/Pa! - - - Seraphina is a person who seem's to be Pyro-Kinetic. A woman with the Ability to Control, Command and Forge Fire Mentally and Physically. Even so, Walking through Fire isn't something she can just go off and Do. If playing with Fire, Seraphina will only be hrmed if she breaks concentration. It takes a great deal of thought for her to walk through forms of Fire and Heat without being harmed.

► Because || I || Am - - - Firey, Love struck and Passionate are just a few things that describe the personality of Seraphina. Being the Daughter of Vulcan her personailty traits differ from most. Taking her fathers Fiery and Passionate attitudes towards things and people is something she inherited from him, but all to herself the girl is Practical and Ambitious. Envisioning to one day become a very well known Acrobatic and becoming Married to another who is just as Fiery and Passionate about things as she is.

Sometimes her Distant Nature makes people question her intentions but in all reality Seraphina is as nice as anyone could as for. Aside from her..offly strong temperment to easily engage in a Physical or Mental Confrontation, Seraphina is as sweet as Candy...With an Acidic Tongue..

►S o m e || T h i n g s || T h e y || D o n ' t || T e a c h || Y o u || A t || S c h o o l- - - Seraphina was Raised with A Soldier of a father and An Artist as a Mother. Color Blind. That never stopped the girl. Seraphina was under the assumption, when she grew up, her "Father" Died in Battle, All that nonsense. One Day on her Thirteenth birthday, Her mother gave her a rather odd present. A Bracelet. Something to control the rather..Strange effects Sera had on things.

Growing up, Seraphina had an odd knack at suddenly..cathing things on fire. It started off with Building Blocks, Her Cousin's Barbie Dolls, and then - At one point - Her home. She always knew she was special, and her mother made sure she knew such a thing. After her birthday was over, her mother told her a story. A story of Gods, Goddessess, Mythical Creatures and all the sorts. Seraphina was intrugied. Only to learn, that she, herself, was apart of such a thing. A Demi-God. Things made more sense now.

Her mother, a talented Artist. It made much more sense to Seraphina why her father wasnt around and why her mother still loved him as she did. Wanting to enhance her abilites with others like her, Her mother sent her off to Camp Half-Blood. Seraphina did not complain once though. Quite happy actually. Anxious to meet more like her.

► All || Mine - - -
✔ The Morning Sun
✔ Acrobatics (Contortion/Hooping)
✔ Smore's
✔ Martial Arts

► You || Can || Keep || Them - - -
✗ Water (Bodies of it)
✗ Silence
✗ Rudeness
✗ Dark Chocolate (Yuck..)

► Behind || The || Curtain || Pulling || The || Strings - - -CandyCane831

Seraphina'a Weapons of Glory:

Original/Mist Form - A Bracelet given to her on her Thirteenth Birthday. When pulled back (As if using a bow and arrow Imaginary), Her Weapon Appears.

Weapon Form - An originally forged Bow and Arrow's. If used right, Fire will spurn from Seraphina's hands and engulf the Arrows tip for.

Son of Hephaestus
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:47 pm
Son of Ceres

Daughter of Demeter

▁▂▃▄▅Lucinda Rose Hastings

User Image

► - - - General || Information

► Me || Myself || And || I - - - Lucinda || Rose || Hastings

► I'm || Older || Than || You - - - Seventeen

► The || Doctors || Are || Always || Right - - - Female

► For || You || I'd || Change - - -Daughter of Demeter

► Look || Ma!/Pa! - - - Lucy has what every child of Demeter does; an extremely, neon-green thumb. Her plants grow three times better than any regular human's. Plus, she's able to revive near-dead plants. Another fun thing is that Lucy can instantly identify any type of plant. It comes in handy when wondering what one should and should not eat out in the wild... She can aslo control the plants, to an extent. Plants are only so strong, after all, so there isn't much they can do.

