Sorry bout that, first off. I didn't give the guild any notice, but for the most part that is gone now, and I am ready to get things going again. Things were difficult for a while, and let me give you the &whole spew.&

It started with a sprinkle of cancer. A little dab of fear and pain, and blam left me where I ~ no. I don't think that serves it justice. Let's be a little bit more serious with this one.

Lets start late November. I had a legion on my arm next to a mole on my right forearm. After the legion didn't leave for a few weeks, I went to my doctor. Cancer. Melanoma on that mole thingy to be precise. A lance and a lot of pain later, I realized that the legion (which I assumed was just something from work) didn't go away. In fact, it had grown even larger. This was early december. Now the cancer was gone, the emotional distress from this was not. The infection on that legion stayed on my arm and it began to spread. Extreme pain constantly filled my body and I was taken out of work for a while. Finally, two days before christmas, which was around the time I completely stopped going online, the infection had spread all across my upper body.

My face; to put lightly; was a mess. Red skinned splotches of pain that looked almost like acne. Oh did I mention that it was even more painful than the arm? Yeah. Anyway, they had no idea what this infection was. I was taken to the emergency room on this night, and they had no idea, nothin' to stop the pain either, but the infection was spreading. It continued to get worse from here, and each doctor I went to had no solution. I went to another emergency room after the pain was very unbearable early in the morning. During the day its just a mild pain and an itch but at night it can get bad. I got a really powerful antibiotic from this girl which is fixing the infection on my face, but not on my arms and chest. This pill is causing me to get dizzy and feeling weak. Food is difficult to keep down at times and I thought I was dying from the thing. At this point it is a little better. Two days ago I talked to a Dermatologist who took more blood (the second time for this) and culture tests (Third time for this) And basically told me that I would probably be okay. She gave me some suggestions on good foods to eat with that antibiotic so that I will be okay. Until they figure it out I have been told to watch my chest, and if the skin infection spreads any lower to let them know immediately incase it is a blood infection and I can die. They still don't know what it is, but the medication they have given me is not killing me as bad as before, so I am allowed to work again and the pain at night is not detrimental to my ability to move.

See, scary stuff. Anyway, pain wrecked Awesome Sensei has one thing to say for today. I no longer feel like dying, or extremely out of it at night. Let's roleplay.