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[Active Quest] Winter

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Feline Rogue

11,325 Points
  • Pet Lover 100
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  • Unfortunate Abductee 175
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 11:06 pm
Current/Active Quest(s)

Inactive/Side Quest(s)
Egg Snatcher

Completed Quest(s)


I plan on using this thread to list all my quests, so I can avoid the trouble of deleting and re-creating a thread over and over again.
((If for some reason that isn't alright, and I need to delete it once my quest is finished that's fine. Just let me know. I will move any important information to my kin thread if I'm not allowed to leave this here.))
PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:20 am

Name: Winter
Gender: Doe
Species: Kimeti
Personality: Winter will be like the season itself. Cold, playful, soft, rough and wild. The various aspects seeming to come up in all possible combinations and situations. Sometimes she can act almost like a different person, her moods being very quick to change. A sneekily cunning doe she often tries to manipulate other kin into doing what she wants without them even noticing. She takes great joy in her tricks, but can be outwitted if the other kin is quick on their feet. However she can also be very sincere and honest if in the right mindset. If one knows her well enough they might even be able to pull out different aspects of her with the right actions, though it's also possible this will have the opposite effect.
Naming Dream: The white doe smiled softly at the thin layer of snow in front of her, she almost felt bad as she continued walking. Marring the perfect surface seemed like a waste, but she knew she had to keep going. Something was chasing her and even the white beauty that surrounded her could not still her fearful mind. Almost pausing for a moment she shook her head, she had sworn she'd heard a booming sound. Smiling once more as her eyes meet the snow she noticed it was a little deeper now. Glancing behind her she saw her footsteps were already beginning to be covered by a thin new layer of the frozen substance. As she looked forward once again she thought she heard another boom, causing her to jump. Glancing around she didn't see anything nearby, and shook it off as her imagination. However, the sound did cause her to speed up, the fear of those who followed her increasing.

As the snow began to fall more heavily around her the doe couldn't help but look at the scenery surrounding her. The snow had covered most of the foliage, and several tree branches had icicles hanging from them. Feeling several of the snowflakes land on her nose she licked it lightly, tasting the watery flavor as they melted on her tongue. For a moment she felt at peace, and subconsciously began to slow, for she wished to take in the pure world surrounding her. Suddenly she heard another loud boom, this time much closer behind her. The sound startled her once again, causing her to launch forward. Her heart beat wildly in her chest as she trotted away from the sounds and those who chased her, she could feel them closing in and began to speed up again.

As she continued increasing her speed the snow itself seemed to follow her examples, beginning to come down in waves, washing away the farther trees from her vision. Normally she would have enjoyed running through the falling snow, but now it simply increased her worry. She knew she was close, close to home, and soon would be away from those who wished her harm. Right before the feeling of calm took over her another load boom sounded quite near her. As she began to gallop the snow started to fall fast enough to wash out some of the closer items, leaving her vision greatly diminished. She wanted away from this land, those who chased her, and these terrifying sounds. If they had come from the sky it wouldn't have been so unnaturally frightening, but they sounded like they were coming from the ground all around her. The loud booms continued, much closer together, suddenly surrounding her and forcing her forward. Feeling the cold wind blow against her and the snow began to blind her the white doe knew she was almost home, almost away from this unwelcoming place. As she passed through the barrier of sound and the loud noises died off she fell to her knees, collapsing into the welcoming Winter snow. At last she was home, at last she was safe.
Request: Custom (Edited)
Details: Pure white doe, white and shimmering mane reaching her feet looking very similar to a frozen waterfall, forked horns with hoarfrost and/or icicles hanging from them also possibly coated in rime, black eyes. If you read the inspiration post below you can see that those details are taken straight from the post itself. I did receive Suishii's permission to use this idea and her post for reference, you can find it on the same page as the contest entry.
Inspiration: Suishii's idea for the Beiwe Writing Contest in the Solstice Thread as seen here. Also seen below.

Bringing in Matope's spring!