► I || Can || Handle || It - - - ανάπτυξη (Anáptyxi̱/Growth) - A celestial bronze quiver of arrows and bow that Lucy isn't all that great at using, Growths' arrow tips are dipped in poisons harvested from the Demeter garden plants. Real and Mist (necklace)

► Because || I || Am - - - A little spacy at times, Lucy is generally an easy-going, happy person. She's easy to talk to and be around, perfering a comfortable silence to an endless amount of chatter. She kind, considerate, and sweet as pie. But she's a bit ditzy at times, and is a bit of a coward. She isn't brave enough to stand up for herself against anyone else, or even herself. She can't face her own fears, or attack her own issues. She doesn't stand out much, and is more content to just watch other people change than experience it herself.

►S o m e || T h i n g s || T h e y || D o n ' t || T e a c h || Y o u || A t || S c h o o l- - - Growing up with a single dad wasn't easy, but Lucy's dad has always been a commited father. He did anything and everything for his daughter. They were as close as they could be.

When Lucy was fourteen, though, disaster struck, as it does for most demigods. She and her father were out camping in the woods, by a mostly unpopulated lake. Lucy had always felt so at peace outside, among the plants. It was late, and they were roasting marshmellows when they'd heard the rustling bushes. thinking it nothing but racoons, they did nothing. Then, all of a sudden, the Chimera was on them, and Lucy hadn't a clue how to react. She screamed as it pounced on her father, and when it found out he was not who it was looking for, he turned to her.

Of course, the plants around her tried to shield her as Lucy's will to live was forced upon them. She turned and fled, running in the direction of the lake. The Chimera gave chase and forced her into the water. Thankfully, Lucy had been a good swimmer, and was making progress. But the Chimera was bigger, stronger, faster, and soon caught up with her. It wasn't easy, however, fighting in the water. even so, she nearly drowned. If it hadn't been for the pair of demigods tracking the Chimera, she would've. They killed the monster and saved her life, rushing her to the camp as soon as they could. It wasn't until a week or so later that she got word her father was still alive. He was still a little beaten up, but happy she was safe.

Ever since then, Lucy has found refuge at the camp. However, she refused to go anywhere near any body of water any bigger than a water fountain.

► All || Mine - - -
✔ Plants
✔ The Outdoors
✔ Apples

► You || Can || Keep || Them - - -
✗ Water
✗ Swimming
✗ Violence
✗ Bugs

► Behind || The || Curtain || Pulling || The || Strings - - -Reku1495



PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:51 pm
Son of Pluto

▁▂▃▄▅Zachary Asmodeus Sharpe

User Image

► - - - General || Information

► Me || Myself || And || I - - - Zachary || Asmodeus || Sharpe

► I'm || Older || Than || You - - - Eighteen

► The || Doctors || Are || Always || Right - - - Male

► For || You || I'd || Change - - -Son of Pluto

► Look || Ma!/Pa! - - - Zach has the ability to see the dead, how they died, speak to them, and the exhausting ability to raise corpses from their graves. As a result, he's quite unstable when it comes to his powers, and this effects his personality, which is rather hard to figure out...

► I || Can || Handle || It - - - ανάσταση [Anástasi̱]; Mist Form and Real Form [[On the same arm]]

► Because || I || Am - - - Zach is usually a quiet person. He's a person who doesn't talk much and he's always distant from anyone who tries to get close to him; or at least, the true him. There may be some times he cracks a real smile at a joke, or talks to someone, but don't expect him to act all buddy-buddy with anyone at all. But he acts child-like and annoying just to keep people from seeing the real him. He doesn't say it out loud, but he's actually afraid of himself; afraid that the god side of his demi-god self will go out of control and hurt the people around him. Other times, when his powers take over, he's a twisted, cruel killer. He will always be seen smiling, and maybe that's why everyone is either scared or distrustful of him.

►S o m e || T h i n g s || T h e y || D o n ' t || T e a c h || Y o u || A t || S c h o o l- - - Bio. At least a paragraph.

