Name: Sundrop
Gender: Buck
Edited/Unedited: Edited, def.
Appearance: Sundrop's colors are peacock colors-- white base with golds, blues, greens, and violets. He has long, wildly shaggy blond hair with similar streaks (or none at all), and bits of bone and crystal and feathers woven into his hair.
Naming Dream:

In his hands, the Sun balances life and death in the Swamp -- too much, too little, both are harmful to the children of the MotherFather. But sometimes the Sun leaves gifts; a drop of light falls and lands in the Swamp, catching the colors of the sky on the way down and the color of the rich green algae it lands in.

The drop stretches, elongates, pulls -- and a stag shakes back a wild mane of hair that glitters and sends up sparks like the sun, blinking around at the new things before it --

And smiles.