(on winter)

Winter, as all the kin know, lives in the far northern reaches where it is said it snows all year round and the sun and the moon dance in their yearly war for dominance of the sky. There Winter rules over the land, beautiful but capricious. When she tosses her head, snow drifts form. When she stamps her hoof, cold winds swirl around her. She is a fierce ruler, and seldom fair. Those who live in Winter's lands both love and fear her.

In appearance she is a white doe, young and at the same time very old, and her mane, white and shimmering like a frozen waterfall, nearly reaches the ground. Her hide is brilliant white and unmarred, her horns forked-- bearing hoarfrost or icicles during fairer weather, and in the deep winter are completely encased in rime. In some accounts she is able to take the forms of various animals, in others she has the ability to dissipate into a breath of fog, or form herself out of banks of snow.

(winter's approach)

When the days grow short, a bitter wind brings Winter down from her lands into those of the kin. It is said that even Winter tires of her icy demesne. The wind brings storms into her land and she seeks shelter in the gentler climates, the swamps and plains. When she arrives, all the kin know her and bear witness to her ways. She is fickle. One day she is beautiful and playful as a foxbun, decorating the ground with frost and hanging icicles from branches. The next she is silent and graceful, snow falling like dust from a moth's wings. On others, she can be as cold and deadly as a caiman, swiftly killing plant and animal alike with a sudden freeze.

(dealing with winter)

It is important not to give Winter any reason to stay beyond her normal visit. Winter is always hungry, and food left where she may come upon it can entice her to linger. It is advised that edibles be stored underground during her stay, not just hidden away in a hollow tree and especially not left out in the open. A token offering to calm her is fine, but any more then a mouthful could make her hard to drive out.

Her favorite food is traditionally fruit, a treat which she cannot get in her home lands. Fruit which grows in warm climates is especially coveted. It is said even the lowliest can bargain with Winter if they have enough.

(casting out winter)

Long ago, Winter made a deal with the kin. When the moon is just right, and the stars are in the proper position, an attempt can begin to drive Winter back to her lands. The first attempt traditionally falls on the day after the solstice; however, if that attempt fails, or Winter seems particularly stubborn, subsequent attempts may be made.

To cast Winter out, she must first be offered a traditional sacrifice of fruit. Fresh is ideal, but preserved is often used if it is not available. It is usually set out on a flat stone or fallen log in a conspicuous place, like the top of a small hill. The arrangement of the offering can often get quite intricate and artistic (in order to more quickly catch Winter’s fancy) and may take a day or more to prepare. This is a very social event, with many kin pitching in and helping with the preparation.

The next part, the ousting, is a social event in a different way. Everyone lines up abreast of each other, just south of the offering, facing north towards it. It is customary to try and hide or otherwise be inconspicuous until the offering is accepted. When finally Winter takes the fruit (this may be represented with an actual kimeti or just assumed to have happened), a signal is given and the kin leap out, shouting and kicking, to drive her away. A chase then follows, with Winter ahead being driven north by a solid line of kimeti, sometimes hundreds. Strategically placed drummers are sometimes employed, pounding hollow logs with their hooves to produce a unmistakable sound that can be heard for miles.

Once Winter is driven as far north as the group can run, a more northerly group takes over the chase after making their own sacrifice, forming a chain of events spanning the known lands. After each part of the chain is finished with their run, they generally settle in to feast and socialize, representing the end of the lean times. And thus Winter is driven all the way from the far south to the northern edge of the lands the kin call home, and Spring begins anew.