► All || Mine - - -
✔ Poetry
✔ Gemstones
✔ Rare metals
✔ Closed, dark spaces

► You || Can || Keep || Them - - -
✗ Alexander
✗ Zeus [and the rest of the gods, while he's at it]
✗ Authority
✗ Being caged in, involuntarily

► Behind || The || Curtain || Pulling || The || Strings - - -Hunter Crawl


Daughter of Hades

▁▂▃▄▅Keira Raven Morgenstern

User Image

► - - - General || Information

► Me || Myself || And || I - - - Keira || Raven || Morgenstern

► I'm || Older || Than || You - - - Sixteen

► The || Doctors || Are || Always || Right - - - Female

► For || You || I'd || Change - - - Daughter of Hades

► Look || Ma!/Pa! - - - Keira has some control over the dead. That is, she can speak to them, summon them (Though she's not so good at this), kill the undead, and release spirits who are supposed to be dead (Well, in theory. She's never really tried it). She can also see people's life auras, and if someone's about to die, or has already died, she can see how they will die/did die. She can't turn this off, and she hates it.

Keira can also control shadows. This is the power she uses the most and has the most control over. She can't give them mass, but she can bend them around herself to become something like invisible, though if she concentrates really hard, she can literally melt into the shadows; so someone could even walk through her and they'd never know she was there. She can also use the shadows to travel, a form of teleportation, if you will. This completely drains her of energy, though, and it's only a last resort. Whenever she shadow-travels, she's out for at least three to five hours, or longer if she brings people with her. Keira hasn't really showed any sign of being proficient with geokenesis, but if she really needs it, it'll show up... she hopes.

► I || Can || Handle || It - - - Two long hunting knives made of Stygian Iron named φωςφέρνουν ("Phosphoros": Lightbringer), and αστέρων διακόπτη ("Asteri Diakopi": Starbreaker). They're disguised as charms on a bracelet she wears; all she needs to do is rip them off and they become the real knives. If she loses them, a new charm will appear, and she just has to touch them to the bracelet for them to turn back into charms. {Mist Form} {Real form}

► Because || I || Am - - - While Keira isn't exactly chatty, she's not a mute either. She just doesn't see a need to fill up the silence with unnecessary words.She's perfectly alright with being alone, though of course, she likes having people around... if they aren't annoying. If you can manage to gain her loyalty, it's your forever. Well, unless you betray her or something. Then she'll hunt you down and kill you. It's said that the fatal flaw of the children of Hades is holding grudges after all. People are wary of her because she isn't exactly what you'd call friendly, and honestly, they find children of hades scary. Ha. She's just a quiet, scrawny little girl, maybe even a shy. Get to know her, and she isn't so bad.

►S o m e || T h i n g s || T h e y || D o n ' t || T e a c h || Y o u || A t || S c h o o l- - - Keira was born to Darcy Morgenstern on a dark november night. Her mother was a smart woman, and from early on she had Keira in martial arts classes, self-defence courses, wrestling and fencing competitions, you name it. So Keira learned how to fight. When she was ten, her mother told her about her heritage. Keira was understandably skeptical, but everything made a disturbing amount of sense. There was just one little problem. As a child of Hades, what with the pact of the Big Three, she wasn't supposed to exist. Her mother wasn't sure if camp would accept her.

So they muddled along on their own. They moved frequently. Keira dropped out of school (Well, when your brain's hard-wired for ancient greek, what's the point of learning Shakespeare?). They fended off the monsters as best they could, but it couldn't last. When she was thirteen, Keira's mother was killed. Somehow, Keira kept going. Her mother had never told her where camp half-blood was, just that it existed. All she had was an elusive pull, in the right direction, she hoped. Her father sent her a gift, the only contact she'd ever had with him. Her two knives, Lightbringer and Starbreaker. When she was fifteen, Keira managed to stumble across the camp border, and she's lived there for a year now. She doesn't feel completely welcome there, but it's the safest place possible for someone like her, so she stays.

► All || Mine - - -
✔ Shadows
✔ Quiet
✔ Hoodies
✔ Candy (....yeah, candy)

► You || Can || Keep || Them - - -
✗Bright Lights (Cities and their stupid light pollution. Grr.)
✗ Monsters
✗ Annoyingly happy people
✗ Reaaaaally loud noises

► Behind || The || Curtain || Pulling || The || Strings - - - Labecca
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