sounds silly dont it? this is prolly one of the most challenging platformers since super meat boy. and its pretty fun to compete against other peoples times.

right now its for sale till the 24th for 8.99$

its very well put together i'd recommend it, the art style and the fact its janitorial and maid service combined with ninja skills.

some bugs atm but they are hard at work fixing the major ones, including adding settings to make it run better for some that can't run it well. but even my crappy laptop runs the game quite well, this is a 3GB RAM, nvidia 8200 POS gfx card, and only a 2.30GHZ duo core CPU. if you pass this you can fully enjoy it.

the art style, sound, and feel of the game are all worth it, and with 60 levels and a level editor coming soon, it will have a good level of playability.

this could probably even make it to the 3DS or other console.