(winter’s rule, a legend)

Long ago, it is said Winter had come to rule over all the lands, swamp and desert and plains and tundra. It was against the Motherfather's will that she did this, but it is Winter's nature to want more than she is given. The time of Winter’s rule was a dark one. A great many suffered and died, from the cold or starvation. The kin were angry and fought to force her back onto her own lands. Many ancients are said to have met her in battle, but Winter could not be defeated. One, named Seed-and-Sapling, old and very wise, had a special orchard he tended to which suffered under Winter's rule. They once bore far and away the best fruits, succulent and juicy and delicately sweet. The ancient lavished each tree with care, carrying water, clearing brush and overseeing pollination every spring. But no longer. One by one his carefully cultivated fruit trees withered and died during the unending cold. He knew of Winter’s hunger, and knew she coveted the fruits of his orchard above all others. So he gathered what was left, the very last fruits the trees would ever give, and set out into the cold.

Seed-and-Sapling walked through the swamp, searching for Winter until his legs grew weary and he could walk no more. In the shelter of a snarl of mangrove roots he rested. Lacking any other provisions, he decided to eat one of the fruits. He bit into it, juice dripping onto the snow, staining it brilliant crimson.

Winter was watching him, he realized. She stood in the mud on the edge of a frozen pond, icicles hanging from her horns. Her white hide obscured her silhouette in the ice and snow, but her black eyes glinted and he knew she watched with greed.

“Give me one,” she said.

Seed took another bite and chewed a while before answering. A long silence passed. Finally he spoke. “I will trade you.”

“For what?”

“My trees have all died. These are the last. As long as you remain, there will be no more.”

Winter narrowed her eyes. “So what would you have me do?”

“Return to your lands.”

She snorted, pawing the icy mud. “If I leave, then I won’t get any fruit.”

“That is true...” He thought upon this. “Then I will make a deal with you.”

“What sort of deal?”

“I give you these fruits now, and you leave. You may return next year and I will give you more. But after I do, you must leave again until the next year.”

Winter considered, head to one side. “When will you give me the fruit? When must I leave?”

“I will give them to you the morning after the longest night.”

“Fine,” she said, too quickly.

Seed-and-Sapling merely nodded his head. He knew she would resist. “I will leave the fruit on a flat rock in a clearing to the north in three days’ time, as dawn breaks. Do not forget.”

Winter said nothing more, seeming to fade away into the snow. He looked around. Nothing. Only the hoofprints remained. Gathering his now precious fruit, he began the long trek back to his orchard, telling everyone he saw on the way of the plan and asking for their support. Word spread like wildfire to the ends of the swamp and beyond and the kin began to gather, hope warming them after the endless chill. Where a few brave ones fighting alone could not win, maybe all of them together could rout Winter.

After the longest night, just as dawn broke, Seed-and-Sapling, alone, brought the offering to the rock. Carefully he arranged the fruit, laying them out in an eye-catching, deliberate manner. Then he stood stock-still at the edge of the clearing and waited.

He did not have to wait long. Her black eyes betrayed her, seeming to float bodiless among the drifts of snow that had accumulated between the trees. They moved out from the snowbank, her body materializing behind them, until she stood in the open, the cold dawn light reflecting off her white hide.

Confidently, and without acknowledging Seed-and-Sapling in the slightest, she went straight to eating. She gorged herself on succulent fruit, careless of the stain of the juices and the watchfulness of the old buck. Finally she finished, nothing left of the offering but a few pits and scraps of peel. It was only then she met Seed’s eyes, and he saw there only defiance.

“Thanks for the fruit,” she said wickedly, licking juice from her lips, “but I think I’ll be staying for a long while yet.”

“We will see,” said Seed-and-Sapling. He then did something unexpected. He bellowed, his breath sending a cloud of fog into the air. Winter startled, stamping, her eyes growing wide.

Voices answered him from the trees to all sides. Everyone Seed knew, everyone who still had hope, had hidden themselves in the trees and waited, a line unbroken to the south. At his signal, they began their charge, yelling and stamping and leaping in a fury of horns and hooves.

At the sight of the veritable wall of kimeti, Winter’s confidence broke. She turned and took flight northward, the horde close on her heels, driven by fury and desperation and a wild wish for the long cold to end. They drove her north as far as they could, but Winter did not tire. However, onlookers had seen and heard the commotion, and when they realized what the goal was, they sprang to take the place of those that fell behind. When she tried to outflank them, more joined in to make the line even wider. Winter had nowhere to go but to the north. And so she did, hounded every step of the way, even to the very edge of the lands the kin knew.

