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A young filly was hoping on some rocks over a small river, following the sun as it glinted off the water. The flashing light that seemed to change the very surface of the liquid it touched intrigued her, and though she knew it wouldn't change anything she had decided to 'follow' it down the river. Watching as the small ripples and waves changed the glinting yellow color she almost didn't notice the rocks she had been jumping on had ended. Stopping herself before she fell head first into the water she looked up, eyes widening. The river had widened, emptying into what was almost a small lake. Though not quite large enough to be a really formidable body of water, it was still enough to catch the fillies eye. The sunlight shone across the whole surface, almost blinding her as the yellow water shifted slightly under the rushing of the river current.

Looking out into the center of the shining mini-lake she noticed something even more interesting. A large rock was sitting alone, basking in the sun's light. Jumping onto the shore she followed the water line, moving toward a new batch of rocks, closer to her target. Stepping gingerly onto the first rock she shivered as the cold water lapped at her foot. Moving further out into the water she paused, noticing the distance between the rocks was increasing. Looking forward she realized she would have to make quite a jump to reach the shining stone without touching the lake's surface. Deciding it was worth the risk the filly continued forward, jumping between the rocks as she approached her destination.

The last few rocks were a bit of a challenge, if she hadn't landed just right she would have fallen into the chilly liquid below. While not that deep, it was still an unwanted outcome. Landing on the rock closest to the middle she looked at the stone in front of her. It reminded her of something, the grooves in the surface seeming so strangely familiar. For a moment she thought she saw it move, she attributed it to a trick of the light as she didn't see any motion afterwards. Leaning forward she took in the glow of the stone, watching as small waves crashed against the sides of it.

Suddenly, one of those small waves washed over the surface of the rock she was standing on, sending a shiver of chill through her legs. Deciding it was probably time to take the jump she readied herself. Looking over the distance between her and the rock she was pretty sure she could make it, though it would be a bit of a leap. Pulling back she waited for a slightly larger wave to wash over her rock, not wanting it to trip her up while she was jumping. After it passed she took a small step back and a deep breath. Preparing herself she jumped, flinging her small body towards the shining rock in front of her.

While her front hooves did meet her target, her back hooves did not. Feeling her legs slip into the cold water almost made the filly lose her footing and fall all the way in. Shivering for a moment she pulled herself up onto the stone, shaking the water off of her hind legs. Looking down at her destination she smiled, laying down on the warm Sunlit Rock. Suddenly the rock began to shake, moving upward. Looking up in fear she saw a creature staring at her. The turtle snorted before promptly dumping her off it's back into the water and ambling toward the shore.