Kin name: Seed-and-Sapling
Kin species: Kimeti
Gender: Buck
Growing or non: Non
Request: A dappled buck, green on top, white underneath. If I could find those quest lines Rejam posted I'd color it up 'cause it's kinda hard to describe. Maybe use this pallet, or this one. The green values should go on the back and overlap solidly but, uh, in little spots, like sunlight through leaves if that makes sense? And then just white for the legs and underbelly. The pink or purple (whichever looks nicest), are for horns and scales and eyes and hooves and whatever accents. The only other thing is that he's an old dude, and somehow the coloring needs to reflect his... oldness. So, like, grizzled around the mouth or something.
Update: venafydan had those lines so I whipped this up! See, uh, dapples. I dunno what to call them. Little dots but.. oh whatever just look at the picture.
Edits? None really. He just needs to look kinda old. Old but cool!


A wasteland. Perfectly flat, dry, dusty, nothing but the sound of cracked mud underhoof, the sun high and merciless. The desolate and lonely smell of scorched earth. Nothing moves, nothing lives. Only you.

It falls on you to fix this. Perhaps this wasn't your fault, but now you are tasked to breathe life into the land. A large burden for one so small. Perhaps we are setting you up to fail. Perhaps you will have to live with that.
But we are not entirely cruel. Look, a gift: a single seed. Careful, don't lose it. We can tell you are grateful. No, don't thank us, it was the least we could do. And we mean that.

The sun beats down, sapping the land of the last dregs of strength. You had better hurry, little one. Scrape a little hole in the hard-packed earth. Plant your seed. The real test is coming.
Now what? How will you water this seed? There is no rain. Not a single cloud. You can walk as far as your legs will carry you; there is no lake or river or ocean. No need to test this, trust us. This is of our own device.
Now, don't stand around too long. The seed is still just a seed, and your time is running out...

Why are you lifting your le--


Unorthodox, perhaps, but we accept it. Congratulations, little one. You have passed the test. Look, the seed grows already. A little sapling, just like you. Now, go forth and grow!