And so, Winter was driven successfully back to her demesne for the first time. Every year after, she has tried to go back on the deal Seed-and-Sapling made with her. And each year the kin have joined together to remind her of her place, and to celebrate the coming of Spring and the end of Winter’s rule.

for and be blue's Bride Thread:

[color=blue][b]Custom Request[/b]
[b]username:[/b] SerinaNight
[b]kin name:[/b] Winter
[b]kin species:[/b] Kimeti
[b]gender:[/b] Female
[b]growing or non:[/b] Non
[b]request:[/b] Pure white doe, white and shimmering mane reaching her feet looking very similar to a frozen waterfall, forked horns with hoarfrost and/or icicles hanging from them also possibly coated in rime, black eyes.
[b]edits? what do you want and what will you pay?[/b] I'm willing to pay the standard 50k or even 80k (even though it's not a growing). I want a hair edit, horn edit and anything else you deem would fit.
[b]anything special about your request (RP need, etc.):[/b] It's a [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=22481039]Quest[/url]. If you check here you can see that the request details are taken from Suishii's Beiwe entry (with permission of course). I've been questing this kin on and off for around four years now.

[color=gold][b]I'm throwing in a little extra:[/b] 100mil and Plumber's Belt[/color]

for Abbacus's Bride Thread:

[color=#4ECDC4][b]Custom Kin Request[/b]
[b]username:[/b] SerinaNight
[b]kin name:[/b] Winter
[b]species:[/b] Kimeti
[b]gender:[/b] Female
[b]growing or adult:[/b] Adult
[b]request:[/b] It's a [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=22481039]Quest[/url]. If you check here you can see that the request details are taken from Suishii's Beiwe entry (with permission of course). I've been questing this kin on and off for around four years now. I'm willing to pay the standard 50k or even 80k (even though it's not a growing). I want a hair edit, horn edit and anything else you deem would fit. Specific details listed below.
- Pure white doe with black eyes
- White and shimmering mane very similar to a frozen waterfall (reaches her feet)
- Forked horns with hoarfrost and/or icicles hanging from them (possibly coated in rime)[/color]

[color=#4E8E00][b]I'm throwing in a little extra:[/b] 100mil[/color]

for Amorpheous's Bride Thread:

[color=#C67171][b]CUSTOM KIN REQUEST[/b][/color]
[b]Username:[/b] SerinaNight
[b]Kin Species:[/b] Kimeti
[b]Kin Name:[/b] Winter
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Growing or Non:[/b] Non
[b]Request:[/b] Pure white doe, white and shimmering mane reaching her feet looking very similar to a frozen waterfall, forked horns with hoarfrost and/or icicles hanging from them also possibly coated in rime, black eyes.
[b]Additional Notes:[/b] It's a [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=22481039]Quest[/url]. If you check here you can see that the request details are taken from Suishii's Beiwe entry (with permission of course). I've been questing this kin on and off for around four years now. I'm willing to pay the standard 50k or even 80k (even though it's not a growing). I want a hair edit, horn edit and anything else you deem would fit.

[color=#9D1309][b]Just Something Extra:[/b][/color] 100mil


Feline Rogue

11,325 Points
  • Pet Lover 100
  • Senpai's Notice 100
  • Unfortunate Abductee 175


Feline Rogue

11,325 Points
  • Pet Lover 100
  • Senpai's Notice 100
  • Unfortunate Abductee 175
PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2013 8:59 pm
Egg Snatcher

