
PS3, Xbox 360

In Army of TWO 40th day, the sequel to Army of Two, you continue the story of Rios and Salem, now working for their own mercenary group "T.W.O.".

You start the game off, doing a job for some unknown contacts. You meet a contact who will supply you with your gear, and help you throughout the job. To avoid spoilers, I won't go into details about what occurs, but after finishing the job, mayhem starts. Immediately a nearby building explodes and all hell gets loose, forcing you to escape - and fight - your way down. After getting back down to ground level, your new objective is to escape the town of Shanghai.

Unlike Army of TWO, where everyone ended up with the same ending, and went through the same events, you now have options, only two of them mind you, but options. At certain points in the game, you will be asked to make either a good or bad morality choice. This won't effect your gaming experience in anyway, but it does add a little more realism (using the term "realism" lightly).

Now instead of waiting to get to a checkpoint before being able to buy guns, you can now do it whenever you're out of combat. Though, I found this kind of useless, as you can get through the story mode without anything other then the starting guns. (Buying a Sniper Rifle is suggested.)

The AI is extremely stupid (as most are) but he can save your life, so I recommend not straying too far from him, but keep him in constant cover, or you'll be the one who has to rush out into the open and save him.

I give Army of TWO 40th day a 7.5/10, because even though I had fun at some points, other points can be extremely frustrating, and paying $40 for a 7 hour story mode, just isn't worth it. I recommend saving your money, or if you really want to play it, then spend $10 on a used copy at GameStop, beat it, and return it for your money back, because you won't be coming back to play it again.

I couldn't get a secure connection, so the online mode goes unrated.