Name: Egg Snatcher
Gender: Doe(?)
Species: Totoma
Personality: Egg Snatcher is a bit... off. She's crazy enough to steal an eagle egg while the mother is sitting on it, and if that doesn't say something about her personality I don't know what does. Prone to throwing herself full-tilt into suicidal acts for virtually any reason. While she's actually very sweet and helpful, she often scares people off with just how odd (and dangerous) her trains of thoughts are. Her sickly sweet attitude can be surprising for kin who were expecting some wild child, Egg Snatcher simply has no regard for personal safety.
Naming Act: As the Totoma expertly climbed along the sheer rock face, she finally spotted her destination. The Golden Eagles nest! How long she had waited for this moment, spying out possible locations and searching the skies for the most beautiful eagle she could see. Watching as the mother preened itself and settled further onto it's eggs her eyes sparkled, and she grinned. Leaping down from her position, a few hoof-lengths above the eagle's perch, she slid down using her momentum to move her toward the eggs. The mother, obviously surprised by this sudden intrusion, was flustered enough to leap up from her nest.

Exactly what the Totoma had planned.

It had taken her many moons to manage such a feat, and much practice. Eagle's were very watchful, and knowing how and when to strike was key. The doe had practiced this act on many nests, eventually getting it down almost perfectly. She couldn't risk trying it on her target and failing, as that would mean the bird would expect such an act again. This was also something she had discovered through study, and it had resulted in some painful wounds. All that practice had not been in vain, her loud grunt as well as the rock slide she created from her quick movement had done just what she'd wanted. The eggs were exposed, and hers for the taking.

Sliding right up to the nest, she slide the leaf she held in her mouth under the nearest egg, grabbing both sides to create a basket. Due to the small amount of time she had before the mother began attacking, it the was best she could do. Having tried several methods before, each of which either failed or resulted in smashed eggs, this was the only viable option she had discovered. Removing the egg from the safety of the nest she turned to continue her slide, her escape, down the hill.

The eagle had other plans.

Peaking at the doe violently, the eagle shot over her back and into the air, readying for a deep swoop. The blood, now beginning to cover her eyes, made it virtually impossible to dodge. This was ignoring the fact that the egg would tumble and break if she even tried. The doe turned her head, careful to keep the leaf steady and secure in her mouth, and shifted her feet from their secure position. Pushing forward she began her slide just as the eagle began it's descent.

Due to the limitation she had on her speed, the Golden Eagle managed to dig it's claws very deeply into her. They were so far in when it continued she was almost pulled along with it, and when the eagle's claws did detach they took with them a good amount of her flesh. Crying out in pain through clenched teeth, and struggling to stay upright after nearly being lifted into the air, the doe continued down the slope. Several more attacks, all very successful, had nearly brought the Totoma to her knees. One had almost knocked the egg from her grasp!

She was almost there.

Reaching the bottom, and the edge of the trees, she slide to a stop. Not wanting to tumble over an exposed root, she had to progress more carefully. The trees were thick enough the mother would not be able to fly freely, and she knew the quickest way through this area. Glancing back up she could see her blood splattered all over the rocks, a sight that made her dizzy. Well, it was either that or the shear amount of blood she had lost. Stumbling backwards, she retreated into the trees. Watching the mother eagle fly above, she continued deeper into the trees. Unable to continue her assault, and flying much to far from her eggs, the eagle finally returned.

Collapsing onto the ground, the doe set her prize between her outstretched hooves. Staring at the smooth surface in wonder, she couldn't help but smile. She had succeeded, and all the doubt others had pushed upon her had meant nothing. The doe had won, and in doing so had won her name.

Egg Snatcher

It was a good name.
Request: Custom (One Edit, Palette Themed)
Details: Egg Snatcher has very deep, noticeable scars from stealing that eagle egg while it's mother was sitting on it. The mother attacked her relentlessly, and she easily could have died from her wounds. As this is how she got her name, she did not have these until she was an adult.
Inspiration: I was reading over Totoma, and then their species pet the Golden Eagle as seen here, and also below, and it all just clicked once I read this line: "One can offset this idea by doing it when the mother eagle is supervising, if one is suicidal."

Golden Eagle* - The Totoma's familiar is the Golden Eagle, a huge, vicious beast. Their bond with the Totoma is mystical and celebrated, and it is considered a pinnacle of accomplishment to catch and subdue a fully-grown adult. Some prefer to rob an eagle of its hatchlings as soon as they start to fly from the nest and fall to the ground, but this route is generally frowned upon as cowardly. One can offset this idea by doing it when the mother eagle is supervising, if one is suicidal.

for and be blue's Bride Thread:

[color=blue][b]Custom Request[/b]
[b]username:[/b] SerinaNight
[b]kin name:[/b] Egg Snatcher
[b]kin species:[/b] Totoma
[b]gender:[/b] Female(?), I'm leaning this way but don't really care
[b]growing or non:[/b] Growing, since only the adult form has an edit
[b]request:[/b] I want a Totoma based on this palette: [url=http://www.colourlovers.com/palette/1853594/Amber_Cream_Dream]Amber Cream Dream[/url]
[b]edits? what do you want and what will you pay?[/b] I'm willing to pay the full 80k (since she's technically a edited growing) even though only her adult form has edits. I want her to have deep, really noticeable scars from being attacked by a mother eagle while stealing her egg. These are scars that show her wounds could have KILLED her. The details are CC, and only in her adult form!
[b]anything special about your request (RP need, etc.):[/b] It's a [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=22481039]Quest[/url]. I loved the idea and just had to go for it.

[color=gold][b]I'm throwing in a little extra:[/b] 200k[/color]

for Abbacus' Bride Thread:

[color=#4ECDC4][b]Custom Kin Request[/b]
[b]username:[/b] SerinaNight
[b]kin name:[/b] Egg Snatcher
[b]species:[/b] Totoma
[b]gender:[/b] Female(?), I'm leaning this way but don't really care
[b]growing or non:[/b] Growing, since only the adult form has an edit
[b]request:[/b] I want a Totoma based on this palette: [url=http://www.colourlovers.com/palette/1853594/Amber_Cream_Dream]Amber Cream Dream[/url]. I'm willing to pay the full 80k (since she's technically a edited growing) even though only her adult form has edits. I want her to have deep, really noticeable scars from being attacked by a mother eagle while stealing her egg. These are scars that show her wounds could have KILLED her. The details are CC, and only in her adult form!
It's a [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=22481039]Quest[/url]. I loved the idea and just had to go for it.

[color=#4E8E00][b]I'm throwing in a little extra:[/b] 200k[/color]


Because of the way the naming act went, this quest is not complete without a Golden Eagle familiar!

Name: Snatched
Species: Golden Eagle
Request: Semi-Custom (Palette Based)
for and be blue's Bride Thread:

[color=green][b]Semi-Custom Pet Request[/b]
[b]username:[/b] SerinaNight
[b]pet name:[/b] Snatched
[b]pet species:[/b] Golden Eagle
[b]request:[/b] I want a Golden Eagle based on this palette: [url=http://www.colourlovers.com/palette/1853612/Honey_n_Blood]Honey 'n' Blood[/url]
[b]anything special about your request (RP need, etc.):[/b] It's a [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=22481039]Quest[/url]. It's to go with my Totoma quest.

[color=gold][b]I'm throwing in a little extra:[/b] 100k[/color]

for Patmos of Endtimes' Bride Thread:

[color=cornflowerblue][b][i]Semi-Custom Request![/i][/b]
[b]Username:[/b] SerinaNight
[b]Pet Owner Name:[/b] Egg Snatcher
[b]Pet Name:[/b] Snatched
[b]Pet Species:[/b] Golden Eagle
[b]Inspiration:[/b] I want a Golden Eagle based on this palette: [url=http://www.colourlovers.com/palette/1853612/Honey_n_Blood]Honey 'n' Blood[/url]
It's a [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=22481039]Quest[/url]. It's to go with my Totoma quest.[/color]

[color=plum][b][i]Have some mo' monies![/i][/b]
[b]Bribe:[/b][/color] 100k

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